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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 224 KB, 950x1357, 016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2262848 No.2262848 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is the worksafe /u/.

>> No.2262854

It used to be worksafe /y/ too until all the femanons are either shooed out or converted into yuri fetishists.

>> No.2262858

On top of all of its failings, /a/ is too g/a/y for me. /jp/'s just right.

>> No.2262861


>> No.2262865

That's strange, because I've honestly never seen Touhou-H that didn't end with one or both of the girls sprouting dicks

>> No.2262867
File: 212 KB, 667x800, 48bcd60dc3b9b55dce694080b8d6f13bd5224d18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 thread is bombarded with remilia's yuri pics

>> No.2262868
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This thread made me want to read this thing again.

>> No.2262870
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>> No.2262872
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>> No.2262873

There are a lot of ones that involve tentacles too. Mostly from Yukari's gaps.
Anyway, you should check out these two...
Hang on a minute.

>> No.2262875

I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.2262876

Look harder. The OP doujin doesn't have any dicks.

>> No.2262880
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>> No.2262881

I'm also slow. Speaking of the devil.

>> No.2262882

/jp/ likes to create threads about the latest touhou doujins in publication. But for some very odd reason they are only interested in the ones with sex in it.

>> No.2262886
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>> No.2262891
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>> No.2262892
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>> No.2262896
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>> No.2262898
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>> No.2262901
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>> No.2262903
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Mamina ass.

>> No.2262904
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>> No.2262905

So !bro, I've heard you say that you don't care for yuri/yuri circumstances. Does this only apply to sex, or does it apply to relationship dynamics in a show as well? Does that mean you'd prefer something like Marimite or Simoun without the slightest hint of yuri flavour?

>> No.2262909
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>> No.2262910

People will understand them by just looking at the pictures.

>> No.2262912


>> No.2262913
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>> No.2262914

I'm looking forward to the image post limit when the round of questions regarding Remilia's IRL persona begins.

>> No.2262915
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>> No.2262917

These two:
[Youmusya] Kami-sama to Issho! Happy every day!

>> No.2262919
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>> No.2262921

'30' didn't have any sex. And it was posted like crazy.

>> No.2262923
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>> No.2262926
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>> No.2262927
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>> No.2262935
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in before janinazi ruining everything again.

>> No.2262951
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>> No.2262952
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>> No.2262956
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>> No.2262962
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>> No.2262970
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>> No.2262978
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>> No.2262983
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>> No.2262984
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>> No.2262989
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>> No.2263004
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>> No.2263014
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This thread makes Koakuma happy.

>> No.2263023

fap fap fap source pl0x

>> No.2263024
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>> No.2263027

rainbow bridge

>> No.2263035
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>> No.2263040
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>> No.2263042
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>> No.2263043
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Hello! Does everyone come?

>> No.2263046
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>> No.2263048
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>> No.2263049
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>> No.2263052
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>> No.2263058
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>> No.2263061
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>> No.2263069

What are you doing?

>> No.2263073

I have actually googled that.

>> No.2263084
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>> No.2263092
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>> No.2263094
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Well, girl x girl (and guy x guy) pairings are not really that fappable/attractive to me. I don't mind if a series has yuri though, so stuff like Marimite/Simoun are quite fine with me. Especially since I mainly like those shows for the character building and development. So it wouldn't really matter to me if Marimite/Simoun were to have less (or more) yuri.

Simoun especially, since the characters tended to ignore gender when it came to love. That's just how they roll on their fantasy sci-fi setting planet.

>> No.2263101
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>> No.2263105

Why does this pairing always make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside?

>> No.2263114

(If you know what I mean)?

>> No.2263116
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>> No.2263118

It's the powerlevels clicking.
Feels good man.

>> No.2263124

Faggot. Do you have the uncensored version with you?

>> No.2263132
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>> No.2263138
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Ah, I see. That may just be it.

>> No.2263145
File: 181 KB, 800x996, Yukari x Yuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2263151
File: 176 KB, 750x1064, Yukari x Yuka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2263152

Name, please?

>> No.2263155
File: 70 KB, 511x500, Yukari Yuka bathtub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2263158

There is no way Yukari would lose to that weakling.

>> No.2263160
File: 182 KB, 500x799, 1233509302044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arisu idiri

>> No.2263161

Moar Yuka x Yukari only Yuka winning. :3

>> No.2263169
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>> No.2263174

Those are fightin words.

>> No.2263179


>> No.2263182
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>> No.2263183


>> No.2263190
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>> No.2263201
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>> No.2263215
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>> No.2263220


>> No.2263226
File: 111 KB, 500x500, touhou-les.1215830819501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worksafe /u/
Lesbians with their clothes on is certainly a topic without a board. As long as they wear silly hats, I guess it's ok.

>> No.2263227

I love you

>> No.2263242

I see, I see. Belated, but thank you for sating my curiosity.

>> No.2263249

Lesbians were never my thing.
So, Thread hidden I guess.

>> No.2263254

How nice of you to share.

>> No.2263266
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>> No.2263272
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>> No.2263275

My own subtle brand of trolling.

>> No.2263295
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>> No.2263304
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>> No.2263307
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>> No.2263314
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>> No.2263323
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>> No.2263652

I'd like some sauce with these please.

>> No.2263688
File: 354 KB, 611x826, 1235642013149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source? I love Moriya Shrine doujin.

>> No.2263720

Don't bother with that one, it sucks.

I think it's this one, but I cleaned out my downloads directory last night: http://www.mediafire.com/?mu0uu3zjxdz

>> No.2263726

Not it, but thanks anyway.

>> No.2263769

Circle is obviously Personal Color, but what's the title?

>> No.2263791

Regal Victory OP

>> No.2263975



source ?

>> No.2264162,1 [INTERNAL] 

WTF, janitors?

>> No.2264027
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>> No.2264062
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I don't know the sauce. Just found it in my hard drive.

>> No.2264077
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fox getting some pussy.

>> No.2264083
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>> No.2264085
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>> No.2264092

I need the rest of this okay

>> No.2264094
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>> No.2264096


>> No.2264099


>> No.2264100

Lean to read the whole thread.

>> No.2264102
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>> No.2264103
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>> No.2264104
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>> No.2264117
File: 117 KB, 800x600, 1223301271663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you another one of those femanons butthurt that you couldn't have your fair share of FSN yaoi threads in /jp/?

>> No.2264118

Useless x useless?

>> No.2264121
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>> No.2264130
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Rape the maids.

>> No.2264137
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>> No.2264141
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>> No.2264145
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>> No.2264162
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>> No.2264162,2 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't say it was deleted. Maybe it just autosaged.

>> No.2264162,3 [INTERNAL] 

Yurifags should get the fuck out. Way too many of them now.

>> No.2264162,4 [INTERNAL] 

The guy who is forcing this "/jp/ is /u/" bullshit should fucking kill himself.

>> No.2264162,5 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with yuri? How is it any different from liking loli, futa or any other fetish? I don't understand all the hate, is it because /u/ is a shithole? (it really is)

And stop randomly attaching "fag" to words, it makes you look like a /b/tard. You're in the archive, you should know better.

>> No.2264162,6 [INTERNAL] 

If you read yuri and it doesn't hurt your male pride, you're a fucking faggot.

>> No.2264162,7 [INTERNAL] 

You cannot fuck the girls in the doujinshi, Anonymous, it doesn't matter if they're lesbians or not. Why would it hurt your "male pride?" Does tentacle rape also hurt your "male pride" because the girls are giving attention to something that isn't a male of your species?

And every single "normal" guy loves lesbians. Are you some kind of really insecure closet homosexual? That's the only reason I can think of.

Enjoy being a fucking faggot, Anonymous (there's nothing wrong with it, but being a faggot and denying it is pretty sad).

>> No.2264162,8 [INTERNAL] 

It still pisses me off when I see girls loving other girls. I don't understand how you can stand that shit.

>> No.2264162,9 [INTERNAL] 

I agree. /u/ is a shithole. It seems like every thread there devolves into shipping and drama.

No one on /jp/ has "male pride" and any male who feels threatened by lesbians is insecure with himself.

>> No.2264162,10 [INTERNAL] 

Why would that piss you off? Take it easy, Anon.

>> No.2264162,11 [INTERNAL] 

Why not? It's hot. The female body is attractive. The fetish of every "normalfag" is to watch his girlfriend go down on some other girl. <-- this is a fact, ask anyone else. 10 out of 10 retarded frat boys agree with this, it's not some borderline gay fetish like futa or traps (not saying they are bad, just that they're a lot "more gay" than liking yuri).

There's something wrong with your brain, straight guys jack off to lesbians throughout the world. And yuri is just that, cartoon lesbians.

Maybe you don't like the "emotional" part some yuri-centric shows/manga have. That's ok, no one says you have to enjoy that sort of stuff. Many people don't like that part of yuri, but most just find it painfully boring or outright retarded and unrealistic. I never heard of anyone complaining about yuri hurting their male pride before, that's pretty weird, bro.

>> No.2264162,12 [INTERNAL] 

I like yuri, but I don't get anything from lesbian sex. It's only a little strange though.

Also, by Arisa, you mean the Filipino Arisa?

>> No.2264162,13 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot about this detail. Way to ruin my perfect idealization of a /jp/ lesbian, Ghost Anon.

I'll live with it, creepy, almost stalkerish obsession and unreasonable expectations over the Internet is too fun to pass up.

>> No.2264162,14 [INTERNAL] 

Same here, lesbian porn and most explicit yuri doujinshi do nothing for me and I'm a lesbian, so yeah.

>> No.2264162,15 [INTERNAL] 

I actually enjoy the lame and boring Marimite-esque relationship crap and yuri love a lot more over plain lesbian sex, which I find pretty boring. But I suppose I'm messed up, I'm idealizing a platonic relationship with a female lesbian from /jp/, for God's sake.

I was just making the point that enjoying lesbian/yuri sex is something perfectly normal and it doesn't hurt the "male pride" of all the normal, non-weeaboo straight guys who enjoy it.

Oh and you can come over to my house and fuck my sister anytime.

>> No.2264162,16 [INTERNAL] 

Yuri is shit. Why is this thread getting posted in.

>> No.2264162,17 [INTERNAL] 

Because /jp/ is full of man-hating lesbians.

>> No.2264162,18 [INTERNAL] 

I love man-hating lesbians.

But yuri is not about hating men! It's actually very appealing to regular males! Some of us are just that messed up.

>> No.2264162,19 [INTERNAL] 

>I actually enjoy the lame and boring Marimite-esque relationship crap and yuri love a lot more over plain lesbian sex, which I find pretty boring. But I suppose I'm messed up, I'm idealizing a platonic relationship with a female lesbian from /jp/, for God's sake.
No, that means you're awesome.

Yep, man-hating lesbians. Taking over /jp/ is part of our homosexual agenda, etc.
I actually enjoy the company of males more than women, generally.

>> No.2264162,20 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a guy, though. One of my disappointments in life is that I'll never be able to experience lesbian love. ;_;

>> No.2264162,21 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm a guy, though
Yeah, I figured. That's part of what motivated me to say you're awesome.

>One of my disappointments in life is that I'll never be able to experience lesbian love. ;_;
Well it's quite likely that I won't either, so hey! But nah, I understand that there are a number of guys that feel that way. I don't understand it completely, since I don't think there's that much of a difference between a close heterosexual couple and a close lesbian couple, but I try my best to sympathize.

>> No.2264162,22 [INTERNAL] 

It's different. You're expected to act in a certain way when you're the male in a heterosexual relationship.

I suppose I wanted to know what it's like to be the girl for a change, at least once. But I don't like men at all, so turning gay is pretty much out of the question.

>> No.2264162,23 [INTERNAL] 

I honestly think that it depends on the people involved. I admit that most heterosexual women will expect certain things, but I'm pretty sure you can find unconventional ones out there who would be extremely happy to wear the pants. Or at least ones who are completely uninterested in defining roles one way or another. i.e. you share household tasks, initiative for dates and stuff isn't left up to male, etc. I've met people who are in such relationships. Or is it something more intangible than what I'm talking about?

>> No.2264162,24 [INTERNAL] 

I already feel like a complete and utter faggot when I get past a certain level of lameness with a girl.

Plus, I don't really go for "manly" girls. I think I'd enjoy being a girl and be free to act lame and girly while being with another girl who isn't necessarily "the man of the relationship."

Which (if we ignore the fact that I cannot be reborn as a girl for some arbitrary period of time), is completely unrealistic since real lesbian relationships do not work that way.

>> No.2264162,25 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, I feel like a lame faggot when I'm being girly precisely because it's so stereotypical. Although I'm making some assumptions about what you mean by 'girly'.

Mm. I still don't think it's unrealistic to believe that such relationships are possible.

>> No.2264162,26 [INTERNAL] 

Whoa, this thread lengthened quite a bit. I guess this updatable archive thing actually kind of works.
