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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 133 KB, 640x426, cyelol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2290735 No.2290735 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /jp/

Don't leave the shortcuts for eroge on your desktop.

My mother ended up seeing this opening when she clicked the cute icon, expecting a cute game.


Posting from an internet cafe, I can never go home again.

>> No.2290738

No worries, I don't live with my parents.

>> No.2290739

you fool

also, lucky for you. I should've moved in with my high school friends when I had the chance

>> No.2290740 [DELETED] 

I don't follow links, what is it? Also, what did she say exactly when she saw it, how did she respond?

>> No.2290748

Why would you install eroge onto a computer that your family uses?

Actually that reminds me, I think I still have Saya no Uta installed on the family laptop. Ah well.

>> No.2290749

oh, its musume maker
well, I don't download VNs that involve driving fishhooks into lolis.

>> No.2290752

                      ,.、-''"´  ̄     ̄`''''- 、
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>> No.2290753

I like how the sex scene just jumps at you. Protagonist is just going home and then suddenly oral sex.

>> No.2290755

According to my doujinshis, your mother is masturbating to this right now.

>> No.2290756

>Dear /jp/

>Don't let your mother on your computer

>> No.2290757

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>> No.2290759

Why do you care? You're still the same dumbass son, just that you like jerking it to cartoon girls.
If you're a dude living with your parents and they don't know or simply refuse to believe you're sexually active/frustrated then they DESERVE shit like this.

Fuck you, mom! Mamoko-chan is the only woman I need in my life!

>> No.2290760

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>> No.2290761

Is dat sum Mosaic.wav?

>> No.2290764

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>> No.2290766

I don't let anyone touch my computer.
And even so, I still don't leave anything on my desktop.
Bad move. Sorry bro.

>> No.2290777

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>> No.2290780

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>> No.2290783


Out of anything, Saya no Uta would be a terrible one for a family member to discover.

>> No.2290784

"Oh. This must be one of those Japanese cartoon my son watches. Oh look. It's all happy smiley... WAIT. Was that someone rubbing a girl's naked chest? Must be my imagina..."

I still remember having a ton of 4chan pictures dumped into the My Documents folder but for a long time, the beginning was just full of text on images or just general randomness. Then some naked loli picture. Oh god, it's still on that PC...

>> No.2290789

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>> No.2290797

I don't let anyone on my computer, but it's no problem anyway since I don't have VNs in plain sight.

>> No.2290799

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>> No.2290803

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>> No.2290806

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm still laughing from that video, BWAHAHAHAHAHA, the song oh god the song!

>> No.2290808

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>> No.2290810

Not really, she would see the blob making weird noises, figure it's one of my "anime book games" (she knows I like gorey stuff anyway) and then close it because it's in Japanese and she can't understand a word of it.

>> No.2290811

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>> No.2290816
File: 110 KB, 400x367, waha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

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>> No.2290817

not if you have the patch installed.

but yeah, the first sex scene isnt right at the start

>> No.2290827

>not if you have the patch installed.
I don't, I installed and read it on the family laptop before it was translated

>> No.2290828

Also, why do I get the feeling that the opening video for the game is probably the only best part of the whole game? Can someone confirm this?

>> No.2290829

By the way, is the Japanese text superior to the English patch? Assuming one could read it of course.

>> No.2290837

They don't need to know about Touhou futa. They only see me playing ZUN's games.

>> No.2290841

I haven't read the English translation, but the original is always better, no matter what language.

>> No.2290843

I leave loli doujinshi in plain sight on the desktop. No one uses my laptop anyway, but if they do and get too curious, they deserve to find stuff like that.

>> No.2290845

Good thing I use bblean which confuses people when they can't find the start menu.

>> No.2290855

Link won't open here, what is it?

>> No.2290859

Musume maker op
has naked lolis in the op

>> No.2290863

probably a link to what the game is, at a site that sells the games.

>> No.2290864

I never show my desktop icons unless I need to use one.

>> No.2290866

By the way, does bblean work well?

>> No.2290875

Reminds me when I was on /b/, I still lived with my parents. I have a good relationship with my family, my sister and my mother are both kind and reasonably clever, which makes their company enjoyable, but my father is the most racist, homophobic bastard I've ever met, so we basically only talked to each other to explain why and how we hate each other. One day, he was in a very good mood and decided to discuss with me calmly for a while, so he sat down next to me and asked what I was doing.

- Well, I'm on 4chan right now.
- Oh yeah, it's some kind of forum, right?
- Well, you could see it like that, only we use a lot more images to communicate.
- Seems interesting. Do you really understand everything they say (he only speaks french)?
- Well, yeah... Well, that's it for /a/, let's see what's on /b/ now.
- /b/?
- The place where I spend most of my time.

I clicked on it (yeah, that was stupid, I know) and the first thing we saw was some sort of hardcore arab gay porn. He stood up, walked away and never talked to me again. I left the house 6 months later.

>> No.2290880

Look at the bright side OP. Now that your mom knows you like hentai, there's the small chance that she might support your love of young naked anime girls.

>> No.2290897

Oh god I hope you're a troll. Only a complete idiot would go on 4chan, let alone /b/, while their parent is watching them.

>> No.2290893 [DELETED] 

You showed your dad /b/? What were you thinking? How could that ever be a good idea?

>> No.2290902

You're just lucky it wasn't CP

>> No.2290903

my dad was the one that showed me /b/
he said it builds character

>> No.2290908

The only conversations we had were things like "why your black friend will never put a foot in your house". I really didn't know what to talk about, so yeah.

>> No.2290912
File: 77 KB, 693x700, 3da53b88378fbda3e2bd3207337fa383f6902eaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're not an underage B& you have nothing to fear. What will your parents do if you're a legal adult browsing 4chan?

Jack and shit, that's what.

>> No.2290914

Mine too, the family lurks since 1994.

>> No.2290920

Your dad rocks. When I have children (daughters hopefully) I would love to see their expressions when I show them something like /b/.

>> No.2290932

Your parents can't punish you but they can never talk to you again.

>> No.2290941

Well, that was a good thing in my case. I still call my mother and sister twice a week, and life is just better without him around.

>> No.2290942

If you live with your parents, they still pretty control you. If they know and you don't live with them then it's nothing.

>> No.2290944

same guy?

>> No.2290947

Why would your mom click on your game anyway? Has she played your games before?

>> No.2290949 [DELETED] 

"Teacher duh othur day my daddy showed me on the internet naked people and dead people and one girl was naked and she was younger than me!"

>> No.2290953

/b/ is almost a de-facto natural selection. I wish it would die though. Shithole full of nothing worthwhile.

>> No.2290954

What does this script do?

>> No.2290955

did he tell your mom and sister that you like gay arab porn or did he keep it a secret?

>> No.2290956

I always expect a cute game when I click on VN shortcuts.

>> No.2290957

What are they going to do, kick you out of the house?

>> No.2290963

>Teacher duh othur day my daddy showed me on the internet naked

Yep, definitely awesome.

>> No.2290979

no kid would tell their teacher that, they might tell their friends though.

>> No.2290982

you forgot all the lolcats

>> No.2290990

Same day, during the dinner, he dramatically put his fork down and said more or less this:
- I have something to tell you (to my mom)
- What is it?
- We... have a problem in the house. We need to solve it, now.
- Well tell me, I'm worried now!
- Our... No, YOUR son is... (another dramatic pause) gay.
- Oh, I always thought he was.
(at this point, my father begins to shout and cry, saying I'm a disgrace to the family, we try to ignore him)
- Oh for fuck sake, I'm not gay mom.
- It's okay, I've nothing against it anon, you're my son.
- Well, I'm touched, but I'm not gay. Really. He thinks I am because he saw some gay porn on one of my favourite sites...
- Why was there gay porn then?
- You can post anything on it, that's the whole point.
- ... Can I trust you?
- I swear it's the truth.
- All right, I'll talk to your dad.

That never worked, obviously, but she's awesome nonetheless.

>> No.2290995


When you're over the age of 18, the time for fearing your parents' righteous wrath is over. You are no longer a child to be punished, but an adult to be reckoned with. Fearing your parents is a sign of severe emotional immaturity.

>> No.2290994 [DELETED] 

You should've showed your mom /b/ after that.

>> No.2290998

then you moved in with you uncle and auntie in bel-air, yes, we saw what happens from there

>> No.2290999

fucking lucky bastard. Your mom is nice.

>> No.2291001

if you couldn't convince them that you weren't gay, you could of a least said you were bi

>> No.2291002

>I'm a disgrace to the family
He has a point there.

>> No.2291004

>- Oh, I always thought he was.

How fucking sad, huh.

>> No.2291010

son I am dissapoint

>> No.2291024

That has to hurt.

>> No.2291025

If she didn't believe you then you should have shown her your porn folder. If your not gay then there shouldn't be any gay porn in it.

>> No.2291028

Nice copypasta, bro.

>> No.2291034

What about your sister? Does she think your gay?

>> No.2291035

The Musumaker OP is sorta misleading.

>> No.2291044

What would make her say that?

>> No.2291060

Most /jp/ anons are probably suspected homosexuals because we don't have any experience with 3D girls.

>> No.2291065

Yeah sure, let's show gay porn to my dad and loli to my mom on the same day.
No. Not yet, anyway.
My sister wasn't there on that day, so I don't know how she reacted to it, but my mom explained everything to her. That and she knew enough about /b/ to understand the situation.

>> No.2291066

I have just as much experience with 3D girls as I do 3D guys. Which is to say, practically none.

>> No.2291101

My mother knows about everything, but she keeps refering my 2D things to virtual things, I even told her about it.
Funny thing is that my brothers do know what I'm always busy with, but one is a IM A VAMPIRE XD faggot from vampirefreaks or whatever, the oldest, who also lurks...LOLCATS, and my other brother, who is from the police himself, they both liked animu as kids, the typical Saint Seiya crap.
Yeah, I know, my family is good ol' normalfaggotry, but kinda nice for a 20 years old NEET fellow.

Also, when I played Megaten Online, the policemen told me, what you doing playing that shit, get Fallout 3, man, real dystopia right there, I'm liking it better than Fallout Tactics!
What I'm getting at, is...you know...sometimes, normalfags and casuals, specially your brothers and sisters, can have 120%+ better taste than half of /a/ and/or /jp/'s userbases ( ´_ゝ`).
NOTE: I'm Euro, that's mostly why.

>> No.2291119


Delicious kopipe.

>> No.2291123

Yeh. I'm beginning to wonder myself what my parents think of that.

>> No.2291130

If you aren't successful with women you are labeled as gay in society's eyes. It doesn't make much sense but that's the way it is.

>> No.2291133

Yes, that's the reason. Might be worth it to ask your mom.

>> No.2291155

I'm more worried about what my sister thinks of me.

>> No.2291162

No matter what she thinks of you, she's not going to have sex with you.

>> No.2291174

Not going to let you use it as kopipe.

>> No.2291179

I think my parents just assume I'm asexual, since I don't look at anyone appraisingly, male or female.

>> No.2291180
File: 510 KB, 1014x1572, shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Y-you don't know that!

>> No.2291181

I wonder if my parents ever found out about my loli doujins they would be reassured that at least I'm not gay.


>> No.2291207

Gay or pedophile.
Tough choice.

>> No.2291216

If its shota it can be the best of both worlds.

>> No.2291234

Dubious honor

>> No.2291245
File: 530 KB, 1280x946, desk8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live with my parents.

>> No.2291258


>> No.2291259

Last year I was jerking off to a loli VN I got from the comiket threads, it was like 3 AM and turns out my sister forgot her cellphone in my room, woke up for god knows why and saw me fapping to little girls.

She moved with my aunt 2 weeks later.

>> No.2291268

Girls get weird when they get jealous.

>> No.2291273 [DELETED] 

How old was she? Did she tell anyone? Was your monitor facing the door or what, how much could see see. What was on the screen, how bad was it?

>> No.2291278 [DELETED] 

>she see

>> No.2291295
File: 62 KB, 600x600, parsees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Parsee would make for a very annoying sister.

>> No.2291300

>I live with my parents IN JAPAN.

fix'd for you broseph

>> No.2291307

14, it isn't facing the door but I had headphones and didn't notice her at first.

Dunno if she told anyone, no one has mentioned anything but whenever I see her she seems to avoid me.

>> No.2291321

You mean Satori. She hates lolicons and also reads minds. You're stuffed.

>> No.2291333 [DELETED] 

Have you tried talked talking about it with her since? Do you remember exactly what you were fapping to, like the positions are what the loli was doing?

>> No.2291337

You're starting to creep me out.

>> No.2291366

Not really, I would prefer to leave that topic alone.

I don't know the name since it was in japanese, but it was your typical pose with the girl on top.

>> No.2291372

you should tell your sister that the girl you were fapping to was 20. That'll fix everything.

>> No.2291395 [DELETED] 

Funny, I get that a lot.

>> No.2291443
File: 100 KB, 841x697, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family knows I got lots of hentai in my PC. They also know I fap to those a lot. But they don't bring it up.

Once when I was moving some boxes, my mom and sister saw my Night Shift Nurses CD. I just shrugged, then they tossed it back. Another time, long before I was hooked into 2D (back when I liked both 2D/3D) my mom somehow "acquired" one of my porn CDs. She borrowed it to show to her friends, I never got it back. At least that sorta misleads them to thinking I'm interested in 3D girls and not gay.

If they can only see my collection now, do hohoho.

>> No.2291502

Maybe she thinks you want to have sex with young girls like her.

>> No.2291516

I don't think bringing up the topic only to tell her that would sound very convincing.
I wish.. but she is away now anyway.

>> No.2291522

Your mom showed her friends your porn? What the fuck?

>> No.2291536

We have 4 PC, one for each of us. No problem.

>> No.2291554

No man it'll work. Just call her up and be like, "yo you remember that one time you walked in on me jacking off. Well that girl was totally drawn to be 18. It's just that in Japan 18 year olds look really young, but don't worry about it. So uh when we gonna fuck."


>> No.2291580
File: 24 KB, 150x218, fuk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- Its this one. But its ok, since I can also get my dad's playboy collection, and some of their dvds that had porn with plot or some shit. I can't remember, since I definitely didn't watch those back then for the plot.

But enough about that, 3D doesn't appeal to me anymore.

>> No.2292201

So OP, what did your mom say to you after watching that?

>> No.2292233


You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air

>> No.2294333

BUYING your porn?

This isn't the /jp/ I know.

Also, 3D asian porn is shit tier.

>> No.2294423


I have found god.

>> No.2294453

( ゚ Д ゚) Good heavens! This woman has been killed by decapitation! And the murderer is among us!

>> No.2294458

>my mom somehow "acquired" one of my porn CDs. She borrowed it to show to her friends, I never got it back

>> No.2294465
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, snapshot20090222231125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nii-san, I will never forget

>> No.2294479

That's what you get for leaving faggot-shortcuts on your desktop.

>> No.2294487

I remember this thread...

>> No.2294490


Why the fuck don't you have Ruitomo, G Senjou or Sharin no Kuni?

>> No.2294524
File: 22 KB, 450x302, azumanga-girls.1177625525788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Stop using fail ridden video hosts.
2. http://www.4chan.org/rules
>2. If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.2294536
File: 231 KB, 532x569, haruka_sayonara_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you post your wallpaper please?

>> No.2294607
File: 269 KB, 302x930, 4koma_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone still care about MusuMaker? Do you guys want a patch for 1.4a?

When I started this months ago I thought it'd be a great game worth getting a translation but stopped caring about it a few weeks later. Some translators are still working on it but this isn't really going anywhere.

So yeah, if you want I'll throw together the image patch for 1.4a, I've got most of it done already anyway. By the way, 1.4a enables anal sex.

>> No.2294668

Well, I guess that's a no. Fine with me.

>> No.2294767

>>1.4a enables anal sex
Installing now!

>> No.2294801

If you have the interface patch installed and update to ver1.4a you won't be able to buy the two new items in the shop. Two anal vibrators IIRC.

>> No.2294812

This should go without asking.

>> No.2294916

I wouldn't have asked if that was the case.

>> No.2295099

Does MusuMaker have a good story? I don't really like the whole torturing and exploiting orphan lolis aspect of it but people keep talking about it.

>> No.2295146

Not sure if "good" is the right word. Well, the story definitely is interesting and you don't have to torture anyone if you don't want to. Let's just say it depends on whether you can handle the story. If you can, then chances are you'll like it. If you can't you'll most likely find the game pretty disgusting.

>> No.2295154

wut? someone is working on a translation? fucking do want!
