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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2258352 No.2258352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My grandpa fought in Okinawa and basically hates me for being a weeaboo ;_;

Anyone else experience something similar with family members, friends, etc? Pic related.

>> No.2258356

I hate you for being a weeaboo as well.

>> No.2258355

Your grandfather was a hero. You're a disgrace.

>> No.2258360

You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.2258358

Everyone plays Japanese video games nowadays, why would you be hated?

>> No.2258359

Your grandpa is a closet-weeaboo

>> No.2258366

How many lolis did he rape? That's the only way to measure how heroic a soldier was in my mind.

>> No.2258373

Why the hell you even told your grandfather about your powerlvl? faggot

>> No.2258377

My grandfather was actually stationed in Japan after the war and still goes on about how polite they were, and liked how they tugged at his blonde hair and called him 'gaijin'. :3

>> No.2258379

Okinawa is the reason I fucking love japs.



>> No.2258387

This is /jp/. The same could be said of you, or anyone else here.

I never told him, he's just aware of it due to visiting my house on occasion and the like.

>> No.2258396

/jp/ - WWII

>> No.2258415

Tell your grandfather that he's a BAKA GAIJIN

>> No.2258425


I have no family-related guilt looming over my head for liking Japanese stuff.

>> No.2258427
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On an unrelated note, Okinawa is fucking beautiful.

I went diving there last year. Shit was amazing, brah.

>> No.2258432

Filipino here, elders hating on me is SO cash

>> No.2258438

you...have seen the casualty rates of both sides for okinawa, right?

>> No.2258440

Learn to hide unnecessary stuff when someone comes.

>> No.2258445

Tell him what a dumbfuck he is.

>> No.2258480

>Anyone else experience something similar with family members, friends, etc?
My grandmother was Okinawan and I hate myself for being Japanese.

>> No.2258486

My relatives were on the European front since I'm a Britfag and all

I also hide my fucking power level

>> No.2258497


>> No.2258505

My mother is actually interested in japans culture..
None of my relatives have fought against japanese people, so i havent experienced anything similar as you, OP.
My grandfather was pretty suspicious about one russian friend i had when i was 14, though (im finnish, and my grandpa has fought against russians at some war)

>> No.2258506

My grandfather was a gunner in a B-52 and I don't know if he even fought the Japanese. Either way I hide my power level and no one knows I'm a weeaboo anyway so it's not like he'll ever find out.

>> No.2258533

My grandfather also fought the Japanese, but he thinks that they're awesome and was in fact a weeaboo himself (he's dead now lol). Then his son became a weeaboo and now i am.

I guess weeabooism runs in my family.

>> No.2258540

My parents are chinese, and we all hate those damn japs.

In fact, I hate them so much I purchase their merchandise to hate it up close and personal, and to see how their inferior works are disgusting and horrific things.

>> No.2258600
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>> No.2258625


What did your dad like? Anything specific perhaps?

>> No.2258645




>> No.2258656

Who cares? Your granddad is obviously mentally retarded and his opinion is stripped of any worth

>> No.2258662

>My grandfather was a gunner in a B-52
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he had nothing to do with the Japanese.

>> No.2258670

I am going to print this out, find an anime club at my college and post it alllll over.

>> No.2258674

I have an interesting war story my gramps told me a while back:

He was with a small platoon on a recon mission, and they were ambushed. His gun jammed and some guy ran at him with a katana, so he pulled out his bayonet and stabbed him, and took his sword.

He still has it in his study - it's so out of place, lol.

>> No.2258680


>> No.2258688
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>> No.2258697

Everyone was a fucking dick in WW2. I hate how the Americans and Japanese hold themselves so highly like they did no wrong. But the those win the war write history and if the losing side trys to they are laughed at.

>> No.2258707

Fuck you

>> No.2258715


I really hope so

>> No.2258734
File: 36 KB, 696x479, 1198725325433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We kicked their ass and stole their shit, rub your superior American cock in their filthy jap faces!

>> No.2258743 [DELETED] 

Yeah. Also, the holocaust is so overblown. Because all the time, holocaust scholars are discovering new things about the holocaust, and if they discover some new terrible thing that happened, they'll tell the whole world. But if they discover that some old terrible thing actually didn't happen (or didn't happen on a scale previously thought) then they just quietly add it to the books.

You never hear about it when they find out something DIDN'T happen in the holocaust.

>> No.2258750

Yeah. Also, the holocaust is so overblown. Because all the time, holocaust scholars are discovering new things about the holocaust, and if they discover some new terrible thing that happened, they'll tell the whole world. But if they discover that some old terrible thing actually didn't happen (or didn't happen on a scale previously thought) then they just quietly revise the books.

You never hear about it when they find out something DIDN'T happen in the holocaust.

>> No.2258754

You can be a weeaboo and hate japan as well.
Looks like you haven't been lurking enough.

>> No.2258770

Thats what happens in war, the winners are the good guys and the losers are the bad ones.

Maybe if Germany won the war then we'd just brush off the holocaust as some little thing.

>> No.2258773

Yeah the number of jews that died keeps dropping each year lol. Theres actually a good chance that most died from disease and none were put in gas chambers. SS did still execute some because theres picture proof, but hell who didn't get executed in that war?

>> No.2258778

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Katana" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Bayonets deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine bayonet in France for 2,400 Euros (that's about $3,130) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut holes in slabs of solid steel with my bayonet.

French smiths spend years working on a single bayonet and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.

Bayonets are thrice as sharp as Japanese swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a katana can cut through, a bayonet can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a bayonet could easily gore a samurai wearing full lamellar with a simple horizontal thrust.

Ever wonder why Meiji Japan never bothered conquering France? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Poilus and their bayonets of destruction. Even in World War I, German soldiers targeted the men with the bayonets first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Bayonets are simply the best weapon that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system.

>> No.2258783

Sage for nazi fuck.

>> No.2258799

This just amplified my headache.
Fuck you anon.

>> No.2258796

Holocaust denial on /jp/.

Sure is /n/ today.

>> No.2258792


>> No.2258793

Nice twist on the classic

>> No.2258801
File: 44 KB, 324x301, Hotaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poor deluded bastard.

You have no problem worshippping some fucking baltic states fucking communist or some fucking hippie. But the instant you find out someone's a Fascist with a damn PLAN your panties are in a tight wad. Do you value chaos so much?

Hail the New Dawn

>> No.2258805

See, this is another problem with the holocaust. Nobody can actually seriously and objectively discuss it, because if someone even says that 5,999,999 Jews died in the holocaust, some liberal ditto-head will be like "OMG NO SIX MILLION JEWS SIX MILLION JEWS NAZI NAZI NAZI LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU"

>> No.2258811

Japan was worse than Nazi Germany, it's good they got owned by USA.

>> No.2258812


>> No.2258819

Yeah it's not like Russia killed more people or anything. Nope.

>> No.2258822
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>> No.2258826

If that's true, your grandpappy's a fucking God

>> No.2258848

Haha, no they weren't

>> No.2258857

Yes, they were actually.

>> No.2258858

sage for butthurt jew

>> No.2258870

I don't give a fuck about your goddamned Communist lies. Either you get Hotaru or you don't.

You finally came back, To the borders of your fatherland, Now enemies came, Traitors everywhere at hand . . . Many people who had fought and died Knowing that they had to win; Yet still it sickens my heart To see the picture of the red flag in Berlin . .

>> No.2258875

Katana was not meant for combat, it wasn't good enough to penetrate the armor. It's a ceremonial blade. Anyone who says that Katana is the best melee weapon should get shot.

>> No.2258879

You know, glaives are kind of like bayonets.

>> No.2258886

Thats why he explained that bayonets are much more superior.

>> No.2258905
File: 3 KB, 120x90, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brief History of America

