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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2282621 No.2282621 [Reply] [Original]

Lawful Good: Hisui
Neutral Good: Akiha
Chaotic Good: Shiki
Lawful Neutral: Ciel
True Neutral: Arcueid
Chaotic Neutral: Satsuki
Lawful Evil: Kohaku
Neutral Evil: Roa
Chaotic Evil: Nrvnqsr

>> No.2282633
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>> No.2282637
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>True Neutral: Arcueid

>> No.2282654


>true neutral : Arcueid
...Something is wrong with that picture...

>> No.2282664


>> No.2282688


Yes, yes, innocent and sweet to a fault, but this behavior is restricted almost entirely to Shiki. She doesn't give a rat's ass about other people. Besides this, she's selfish and if denied will go to a point wherein both Shiki and Roa collectively shit themselves.

>> No.2282704


Then what is she?

>> No.2282709

>Neutral Evil: Roa / Kohaku
>Chaotic Evil: Nrvnqsr / Nanaya Shiki


>> No.2282731

Just because there are nine characters doesn't mean they are going to represent nine different alignments.

>> No.2282738


Kohaku is Lawful Evil because she doesn't do anything outside of her revenge against the Tohno's and is thus following some sort of higher ethical principle as she goes about her malicious business, which is not one based around sadistic glee or the desire to hurt others for pleasure.

I'm really, really considering Nanaya, though. My only problem is that he didn't appear in Tsukihime, and I need a place for Nrvnqsr.

>> No.2282744


But that certainly doesn't mean they don't lean closer towards different ones.

>> No.2282757

>Chaotic Amber: Kohaku

>> No.2282805


But Magical Amber is shit.

I would much rather have a Magical Professor Nrvnqsr Chaos, the Scholar of Love, wielding the love power of 666 hearts.

>> No.2282809
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...You have a point, but then shiki has the advantage by threatening to not make her breakfast anymore...


...OH U !...

>> No.2282821
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I've never understood this alignment stuff.

>> No.2282829

Sounds like the plot of a really good or really bad doujin. I can't tell which.

>> No.2282831

>Chaotic Neutral: Satsuki
Alright, need some clarification here. Aren't Chaotic Neutral people usually fucking psychotic in the way they just do whatever they feel like doing at the moment? How does that even apply to Satsuki?

>> No.2282847

Obviously never played the VN.

>> No.2282845


Knowing Japan, they'll just turn it into a Magical Girl series and retcon Nrvnqsr to be a ditzy bimbo schoolteacher like Caster-Sensei. Remember that genderswapped verson of him? Yeah.

>> No.2282856

>Obviously played it 2 years ago and is a casualfag

>> No.2282873

This is the anon that made this chart speaking.

I realize some things could have been better. If /jp/ wants to compile a list that they can for the most part agree on i can take the time to make another.

>> No.2282874


/v/ is over there

>> No.2282875

...Which Arcueid will gladly watch when in comes out lol...

>> No.2282878


This picture was correct appart from Shirou....I think he is the least neutral person I have ever seen.

>> No.2282887

Shirou is would probably be Chaotic good or Lawful good depending which route Shirou you are mentioning.

I think the Anon who made this placed him as neutral because of that ambiguity.

>> No.2282906

>Phantasmoon Reference
I saw what you did there.

>> No.2282904


Actually, thinking back on it, I should switch Arcueid's and Sacchin's places.

>> No.2282903


Well he's neither chaotic or lawful, so he gets thrown into neutral.

>> No.2282988

The in-game status thing in FSN said differently in some cases, though.
If I remember correctly, Lancer would be Lawful Neutral, Assassin was Neutral Evil and Berserker Chaotic Insane.

>> No.2283113


Gilgamesh himself is IMPOSSIBLE to label in such a way and is thus called "Chaotic Good."

>> No.2283139

Gil talks tough, but he never walked outside and killed people.
His targets were the mages and Saber.

>> No.2283158

So what's Aoko? Sugoi Sugoi?

Also her tits look awesome in that picture.

>> No.2283257


Aoko gets raped by Roa and USES HER HAIR in the process.

>> No.2283278

Sion isn't as good of an example of Lawful Neutral as MIND OF STEEL SHIROU is.

Mind of steel shirou is pretty much the textbook definition of LN. I understand why you don't want to use him, but since you used a character from Melty Blood, you might as well put CATTO in Chaotic Evil, because he's textbook Chaotic Evil.

>> No.2283295

Funny how Wallachia used to be Lawful Good.

>> No.2283346
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