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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2257402 No.2257402 [Reply] [Original]

Who else lives by this image?

>> No.2257408

Fuck yes. But at the same time I know its essential to have friends in order to survive so fake personnel ftl/ftw w/e. tl dr betray them b4 they betray you.

>> No.2257407

First doujin I ever read and ended up fapping to.

Good times.

>> No.2257415

>fake personnel ftl/ftw w/e. tl dr betray them b4

I think I vomited a little.

Get out.

>> No.2257423

Wait, was there sex in this doujin?

>> No.2257434

Some people fap to people being stabbed.

>> No.2257436

I do. I trust noone. I think the major reason I trust noone is because I'm a fucking horrible person myself, I sure as hell wouldn't trust me. My life is a lie, everyone thinks I'm a friendly nice guy but I stab people in the back when it benefits me. Most of the time they don't even realize it till a lot later.

>> No.2257440

I don't have any friends

>> No.2257447

Then you're living by the image just fine.

Everybody is out for their own interests. Your friends are using you or plan to use you in one way or another, sometimes the reasons are more subtle than others.

>> No.2257453

I try to like and trust people, but in the end, its mostly a show - mainly because I know most people will become inhuman beasts when the conditions are right. I've seen it enough to know it to be true.

>> No.2257471

Well, I know my friends would kill me if the need to, though some of them I believe to be loyal childhood friends.

>> No.2257472

I'm a fairly well balanced guy that likes to do good things for others. Polite and well mannered, people do what I need because I ask them, and they remember I haven't failed them in the past.
I despise them all. Walking pieces of talking meat, bound by their desires and easily recognized patterns.
The best part is to betray them, fuck them over, steal their credit, and still be there as a friend. They never know any better, believing that someone like me couldn't do anything so bad.
Lawful Evil. Be a jerk, get praised for it.

>> No.2257474
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>> No.2257478

/jp/ are my only friends.

You fags can't use me, but I'm using you to entertain me for 12 hours a day and ward off the bouts of ronery I used to feel.

>> No.2257480

Even though I would never do something like that, I like you.

>> No.2257484

Gee, it's almost like I'm in /r9k/!

>> No.2257493

All boards are /jp/ related, didn't you get the memo?

>> No.2257506


Quite a bit, and not of guro nature, either.

>> No.2257507

I got my best friend into Touhou.
One year later, we were attending Comiket.

Life fucking sucks, but if you can't even trust someone you're better off dead.

>> No.2257512

You make it sound like there's anything interesting on the /jp/ to begin with.

If people are responding then what's the problem?

>> No.2257534

Ick, opposite here. I'm quick to trust pretty much everyone and believe everyone has redeeming qualities somewhere, even criminals. Everyone can put aside their differences and have fun together like in the pandemonium that is Gensokyo. Chaotic Good.

>> No.2257540


>> No.2257551

Nope can't say that I live by that picture. If you do, they are obviously not your friends.

>> No.2257566

Adult men don't have friends, just co-workers/business associates/drinking buddies. I'm 23 and a NEET so it's only natural that I'm completely alone.

>> No.2257574

My friends are really just people to play online games with.

>> No.2257579

Lawful Evil here, I kinda like you. You're what I can't be, and find that someone that still believes in the good in people is refreshing. Just what we need right now.

>> No.2257596

ITT: Pretentious faggots who think they are smarter than average people.

>> No.2257601


>this thread

>> No.2257603

ITP: Newbie that makes ludicrous assumptions.

>> No.2257610

The difference is that we are.

Average people go down to Mexico to strip and dance like demented faggots and risk getting kidnapped and killed during spring break. We bask in the safety of our rooms and have intellectual debates about who Shiki can kill.

>> No.2257614

lol, I got a notice about not doing that from college

>> No.2257615

You ruined it.

Also, someone can be intelligent and still make a bad decision. You should realize the true piece of shit you are like the rest of /jp/ has.

>> No.2257752

/jp/ is the bottom of the barrel of society. You fag have to tell everyone that they're actually depressed to keep yourselves from feeling like shit and realizing you're the very thing you hate.

You know those lazy, retarded niggers who piggyback off the government to live and who everyone detests? You're the same.

Some people are actually proud of their lives.

>> No.2257776

Your college is sending out notices warning people to not make powerlevel debates involving Shiki?

It's getting more serious than I thought.

>> No.2257778
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>piggyback off the government to live

>> No.2257802

I wouldn't mind having friends, it's just that I happen to not have any.

>> No.2257866

True neutral reporting in. I just make sure to not piss people off, but don't bother putting too much effort into being liked.

>> No.2257905

Chaotic neutral here,


>> No.2257911

if you replace "friends" with "women", then it's sad but true

>> No.2257927

Hey man, we make a sweet ass three-in-a-row

>> No.2257931

Oh ho~
And what manner of unwarranted self importance are we basking in today, /jp/?

>> No.2257987

Our self-loathing and hatred?

>> No.2258842

relax guys, she's just pulling out the knife
save your friends is good
