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2248265 No.2248265 [Reply] [Original]

So I just finished all three routes. I'm still speechless as for what to say. I can't quite think of anything yet.
What's your opinion on this VN, /jp/?

>> No.2248269

So good.

>> No.2248273

It was pretty meh. It didn't help that you guys hyped it so much.

>> No.2248281

One of my favorites, perfect in about every way.

>> No.2248282

I played it before the translation and before hearing any hype about it and loved it. Maybe the hype over it ruins it for some

>> No.2248286
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you could say it was entertaining.

a tad short, though.

>> No.2248350

hated it

saya is a flesheating alien

>> No.2248370

that's what makes it so great

>> No.2248373
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Saya was awesome

>> No.2248376

where do i get saya no uta? /rs/ failed...

>> No.2248480

I finished the game a few hours ago. I really liked it, especially the contrast between Fuminori's POV and that of other people (e.g. the conversation at the beginning or Fuminori's living room).
It's kind of a shame that in the later parts we don't get to see much of Fuminori's POV, but it probably wouldn't have worked as well anyway.

>> No.2248489
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>> No.2250808

it's on /rs/. I think it's in 4 parts, and then you have to download the english patch.

>> No.2250837

Best VN ever.

>> No.2250850

Saya, the best thing known capable of being in /d/,/jp/, and /a/.

>> No.2250857

Saya almost made me pedo.
So close Saya...so close

>> No.2250864

I liked Saya. That said, I didn't like how short it was, for a ¥5,040 game. For less than twice the price I could get nitroplus' "Hello, World" with a scenario 15x as long. Light sells their short budget titles (Shiokaze, Sakakoko etc.) for a reasonable price (AND makes the things available for download), why couldn't nitroplus?

>> No.2250869

when were those games produced?

>> No.2250875

Saya: 2003 or so
Shiokaze: 2005 I think
Sakakoko: 2008

>> No.2250877

Oh, and Hello, World was 2002.

>> No.2250892

i think that we need to put into consideration the time period (you shouldn't expect a 2003 game to be the same with a 2008 game in terms of artstyle and options like fully voiced, nice interface and bonus stuff but they should have the same price amirite?)
But since Hello, World was done in an earlier date.. i dont know any more.

As for light, i have no idea why they make it available over the net but shouldn't they sell their product instead of making them downloadable? (that is unless they plan to make the buyable product have more features and bonuses than the downloable version)

>> No.2250902

Actually, they sell it over the internet (as well as in the packaged version). The dlsite model, basically (in fact, they're on dlsite).

(Fun fact: by now I've probably spent more money on downloadable eroges than packaged ones. The dlsite model is a great one, and all eroge companies with games they're no longer making money off should follow it. I never would have even HEARD of H℃'s fantastic games if I hadn't seen them on dlsite)

>> No.2250901

Hehe, or maybe they're just nice people?

>> No.2251694

It's some kind... SUPER LOLI.

>> No.2251703


>> No.2251714

overhyped, forgettable, dull story.

>> No.2251719


>> No.2251725

>all eroge companies with games they're no longer making money off should follow it
This. I really wish companies of all sorts not just eroge would do this with their old games they aren't making hardcopies of anymore.

>> No.2251770

this gave me the funkiest dreams
when I woke up the next morning i was like "WTF was i rooting for?!"

>> No.2252127

Hahaha. Sounds like someone WANTED Fuminori-vision?

>> No.2252138

Fuminori is my hero!

>> No.2252300

I only played through the point where you can have Saya fix you or not. I had her fix me to get the bad ending and then school started up again and I haven't played it since. It was fucking great, I wanna finish it someday.

>> No.2252395

If you play the rest everything will also be explained.

>> No.2252849

Would have posted in this thread before, but I don't really come to /jp/ as much as I should.

Finished the entire VN in one day shortly after the patch was released. It was pretty good. My first complaint is that I wish I had gotten the endings on the complete opposite order. The "Call Fuminori" ending was by far the best, and I wish I had achieved that one last. Can't really say that's a complaint about the game itself, though.

My real complaint about it, though, is this: I feel like there should have been more development/bonding between Fuminori and Saya. Parting with Saya in the endings was not as emotional for me as it should have been. If the VN had been longer (maybe it would have helped if I had read it slower?) I feel like I would have been more attached to Saya by the end. Instead, I felt like Saya's introduction was too fast. It was like "I'm Fuminori, this is my condition etc. Here's Saya, my savior. Now we're having sex." I feel like it would have been much better if you met Saya for the first time during the story, and then the relationship bloomed, as opposed to jumping into the relationship after it's already developed, then later explaining the circumstances of their meeting.

That's my rant.Sounds, music, and art were all great, but the aforementioned lack of relationship development stops it from being perfect in my mind.

>> No.2252867

The game is like three hours long, you obviously have enough free time to be posting on /jp/ so you have enough free time to finish it.

>> No.2252905

Overrated shit.

>> No.2252906


True, that first h-scene came out of nowhere. A little more bonding would have been nice, but I think the fact that it *didn't* devote as much time to their relationship and instead focused more on the story and the other characters interactions with fuminori made it a good read.

>> No.2253314

i really really wished hard that fuminori's friend found out that the thing he mashed into bits was the girl he came to save. also i think it would have been more emotional had fuminori ran over to saya after she got shattered and held her in his arms or something instead of axing himself in the face.

>> No.2253365

that Saya crawled to Funimori was what destroyed his mind

it was done perfectly

>> No.2253619

Also, the joke he made in Kouji's dream was funny as hell. Just to let that out.

>> No.2253622

What was the joke?

>> No.2253651

kouji's end is best end.

>> No.2253664
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>> No.2253742

Something along these lines, i can't remember off by heart.
Yoh: I was always afraid to go ice-skating because the blades scared me. (or something like that)
Fuminori: I don't blame you, if someone were to kick you in the face you'd end up looking like me!
This happens in Kouji's dream, shortly after Saya and Fuminori died
