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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2274119 No.2274119 [Reply] [Original]


So you know how it goes. They're looking to put together a book for selling in C76 on the neglected Aki Sisters.
Organizer answered back today, saying that my idea was good enough, but I have a major problem: I'm lacking a good artist to actually draw the doujin. And I really don't want to do a text-only release, there would be no point.

Anyone participating as well? Might as well join up and do something as a group.

>> No.2274153

>my idea was good enough
What is it?
I might think about being interested.

>> No.2274193

That's the thing, I'm not completely confident of my idea.
Here's what I wrote him:

>For now, the idea circling my mind is fairly slice of life, to illustrate snippets of the sisters' daily life trying to enjoy themselves as much as they can during the Autumn months before Letty arrives. They don't resent it, just accept it as part of life. Every day they rip a page of a calendar and see it slowly grow thin.
>Melancholy fills them as they realize that their fun will be over soon, so they held a big cookout, baking potatoes for everyone in Gensokyo. In the end, Letty, looking as if she just woke up, comes near to have some baked potato too. The sisters give him one, grinning happily, and rejoin the party. Maybe the last frame can be the last hanging dark leave from an almost nude tree, standing in contrast with the moon, and the smoke of the cooking.

Had to go to shrinemaiden to get more details, and I hate that. Anyway, seems I have 6 manga pages to work with. I'm thinking big setting page, 3 following pages with ongoing adventures, each one focusing on a friend, mostly Stage 1-2 bosses. Each page ends with a panel of the thinning calendar.
Last two pages would be the cooking scene. High contrast, lots of shadows. Maybe make it a double page spread to fit most of the cast around a big darkened pot.

>> No.2274207

I'm hoping to get a MoF stage 1 arrangement done. If there's time I'll try to get some vocals off female Anon as well, but who knows.

All I know is that it sucks being a non-NEET.

>> No.2274233

if someone can post a dl of a bunch of translated dojinshi of touhou so i can get some frame of reference on stories and characters that are popular i might try my hand at writing some stuff.

>> No.2274234

I want to, but I'm not skilled in the art of arting. Shit, I'm not skilled in the art of writing, I'm surprised if I could actually get anywhere with a douijnshi. It's not an understatement. I'm really, really terrible.

However, I'm actually hauling ass and trying to anatomy out of the ears to try and get somewhere in terms of drawing. I can't draw worth shit.

>> No.2274243

You do the work yourself.

>> No.2274267

So it's just the two of us, huh? So it goes.
Good luck, and I hope you can get a good female voice to do the vocals. And good lyrics too, writing music is hard....

>> No.2274279

> In the end, Letty, looking as if she just woke up, comes near to have some baked potato too. The sisters give him one

>> No.2274292

What >>2274243 said, the sisters are way neglected in fanon and canon, so we're filling the gaps.

>> No.2274296

I think this will work pretty well without dialogue. Just a bunch of expressions and gestures to explain the story.

Yeah, that's not your current problem...

>> No.2274299

Ack, minor slip.

>> No.2274313

Actually, I was suggesting that he needs to go search for the stuff himself if he truly wants it, but your statement sounds much more noble.

>> No.2274321

Did you make the mistake in your message to him?

>> No.2274328

That actually sounds like nice story. Much better than the kidnapping of Letty that I heard on the shrinemaiden boards earlier.

Id be willing to work on it if no one else is jumping at the chance.

>> No.2274377

While it is possible to tell a story with no dialogue, won't having only 6 pages leave it kinda bare?

>> No.2274379

i suppose theres a wiki then on touhou character bios and relations then... cause i cant read the moonspeak in the games.

>> No.2274388

Uh, is English your native language?

>> No.2274394

Yes. There is. The wiki also has translations for the games. Not that the games themselves show any relationship between the aki sisters and any other character.
Since there aren't many doujins with the sisters anyways, try just going on danbooru and finding translated touhou images featuring the sisters.

>> No.2274410

I feel ashamed now, but he didn't seem to notice.

Exactly what I had in mind. No dialogue, just the tempo of the fading Autumn days and facial expression. It will require both a good descriptive script and a good artist.

Thanks. Hopefully more people will agree to help.

That, or we risk over exposing. Maybe aim for a middle ground, instead of forcing everything to be silent, put some dialogue that fits the scene. Not expository of course.
Been toying with the idea of Shizuha skipping around, touching trees so their leafs change color, giggling, while Minoriko looks stern, commenting on how useless it is.

>> No.2274440

Are you good at arting?

>> No.2274444

I'm trying to draw something, even though I seriously need to brush up on this stuff. Hopefully I can come up with a consistent art style. I'm horrible at drawing girls and moe things in general, but my usual seinen bishonen artstyle won't fit the Aki sisters (though I could do an exaggerated version for humor...but I don't want to do that to the poor Akis...)

I'm still deciding between a heartwarming short skit or depressing grimdarkness, but with only 6 pages there's not going to be much anyways.

>> No.2274462

I'm awful. That's why I stick to writing and get artist collaborators.

>> No.2274459

If you need me to, I could start working on it as soon as you have the plot laid out and can produce a working storyboard (I find those help in avoiding any creative disputes between writer and artist. Or at least gets them out of the way early on).

What were the process deadlines again?

>> No.2274479

You should learn to draw so you can get 100% of the satisfaction.

Hell, you've still got a month to, at the very least, learn how to trace pre-existing generic poses in mango.

>> No.2274486

Alright, that sounds like a good idea.
Deadline is April 11th for the outline/rough. I'm still waiting for him to give me details on how do you actually submit the stuff, I'm guessing digital won't cut it.
Mind posting a sample of your art?

>> No.2274490

Do they want the manga submitted in right-left japan style or left-right filthy gaijin style?

>> No.2274501

This is true, if you don't draw it, it's an empty victory.

>> No.2274517


Which songs are you gonna be remixing, bro? And in what style?

>> No.2274521 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 944x689, bunnyrider2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deadline is April 11th for the outline/rough

fuck that's close. no wonder you were thinking about making it short.

>Mind posting a sample of your art?
it's old, but touhou related.

>> No.2274538

No, I'm OP.

Trust me, I've tried before, I can't draw for shit.
It's funny, in /co/ you see this a lot, writers that just learn to write a good script and leave it to the artist to interpret it. It becomes a feedback thing and something better is done in the end.
Except for Alan Moore, his scripts are insane...

>> No.2274565

I like your trees.

>> No.2274568

Awesome, you got talent

>> No.2274580

We need to have a few color pages then, I'm impressed.
Which goes great, there's a lot of scenery on this.
Mail me, we'll talk things through. Anyway interested can mail me as well, it would be unwise to shoot down any prospective right now.

>> No.2274584

I agree. You have a knack for bgs.

I emailed about the project, but no response. I'd be willing to (help) draw. I suck when it comes to writing, so I'd like to collaborate.

>> No.2274591


>> No.2274601

I hate to sound demeaning, especially when I myself can't draw for shit, but it looks like his backgrounds are too perfect. Not even in a magical/mystical sense. It's just very boring to look at.

>> No.2274609

I love your short stories, but seriously, stop starting shit you'll never finish.

>> No.2274617

Just add blur, seriously

>> No.2274636

I know, but how can I sit idle and watch the shrinemaiden guys take this opportunity by themselves?
6 pages script should be done fairly fast I think, most of the hard work will be on the artist (sorry)

Criticism is good, makes the art improve, and the artist can grow as a result.

>> No.2274648

>Criticism is good, makes the art improve, and the artist can grow as a result.
I know, it's just that from my past experiences, /jp/ takes criticism like trash.

>> No.2274664

It's not like it's an /ic/ criticism

>> No.2274670 [DELETED] 

mailed. keep in touch.

yeah i hate it, too. artists cut themselves.

>> No.2274676

mailed. keep in touch.

don't worry about it, i kinda hate it, too. artists cut themselves.

>> No.2274685

True, every single drawing you do, you'll eventually hate in time.

>> No.2274694

Unless you stop being an artist and waste all your time doing /jp/ things. I look back at some of the things I drew in high school and wonder how I drew them. ;_;

>> No.2274708

Not for me, for every single drawing I do it's like gaining experience points, with a certain amount you level up, I always improve.

>> No.2274716

Reply sent.

It's been a good night. Got an artist and things are looking up. All I can hope for is to do something that can make us feel proud.

>> No.2274746

I spend (almost) all my time doing /jp/ things and I'm still definitely better than I was in highschool. Don't improve very quickly though.

>> No.2274756

Wait, does this mean you're looking for an artist?

>> No.2274766

Pretty much, yeah. And found one, and he seems to be good.
But if you're interested, feel free to mail. Things will get hectic close to the deadline and any help is welcomed.

>> No.2274828

Why don't you use Vocaloid?

>> No.2274877

when i saw this i thought the wine-peeing aki wet herself

>> No.2275038

A lot of times, it feels like I'm not gaining any exp. at all.

>> No.2275045

Me too, but I don't do as much grindan' as I should.

>> No.2276181

Checking the western touhou sites is depressing.
>if u wan an english writer i can probably help out with that, not in the actual writing but in the planning.. unless u need me to write.

Wish more anonymous rise up to the occasion and deliver something.
What happened to /jp/ creativity

>> No.2276214

>What happened to /jp/ creativity

It's something none of us has, so we all just take it easy.

>> No.2276243

hurr, sorry, I can't figure out to make the Aki sisters interesting

>> No.2276292

Didn't know about this because I was busy with work, sounds interesting but I know jack shit about the characters and honestly lack the time to do it :/

If an opportunity opens, I'll take it. Either by writing or with arrangements.

>> No.2276298

I can't draw, and I most certainly don't want to take the chances of my idea being misinterpreted by a different artist than myself.

>> No.2276311

> happy flame time
> Anonymous of Colombia

>> No.2276319
File: 31 KB, 485x459, shizuha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related to my art. It's Shizuha.

>> No.2276372

Now draw a 4koma in that "style".

>> No.2276392

Nice, some great circles involved, like girotin, hft, strange chameleon...

Tragic Comedy looks like a nice artist. I wonder if AoC and Anonymous will deliver.

>> No.2276416
File: 163 KB, 762x2106, 4koma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2276442

Ah, shit, the pressure.

>> No.2276513

Weird, I told him to wait until I had arranged with an artist to get a proper circle name and banner.
As it is, according to rikaichan, I'm apparently just going to do a novel. Do not want...

From the shrinamaiden thread I expected at least another few english contributors. Why am I alone with Singapore and Norway?
Of course, now the self doubt begins. Everyone are established doujin groups, who am I to attempt to organize something in the 11th hour? But a lot could be riding on this, the pressure to not disappoint the western touhou fanbase can drive us to do better.

Better start doing that draft...

>> No.2276522

Good luck. I am proud of being your bro, for you hold high the banner of "/jp/ - Creativity".

>> No.2276533

>the pressure to not disappoint the western touhou fanbase can drive us to do better.

It's hard to disappoint shit.

>> No.2276547

Not the pooshlmer/shrinemaiden crowd, they're happy with Another Dream.
You guys, on the other hand, are a tough crowd, and there's nothing as satisfying as knowing that Anonymous is happy with original content.

>> No.2277388

Isn't it moreso the mindset that /jp/ hates Another Dream because it's done by a bunch of weeabos? They aren't the greatest, but they have Maullar. Also, I think some of them participated in Reitaisai 6.

>> No.2277425

Go music bros!

We'll show them that we westerners are also awesome when it comes to arranging/remixing game music!

>> No.2277469

Westerners rock at remixes. Too bad Aki sister themes are terribly shitty.

>> No.2277542

You take that back right now

>> No.2277572

Maybe you just have no taste in music. Besides, it's easier to remix music that you don't think is perfect to begin with. Or maybe it's easier for *me* to remix music that I don't think is perfect to begin with ...

>> No.2277581


Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me is my favorite Touhou song.

>> No.2277611

This thread is making me feel guilty, so:

1. Weak excuse, but I am totally uninspired by the Aki sisters.

2. It's tempting to volunteer to art something for a different anon, but one has to know one's limits. There's a line between something I can try my best at and something that is way the fuck over my head. I'd only embarrass myself drawing for a doujinshi.

>> No.2277630

They're not bad, but they're not great either. Much better stuff in MoF.

>> No.2277650

Same here. If I knew how to write I could try to make something on my own, but as I can't I'd have to rely on someone else to write it and my art probably couldn't do them justice.

>> No.2277829
File: 556 KB, 1127x1600, 077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding quality, I've seen some awful stuff on doujinshi. Don't let the big names scare you, even though I don't know the quality that the organizer expects.

>> No.2277967

I thought the Comiket organizers give the ok if it's fit for consumption.
Then again, all my knowledge of the submission process comes from Genshiken.

>> No.2278102

Even if I do manage to draw something decent with pencil, I'm pretty clueless about how to refine it into the usual manga quality. I don't have any specialized inking pens or the like. Photoshop's about all I have to work with, and I barely know how to use it.

>> No.2278137
File: 404 KB, 1865x1425, Akismirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add this to the doujin

>> No.2278175

I know crappy stuff is out there (thank you for that lovely example) but I do not personally believe that the existence of 'worse' justifies me producing something that does not meet my personal standards. Thank you for the encouragement (?) though.

>> No.2278216

Might make it the circle's banner.
