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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2260881 No.2260881 [Reply] [Original]

-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
-How much of a Japanophile are you?
-How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?

>> No.2260888

say japanophile again

>> No.2260892

They think I'm gay.

>> No.2260898


>> No.2260896


>> No.2260904

>-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
They don't know about it.
>-How much of a Japanophile are you?
I enjoy Japan's stuff a lot, but I wouldn't defend it if someone was badmouthing it.
>-How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
They know nothing.
>-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
I'm a NEET and my mother 'worries about me'.

>> No.2260905

        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
 +   + \\Shitty thread Wasshoi!/+
        ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬  +
   +     人      人      人     +
         (__)    (__)    (__)
  +    (__)   (__)   (__)     +
.   +   ( __ )  ( __ )  ( __ )  +
      ( ´∀`∩ (´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ (つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ  ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)

>> No.2260906

Jesus Christ!

>> No.2260915

>-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?

Dad's into jRPGs, Mom really doesn't care.

>-How much of a Japanophile are you?

Not much; I'm just a gamer.

>-How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?

Not much, I keep all the vns and hentai stored beneath layers of pointless shit that even I have trouble wading through.

>-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?

They dislike that I'm a mooching bum, to be sure.

>> No.2260919

What otaku culture references did you stop in /jp/ today?

>> No.2260923

None, because I don't post that shit. ;_;

>> No.2260926
File: 141 KB, 1108x667, boob-chart-ws.1178840482951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love petite women so much.

>> No.2260934

>How much of a Japanophile are you?
/jp/ level otaku/hikki.
>How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
They pretty much know that I'm a perverted nerd since my room is full of posters and figs.
>What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
My dad doesn't really care. My mom is, or pretends to be, interested in my stuff. I think she always wanted a daughter so me being into dolls and girly shit is fine with her.
>Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
Neither. They don't care about what I do with my free time.

>> No.2260941

you mean 0 right?

>> No.2260943

They're happy I have a hobby that keeps me from killing myself, also happy that I learned Japanese from it
Over 9000 etc
They know I watch anime and know the language, they dont really ask for details and I don't tell them
Sometimes get worried that I'm a NEET with no plans to move out, but they say as long as I'm happy, they're happy

>> No.2260947

        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
 +   + \\Shitty thread Wasshoi!/+
        ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬  +
   +     人      人      人     +
         (__)    (__)    (__)
  +    (__)   (__)   (__)     +
.   +   ( __ )  ( __ )  ( __ )  +
      ( ´∀`∩ (´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ (つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ  ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)

>> No.2260958

Fuck off and take your VIP shit with you.

>> No.2260961

Dokyun, is that you?

>> No.2260962

I wish Konata was my girlfriend.

>> No.2260976

>What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
Dad's amused by anime and such, Mom pretty much is indifferent towards it.
>How much of a Japanophile are you?
Core staff for an anime convention, run an anime club. Entertainment is nearly solely Japanese-created.
>How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
Everything, except possibly my love of various hentai/yuri things (although they probably guess)
>Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
Dislike, mostly because they see it as a waste of time and money. But they're always complaining about never having the time or money to do anything they want to do, so w/e.

>> No.2260980


>but they say as long as I'm happy, they're happy

That means they don't care about you.

>> No.2261018

- 'Blabla act your age blabla wasted life', the usual.
- I enjoy Japanese cartoons, comics, and games.
- Only what they see, I keep the perverted stuff out of sight.
- I'm a borderline hikki with 0 friends. Ofcourse they don't approve.

>> No.2261023
File: 73 KB, 640x480, luckystardeliveryhealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make more money than any of my siblings do, I'm 30, I have more job security than my father does, I have a degree, and I'm trilingual.

My parents don't 'get' my otakudom, but perhaps they understand that they aren't in a position to judge.

My co-workers? I don't tell 'em. One or two of 'em has been to CoCo's, and one or two of 'em likes Naruto, but that's it. No point in talking to 'em because I couldn't find common ground with 'em even if I wanted to.

I miss Japan every day. I miss the convenience store food and the festival food and the fresh produce and the snacks and the beer and noodles and, some times, the soaplands.

It's a pity I've been too lazy to really learn the language, and it's sad that I am too cowardly to throw away my life and start over with one that would let me live there.

...it's also a pity that I don't really like Japanese people any more than I like Merkins, and it's too bad I get all depressed every time I get the X at a bar or restaurant. :/

>> No.2261034

>What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
Not a japanophile, I just play Touhou and fap to hentai.

>How much of a Japanophile are you?
See above. Fuck anime/manga/idols/figurines/etc.

>How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
They go out of their way to watch me play Touhou for some reason. Both of them play video games but not shmups.

>Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
They don't care, I go to college and have a job.

>> No.2261056
File: 91 KB, 320x310, 1235747952899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-What do your parents

>> No.2261058

>-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
They dont care
>-How much of a Japanophile are you?
I surf /jp/ regularly
>-How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
They know enough
>-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
I support myself so they dont have much of a say.

>> No.2261074

-Nothing in particular.
-Typical /jp/ level: I spend all of my time on anime, manga, VNs, Touhou, and Japanese games.
-They know I watch Japanese cartoons and play video games.
-They're just glad that I do well in college. My sister has dropped out twice so they're a lot more worried about her. Since I live halfway across the country they don't know how much of a shut in I am, otherwise they might worry more.

>> No.2261089

They don't mind; I'm not a Japanophile.
(See above)
They know pretty much every drop, except for going to /jp/.
They don't mind it much; I have a great social life, a job and hobbies outside of this sort of thing, so they're not worried at all.

>> No.2261093

It must be pretty nice that some anons' parents play video games. I wish mine played too, we could have something to talk about besides me getting a girlfriend/job/motivation for life.

>> No.2261100

My dad played NES with me but he says new games are too fast for him.

>> No.2261102

My parents are deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

>> No.2261109

It's pretty fun. My Dad plays games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil, and my Mom plays RPGs. Sometimes they'll even play 2P games with me.

>> No.2261126

My Dad doesn't give a shit. My mom knows that I've downloaded a shitload of anime, that all of my music is in Japanese, and that I plan on studying Japanese later on. (pretty much all there is to know unless you want to go into the composition of my porn collection) My sister has also listened to some of my music, and apparently likes it.

I don't think there's been a moment in my life when my parents haven't supported me or anything I've done. Not even the time I got caught.

>> No.2261137

What did you get caught doing, Anonymous?!

>> No.2261145

My parents are Japanese. They called me an otaku after they watched densha otoko. My mom actually liked the show, but still thinks otaku are creeps. I hide my power level in public, so it's not really a big deal.

>> No.2261156

get out, your kin is not welcome here.

ITT we lie about our parents and talk about our perfect worlds

>> No.2261162

-Dad knows I like the culture, not sure what my mom thinks
-Meh. Nice place, seems like an interesting country, media's interesting. I know that there are better places out there.
-All they know is that I take Japanese lessons and I buy shit from Japan.
-Dad's all for anything that makes my CV look good. Saying that I'm fluent in Japanese will do just that.

>> No.2261170

How are they on accepting foreigners in Soaplands? Or how bout the quality?

>> No.2261178
File: 360 KB, 1253x1327, KEEP ON DREAMING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2261181

I'm 43 so don't fucking care what people think

>> No.2261192

-They only know it to the extent that I know what 'no' means and that I watch shit like Takeshi's Castle.
-Quite, although I couldn't care for the people, only the animu, VNs, vidya and music.
-Don't know at all, basically.
-They don't know about my true, pedophile, perverted self.

>> No.2261198
File: 14 KB, 205x203, 1237034258080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have parents, i killed them.

>> No.2261201

My mom plays Monster Hunter with me. It is awesome.

>> No.2261206

-Only seen my 5 nendroids. They can't judge yet.
-Enough to know not to make a fucking ass of myself
-Very very little
-They don't care

I'm better than all of you.

>> No.2261217

This thread is an example of the newfriend virus that's slowly taking over /jp/.

Purge this thread, for a clean and blue /jp/.

>> No.2261256

>-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
Who knows.
>-How much of a Japanophile are you?
Drank the koolaid. Participated in most /jp/ relevant activities to excess.
>-How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
As much as anyone else. I won't bring the crap up unless someone else does first. If people pry about what I'm into, I'll slip safe things like playing mahjong, knowing some basic moonspeak, and surfing unspecified jappo video sites.
>-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
That makes it sound like being gay or furry. I don't try to let everyone know my interests.

>> No.2261268


>> No.2262119


97% (or damn near, it seems) soaplands and other floating world type places don't want anything to do with gaijin.

I'm not a constant patron of these places, but I found that, contrary to my expectations, it actually didn't seem to hurt my chances to ask them up front if gaijin were okay (especially over the phone so that I didn't have to face the X before I even got within 20 feet of the door.)

I eventually just asked a soapland that I was talking to on the phone (it was something I wanted specifically to try) if they knew of any other soaplands that would allow foreigners. They recommended a couple names, and I had a cab driver drive me to one of 'em.

I have never managed to get delivery health, or to attend any seku hara clubs or no-pan kissa (I'm not even sure the latter still exist. I am almost positive that the Japanese don't seriously eat sushi off naked women any more, though I still see it in their porn.)

So, um, I've only succeeded in attending one soapland, of the two that I heard existed. In Susukino. Yeah, not that impressive, but it's a start.

(The place was named "New Yorker" (in katakana) and if you need me to I can probably dig up the business card I got there.)

>> No.2262150

Hah, sure why not. The idea seemed hot to me so I thought I would try to hit one up when I visit.

>> No.2262267

>-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
Not sure really, we've never had a discussion about it
>-How much of a Japanophile are you?
I'm here, aren't I?
>-How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
They know watch "those cartoons" and collect "comic books"
>-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
They've never complained about it. But then, I go to school, hold a part time job, and have a girlfriend so I guess they have no reason to complain?

>> No.2262331

Lost the business card, but here's their link on the web


(I just googled ニューヨーカー ソープランド ) and it came up.

The website used to (a year ago) say "A big welcome to gaijin!" but I don't see it now. Pity; I can't remember how they said it.

>> No.2262348

sage & reported

>> No.2262370

-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
I don't really know, my father saw the figs that arrived and said they looked pretty cool. But I tried not to talk about it, also I've moved out of home 6 months ago.
-How much of a Japanophile are you?
Probably quite a bit, I own quite a lot of figures, speak qutie a bit of Japanese, but am simply too poor to buy more stuff. Living on your own costs you, you know.
-How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
I live by myself, so hopefully not too much. I started buying figs when I still lived at home though, whatever I don't care.
-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
They don't care as long as I continue to go to college.

>> No.2262378

My mom doesn't really believe that I keep watching "cartoons"

Not that huge of a weeaboo as I used to be, most likely because I don't have as much free time as before

Just the basic, not that much

My mom is happy to be able to brag about how her son is at the uni, as long as I bring back good grades she doesn't give a shit about anything else

>> No.2262434

>What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
they don't even care about it, and I'm not a pedophile

>How much of a Japanophile are you?
1%Japanophile 99% normal

>How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
none, cuz I aint one

>Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
no, I got a job

>> No.2263013

>What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
dad thinks its actually cool. he grew up with japanese friends. mom still thinks its all Chinese stuff
>How much of a Japanophile are you?
if being here everyday is anything to go by...
>How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
as much as i try to hide it, surprisingly, a lot. too much, i'll admit
>Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
my dad actually push me to hook up my up with my cousin's japanese friend

>> No.2263044

-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
Doesn't care.
-How much of a Japanophile are you?
I know Japanese and a few of their myths, that's about it. I'm not into VN's, anime, manga, figurines or stuff like that.
-How much do they know about your apanophile-ness?
They know, that I know Japanese, that is everything.
-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
They find the language interesting, that's about it.

>> No.2263047


>> No.2263057

what are you waiting for?


>> No.2263072

But... I'm not underage, I don't have to worry what my parents think.

>> No.2263074

>What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
I blame my dad and his obsession with the Shogun TV series when I was a kid.
>How much of a Japanophile are you?
What sort of a scale are we using here, one to ten? Geiger counter? Richter?
>How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
Meh. Don't know.
>Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
If you're talking about the hug pillows, we had a long talk about that, and they're cool with it, just so long as I don't bring them over when I stay for Christmas holidays.

>> No.2263080



>> No.2263088

and mangaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.2263250

the odds are against us but we'll see.

>> No.2263298

>-What do your parents think of your Japanophile-ism?
They don't know.
>-How much of a Japanophile are you?
I watch anime, read manga, and play Touhou and VNs. No figs or any other physical stuff though, it's all on the computer.
>-How much do they know about your Japanophile-ness?
See above.
>-Do they support or dislike your lifestyle?
See above.
