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File: 13 KB, 128x256, Saku09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2265995 No.2265995 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell you cry? Because she isn't going to be in UFO?

It is not like you are going to play it anyway.

>> No.2266001

But I'm not crying.

>> No.2266007

ITT secondary Touhou fans

>> No.2266013

Oh, the irony of this post.

>> No.2266010

But I am going to play it.

>> No.2266017

who is "you"? I've already played the demo, I don't see why I wouldn't play the full game too

>> No.2266035

>crying because Sakuya isn't in UFO
NO, why would I?
>It is not like you are going to play it anyway.
I have already played the demo and I will play the full game when I can.

>> No.2266060

Butthurt secondary fan. Go back to reading your faggot shipping doujins.

>> No.2266072

But she IS UFO.

>> No.2266073

I cry because she's not a playable character. I couldn't give a damn about the enemies. Sakuya B in PCB was by far the most fun character to play in the whole series.

>> No.2266078

boring character sprite, gimmicky shot types, yet way overpowered for scoring.

good riddance

>> No.2266101


>> No.2266114

I wish people knew what gimmick meant before using it. But, I agree with the sentiment.

>> No.2266157

Sakuya will be back, I feel it in my bones.

>> No.2266164

>gimmicky shot types

>> No.2266218

>It is not like you are going to play it anyway.

Like hell I ain't. From the demo, if ZUN improves on this as much as SA's last stages improved on the demo, UFO is shaping up to be the best Touhou game since PCB. I'm not missing it.

>> No.2266233 [DELETED] 

>implying that not only UFO is a good game, but that PCB was also good

>> No.2266225

SA is already better than PCB.

>> No.2266242

Sakuya as an Extra midboss,
make it happen!

>> No.2266244
File: 62 KB, 256x352, ammused aryan sprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that not only UFO is a good game, but PCB was also good

>> No.2266248
File: 6 KB, 368x264, nottroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oops i forgot my laughingelfman.jpg

>> No.2266272


I can't agree, really, but I guess I just have differing tastes. For example, I couldn't stand IN, and to this day it's easily the Touhou game I've played the least, yet most people seem to love it.


Yup, I am indeed implying both things. Because I believe exactly that. UFO demo is great fun, and has some spellcards you wouldn't really expect in low-level bosses. And PCB seemed to me the most fun in the series, even if it was the easiest. No "be here or die" just-memorizing patterns (outside of Extra, I mean. Extra does have some of those), just good old fashioned finding the hole and going for it.

But, as said, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

>> No.2266294

Enjoy your static spellcards.

>> No.2266390

And i would of gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling DNS errors

>> No.2266440

PCB is the easiest? o_O

>> No.2267786

Oh you!
everyone knows moot fixed the DNS errors in January.

>> No.2267821
File: 253 KB, 800x569, ZAGUYAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left.

>> No.2267839
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Type B is for losers.

>> No.2267842

PCB was by far the easiest. Borders to save your ass and spellcards that required little to no memorization (less patterns, more simple dodging). But,

Go back to /a/, faggot.

>> No.2267849

I am in love with Umbrella Bitch's last spell card on hard mode. It's just delicious.

>> No.2267863

>yet most people seem to love it

I always saw it the other way around. Everyone seems to hate IN, and I never understood why. It had more replay value than any of the other Touhous. It also had the hardest (and funnest, in my opinion) Extra mode.

>> No.2267869

Fuck yeah it is, Kogasa is definitely one of my favorite stage 2 bosses on hard mode.

>> No.2267870

Opinions. If you're good at memorizing patterns, IN is FAR easier, but people's skills vary, so there's no objectively easier one. I personally find PCB to be quite difficult, certainly harder than EoSD and IN, and maybe MoF, just because every time slowing card screws with me, about half of Yuyuko's cards are near-impossible for me, and the bomb window is really short with anyone other than Reimu.

>> No.2267885

I've seen IN get a lot of praise on /jp/ but like >>2266272 I don't like it. It's probably my least favorite of the Windows games.

>> No.2267901

I love IN. PCB's nonboss level segments are just retardedly boring.

That said, some of IN's spell cards and patterns are memorizing bullshit. Reisen's non-card OOPS, YOU WEREN'T AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN?! LOL PWNT patterns are bullshit.

>> No.2267902
File: 87 KB, 345x363, th12finalboss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2267903

I'm not saying PCB wasn't fun- it's one of my favorites. But when I'm able to 1cc Hard on the first try, I think it's a bit too easy. Sheer dodging just isn't difficult for me. Patterns give me more trouble (see: SA).

Also, yes, opinions.

>> No.2267923

>PCB's nonboss level segments are just retardedly boring

Seconded. This was my main complaint with PCB, even though I still enjoyed it. I just like IN more.

>> No.2267934

As a shmup, the best touhou game is Mountain of Faith.

In my humble opinion
