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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 486 KB, 1024x768, 1236915998227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2236905 No.2236905 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been caught staring a little girl's supple young breasts?

>> No.2236915

I don't usually stare at little girl's supple young breasts because I am not a faggot.

>> No.2236919

>because I am a faggot

what's this from, btw

>> No.2236931

I do believe so, she looked me straight in the eyes too. I felt ashamed afterwards.

>> No.2236932

I remember seeing a 11 year old loli pulling the
underwear of her swimsuit forward to look at her vagoo for some reason.

Bad timing, considering that I was opposite instead of
behind her to look at it from above.

>> No.2236938


Actually, I posted it because I wanted to know.

>> No.2236935 [DELETED] 

No, I utilize the "looking into the sun" rule, one quick peek, than look away.

Unless I am wearing sunglasses, then I actively leer away and they or their parents are non the wiser.

>> No.2236945

i've never been out of my basement

>> No.2236946

I don't leave the house so not really, though I'm tempted when my loli cousin comes over

>> No.2236947

No, I utilize the "looking into the sun" rule, one quick peek, than look away.

Unless I am wearing sunglasses, then I actively leer away and they or their parents are none the wiser.

>> No.2236951

/jp/ - fanfiction/general

>> No.2236958

What happens if you get a boner?

>> No.2236959

Nope, this one time a naked 9 year old girl was changing in front of me, I instinctively looked away like a true gentleman would, since I was quite the white knight back then.


>> No.2236964
File: 84 KB, 550x757, dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a zangyaku-san thread

>> No.2236966

The tired/unamused look works.

>> No.2236967

3D girls, nope. Since I don't care for them.

2D, I stare at them in my own room so no.

>> No.2236969

If I'm at work, they usually can't see my waist, otherwise, I usually just take cover, or cover it with a book.

>> No.2236976

At the pool, in line to use the diving board.

Many a cameltoe.

>> No.2236980
File: 90 KB, 2204x700, family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2236981
File: 28 KB, 400x400, guriguriguri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2236983
File: 29 KB, 300x300, garigari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2236984

I was never caught

>> No.2236987
File: 80 KB, 700x700, guitar_kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2236989

Gomennasai brings out the worst in me

>> No.2236992

With all of the staring I used to do I'm sure it happened at least once. I haven't stared at a 3D girl for years though. Why would I when I can just look at a drawing of a far cuter girl whenever I want?

>> No.2236997
File: 71 KB, 590x590, gw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237000
File: 246 KB, 1200x849, heikoukikaigakuron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237016

ITT directionless pedophiles

>> No.2237019
File: 115 KB, 590x1180, 1236491182670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237028

This is an eyesore

>> No.2237049
File: 78 KB, 707x1000, grave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237061
File: 87 KB, 743x1000, byebye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237076

These pictures better be here when I get back or I'm going to kill someone.

By the way, where can I find more pictures of this girl? I went to the artist's website but it said no gaijins allowed, so I obediently left.

>> No.2237091

Just use dan/gelbooru

>> No.2237101
File: 118 KB, 800x1134, 2814842.jpg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237121

This guy is my favorite artist.

>> No.2237137

Yeah, I wish I would even have a chance at getting caught doing something like that.

>> No.2237237
File: 56 KB, 700x504, diary001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237243

No, I alt-tab pretty quickly if I'm looking at loli.

>> No.2237279
File: 43 KB, 300x400, kermit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2237284
File: 352 KB, 592x840, 1219613127506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I was on campus I noticed that the entire time I was there I didn't find one girl attractive. But when I hit the student store and saw this cute little 8 year old I realized that I am never going to stop being a monster of a human.

>> No.2237290

>little girl


>> No.2237291
File: 12 KB, 410x347, warc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2237295

how can you look at something that doesn't exist?

>> No.2237300
File: 164 KB, 512x384, 1235462086843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2237308
File: 102 KB, 510x400, 1236713753518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2237335
File: 38 KB, 400x400, cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237337


>> No.2237343


Artist is kantoku / 5年目の放課後

>> No.2237348

op pic totally not related. that girl has breasts tumor. also sage for promotions.

>> No.2237361

What's the name of this artist and where i can find more?

>> No.2237367


Where do you see nudity?

>> No.2237379

>sage for promotions

... what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.2237382

What do you consider a little girl? If you're talking about anyone under the age of fourteen you're a sick fuck.

I looked at my little sister's (13-14) friend who was sleeping on the floor in the living room. Underboob and partial nipple.

>> No.2237407


What do you consider a little girl? If you're talking about anyone under the age of fourteen you're a sick fuck.

> I looked at my little sister (13-14) who was sleeping on the floor in the living room. Underboob and partial nipple.


>> No.2237408

you consider 15-18 little girls?

>> No.2237414

I would consider a 15 year old a little girl if she was short and flat-chested.

>> No.2237415

You guys will hate me.

My aunt's a loli :3

>> No.2237416

>If you're talking about anyone under the age of fourteen you're a sick fuck.
>I looked at my little sister's (13-14) friend
well you are a sick fuck indeed. and little girl obviously meant girl under the age of 11 or something.

>> No.2237419
File: 64 KB, 640x976, 1201789579699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup guys just delivering because ITS LEGAL HERE!

>> No.2237426

op pic has nipples. did you even bother to open the picture itself?

>> No.2237431

>little girl obviously meant girl under the age of 11 or something.

But a 12-year old girl is the stereotypical loli.

>> No.2237434

I don't know if I've ever been caught or not. As far as I know, I haven't. But who knows, maybe someone was watching me watch the little girl.

>> No.2237437

don't you mean 10? 12 is usually the age where it's almost no longer loli. why would you take the extreme range when you can have a pure loli?

>> No.2237443
File: 218 KB, 1200x1600, DSC02176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2237448

I believe you meant 10

>> No.2237457
File: 32 KB, 640x480, shiki looking at small breads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12-years olds are just a little taller than 10-year olds and most still haven't really developed breasts yet. For example, Ren strikes me as around that age. In before some guy telling me modern 12-year olds have D-cups.

>> No.2237459
File: 419 KB, 1600x2560, 1202887942113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a loli thread

>> No.2237461

Age has nothing to do with how loli you are. Late blooming girls can still look young up to 15.

>> No.2237468

that doesn't make them loli

>> No.2237471


>> No.2237473

Yes I have and her mother gave me the look of death.

Its funny b/c I didn't even realize I was doing it until her mom was cutting me up with her eye lasers.

>> No.2237479

That's why I tend to think of loli as being up to 15 since beyond that age even late bloomers are clearly adults. Of course, in anime, that rule goes out the window as some 26-year olds look 10.

>> No.2237486
File: 25 KB, 300x383, E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12-year old girls have E cups.

>> No.2237503
File: 91 KB, 605x901, man-pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in my home country back when I was in high school, before I found 4chan (and before I rejected 3D), the girl I was trying to go out with was "petite". She was like at one head shorter than me, and I found her height very charming. She also had a nice bust. I invited her to our prom and she accepted but unfortunately I wasn't man enough to ask her to be my girlfriend. When we graduated she confessed that she liked me too and was just waiting for me, but I fucked up. I sometimes saw her in college but she had a boyfriend then. Pic related, that good looking sonofabitch is me.

>> No.2237538

Judging by your picture, she's just short. That's not what a high school loli looks like at all. In my day, they were girls that you could mistake for being in middle or possibly even elementary school and they were flat-chested to boot.

>> No.2237545

I've known eight year olds to have breasts, and yet my twelve year old sister is still flat.

>> No.2237550

at least post a loli pic instead of tumorial pictures, you just make me want to report you more and more

>> No.2237562

I could show you her loli face (she looked around 11-12 years old at the time), but no I won't. I guess she could be the reason why I like 2D lolis with breasts (normal sized breasts, not water balloons).

>> No.2237565

She confessed that you fucked up?

It's such bullshit that our society teaches girls that they shouldn't ever tell someone they are interested in them.

>> No.2237582

but no I won't because I am a lying sack of shit

>> No.2237587

I think of 14 as the upper limit for loli because 9-14 was the nymphet range defined by Nabokov in Lolita.

This girl I liked in high school was extremely short and flatchested, she probably could have passed for a 12 year old. I guess it was inevitable that I would end up as a lolicon.

>> No.2237613
File: 52 KB, 480x720, dontstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2237762

Not yet, since there is hardly any reason to suspect me of doing so.

>> No.2237773

I just realized right now that every single girlfriend my father has had has been tiny and petite, some of them could have passed for young teens. I think I just broke my own mind.

>> No.2237775

>she confessed that she liked me too and was just waiting for me
Fuck. This. Shit.

>> No.2237776

Pedophilia is hereditary. It all makes sense why you're on /jp/ now.

>> No.2237778

Come to think of it, my mother is a petite woman...

>> No.2237798

I had a couple girls confess to me in high school but I was oblivious as fuck and I didn't have close friends to slap me senseless for being so
give and take

>> No.2237808

But were any of them Japanese?

Oh Haruka, I am SO sorry for ditching you on prom night and playing Melee with friends ;_; but you are back in Japan now and you've probably forgotten about me and I never got to apologize god dammit god DAMMIT

>> No.2237812

I had close friends to slap me senseless. It still didn't help, I just became further self-depreciating. "No girl could possibly like me, she was probably just joking/lying/misunderstood."

>> No.2237814

My mother is 6"3'

I love little girls.

>> No.2237823

>ditching you on prom night and playing Melee with friends
You fucking failure.

>> No.2237825

This happened to me too. I was the goth kid (12-13 at the time) that everyone thought was weird so when one of the most popular girls in my class said she liked me I just froze and acted cool like I didn't care/hear because I thought she was trying to trick me or something and even if she wasn't I didn't know what to say

>> No.2237838

She cried herself to sleep that night. A week later, she decided that if you don't like her she might as well just become a slut and kill her soul.

>> No.2237839

>>2237808 playing Melee with friends
Well fuck.
You deserved it.

>> No.2237853

Yeah yeah, I'm past the self-loathing but I never got to apologize since she graduated and flew back home

FUCK she was on the swim team too

>> No.2237943

stop! just stop ...I'm starting to share your pain that I don't need

>> No.2237980

Now I'm remembering more and more...

I had broken up with... okay, got dumped, by my girlfriend of three months. I was a raging, bawwwing wreck when my senpai fuck you, I'm on /jp/ and I'll call my senior my senpai if I want to told me her friend Haruka thought I was cute, and would I like to go to prom with her? My ticket was paid for, there would be a limo ride... everything was ready, and all I really needed was clothes that matched hers and I'd be set.

Unfortunately, I didn't have any tuxedos or suits in my wardrobe, nor ties, I'm pretty apathetic when it comes to clothing. Two friends, one guy and one girl, decided they'd help me pull my shit together for once. We went to various shops and managed to find clothing that worked, although it was slightly larger than what would be comfortable (I have a kind of slight build, and looked younger than my age for a long time like a goddamn shota) hell they even paid for most of it. Long story short, I had a lucky break after a long shitty while thanks to great people.

But you know how it ends.

>> No.2237992

What the fuck? You not only fucked over her, you fucked over your friends who helped you so much as well. You deserve no happiness or love in this life, I hope you remember that.

>> No.2237993

You have nothing on me, both of my high school crushes already had steady boyfriends. They were really loli, too, with tiny, slender bodies and had no breasts. I am forever doomed to be single.

>> No.2238001

The Melee, it is tempting. I sympathize with promanon
Isn't it worse to have had a taste of love then have it snatched away, even if it was caused by your own dumbassery? And not only that, this poor fellow had a second chance and STILL messed up

>> No.2238004

I hate Shirou moments. Just a couple months ago I had a cute girl start flirting with me on the bus, random girl sitting in front of me suddenly turns around and starts talking to me, asking about me and if she hadn't met me before at a party and shit. I didn't realize till later. Fuck you, Shirou.

>> No.2238006

Better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all.

>> No.2238007

Even though I never had it as good as you, I've had quite a few slip through my hands. One of things you wish you choke yourself like bitch if you were there for being so stupid
That's probably how decent VNs are written out, just the writer decided to add good ends.

>> No.2238011

Your tie is crooked.

>> No.2238019

Another thing: my stupid imouto fuck you, she's an imouto blabbed to my parents about it. Not only were they surprised at my having an actual prom date, my dad was all like "Wait, you had a girlfriend?"

Days after it passed my mom asked me what happened to prom. I could not face her directly when I answered.

Good Ends are never True Ends in real life, it seems ;_;

I think so too. You definitely grow as a person.

>> No.2238021

You can ditch a girl for videogames.
But only for good videogames.

>> No.2238025

I can give you tips so as to never have those ever again.
thanks to me, women won't even consider giving you any attention !

>> No.2238029

I had an awesome loli girlfriend when I was a sophmore in high school and she was a freshman. Cute little loli. Everyone told me I should bend her over and spank her like a child. She dumped me when she found out I had a cocaine problem. The other one I tried to date when I was a senior thought I was hot, but once she started talking to me thought I was a creepy pedophile weirdo and nearly broke into tears when I came up to her trying to talk. My personality was broken after years of drug abuse. In college, I don't see many lolis anymore, and it's been long enough that I don't have any relations to anyone in high school now. Having sex with slutty college girls is boring, I have decided to forget about it and focus on my studies.

>> No.2238037
File: 733 KB, 1024x768, 1211429494476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your picture!

>> No.2238046

I don't think you know what loli means.

>> No.2238048
File: 21 KB, 1024x960, coolstorybro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2238050

I think he thinks loli means anything that looks vaguely younger than its real age.

>> No.2238056
File: 60 KB, 699x700, 2005_0708_183748AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she resembled a 12 year old just fine.

>> No.2238060

12 year olds don't look like that, I know 16 year olds wh look younger than that.

>> No.2238061

It's funny how scenes in your life can be picked out and become good VN material.

"HEY! Why are you running!?"
"Oh! Carry on, then!"

>> No.2238067

So after prom you never saw her after that or even have her friends tell you/her what happened after?

you short write the whole experience. to serve as motivation

>> No.2238072

we should compile them and make monies
turn those tears into dollars

>> No.2238076

My life's VN would probably be something like tsukihime if it didn't have any girls and lines of death.

>> No.2238078

You must be truly blessed to know them. I myself have never approached anything younger than a 14 year old, and she was the youngest thing I have ever seen.

>> No.2238087

I used to go to a school with classes from kindergarten till highschool in the same building.
But I didn't care much.

>> No.2238100

The week after it was finals, and the seniors were busy with something else. One of her friends still talked with me afterwards, but besides telling me that Haruka had fun she kind of dodged any questions about prom... and then Haruka graduated and finished her student exchange program thing, I guess.

I fuck up a lot, but most of the time the fuckups exclude others. This was a rare, sad occasion where another person was involved.

>> No.2238107

Can pre-adolescent sex lead to paedoism?

>> No.2238117

Man, I had a REAL waifu material going for a while. Good with kids, never complained, took care of herself, sense of style.
We finally did get intimate and shared our feeling, but had to split up for the better, which I don't regret.
Life fucks you over in the funniest ways, though.

>> No.2238119

It actually leads to Credoism.

>> No.2238120

Absolutely not. You have to be a virgin to be a true pedo.

>> No.2238121



>> No.2238123

So people who've had sex with little girls are fake pedos?

>> No.2238138

>which I don't regret.
Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.2238145

Congratulations, she lost all respect and love for you. For good reason, you deserve none from anyone.

>> No.2238156

post your prom picture!
you did get one memento out of all this, right?

>> No.2238177

Even /jp/ is now a home for normalfags?
Where else is there left to go?

>> No.2238184

>Relationship Advice
>'14-16 year old lolis'

>> No.2238375
File: 178 KB, 433x599, 1221801410545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you know what, that's bullshit.

>> No.2238410
File: 12 KB, 398x267, say wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should all feel bad for having perverted thoughts.

>> No.2238409
File: 2.22 MB, 512x384, 14yearold.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2238810

I know, I know.


>> No.2238815 [DELETED] 

14 year olds are lolis. Nabokov agreed, don't both him about it.

>> No.2238818

14 year olds are lolis. Nabokov agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.2238831

I've never hated a blade of grass quite as much as I do right now.

I keep clicking on the image every time I pass the thread and can't stop.

>> No.2238838

everytime I watch the news and hear about a pedophile getting busted I think about you guys.

>> No.2238842

We all sense a disturbance in the force when one of our brothers is taken down.

>> No.2238848

Lo was 12.

>> No.2238850

Lolita != Loli
It's just the origination of the term, not the definition of it.

>> No.2238863


I watch with my family and they're all like "wow even teachers they're everywhere" while I'm thinking "I wonder if I ever talked to that guy" :(

>> No.2238877




>> No.2238880


Go fuck yourself, pedophile scum.

>> No.2238883 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 800x800, 1223377476969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, as I have no desire to have sex with children.

Fictional characters drawn on paper or computer screen, on the other hand...

>> No.2238892
File: 175 KB, 800x800, 1223377476969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, as I have no desire to have sex with children.

Fictional idealized characters drawn on paper or computer screen, on the other hand...

>> No.2238895

Potato, potato.
They're both under-age, you sick fuck; just see how far your 'but they aren't real' argument gets you once our new law comes into effect.
(I reckon it'll get you about 5-10 years far)

>> No.2238900

>Potato, potato
This doesn't really work well when typed out.

>> No.2238913
File: 43 KB, 241x309, 1181644651270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2238928

By the way....from which anime/VN is this girl from?

>> No.2238929

This is 4chan, nobody here actually has sex. Even if you just look at a cute girl, you'll end up idealizing her in your mind.

>> No.2238933

Shockingly enough, I have never seen one of his movies. I was proud of that fact until I found out what the contents were, then I was shocked at how I was able to avoid porn for so long on P2P networks.

>> No.2238937

The shock.

>> No.2238939
File: 153 KB, 600x709, 1233695424984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your argument is flawed on many fundemental levels.

First, "Fictional idealized characters drawn on paper or computer screen" can refer to any number of different characters. For example, here is a picture of Chun-li. Is she not a fictional character drawn on paper/computer screen?

Second, in many cases, determining the age of a certain character who's actual age is not stated differs from person to person. Sure, there are cases where the character's age is clearly evident; but there are just as many cases where a character will be characterized as being fully developed and mature, but people will declare then as underage due ti art style (This is very prevalent in Japanese comics and cartoons).

Third, is the very fact that fictional characters aren't real. You don't see people who play Grand Theft auto being sent to actual jail, or being tried in court for cop killing, do you? You don't see people who read Berserk being tried for Mass murder, do you? You don't see people who read Batman comics being tired for child endangerment, do you? Why is that, because they aren't real. The person viewing said material has committed no crime, there is no victim, there is no damage. It's all imaginary, and you should hope the higher courts have at least that much sense left.

>> No.2238944

You're shocked you didn't download CP? As if that's something that happens accidentally.

>> No.2238947


It's not shocking lots of people know who raygold was pedo or not since he was on the most wanted list and all.

I'd wager that most files actually containing his name are fed traps.

>> No.2238948

I am still wondering what is the source for the OP image.

>> No.2238952

I don't even know who that guy is.

>> No.2238954

I hope no one is under the impression that real serious 3D pedophilia is to be assumed amongst posters here.

You guys aren't like that right?

>> No.2238956

UK lawmakers don't agree with your logic.

Neither does the Australian court system.

>> No.2238964

3d is pig disgusting, regardless of age.

>> No.2238977

I am most certainly not, I only watch such things for research purposes, to evaluate how much 3D sucks.

>> No.2238979

Putting the whole "LOL 3D DO NOT WANT" meme aside, there's a good portion of them. I love both 2D and 3D lolis, the 3D loli threads on /jp/ should be enough to tell you that there's a lot of real pedophiles here

>> No.2238996
File: 28 KB, 875x880, 1216663205473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thus why I'm glad I live in the U.S.


See Picture.

>> No.2238998


Junior idol threads are supposed to be off limits here iirc but no one seems to care anymore.

They creep me out a bit.

>> No.2239002

There's actual pedos and people just pretending to be them to fit in. It's hard to tell.

>> No.2239006

I think irl lolis is pretty gross to think of sexually

that and they're pretty ugly

>> No.2239007

lol NO. he just happened to be obsessed over Lolita. He ended up even be still in love with her even much much later in the book.

>> No.2239011


Only on 4chan would someone pretend to be a pedophile to "fit in"

>> No.2239021

I was referring to the metathreads allowed in /jp/. Imouto threads, real life loli threads (like this), there's quite a lot of them and they're always pretty popular

>> No.2239032

I love lolis of the 2D kind.

I like some 3D lolis, my nieces mostly, never in a sexual way.

>> No.2239036

He was referring to the guy's hit range. Dolores Haze herself was introduced at age 12, not 14, and she died at age 17.

>> No.2239047

I'm not restriced to 3D loli. In fact, I also like older women.
I don't really like anything under, say, 5 where nearly all of the children have this gross bloated stomach.
I really don't think I would ever seriously have sex with a 10 year old, but I don't mind pictures.
Also, enjoying your first month on 4chan?

>> No.2239042 [DELETED] 


>> No.2239059

15 years old are not loli also I should report you for posting this illegal content on this board. 3D is disgusting.

>> No.2239060


I could never see my nieces sexually. Both my nieces have fake tans and spend every weekend drinking with frat boys while their virgin loser uncle is up late on a friday night talking to pedophiles on the internet.

>> No.2239068

I like both 2D and 3D loli and unless I actually act on my desires, you have to legitimate reason to look down on me for it.

>> No.2239070

That's cool.
You're no looser.

>> No.2239095


Pedophiles who are exclusive pedophiles are actually rather rare, it's a myth generated by the public in the way they caricaturize pedophiles.

You could also argue that the crazy and messed up ones are the ones who are usually caught and therefore form the public image of pedophilia, naturally creating the image of insane oversexed beasts who are only fixated on children.

>> No.2239101

the 3D PIG DISGUSTING is not just a meme.
We actually believe it.

>> No.2239104

And then there are people like me, who pretend not to be paedophiles.

>> No.2239130



>> No.2239171
File: 37 KB, 325x444, 1218829045760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck this. I can't hold it in any longer.

I was hesitating to ask this because advice threads are shit and all. But seeing this thread got me fired.

So I'm 18 now, last year in high school. I'm a huge 3D-PIG-DISGUSTING-fag, virgin, never even kissed. I can't say I'm a social reject but I'm not the going-out guy. Nobody knows I watch animu and play touhou so it's all ok. When the conversation goes into girls I just shut up. Most of the people I know know it's useless talking to me about girls or anything of that sort. Oh yeah, the high school I'm in (6 years already) is more on the technical.sciences/technical side, so of all the students there's like 5-8% of girls. I guess this did nothing but fuel my 2D preferences.

So here's the story. A few weeks ago I arrive at school as usual, smoke a cigarette and then proceed to the building. There I notice the small group of chicks, and God even me, who hated 3D can say they are ugly as hell. Thing is, I never really payed attention to them before. That's when I notice this one girl, far shorter than me, flat chest, modest clothing, no make-up, tidy hair : i.e. a real loli, not some goddamn slut like they all are. I don't know what got into me but since then I can't stop thinking about her. I found out she's in 3rd grade, so she must be 14-15 years old. She also has this imouto look. I always thought the ronery chain will never break.

>> No.2239175
File: 14 KB, 300x250, fox03f.jpg [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>the 3D PIG DISGUSTING is not just a meme.
We actually believe it.

>> No.2239180

UK spelling. Explains the paranoia.

>> No.2239181

>>2239171 continue
I tried everything since then: marathoning animu as I never have before, watching tons of hentai, looking through mai waifus extensively, hell I even tried watching real porn and pics of stars and models. Sure I've seen some cute girls in the series I watched, mai waifus made me remember the sweet ronery nights we spent together, the 3D stuff disgusted me though. But in the end, nothing helped.

This made me think there is no other option than to do the impossible: go out with her . This is of course a huge problem because:
1)the age difference, did I mention people always say I look like 20? Of course in a year she'll be "legal" but still...
2)how do I do it? I have no experience at all and moreover I can't even talk to her.
3)Fuck it's a real girl jesus christ.

Help me /jp/. You're the only ones I can ask for advice. I'm going crazy over her. I don't want to bang her or anything (of course I wouldn't say no when I think of that sweet loli ass...), I just want to hold her, make her that imouto I always wish I had. one more thing, I can't do it until I leave that school in 3 months. Everybody will know and I know what will happen: the subtle mocking jokes about us, the weird looks, etc.

P.S. : if nothing works out, I'm going to stalk her.

>> No.2239185

>I found out she's in 3rd grade, so she must be 14-15 years old.
What? 3rd graders 8-9, bro.

>> No.2239187

You're in high school, piss off.

>> No.2239189
File: 2 KB, 126x85, 1224740619974s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd grade
>14-15 years old

>> No.2239191

>>2239181 Help me /jp/. You're the only ones I can ask for advice.
No, what you're looking for is /r9k/

>> No.2239193

>P.S. : if nothing works out, I'm going to stalk her.

A fine plan

>> No.2239194

He probally meant a sophomore, a 3rd year.

>> No.2239196

>P.S. : if nothing works out, I'm going to stalk her.
Godspeed, Anon. Godspeed.

>> No.2239200

>if nothing works out, I'm going to stalk her.

This is the only area I could offer advice on.

>> No.2239202

>Help me /jp/. You're the only ones I can ask for advice.

On dating 3D women? I don't think so, bro.

>> No.2239205

Okay, here's the thing. Don't wear a trenchcoat, it's a dead giveaway. That's about as much advice as I can give you.

>> No.2239209
File: 26 KB, 240x320, g0151262_1273559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...you're in high school?

>> No.2239214

Pretty weird taste then. Most girls become obnoxious once they hit middle school.

>> No.2239231

Yeah sorry about that. I meant she's a sophomore. Different systems, etc

>> No.2239237

Most, he found one that didn't. That's his point.

>> No.2239259

First you should AT THE VERY LEAST try knowing her.

>> No.2239261

Shoutout to us if you make the headlines.

"Parent Groups Warn of Internet Rings Encouraging Sexual Assault on Minors"

>> No.2239297

But he didn't say anything about her personality. Just her looks.

>> No.2239300

How? I don't know anything that I could talk to her about. I can't just approach her and say "hey what's your name?".
Through people I know? As I said she's pretty reserved (in my opinion) so I bet she doesn't even go out - no way of meeting her at party or anything. Even if she does go out - I don't. Finding out where she will be on a Friday night is impossible.
VN-like encounter? Like getting trapped together in a classroom and me giving her my coat because it's cold ;_;? Real life doesn't work like that.

What I was thinking about is just boldly approaching at the last day and asking her number, I think I could manage to get the balls to do that. If she says stuff like no or freaks out, I don't know what'll happen to me. (but that's part of the game, isn't it?)

also, sorry for my poor English, it's not my mother language.

>> No.2239313

She's not obnoxious, that's the point. At least not in public.
I think this is what got me (except for the loli part of course). She seems so out of some visual novel, so 2D.

>> No.2239339

/r9k/ is what you need!
Good luck with your loli IRL!

>> No.2239347

/r9k/ hate loli don't they? Also isn't it like /b/? Don't know, never been there.

>> No.2239364

First of all, yeah, robot sucks, but anyways it's still much better than /jp/ in terms of relationships.
You are just trying to know how to approach her, right?
Then just try to omit the fact that she's a loli.

>> No.2239387

Actually if she wouldn't be loli there wouldn't be so many problems, but then I wouldn't have fallen for her.
Thanks for the advice, I'll try /r9k/ tomorrow. But I really hoped /jp/edos could help me out.

>> No.2239404

Well, as you said you are talking with /jp/edos about relationships, I mean, what kind of advice did you expect?
Anyway, good luck with that.

>> No.2239444

She's a high schooler. You're a high schooler. It doesn't look odd.

>> No.2240538

I may have been caught, but I've never been confronted. I'm a scary man.

>> No.2240538,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2240538,2 [INTERNAL] 

I also found a CP thread on the archive, but I don't think I want to bump it.

>> No.2240538,3 [INTERNAL] 

And I just realized I'm browsing a thread with CP thumbnails while on the campus wifi, while logged on with my student ID and sitting on a bench right in front of the sysadmin's office.

Laughing so hard right now.
