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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2239113 No.2239113 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/,

I've been playing Kana - Little Sister and well... it's been remembering me. Getting me into deep thought. How life could have been like...
If my sisters hadn't been twins. If my partens hadn't bought that bigger appartment because they thought they needed it with three children. If they hadn't gotten in debt over it. If they hand't started argueing every day after that. If they hadn't gotten a divorce with led my father (who won the guardianship because he blackmailed my mother with her diary wich discribed her sluttiness with multiple men) to become seriously depressed and feed all of us with junk food only and to become a serious alcoholic. If life had been diffrent... wich just a devoted little sister instead of two brats that team up against you every chance they get.

>> No.2239120

What? You had the perfect opportunity to be the cornerstone of support of your sisters. You failed.

>> No.2239125

You're assuming a large age gap.

>> No.2239129
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>> No.2239128

sad copypasta is sad.

>> No.2239138

Don't worry, if you had one little sister, she'd just find a friend to team up against you with. And your parents would still find a reason to get divorced (like, I don't know, your mom's infidelity?).

>> No.2239139

My sisters are just 20 months younger than me. They never ever wanted me to talk to them, they always felt that they needed to be equal, or rather above me. They always just supported each other and left me alone. If we ever got into an arguement, it was always them versus me, wich led me to just spend my days on my fathers computer. Since my father was too busy drinking to use it anyways.

>> No.2239147


>> No.2239204
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Even without a fucked up family it's never the way animu and games show it. I only have two older sisters so I wouldn't know about younger ones, but it's all bullshit about devoted little sidekicks.
Kind of like you'll never get your 2D waifu in real life.

>> No.2239222

Why don't you teach them some manners?

Punch them in the face and see what happens.

>> No.2239224

>useless brother, drunk father, bad home situation
>they always supported eachother, them versus the world
Fapping to incestuous twins who have nobody but eachother to rely on. Oh god, fapping so hard as tears roll down my cheek for their plight.

>> No.2239232

My sister is only 2 years younger than me and we get along great.

I think most people on /jp/ would rather argue with their siblings then get along.

>> No.2239240

The best thing about arguing with your imouto
is showing everyone online that you did.

>> No.2239246

Fuck off with your highschool kid problems, OP.

>> No.2239270

They're friendly and rarely hostile, just nothing like loving sisters from OPs fantasies.

>> No.2239293


I could tell you, how lateron during puberty they grew into mortal enemies, especially after one stole the other's boyfriend. And then one tried to actually kill the other one and was taken off for psychatric treatment.
And all the while I was useless... trying not to get involved. Damn, I fail.

>> No.2239306

I would probably do the same.

I would fear they would stab ME instead if I tried
to meddle in their affairs regarding that subject.

>> No.2239309

No, see. They were yandere for eachother.

>> No.2239315

Be thankful you can spend time with your siblings OP. My brother went into care before I was born, so we didn't grow up together and I only get to see him a couple times every few months.

>> No.2239319

I'm really sorry about that OP, my condolences.

So you'd really have sex with your perfect little sister? I'm not that into incest..I preferred your girlfriend with big tits in the game.

>> No.2239323

Brother? Who gives a shit, that's gay. Unless he's a trap or particularly manly awesome aniki.

>> No.2239335

Well, thanks. Though there are always people who are worse off. You should feel sorry for them.

>spend time with your siblings
Spend time, as in I do my thing and they do theirs. The one who tried to kill the other one was eventually released and went to live with her mother. The other one turned out to be a huge slut, preferable for guys 10 years older, and spend most of her time at her boyfriend's house. My father was eventually forced to take sobering treatment at a health center, and all the while I just wanted to be left alone and spend time with my computer. I was, and am for that matter, always a bit afraid to get close to someone. Fuck, this isn't my blog.

>> No.2239337

Oh and, it's not about the sex. I don't care about that, I just want to get along.

>> No.2239343

Just wait for your brother to come back with a vagina and the body of a 10 year old, and still insist that he's your onii-chan. God that doujin was fucking hot, and for some reason it's missing from my harddrive...

>> No.2239352

Murderous siblings aren't anything special.

Promanon here. WHEN I WAS a baby, maybe a toddler, oneesan walked up to my crib with a knife but my mother found her in time. She says she doesn't remember doing that, but fuck that she reminds me of Mion/Shion or something. My imouto's a lot easier to read: puts on a happy face for friends and family, a complete bitch when it's just me and her. I try to be a good brother, and I did score points from time to time, but shit's hard being a middle child yo

>> No.2239358

Yes, he's awesome. Alot of people think so.

It's not like you can go back in time, but you should've just told someone about it all and asked to be fostered or something. Also, why are you afraid to be close to people? By the looks of what you said you weren't very close to your family in the first place, so things could only get better.

>> No.2239369

You know, despite everything that happened, I still like my family. Be it my drunken father, or my hateful sisters, because I know deep down that they aren't at fault. Well, maybe my father is, but in the end it all just turned to shit for reasons beyond us.
So I'm afraid that if I get close to someone, shit will get fucked up for reasons beyond us again. Also I've been living on my own for a while, I'm still just 21, going to university, getting money from both my partens. He may have been a hopeless drunk, and he may be in debt, but my father always supported me somewhat.

>> No.2239470

Well, it's good that your parents still care about you. But something like what happened with your family won't happen with friends, I guarantee you. You just have to find the right people.

>> No.2239506

Thanks for your confort. But it's still difficult for me. It's also difficult to believe that someone would want to get close to me, especially girls. I don't know how to handle them since all that comes to mind are my fucked up sisters. In the end, I'm just pathetic.

>> No.2239539

I have a brother and a sister, but she wasn't born until the late nineties. Most of my childhood I spent playing games and sometimes fighting with my brother, but I guess that's normal. Sometime when he was in middle school he got new friends, started listening to rap, and became a giant asshole. He's one of the people who think "Can I get away with this?" instead of "Is it right to do this?". My sister was born by this point, but I mostly ignored her and my now wigger brother and just spent all day on the vidya.

My parents eventually got divorced and we all ended up with my mother. I saw my father maybe once every couple months for a while, but I haven't seen him in two years at this point. Now my brother is living with a friend and I'm a NEET trying to make up for lost time with my sister. The sad thing is she sometimes confuses things my brother did to her and thinks that it was me when she brings them up; things like stealing her money, breaking toys, etc.

>> No.2239558

I molested my little sister, and got caught, and it destroyed my life.

But yet, even with my own failure before me and a failure of a life, I am still not cured.

>> No.2239563


>> No.2239573


Are you that Anon from before?

>> No.2239575
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Tell me MORE.

>> No.2239584
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>> No.2239587


Don't give up, make it beautiful ;_;

>> No.2239595

D'aww anon, bless you. You never know who might need a friend, and with girls.. Well, of course everyone is different so you should think of them as individual people instead of being like your sisters.. and there's no need to think about how to handle people. Just be yourself, you'll be fine.

>> No.2239603

Oops, mean't to quote >>2239506

>> No.2239613

You should tell us what exactly what happened, in detail.

You'll feel better afterwards.

>> No.2239615

I should know that already... but it still helps you telling me. You know, out there I always try to be strong, not let anyone figure out about my past. I actually talk with people in university, but I have yet to actually hang out with anyone after lessons. But maybe, I should just try again. Thanks, this should mark my last post.

>> No.2239624


Many, many years ago, I was a teenager, and I had tastes back then that were much like the tastes I carry now. Over time I would get touchy with her, carrying an innocent overtone whilst I was feeling her up. One particular day she had just taken a shower and was sitting in the living room drying off, and I figured it'd be a good shot, until my parents happened to come home.

They disowned me, and began forcing my sister into some kind of church meetings. I was forbidden with contact from her. I got shipped off to live my Uncle, who is not a bad person, but is failure of a human being. I'd assume they were paying him for this, because he spent the entire time unemployed. I had never been involved in public education at the time, so my records ended up fucked. I ended up getting a GED at 16 and spending my time with no money to even hit up a community college, and in an unemployable area. Eventually I languished into what I am now.

And yet, even now...

>> No.2239626

I'm glad for you, good luck.

>> No.2239641

>I figured it'd be a good shot
A good shot to do what? Need details.

>> No.2239648


To 'accidentally' finger her instead of merely feeling up her chest, Anonymous. It is rather difficult to do with clothes on, which was the usual situation.

>> No.2239659


>> No.2239658

You've got a wonderful life up until that point.

>> No.2239663

How did she respond to that? How old was she?

>> No.2239679
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>> No.2239691


I believe that was while she was ten, and I got screwed before I could get anywhere that time.

If you mean usually, she'd just awkwardly try and play along with my screwed up justifications most of the time. I don't know if she hated it, but I did have raging boner going most of the time and she did know what that meant.


Hence why I said it destroyed my life.
I had it all and blew it in a moment.

>> No.2239699


Sounds though. However, seeing where we are and what I am, I can't really judge you for what you've done. All I can say is... tough luck.

>> No.2239712

I think most people dont get along with their siblings because they see their siblings as competition or they get annoyed at every little thing they do.

I view my younger brother and sister as friends who I can walk around in my underwear with and not be ashamed. I just take it easy with them and they never give me any trouble, so we get along just fantastic.

>> No.2239759

I steal from my brother and sister.

>> No.2239863

What, panties and briefs?

>> No.2239918

Thank god I'm insane and have 100% resistance to problems like this.

>> No.2240036

I was too ignorant and apathetic, so it really didn't matter to me back then, though my sister was always daddy's little girls. Fuck that.

>> No.2240040

Is God really the one to blame for that? Damn, seriously I would have liked a sister.

>> No.2240099

It's just a saying, I don't believe in god.

>>2239113 I hope all is well, Anon. My dad was a total asshole, I never really lived a "normal" childhood.

>> No.2240126

Me and my twin are both shut ins, my younger sister is more successful in life currently than we are. But that's okay, I'll always have someone to turn and talk to, and we get along great and agree on everything. Sometimes talk at the same time, like those animu twins.

Stories of twins hating each other makes me sad ;_; be there for your other half, fellows.

>> No.2240301

I wish I had a sister. A younger sister. An imouto.

Oh man that would be so awesome.

>> No.2240333

You should move to a shithole and adopt some, they'll love you for it.
