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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 188 KB, 1199x668, F4U Corsair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22356869 No.22356869 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>22333624

>> No.22356881

Corsair is so fucking cute.

>> No.22356917

Does Ash Arms have a Oath/Marriage system like other mobage? I've been playing for a bit but haven't noticed anything like it, does that have to do with the story? I'm an EOP so forgive me.

>> No.22356921
File: 33 KB, 720x588, 1568215532567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat all of the chapter A N bosses in Ash Arms
>start doing 5B N
>doing fine so far, feel like a big boy
>5B-03 N
Back to grinding.

>> No.22356947

You're going to be grinding a lot the bosses at the end of B maps have 30k HP

>> No.22356961

There isn't an oath system. Oath systems are usually added on later. Typically, not day 1 features.

>> No.22357004

Carrying over the translated stuff for Ash Arms from the last thread.


>> No.22357122

Showcase of marking strategy in ash arm

>> No.22357174

General reminder for anyone who's interested to go and fill up the wiki. Even stuff like uploading pictures from the assets and making pages for units even if they're barebones helps. Assets download is at the bottom of the main page.

Could've just used the skill that marks like three rows at once and be done faster right? Also, marking is cool and all but a bomber in the same place would've been finished with the enemies in a turn maybe two if unlucky.

>> No.22357256

Looks like he isn't even using a tank destroyer, so it wouldn't have helped much I think. But yeah, most of the time it feels like a bomber will just be the better and easier option.
I think marking should be improved a bit more, like being able to use aimed shots even when there is no active mark already and maybe increase the range so you can use it as an option against ground enemies that overwatch the air.

>> No.22357257

Not everyone has a good bomber though.

>> No.22357278
File: 774 KB, 1024x576, 200400201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some waifu mobage that are easy to play in public? I usually play handheld games in public but most of these waifu mobage I see have stuff like clothing destruction or lewd loading screens which make things kinda dicey. Priconne is my favorite so far.

>> No.22357285
File: 406 KB, 499x476, mZHkWF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until JP version is dead? What happened to the kusoge which was going to be Kusoneko killer?

>> No.22357295
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>Caring about what normalfags think of you
You already look like weirdo for playing games in public who gives a shit.

>> No.22357302

>recommend me waifu mobage that won't make me look like a loser in public
No such thing. Just own up to it faggot.

>> No.22357303
File: 113 KB, 452x469, 1528317992037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 51/52 units
>have no idea how a wiki works
I'm sorry for being so useless

>> No.22357321

Get with the times. Pokemon GO is publicly played by families.

>> No.22357330

I'll take open world AR gaming seriously when I can put on prescription AR gaming glasses and go for a walk with waifus only I can see.

>> No.22357333

The biggest thing is that someone needs to create the templates. Once that happens, it actually pretty easy to set up pages since it's just filling in the blanks.

>> No.22357337

One more for you: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j4sknAA1IMVRiAhciOjJIM-UMFIPoty4/view

This account posts a lot of compiled Ash Arms information. https://twitter.com/7_milestones

>> No.22357340

Have you ever tried to look at other people's phones in public? Usually you can't even see the screen because of glare and shit and even less often do you actually make out details. Besides, most people aren't looking at your screen and if they are, why would you care? They're not going to say anything and you'll never know.

It's basically just a text editor. Just go mess with it, it's not hard to figure out. If you fuck something up it can be reverted (at the moment there's barely anything to fuck up anyway) and if someone doesn't like what you did they'll write over it. If you're just chronically afraid of trying out things out of the blue you can look at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Contents

>> No.22357361
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i tried

>> No.22357543

Is anyone who has done it before up for creating those templates? I've never edited a wiki and creating templates should probably be done by someone who understands the language.

>> No.22357565

Rhythm games

>> No.22357567

The killer lost, but now they're trying to recoup through a lawsuit. Hearings continue next year, so maybe it will die then.

>> No.22357612

I'll give it a shot this evening. The biggest issue is deciding what order to display information in, which stat windows should be collapsible, etc.

>> No.22357675

I don't know how that lawsuit is still going on. Granted I've not paid attention to what exactly is happening with it in a long long time but Ninty just seems like they're fighting a losing battle and should cut their losses.

>> No.22357782

RIP Kusoneko KR. I guess at least Dambi found a new home for now unlike the other KR exclusive characters.

That Nintendo kusoge doesn't seem to be making as much money as Kusoneko in JP. I wonder if it's because there are barely any limited characters in that kusoge while all new characters in Kusoneko are limited.

>> No.22357834

I recall someone posting something saying that Nintendo was actually winning the case. Something about colopl silently making changes to hexagonal controls between hearings while trying to buy time with flimsy counters that Nintendo has substantiated.

>> No.22357849
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84k from the highest difficulty S rank so you make about 600k gears a week at endgame.

>> No.22357870

How much do the hex costs ramp up after a remodel? That seems like way too much to only use in the shop.

>> No.22357877

That's the opposite of what I remember hearing, posts that Nintendo was the one trying to keep it going with flimsy arguments.

But I haven't really been following it either. I do know that Shironeko's got the same controls as it always did, and there's not really anything hexagon-related there.

>> No.22357885

The orange hex cost me 15k and the most I've seen from a normal hex upgrade is 6k. It's not a lot if everyday you're earning 84k I guess you're suppose to use the excess in the store to buy more materials or girl parts.

>> No.22357891

The question is the Tier 2 Hex Grid and the eventual Tier 3 Hex Grid once they get around to release that.

>> No.22357902

>The question is the Tier 2 Hex Grid
You talking about the hex grid after the remodel? Because that's the one I'm talking about.

>> No.22357909

Yo when did Ash Arms went public?!
Did I missed any events/dolls? I hope not.

>> No.22357917

Just last week or so. And no you didn't miss anything. Pretty A6M Zero is still active as the 7 day login bonus and Yak-7's missions are still completable till mid-November.

>> No.22357918

Halloween event is still going on. You've missed out on 2 free 10 rolls my dude.

>> No.22357950

Yeah I don't know. I've only heard about it from here, a recent matome blogpost and a yahoo article.
It seemed to make sense considering Nintendo is the plaintiff in this case and Colopl being the defendant would be the party with the most to lose. There was a tidbit about trying to settle based on equal infringement, but I didn't give it much thought. The hexagonal thing in particular I remember from this thread came with a funny looking diagram, so I wouldn't be surprised if the info was wrong.

>> No.22357989

You missed out on two 10 roll tickets and five single roll tickets(can't remember if we got these from the devs or not), so make sure your reroll is good.

>> No.22358079

Epic7jp soon lads.

>> No.22358113

>Did 10 single rolls in Kusoneko and didn't even get a 4* project dupe
>Dis 10 single rolls in Star Ocean and got trolled twice by 5* dupes instead of getting any collab characters
I hate my luck.

>> No.22358137

What mobages are you currently playing, /mbgg/?

>> No.22358327

Tenka and Ash arms.

>> No.22358401

F/GO JP, GFL EN, and Ash Arms.

>> No.22358442
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Any impressions about Iron Saga?

>> No.22358481

Should I try out ash arms?

>> No.22358491

If you want to.

>> No.22358555

Who should I go for on my rerolls in ash arms?

>> No.22358576

Flak 88, Maus, B-24, and AD-1

>> No.22358581

Maus. Everyone is gonna tell you that flak is a must have or B-24 is an absolute beast but they haven't seen the bullshit that is hardmode. You absolutely NEED a unit to tank and take the aggro from your other units because they will melt like butter later on.

>> No.22358594

It's a decent game but very slow if you're F2P. I got bored after around two months and dropped it.

>> No.22358600

Maus for sure. I've got Flak but feel like a plane would've been a better choice honestly.

>> No.22358604

Are there any other substitutes for her?

>> No.22358629

All I know is that I had a really bad experience with KV-1 I haven't tried the other tanks yet.

>> No.22358630

What's wrong with KV-1?

>> No.22358632

How much candy have you farmed in ash arms already?

>> No.22358638

Not enough

>> No.22358654

Same. There's too much stuff I want.

>> No.22358656

Despite being a "tank" she can't tank that great and doesn't hit that hard either.

>> No.22358662

Spent 5k already and got mostly everything I wanted I'm just missing badges and 3 upgrade materials.

>> No.22358666

She's still one of the better tanks in the game. Also has that neat chassis upgrade that allows her to ignore ice terrain much like Centurion's upgrade.

>> No.22358668
File: 69 KB, 201x228, 1572292156531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say that bro I've already invested so much into my KV-1 this can't be happening

>> No.22358677

Well look at the bright side she's cute and has a cute hat too.

>> No.22358679

KV-1's skill is that if she takes damage, she buffs firepower of every friendly land unit on the map. Her being bait for a backline of snipers allows your team to wipe out the field easy.

>> No.22358691

>Her being bait for a backline of snipers allows your team to wipe out the field easy.
I wanna see someone do that on hardmode because even my Maus takes some serious hits from enemy units despite being ascended and having her ascended armor unlocked. KV and the other tanks need a serious armor buff because they aren't worth having with Maus being a thing.

>> No.22358776
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Depend on how to fix the toxic meta from High Dragons. Other than that, you just missed all these drama in Draglia Lost threads.

>> No.22358781

Fuck me I knew I should have taken my nip more seriously. Ash arms is killing me

>> No.22358796

Don't worry, the nips are confused about most of the game too.

>> No.22358802

I'm a little glad to hear that. How is the discussion on it right now?
Also I like how they just offer to reroll it's kind of them

>> No.22358817

>just got b-24
I just... my dick wants to stop rerolling now

>> No.22358820

Right now it seems like everyone's farming Heuschrecke.

>> No.22358827


>> No.22358845

Can we upgrade the girls' tier in Ash arms?

>> No.22358853

Farther attack range than the rest of her class I think.

>> No.22358856


>> No.22358861

please don't bullshit me anon. Please don't bully an EOP

>> No.22358867
File: 1.03 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20191027-174549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I am serious here. Check the upgrade screens for your units like this one minus the skill text.

>> No.22358878
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God bless you anon. I really like some of the designs so this is good news for me.

>> No.22358947
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20191102-211003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep it?

>> No.22358952

Depends if you really want to wait and suffer continously rerolling for two 3* again or three 3* units.

>> No.22358959

I was trying to roll for maus and got this instead. Guess I'll just keep it and see how things go

>> No.22358995

I hope they add in the option to start a battle in Auto mode in the future. It's annoying to have to turn on Auto every time while farming the same map.

>> No.22359063

Am hoping for this too.

>> No.22359095

Anyone know who the 52nd unit is in Ash Arms? Currently the gacha has 49 units in it, and YaK-7 and Type 21 come from completing the events, but that's only 51/52. Was there a bonus DOLL for participating in CBT or something?

>> No.22359130
File: 2.87 MB, 492x960, Check those corners.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always fear a Derumin when combined with a narrow passage and a corridor.

>> No.22359157
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A bit non-F2P friendly at first but once you get some of the better SSS mechs from the game's black market, using their in-game currency called alloys, and from the events, then you'll be fine. Right now, PVP is the only P2W content I know of. The rest should be doable in time.

The pilots can be obtained in time without whaling since they have a bar system where you can patiently get the pilots by buying them drinks and raising their affinities to 60 or just doing the pilot gacha. The mech gacha otoh is where the core gacha mechanics are.

Been playing since launch in the JP server and the game was a bit boring at first with only story playable but now they keep churning out events one after the other (especially when they have like over 10 collabs planned) that you'll find yourself busy farming them. Some of the collab choices are pretty neat too. We recently had ICEY, Armored Gull and Zeorymer collabs. Gurren Lagann, Gridman, Mazinger Z and Ultraman are planned for future content.

>> No.22359159

Looking at the datamine, I am assuming it to be IS-1

>> No.22359196
File: 394 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191103-110959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you get some costume currency when reaching level 40 I hope level 50 gives more.

>> No.22359238

Nice. What's the freebie box for Lv 40? Do you keep getting boxes every 5 levels, or does it change to every 10 levels at some point?

>> No.22359242

Aigis, Azur Lane EN, Girls Frontline CN, Bandori EN, and Ash Arms now.

>> No.22359249

Not him but I'm assuming every 10 levels after 20 since I didn't get any boxes at lv 25.

>> No.22359253

Whats the dinosaur skelly thing on the mission screen? I selected it and went to the set up screen but I can't go through it. Is it one of those exclusive to a specific day of the week?

>> No.22359261

Didn't take a pic but it was just 10 gold XP boost and 20 of those dupe crystals I forget what the 3rd item was. I believe it's every changes to every 10 levels but don't know when it changes exactly.

>> No.22359269

It's the dailies you can't go through because you need to set your phone to nippon time for it to work.

>> No.22359273

Set time to JP or wait till tomorrow morning when your local time hits 5:00 AM

>> No.22359276

Do agent levels have a purpose besides rewards?

>> No.22359283

None that I've seen.

>> No.22359286

I haven't confirmed, but it may raise the soft cap on your alloy. That's what these sorts of games tend to do, anyways. I personally can't spend mine fast enough to check.

>> No.22359304

You have a regen cap for alloy which is 2000+your lv*100. So at level 20, your alloy won't regen past 4000.

>> No.22359316

Is there a story in Ash arms?

>> No.22359339

Whats the button above the storage for? On the far right and the middle of the small ones.

>> No.22359342

It has the beginnings of one when you start out in the tutorial but the rest is mostly a bunch of lore dumping. So wait and see I suppose. Considering it's only 1 "chapter"

>> No.22359356

Resetters appeared and had shields against modern weapons, so humanity was pushed back into a singly "City." Then we developed the DOLLs who could fight against them, and now we're fighting on the kaiju frontline (or whatever it is they say at the title screen). All the enemies we face are animate dinosaur fossils, and the symbiote Resetters who act as their masters.

Mass production, to build duplicates. You should really check out this to read translations for various UI elements and items. >>22357337

>> No.22359359

I see, I haven't been able to get below 20K so I didn't even knew there was a softcap
No, all those narrations every time you start a new mission is just the girl going "bla, bla, bla" in Japanese.
Every time you repair a doll it consumes a dupe of her, you typically start with 20 for each doll. You can construct more for a bit of currency and some time, note that you can still keep using that doll in combat while you do. There's a daily mission for doing that 3 times.

>> No.22359375

What map does she drop from?

>> No.22359403

5-2, 5-4, 5-6, and 5-8

>> No.22359465

thanks anon. Yea I'm referring to that as well, I guess I had a little lapse not putting that together. Thanks again

>> No.22359510

Pe is a cute

>> No.22359536

Probably the following:
Stats table (tab for retrofit?)
Skills (Passive and Active)
Equipment maybe?
Doctrine (this is mostly in regards to special cases like Zero)

>> No.22359690
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>No, all those narrations every time you start a new mission is just the girl going "bla, bla, bla" in Japanese.
Nip speculated those are memories of the dolls who dead on the battlefields, probably got turned into the bosses at the end of each route.

>> No.22359693

Have the nips even got past the Part B stages yet?

>> No.22359707

I have but there's no story after that just the hardmode version of the maps.

>> No.22359709

Some of the SEA people already get to hard mode A (beat B boss stage to unlock

>> No.22359713

Are 4* upgrades necessary to complete part B? Or is maxing out tech tree for retrofit and using good frames enough?

>> No.22359721

4* and 5* add more bodies to your units, which is the best way to counter those enemies with inflated stats.

>> No.22359727
File: 12 KB, 196x234, 1572610200896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is the tip here to just keep farming fragments and upgrading base 1* to 4* and higher or do I need to open my wallet so I can buy base 3* frags with whale tears or whatever they are called.

>> No.22359733

I would focus on farming the 1* and 2* to upgrade for now. I mean we are trying to bum rush the thing by going full on 4* literally a week or so into the game.

>> No.22359741

Unless you are in rush to clear those story stages for gems, I think it's better to just play casually and wait for events, which allows you to get those fragments in bulks.

>> No.22359826
File: 178 KB, 804x365, Screenshot_20191102-233223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the stats for the map 4-N hardmode boss. She's has 20k more HP than her B version.

>> No.22359831
File: 11 KB, 255x237, 1567979139836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking CHRIST

>> No.22359836

>whale tears
They're Fragments of Intelligence/Information (情報). They also come eventually to anyone who rolls, so I wouldn't call them tears. Tears would be those M coins - I saw you can buy a guaranteed 3* roll ticket with 300 of them, and you gain one per roll, so there's your pity mechanic.

>> No.22359858

Sounds good, I definitely like the idea of getting pilots via affinity.

>> No.22359863

Alright was able to get her down to about 28k HP before she dabbed on my ground team. Once again I will reiterate you absolutely NEED a tank like Maus for HM. Boss was able to hit my flak and B-4 for 3k-10k a shot while she hit my Maus for 1k. I'm gonna spend the rest of tomorrow grinding materials to upgrade Maus armor to the max and getting AD-1 to absolute max deeps.

>> No.22359866

So how much have you spent on this so far?

>> No.22359868

>tfw no maus
>tfw no AD-1

>> No.22359869

Level 30. Didn't get a pack at level 25.

>> No.22360111

Epic Seven?

>> No.22360126


>> No.22359902
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>> No.22359912
File: 1.34 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20191103-140811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After hours of math from seeing my Jagdpanther late model have fucky numbers on her stats, I have come to the conclusion that percentage stat buffs and maluses that accompany a selected role -DO NOT- apply to the buffs gained via upgrades or from leveling. They only apply to your DOLLs' base stats, which are calculated from the equipment she has on.

Proof was found in B-4, who I tracked from Lv 1 and 0 upgrades, since I missed out on some of Jagdpanther's early levels:
Equipment FP = 284 (Gun 394, shell -113)
Level FP = 142 (gains from Lv 2 through Lv 37)
Upgrade FP = 199 (All pre-refit hexes maxed out)
Total FP = 625, so one would expect 718 FP in Long Range mode (15% bonus) and 687 in Firepower role (10% bonus). However, the numbers are instead 667 and 653, respectively.

The numbers only work when the bonus only applies to the base FP from equipment: 284*(15% more) = 326, then + 142 + 199 = 667.6, rounding down because the game seems to floor all decimals.

Disappointing, but ultimately it applies to all units so it's merely an interesting fact.

>> No.22359919

>Tokyo 7th Sisters
>Witch Weapon

>> No.22359963

From gleaning over the datamine, there seems to be a "growth rate" associated with each characters' stats if you want to further your autism.

>> No.22359964

white pussy
gun cafe

>> No.22359995

Yeah, I've been recording those already. Some units gain armor (or any other stat) once per 4 levels, some once per 8 levels, with a small deviation that means it's more like 4.2 or 7.9 after enough levels go by for it to skip.

Got a link to the datamine? I'd like to fill out my spreadsheets and be done with it so I can get back to playing the game.

>> No.22360006

>Im@s SC

Currently rerolling in Tenka

>> No.22360008


>> No.22360025

Nice, thank you.

>> No.22360049

What's E*S?

>> No.22360426
File: 79 KB, 1043x606, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a list of frame drops from a JP wiki and seems accurate so far, so it's been added to the spreadsheet

>> No.22360456

How many of these would I need to buy 120 fragments for a 3* -> 4* upgrade? I'm assuming it's similar to precum where the first 30 cost 1 fragment each, then the next 30 cost 2, 30 after that costs 3, and then another 30 for 4 for a grand total of 300 fragments of intelligence?

>> No.22360460

Sounds about right.

>> No.22360463
File: 134 KB, 499x280, 1572762727263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your KV-2.

>> No.22360478

Seeing how the rarity upgrades costs for fragments are:

1* -> 2* 30
2* -> 3* 60
3* -> 4* 120

Please do not tell me 4* -> 5* costs 240.

>> No.22360491

Better whale hard.

>> No.22360499
File: 64 KB, 335x344, 1511720770012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess unless they make base 3* dolls' fragments grindable none of mine will never reach 5*

>> No.22360504

They are grindable via recon missions > medal exchange, but the selection is quite limited so far.

>> No.22360507

They drop in B maps as well.

>> No.22360520

A few can drop in B maps >>22360426 so some 3* are grindable at least

>> No.22360521

That's quite reassuring. Thanks.

>> No.22360582
File: 255 KB, 517x289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she's doing something kinky in there.

>> No.22360587

Also the store sells a stack of 2 fragments of some random 3* unit pretty often.

>> No.22360595
File: 1.41 MB, 1467x720, Screenshot_20191103-094537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing how Im a filthy cygames cocksucker, I decided to give the braindead autobattler a try. Whats the difference between all those gacha banners?

>> No.22360599

You should ask in the general on /vg/

>> No.22360606

Fuck, I don't want to start another game, that's my stuff

>> No.22360614

Oh, another game split form this thread? Alright, thanks

>> No.22361202
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Probably will take a while more for 5*

>> No.22361268
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How many layers of complexity are we on? I didn't realize doctrine changing change with stat changing as well.

>> No.22361272
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>> No.22361278
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>> No.22361307

It's mainly super important for threat management. So even if the auto AI goes retarded and charges flak chan to the frontlines her 8 threat threat gets tanked by tiger's 9 threat. Gets dicey when there's 9 double threats in the air with a heavy tank and heavy bomber. That's when you get to check boss AI and see what they prioritize e.g., 4-10 boss prioritizes melee

>> No.22361751

Guys I suck at this. Cant even S ran 2A. What are the jobs for? I assume I am going to have to change the girls' jobs if I want to succeed in the later maps?

>> No.22361764

>I assume I am going to have to change the girls' jobs if I want to succeed in the later maps?

>> No.22361803

Is there a job that generally fits the girl? Or am I going to find myself juggling through each one?

>> No.22361847

Good luck anon :^)

>> No.22361856

What would be the point of the whole job system if it just amounted to picking a single job and sticking to it? Try them and see what fits your playstyle. Change when needed. Here's a list of the jobs >>22357004

>> No.22361880

0-4 Roll 10
4-9 no dont

>> No.22361983
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>> No.22362015

It's time to make /aag/.

>> No.22362041

But why, there isn't enough people.

>> No.22362055

/aag/ is already for some other game.

>> No.22362061

I'm guessing because at least 90% of the posting is about Ash arms since it released.
I don't really see the need of making another general since this place would be even more dead.

>> No.22362076


>> No.22362085


>> No.22362094

Is this how nips abbreviate it?

>> No.22362104

It's Asham.
I added the e to make a joke with A shame.

>> No.22362110

I concur. Even if a general on /vg/ attracted new anons to try out the game, I'm willing to bet that most newfags will drop it pretty fast because Ash Arms isn't the kind of mobage you can just jump into and play and expect to do fine.

>> No.22362138

Too bad this video was made before Onsen 3 characters happened.

>> No.22362222

Ash Arms would need EN to make any headway due to all the stuff you have to parse through.

>> No.22362255

Yeah. Kinda like Final Gear which has so much text that I gave up because I felt like I was missing out on too much. Oh there's also the fact that it's more difficult to register a bilibili account than before.

>> No.22362281

I think the translation doc for Ash Arms needs to be updated, seems like they changed some of the requirements for the mission? For example, finishing 1-7 with a heavy tank doesn't finish up all the three missions.

>> No.22362294

Heavy Tank *Destroyer*, not a Tank.

>> No.22362296
File: 401 KB, 600x800, shmily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Final Gear add a oath system yet? I wanna ring Shmily.

>> No.22362300

Right, sorry, that's what I meant. Regardless, it seems like it should be 1-7, 5A-2 and 5A-4 for heavy tank destroyers, not just 1-7, at least from what I saw on the mission screen.

>> No.22362317

*5A-2N and 5A-4N

>> No.22362462

They didn't change anything. I'm guessing it's just like that in the doc because of copy-paste and forgetting to change the stage numbers.

>> No.22362620

What do I have to do for recon and clear mission daily? It's the only one I haven't completed

>> No.22362767

recon missions are unlocked after you beat the 5th stage on any map post map 1. icon is in the left corner when you're at stage select. not sure what you mean by "clear mission daily". there's a mission for clearing 3 and then 5 main stages but that should be an obvious one. there's also one that's clear all other dailies which you wouldn't have completed yet if you haven't done the recon ones.

>> No.22362821
File: 117 KB, 960x540, Maintenance FlaK 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stat bonuses and maluses only affect the base stats (from equipment) of the character, the stat bonus from leveling and upgrading aren't affected. >>22359912

Focus on choosing a role with the actions that you need for your team and don't worry about raw % buffs/nerfs.

Fuck, I'm so sorry. When I finished the translation I could have sworn I updated the text. It's fixed now.

The "Clear 7 Daily missions" just means you have to be a completionist and do all the other daily missions, except for Recon missions. Recon missions are unlocked by clearing 02A-05, 03A-05, etc. and let you "scout out" a map to unlock some one-time-clear stages you can beat for extra rewards. Repeat a recon run to unlock the stages again.

It used to be that you had to "Clear 9 Daily missions" to get the final reward, but Recon missions are too hard to unlock and finish for new players, so on the 29 Oct update (iirc) they removed Recon missions from the requirement.

>> No.22362857
File: 1.34 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot_20191104-041608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this team to consistently S-rank 02A-10, and it's been able to do so since about 5 levels earlier.

Panzer II is in the lead position on the ground to Mark the boss on turn 1 while Hurricane moves forward one square and Zero moves forward 2. This is done because the boss prioritizes AA on its first few turns, and staggering the planes means only Zero is shot at. She and Pz II both have Battle Preparations (戦闘準備) personality expansions equipped, which lets them slot lots of blue implants for +Evasion. The TDs are in Interdiction mode which lets them fire at infinite range for 2 CP, but only versus Marked targets: this is why all the planes and Pz II are in Spotting/Recon mode. B-4's in Firepower mode so that she can do the same thing, but at a 5 CP cost.

On turn 2, Pz II uses her 2nd attack instead of her first to nerf the boss's accuracy and evasion. Zero makes a basic attack, refreshing the duration of the Mark. Everyone else keeps firing.

On turn 3, Pz II falls back - at this point the boss is low enough on health that she typically melees anything close to her, so falling back forces her to undeploy and walk forward instead. Zero rushes forward to the end of the map to get out of her AA range and force the boss to undeploy and walk.

On turn 4, everyone including Hurricane attacks the boss. She usually dies before SU-85 fires. Zero has enough HP to tank a single hit without dying, which is why I send her in ahead of Hurricane.

Abusing the Mark system is very OP, you should try it out.

>> No.22363062

>Abusing the Mark system is very OP, you should try it out.
Nerf incoming.

>> No.22363232
File: 1.40 MB, 1276x728, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try the atk debuff frame and cheaper light tanks if your damage is good enough. Standard 3 turn kill

>> No.22363357

I doubt it's gonna get nerfed it's not a great tactic on harder levels.

>> No.22363467

Any good lv12~ grinding spots?

>> No.22363672

I can't tell if /mbgg/ is playing Ash Arms or a hardcore grinding strategy MMO anymore.

>> No.22363675

Does the level 40 medal mission drop bronze medals?

>> No.22363681


>> No.22363756

I think it's only silver and gold

>> No.22363768

Okay, thanks.

>> No.22363780

The candies don't help to take it easy either.

>> No.22363874

Looking at his other videos, Lilan would come in 3rd (5.8 seconds) and Aisha(12.41 seconds) would be 9th after Lilan pushes everyone back. I'm expecting them to take #1 and #2 on the meme pyramid regardless, just not sure who is going to end up in what place.

>> No.22364056

For dive bombers, has anyone tried the G variant remodel? I'm probably going the standard route but I've seen other planes with the similar weapons in their skins.

>> No.22364208
File: 1.09 MB, 1400x1400, COVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is T7S dead?
I'm listening to 光 right now and the album art screams "Nicole is dead"
Nice song.

>> No.22364319

Sometimes I wonder if the Ash Arm devs just wanted to make a full game but decided to stuff it into a gacha game.

>> No.22364408

Any new mobage coming out?

>> No.22364419

Same. By the by, has anyone run out of fuel or whatever? I'm not been playing that much, so I'm at like 23K with all the quest rewards and such.

>> No.22364427

Was there any quick way to reroll in GCG?

>> No.22364463

I'm trying my best to stay under softcap and failing.

>> No.22364464

Arkniggers. And you better play it too. It's /mbgg/-mandatory.

>> No.22364472

Also will I have to reroll?

>> No.22364604

Yeah, you won't unless you grind hard. I'm sitting at 8000, and each farm run only takes 21.

>> No.22364767

The consistent farming for candies at 1-2, I'll have Panzer II at 4*

>> No.22364800

fuck off

>> No.22364852

Holy fuck this grind, how did you anons do it?

>> No.22364953
File: 51 KB, 470x177, 3 days worth of grinding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it while watching anime or a movie

>> No.22364994

What have you been grinding anon? my average arms level is 15~ and I'm grinding out 1-4 and 1-2. I dont think im getting enough exp so I might try 1-7

>> No.22365031

Is there a way to get units in Ash Arms other than the gacha? The only thing I've gotten from maps are pieces to limit break or whatever.

>> No.22365045
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20191104-095959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gathering enough of them unlocks the actual unit.

>> No.22365047

We currently have Yak-2 event and halloween event has 100 M3 pieces. you can also exchange candie to unlock 2* and 1*

>> No.22365068

StukaG route has one of fighter doctrine in addition of her original. And her special change to 1-2 range ground double attack(skill is currently bug visually. It shows 1 range air attack in preview at the the current moment). Also has higher base cost per model.

>> No.22365070

Can you share 1 account on 2 devices? I noticed it has the username and password thing on the title screen. Is it just for a one time use transfer?

>> No.22365087

Only FGO (I swear this game is like crack, I always come back to it) and Ash Arms. Recently dropped HI3.

>> No.22365094

Not sure about the username and password method but I linked my account to Twitter and am able to share the account between my phone and emulator without needing to login again unlike GFL.

>> No.22365097
File: 86 KB, 766x1070, 1568830026637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /mbgg/! Does anyone play Princess Connect? It's really fun but for some reason it doesn't run on my Android phone, so I have to play it on PC. Does anyone know what's up with that? Help a gal out please!

>> No.22365109


>> No.22365133
File: 119 KB, 777x1087, 1568857079644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked there twice and no one replied...

>> No.22365142

The map 4 boss. She doesn't move so I just take air units and blow her up.

>> No.22365205

The bullet upgrade for ginko is pretty good it basically turns her into AD-1 lite.

>> No.22365234

To add to this, you can even get 3* units from farming on the harder B maps.

>> No.22365245
File: 98 KB, 1352x676, stukag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got her G variant. Yep. she got a fighter doctrine.

>> No.22365315

How do you get the garage to show what dolls you can unlock that way? In mine it only shows the ones I currently own, maybe because I don't have fragments of dolls I don't own?
Another question, if I were to buy 100 fragments of Ju87B with candy, would I be able to craft her, for example?

>> No.22365333

Yes and yes. The spreadsheet at >>22357004 has some info on where you can farm frags.

>> No.22365432

Since sr71 is in the game, what are the chances we'll see other cold war stuff like stratofortress-chan?

>> No.22365466

Maybe later in the game. I mean, we do have Centurion and that's arguably early Cold War.

>> No.22365471

With this doctrine she can melee those pesky whale, shoot air dinosaur and mow down ground unit with her special. The downside is this doctrine overwatch only shoot once unlike her second doctrine 99 times air overwatch

>> No.22365523

Does it matter who I use to retrieve the resources after finishing the recon missions?

>> No.22365537

They will run out of WWII stuff quite fast since they lumped a bunch of different vehicles together as upgrades instead of spreading them out as different characters, so next logical step would be cold war stuff.

>> No.22365541

Use girl with high luck stat.
No confirmation tho

>> No.22365562

Do those boxes drop basic resources like rocks though?

>> No.22365573

Even not, just spam auto 1-2 with really cheap team for red rocks.

>> No.22365582

Don't worry there's still a gazillion prototypes and concept vehicles and a gazillion other variants of mass produced vehicles.

>> No.22365585
File: 380 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191102-101514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it drops upgrade materials you're gonna need for ascended girls.

>> No.22365619

Some of the upgrades ingame are pretty much Korean War era stuff so the devs are looking further than WW2 for sure.

They probably still have quite a bit of WW2 stock left if they do more experimental or protoype stuff (like Maus and Alecto).

>> No.22365624

I am looking forward to seeing the Nip tanks in their full glory in this game.

>> No.22365634

5-3 for 12 alloy and repairs every few autos works fine. Just a slog.

>> No.22365657
File: 177 KB, 1329x626, 07675BEB-3D8E-4033-AE58-EDE572D87EE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D is fine too. Screenshot isn’t mine so I don’t know the detail about her upgrade.

>> No.22365759

What does your farm team look like? Not sure if she moves at a certain HP or turn point, but my planes can't catch up and shoot if I auto.

>> No.22365917

Yes. I was using Maus for a while(she's my highest level doll) and I tried a couple different dolls today and got more boxes than I got with Maus.

>> No.22366086

>Nothing new in most kusoge today since today is a national holiday in Japan
Surprisingly Xmas doesn't actually count as national holiday in Japan.

>> No.22366189
File: 297 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191104-144755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close grinding the base material is such a pain in the ass just because it doesn't always drop.

>> No.22366339

so how different will jp version be?

any big changes ftom the shit korean version global got?

>> No.22366351

Anon, why would you mention this? Now I have to go test it on a doll with high luck and a full rack of green +Luck implants.

>> No.22366358
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Which one should I go for?

>> No.22366366
File: 33 KB, 628x233, unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more reported 3* drops (Spitfire and 88)

>> No.22366368 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22366413
File: 240 KB, 479x754, B-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, are there any super heavy/strat bombers in AshArms?
I just want a good plane girl because they are cursed to fail. Virgin Strike, Sky Valkyries, even Panzer Waltz

>> No.22366425

>Those stockings
Holy dick gonna roll like mad for her.

>> No.22366429

I like how plump all the girls are

>> No.22366430

Fuck this game, I hate it for making want to play just for it.

>> No.22366457

Shit I hope she comes out in the same banner with the booty cat doll.

>> No.22366515

Just use stronger, higher tier units. You'll stay under the cap and won't waste cubes, slowly get XP for your important units and also be faster. I swear it's some sort of mental sickness among mobage players to always min-max the cost of a team instead of thinking what actually makes sense.

>> No.22366522

This is your B-25B. The only other big bomber we have is B-24 Liberator, but the game isn't even 2 weeks old yet so more will come.

There's also another plane mobage coming out soon, but I can't remember what it's called.

>> No.22366543

Ceris? Heard it's a patreon sham

>> No.22366547
File: 166 KB, 900x600, B-25B Mitchell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.22366553
File: 9 KB, 300x159, perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. This artist is really knocking it out of the park with Flak's halloween skin, VK1602 and KV-2.

>> No.22366566

I dropped the cost to 15 now.

With how much crap you need to get from maps (candy, rocks, etc.), the 3-5X more runs I get from this over a full team is probably worth it.

>> No.22366604

I suggest you call Flak "Flak 88" instead of Flak 36. That's what she's known as and that's much less confusing. The 88 part is even reflected in her in-game nickname.

>> No.22366746
File: 333 KB, 1440x810, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played the game normally. Reopened it again and I got greeted by either this error meesage or a code 006 message
Anything happened? Should I reinstall?

>> No.22366766

New gacha banner in ash arms when? I have 15K gems plus 5 tickets ready to get not even one SSR.

>> No.22366781

Five 10 draws? How did you manage that?

>> No.22366794


>> No.22366838

Feels like I'll be waiting forever for a plane banner, this is painful.

>> No.22366865
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>> No.22366873

Her moving animation is really nice. I wonder if she will replace Maus as top tank.

>> No.22366923

I've got little over 12k gems, 6 single tickets and 1 10-roll ticket. I haven't even completed all the A maps yet or even S-ranked the ones I have completed. With all the income from dailies, weeklies and logins alone you should have a pretty decent stash not to mention the 10 minute recon gives you some gems too and can even drop tickets. That is, as long as you haven't wasted any rolls on the tiny character pool in the game right now. Spending gems in any mobage in the first week is pretty dumb if you're planning on sticking with it.

>> No.22366931

The time missions give candy will be extended to the 11th, thank god.

>> No.22367100

They suck, just ask here and some nice anon will reply instead.

>> No.22367155

Maus' biggest strength of being a huge damage sponge and melee extraordinaire is probably not going to be replaced anytime soon. Kinda hard to justify the huge 200 ton to somehow lose to a 50 ton vehicle in damage soaking unless we're going into the Cold War in which armor schemes completely change.

>> No.22367195

Or just ask again there where the people are who play the game but try to not sound like a total fag about it.

>> No.22367207

Who is the artist anyways?

>> No.22367319

>Love Plus delayed to 5PM on the 7th now
Fuck this game, man.

Lazy faggots took the whole weekend off, and now they're saying the game's offline for a week. I think this might be the biggest joke of a maintenance in a while.

>> No.22367323

Dunno. I'm just assuming they're all made by the same person because they look so similar. The eyes mostly. It's stupid that it's pretty much standard to include voice actor information on character reveals but not the artist.

>> No.22367575

It’s funny how the beta went so smoothly

>> No.22367581

Yeah we only play ash arms here

>> No.22367619

Where do I farm all those personality expansion chips in Ash Arms?

>> No.22367624

Recon missions.

>> No.22367630

Is this your first time in this thread after an anticipated game launches?

>> No.22367639

Anyone know how the Disgaea beta is going?

>> No.22367682

We shouldn't think about it because our gaijin minds might make the servers unstable.

>> No.22367716

One with IS-1 and KV-2 starts on the 6th. Looks like they'll be limited and only available until the 21st for now. I'm guessing Leopard and the other light tank will be in too though no announcement about it yet or their rarity. Maybe they'll be 2*s added to the common pool or something.

>> No.22367739

Didn't the beta only have a few hundred players at best?

The problem here is clearly that they rushed it out for October, and then couldn't even be bothered working over the weekend to fix it. A solid week's worth of downtime, did even FGO manage that?

>> No.22367847

I don't think they are limited, just that they will have a limited pickup time.

>> No.22367981

Nah, the game is heavily borked with fundamental glitches regardless of how many users would be on.

>> No.22368037
File: 151 KB, 1100x619, evgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Korean mobage called Evolution Girls showed up for pre-registration on QooApp. Looks interesting.


>> No.22368062

Fuck me boys i think im going to have to purchase some yen....

>> No.22368107

>that background
If they have art by @asteroid_ill from Twitter, I'm interested.

>> No.22368169

Here is the PV and a few hours of beta gameplay footage. I like that these robot girls even have bar codes on them.


>> No.22368195

Looks pretty good. Thought it was a standard turn-based RPG at first but I like the puzzleish combat mechanic. It being korean doesn't fill me with hope though.

>> No.22368199

I've never played a Korean mobage before. Are they known to be P2W or something?

>> No.22368251

Korean games are known for having a soul-crushing grind usually. That's the way they like their games, apparently. On top of that, the famous and successful ones are very... whale-centric, having essentially separate PvP modes and accompanying gachas entirely for whales. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just with the grind it gets a little disheartening, I guess. Makes you just wanna drop the game.

>> No.22368269

Oh, right. I've played Korean MMOs so I know how that works.

>> No.22368339

Isn't this upcoming in JP also called CODE:SEED ?

i got it pre-reg on my DMM PC app.

>> No.22368348

Korean games are some of the worst in the industry for A) Absurdly long grinds B) Utterly stupid systems in place often overcome via paid methods (gear RNG stats, stupidly low stamina gains etc.) and C) having absurd levels of gacha - often having stupidly low rates, no guaranteed and/or an entire gacha dedicated to whales themselves. Basically if you aren't playing 12+ hours a day and whale super hard then you're nothing but dirt and will never amount to anything.

>> No.22368415

Just checked. I think you're right.


>> No.22368429

So we will be able to play this on PC?

>> No.22368460

I would assume so. It's strange that the Japanese version isn't on QooApp unless they registered it under a different name than CODE:SEED. I was still able to register it on Google Play. It looks silly being pre-registered for both the Japanese and Korean versions.

>> No.22368559
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, uw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commander has a super ultra-wide curved monitor on his desk. I've otherwise only seen those in techtuber videos.

>> No.22368582

Does ash arms save to macro?

>> No.22368585


>> No.22368700
File: 76 KB, 327x300, 6A32981B-B06D-4A5F-9DE0-9C9FFEEB425B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed out on 2 10 rolls
Welp guess no ash arms for me

>> No.22368708
File: 3.65 MB, 1624x750, 6C3927ED-CE63-4C90-93DD-A05313343809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone just want my account, this game is the opposite of fun it’s stuck on 2b

>> No.22368717

Can anyone explain to me what are the differences between the 10, 30 or 60 minutes recon missions?
I've noticed that the 10 minutes one gives you more stages to clear, but not that much difference in rewards. Can you only do them a certain amount of times per day or something?

>> No.22368728

How did you manage to beat the 2A boss with your units at such a low level?
You can also do the other A chapters without needing to finish B too you know?

>> No.22368884

You get two free daily clears of the 30 and 60 recon missions, 10 minutes is only once per day and gives gems. They use up different items after that, too.
They're kinda a drag to do honestly, hopefully they either do something about auto soon or pare down the amount of stages you have to clear for them.

>> No.22368922

You're supposed to beat the A maps first, retard.

>> No.22368926

Thanks! Yeah, they sum up to like 20 stages a day, hopefully they change them to be like the daily stuff

>> No.22368987

There's no need to do them all if you want. Just the single 10 min clear is a good idea if you want to do the minimum.

>> No.22368997

You miss out on a lot of medals for LB and the personality implants/frames.

>> No.22369154

So you max out your units a little slower. Clearing just the 10 minute recon gets you the dailies and the gems so you can roll for new units. I just don't understand the point of trying to do everything as fast as possible. That's not how most people are going to play or how the devs intended it so if you don't feel like it then why force it? Hell, you'll complete all but one weekly on the first day of the week with some moderate grinding. That should tell something about the intended pace.

>> No.22369178
File: 849 KB, 1251x700, CD4B0F68-1D0D-4087-B3E8-DDEF6D83DB19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this game dead already lol

>> No.22369199

I mean if the only thing you do is the 10 recon and no other maps, yeah. But if you play a bit more it's a lot better to do as much recon as you can take and auto 1-6 or so for the daily since you can't make up missed recons as they're limited every day.

>> No.22369201

>how the devs intended it
Yeah, that's why they gave you the free 1 hour and 30 minute runs, retard.

>> No.22369211

Do you still need a VPN if you aren't in certain locations?

>> No.22369227

Having to use a VPN for logging killed all my interest to keep playing, might as well wait for the SEA if there's ever one.

>> No.22369233

Was there any quick way to reroll?

>> No.22369236

>want to play mainly for the story and character interaction
>only Chinese version has x86 compatibility
>Japanese version runs like shit on the only emulator that works
It was never alive for me.

>> No.22369272

Could delete a file in root

>> No.22369279

You can also grind 1-1 24/7 until you die of hunger but it's clearly not what you're supposed to do dumbass.

>> No.22369299

Yes because grinding a map and running recons that are given daily instead of letting them go to waste are the same thing. Exemplary logic there retard.

Just because you're too lazy to spend the 20 minutes or so to run 4 extra recons doesn't mean it's not how the devs intended it.

>> No.22369311
File: 187 KB, 512x512, 9523FD17-5C0F-4E7C-82FD-B61B8A84CADA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont get ash arms and nothing can stop me

>> No.22369326

>tfw I have to grind 1-1 24/7 until I die of hunger because I can't decide which girl to raise

>> No.22369342

Don't worry, neither do the japs. This is the kind of game were the optimization options are only really meaningful months down the line, don't worry too much about them.
I mean, I am a turbo brainlet and I feel like I'm starting to get how most of the systems work.

>> No.22369346
File: 229 KB, 559x504, Yuki1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still enjoying it, but not a whole lot to talk about between new gacha/event releases.

>> No.22369353

Not as dead as shit arms

>> No.22369360

>because grinding a map and running recons that are given daily instead of letting them go to waste are the same thing.
How are they not? By your logic they're both things the developer gave you the ability to do so therefore they must be intended. If you had the brain capacity to form a proper thought you would also realise that I'm not the one here who thinks the recons are too much to do. I'm just saying that if you don't want to do them then don't force yourself because you're not missing much and won't be too low level for events and shit.

>> No.22369387

Then maybe don't bring up the dev's supposed intentions because yeah, they clearly gave the freebie runs because they intended for people to use them.

The actual tickets are basically otherwise impossible to get.

And no, it's still not the same thing because farming maps isn't gated in any real way unlike recons dumbass.

>> No.22369398

Onegai. I'm playing with only maus

>> No.22369494

Flaks bullet upgrade is actually pretty good so far I'm gonna try to get AD-1's bullet upgrade and see how that works out.

>> No.22369552

Nice, the bullet stats were a bit confusing so I haven't tried them yet.

>> No.22369593
File: 517 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20191105-071521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I got Maus, flak and ginko bullet upgrade and they've all turned out great the only downside for Maus is that she rarely fucking hits anything.

>> No.22369613

Did you whale to get 4* Zero?

>> No.22369625

Do they need as much material as the other equipment? Just got done yesterday with Maus armor and one weapon.

>> No.22369662

I've been spending all the gems I get doing 10 rolls trying to get dupes I've spent about $35 dollars in the game but not on gems
The amount stays the same but the materials sometimes differ. I can't check my Maus since I already got all her equipment unlocked but my AD-1 requires 2 different types of ores for her armor and bullet upgrade.

>> No.22369774
File: 647 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20191103-103152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here been able to beat the third level of arrow hulk yet and mind sharing their team comp or strategy?
I end up wiping at around 60% HP once he summons two miniboss adds.

Fortunately, getting into the 30% ranking bracket is easy enough even without him, but he's been in the rotation a few times now and I feel like I haven't been getting anywhere in terms of being able to deal with him despite now having decently leveled weapons, Quarantine type girls, and other resources.

>> No.22369793

>spending your gems this early
I hope none of you are actually doing this.

>> No.22369796

Pretty damn certain you'd need 70 light units for that.

>> No.22369814

The only one I cared about was Zero since day one so I'm spending them early since the character pool is so small and stacking up on LB gems. I did the same thing with Tenka and I ended up with a lot of LB flames and never had to roll a dupe to limit break a sword ever again.

>> No.22369817

I was only able to beat the first round of him.
That and everything from the easier categories got me up to 7% for a little while, but then everyone got their runs in and bumped me down to 35% or so.

Are you using on-element SRs or off-element SSRs to fill out your team? I've mostly just been going with my SSRs, but I'm not sure which is better. Gotta do more uncapping and leveling those SRs if I'm gonna use them, though.

>> No.22369834

>white plane parts and cute skirt
>or black pantyhose
I can't decide which skin to use for zerosen, ash arms is too hard.

>> No.22369847

I figured a full team of light 70s would be needed for the next two difficulties, and that one light 70 and two off-color 70s would do the trick.
But I guess the relative ease of the other stages and boss rotations affected by expectations for it.

>> No.22369887


>> No.22369937

How would you anons describe Ash Arms so far to me who has no idea about it? Gameplay wise? F2P-friendliness wise? Waifu wise? Fun wise?

>> No.22369948

Jesus christ. Just download it and try it for yourself.

>> No.22369962

>Gameplay wise?
It's great for me I'm tired of brain dead auto mobages
>F2P-friendliness wise?
So far it seems you can farm even 3* characters but haven't gotten that far yet
>Waifu wise?
Boner tier
>Fun wise?
Fun for me but some anons say they don't like how complex the game is.

>> No.22369972

You either like it or hate it.

>> No.22370048

AD-1 bullet upgrade does flame damage I have no idea how elements work in this game.

>> No.22370049

There's so much shit to grind in ash arms and so many places to do it I have no idea where to start.

>> No.22370072

Gameplay wise, there's quite a significant amount of depth put into the mechanics of the game. You can't just pick it up and expect to do well. It requires of bit of research with trial and error to figure it all out.

F2P friendliness seems pretty good. 3* characters are farmable even and all characters can eventually be upgraded to 5* even if they're a 1*.

>> No.22370117

I wonder how much you'd need to farm for a 3*, seems like the lowest chance of 2* fragments is like 2.5%. So it's probably even lower than that, and then you need to get 100 of them.

>> No.22370127

Alright I used her on the map 4-A hard mode boss and she still did a lot of damage so I guess the boss doesn't have any fire resistance despite being in a lava map. So maybe bosses don't have any elemental affinity gonna test it out on the Ice boss next.

>> No.22370209
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean need 370 of them

>> No.22370218

I need one more 3* at least ONE MORE

>> No.22370224

I know it's late, but the answer is more power. Unfortunately with Faust, he just regens so much. You can't win if your power is too low. For these bosses at least, 2k difference is a struggle but possible, but you aren't winning at 3k.

>> No.22370290
File: 361 KB, 548x666, 1556403732508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better get used to Maus anon because your gonna need her for all the harder levels

>> No.22370321

I didn't want to hear that!
She's been awfully useful though even early game, kinda glad I have her. I honestly just need a 3* flyer that's all I ask of the gacha gods

>> No.22370352

Yes because Ash Arms exists now.

>> No.22370364

I guess for Ash Arms, its ideal to reroll for Maus and a 3* Flyer?

>> No.22370386

Optimal reroll would probably be Maus and Liberator.

>> No.22370452

>not AD-1 Skyraider

>> No.22370454
File: 2.51 MB, 1624x750, A85B5806-7B77-4525-98DA-B6B19CC3A4CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just run a full team or what

>> No.22370463

Pray for a rate up on B-28 or AD-1. Zero is also a good substitute for AD-1 but she requires some investment to become a discount AD-1.

>> No.22370472

>Maus in the firepower role
Maus is suppose to run into everyone and melee the shit out of them

>> No.22370478

Swap your Maus to either Vanguard or Guard role, she won't hit shit with her accuracy and you just waste your best tank being backline bitch.

>> No.22370484

I assume green kanji when melee-ing means you take no damage? Or is it just a lower chance of taking any?

>> No.22370487

Green means guaranteed victory. Doesn't mean no damage.

>> No.22370496

If the enemy has full health but the melee message is green you take a very miniscule amount of damage but if the enemy is low on health you take no damage.

>> No.22370502
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>> No.22370508 [SPOILER] 
File: 377 KB, 558x823, 1572917460675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she had a larger chest. Turns out it was actually her 2nd pair of sleeves.

>> No.22370520

how is striker for her? Is the skill engage all in melee too much?

>> No.22370538

Engage all in melee sounds nice for clearing out the small mobs or the arty pieces

>> No.22370541

Does debuffs/buffs stack in Ash Arms?

>> No.22370550

Can I ever choose which unit to engage with what?

>> No.22370554

I believe they do. Probably requires a bit more testing to see what extent.

>> No.22370567

It's dependent on the threat level of the unit on the priority of engagement. Higher level threat levels get engaged first.

>> No.22370571

I don't think so, it's all based on a threat level where each side prioritizes at.

>> No.22370574

Some do, some don't.

>> No.22370577

Striker is good if you fight against a bunch of small mobs with high mobility who love to zergrush your frontline, but your bombers should cover that role instead.

>> No.22370584

I'm so tempted to whale for the guaranteed 3* 10 roll..

>> No.22370609

>single enemy flier
>2 scout planes
Mosquito can literally 1turn it in melee, either switch I-16 to ground attack or better yet, bring a bomber

>> No.22370619
File: 10 KB, 259x224, IMG_20181111_221546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do anon

>> No.22370642

Rename the obb folder before uninstall/reinstall

>> No.22370648

If you want, it's like AL where each package gives double gems on first time purchase. You'll be able to do the guarantee roll + another 10 roll when the banner updates in a few days.

>> No.22370662

Fuck, how hard is to roll for now tutorial featured units in this game?

>> No.22370674

There's is a built in reroll feature for the newbie roll.

>> No.22370683
File: 371 KB, 1043x927, rates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be better, could be worse.

>> No.22370686

I don't think you can reroll for new units in pickup banners, so it's pointless if his aim is KV2.

>> No.22371032
File: 463 KB, 1082x749, krauts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please add Fw190 or Me109 soon, Bf110 is just too FAT

>> No.22371288

Sorry, I meant to say not instead of now

Thanks any recent giveaway that could benefit new players?

>> No.22371300

They recently gave out free ten rolls and some crystals I think for promotions and fuckups but you needed to have an account already to claim those rewards, as those who have made accounts after did not receive them. If you're interested in the game it's best that you make an account now so that you don't end up missing out on future handouts as well.

>> No.22371316

How are you guys farming in ash arms? It feels so slow. Am I too weak or not doing something right?

>> No.22371348

Make a team that can auto some easy map and just farm on the side while watching anime or a movie or something. I think for now it is important to farm a lot of 1* fragments so you can turn those dolls into 4* because it seems like 4* are almost necessary to complete B maps with how tough the enemies are.

>> No.22371422
File: 141 KB, 825x800, 1499176911111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm feels like I'm getting critical hits more often with AD-1's bullet upgrade.

>> No.22371428


>> No.22371441

How into.

>> No.22371458

Play on an emulator.

>> No.22371466

Also want to add that I have no idea if this shit will get you banned since I've only been doing it for a day so do it at your own risk.

>> No.22371475

So you just record all the clicks and let it run? Is there anything to account for possible lag or what not?

>> No.22371479

Yes. I delay the clicks that occur after a loading screen since my emulator sometimes lags on those. Just remember to heal if your doll are taking damage and be sure to be using dolls that have high enough accuracy to not miss since you don't want RNG fucking with your macro loop.

>> No.22371506

This is why I use the melee so much. It's a guaranteed kill with no bullshit RNG.

>> No.22371521

Brainlet here, can you actually roll more than 1 3*s in the rerollable guaranteed 3* 10 roll?

>> No.22371526

Yes, some anons went for 3.

>> No.22371530

I got 4.

>> No.22371532

Funny, I havent gotten more than 1, I guess I will keep trying

>> No.22371597
File: 231 KB, 1366x768, velvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fractured Milla and Julius story
>Velvet, Shing and Estelle spirit gear
>Shizel, Reid, Meredy and Farah raid
>Zelos crap for 1000 days celebration
Ah I wasn't expecting Velvet's SG this month, wish I hadn't rolled the Halloween gacha so much. At least it isn't the ARTORIUSUUUUU raid. The outfit looks good but I'll keep her in her New Year kimono.

>> No.22371669

I can't believe they made Mito a useless piece of shit in the storyline.

>> No.22371728

>think Maus looks a bit like Tanya
>She's voiced by Rie Kugimiya instead of Aoi Yuuki

That's a bit unfortunate

>> No.22371824

Is shironeko tenisu any good these days?

>> No.22371854

Let me know how shit epic seven was?

>> No.22371877
File: 2.20 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20191105-011802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop or not? Whats the best 2 3* combi possible anyway?

>> No.22371880

That's probably one of them. AD-1 is also pretty good.

>> No.22371921

I was wondering if Maus should be a top priority if anything

>> No.22371934

She's apparently necessary for Hard mode maps according to one anon here but I'm under the impression that there are other tanks that can substitute her role but require more resources before they can produce similar results to her. As long as you aren't trying to blitz through the game your current reroll is very good. Flak is great at anti-air but isn't useless against grounded enemies. B-24 is amazing for quickly soloing shitter maps when you're grinding for materials and fragments with a macro

>> No.22371944

Those 2 should be enough to carry you through all A stages at least.. Maus is important for hard mode but unless you whale and grind like a fucking madman you won't get there anytime soon.

>> No.22371956

Just use 5* T1 heavy imo
from 4-2A

>> No.22371969

Anyone knows if I can surpass DMM's ip block on yuropoorland by using their PC app instead, I used to be able to visit the site without a problem until a year ago.

>> No.22371987

Hey buddy I think you've got the wrong thread, DMM club's two blocks down. Though from my very limited experience certain games are still region locked on the app.

>> No.22372000

>Proper 3D models
Picked up

>> No.22372043

So, Ash Arms friends, should we go ahead and try to make a general thread over on /vg/ once this one dies? It initially seemed like we wouldn't survive, but there's been enough activity and unique posters in-thread that we might stand a chance. It'd also be polite to the other mobage players here.

>> No.22372056

yes, fuck off there pls

>> No.22372068

be careful with leaving this place, it's very rare that a game is ever allowed back in and in a week if you can't sustain a general you might fuck yourself over.

>> No.22372070

How many people here think that Maus is mandatory for hard maps in Ash Arms and how many of them have any other heavy tank besides her?

The game's been out for just little over a week, not long enough for people to even get over the honeymoon phase. If you want to make a general, make it here on /jp/. You're fucking delusional if you think there's enough discussion to support a /vg/ general.

>> No.22372072

What, do mods ban posters who talk about games that leave?

>> No.22372076

Some people clearly don't like Ash Arms hooking up all the discussions in a slowass general and try to banish it to /vg/ using whatever excuse they can get.

>> No.22372082

Don't think there's enough activity to justify a general in /vg/ yet.

>> No.22372086

Wouldn't mind you guys fucking off to another /jp/ thread, but /vg/ is an obvious death sentence this early. Seems a bit harsh for just a week's worth of discussion.

>> No.22372087

No way, this isn't azur lane tier of discussion.

>> No.22372104

That seems to happen with most mobage. Off the top of my head, weren't /ssg/, /gbfg/, /svg/, /alg/, and /pcrg/ all originally had their games discussed here but got kicked out for hogging all the discussion?

>> No.22372110

Shit meant to quote >>22372076

>> No.22372127

And that's why this general had to be relocated in /jp/ since some people were actively trying to kick out any form of discussions, and ultimately ended up with an empty general.

>> No.22372136

fotm players might not last long with arknights on the horizon and even if that wasn't the case, they're still in the learning phase where there's a lot of things to post about. seems too soon to move it out to me when in a week it could end up like gcg.

>> No.22372161
File: 235 KB, 576x1024, img1535988_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The japs cried so hard they're giving out apologems and buffing Shizuku.

>> No.22372167

Is there no better way to mark flying units than fighter doctrine one at a time?

>> No.22372193

Buff for Leon when?

>> No.22372227

If my post ends in a number ash arm faggots get banished to /vg/

>> No.22372253
File: 231 KB, 1200x675, 1541881896059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossing Void is up

>> No.22372260

Kill yourself. You think we want to stay in this dead general on this dead board?

>> No.22372263

Never, it's the captain's job to go down with the ship. The explanation I saw that seemed likely is that they're only buffing her because it's an RL collab this time. That seems like a kusopl move.

>> No.22372294

>Half of the cast is SAO trash

>> No.22372319

I wonder if she will be as good as the other or the buff will be just Fairy Tail tier which got buffed 2nd time but still not that good.

>> No.22372344

>empty inside
how fast he dies

>> No.22372349

Does anyone still play Alternative girls?
I feel like it's been forever since someone talked about it.

>> No.22372364

I can see them overbuffing her to shut everyone up. Slash is so powercreeped right now that even if they do, it won't matter that much.

>> No.22372425

Why the fuck is Izaya there and why does this look like discount SAO?

>> No.22372458

Dengeki Bunko

>> No.22372471

we're ash arms general now

>> No.22372474
File: 252 KB, 1080x1920, Halloween_20191031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got her from SINGLES
She was pretty much the only one I wanted since I hate Aisha, and been skipping too many events so don't really know the other two.

I haven't felt the need to blogpost if that's what you mean. There's one or two others playing I think?
>Doing Union Tower
>Last stage, finally get all the crits and timing right
>1st place for that stage in my union
Shame I couldn't go back and see if I was still 1st place for that stage after it ended, the rest of the procrastinating JPs likely copied and did better.
Also I've been trying to get a recording of Sayuri's transformation animation in the collab outfit since I rolled her instead of Momo Nono, but my recording settings are fucked up so it drops a lot of frames
And I forgot to post this on Halloween.

>> No.22372483

I probably missed a memo, but for whatever reason, this game is stuck on the main screen for me with infinite loading

>> No.22372484

some autist will angrily reply to your post with >>>/vg/ while telling you that your post is offtopic if you talk about games that left (and he doesn't like)
and you don't want to anger the thread police

>> No.22372495

If you're using an emulator, you need a 64 bit one and the only functioning one I've seen mentioned is TianTian 64 bit. All others will either fail to go past the title or freeze upon data download. If you're on your phone, you probably need a VPN.

>> No.22372500

Oh fuck sake, you need VPN for this one? Dropped
Thanks for the answer anon

>> No.22372509

t. autist with no sense of self awareness

>> No.22372522

Depends where you are, I haven't needed one.

But yeah, that's been a big factor in the game not catching on more here.

>> No.22372552
File: 171 KB, 960x540, EIm1yBcU0AECus8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22372571

Alright I don't think I can stand playing this for free. This is too good and it's just going to piss me off.

>> No.22372599

How to p2w levels for ash arms?

>> No.22372601

You only need a VPN to get past the login but can disable it afterwards. Still a pain in the ass for sure.

Looks like Maus will be part of the rate up with the new heavy tanks as well. Probably why they're adding this skin relatively late since halloween was almost a week ago. Still no word on VK1602 and the other light tank they said would be coming soon though, maybe they'll be part of the next event or something? Considering how we're getting two rate ups with heavy tanks in a row I'm guessing they want to make sure as many people as possible have strong tanky ground forces.

>> No.22372650

>Looks like Maus will be part of the rate up with the new heavy tanks as well
Actually I'm not sure about this. It might be that Maus and Cromwell will replace Tiger and Achilles in the current rate up while the other two that were added as new units will stay. KV-2 and the rest might be their own banner? Very confusing.

>> No.22372709

KV2 and IS-1 have their own banner that lasts till 21, while Maus and Cromwell rate up only lasts till 14.

>> No.22372754

How are you guys farming candy? I only get 3-4 per run and need thousands. I wasn’t expecting this level of grind.

>> No.22372822

If your definition of p2w is having skins, boy do I have some bad news for you.

>> No.22372980

Didn't seem like anyone else was going to do it, so I cobbled together a mess of tables for the character pages. Leave your suggestions/complaints, I'll start converting it into an actual template tomorrow.

>> No.22373003

I haven't bothered with it since they released the dungeon expedition mode.
That is just too much grind for me.

>> No.22373106

A section for quotes if someone feels like translating them and a note if you can farm for the girl would be nice.

>> No.22373123

Pretty sure that's the only way to grind them, outside of missions. I'm hoping they give us more again before the event ends.

>> No.22373130
File: 1.20 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20191105_151933_com.sega.idola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to try Idola
>get pic related
Well i guess i'm going to keep playing.

>> No.22373137

The ones they gave out were for weeklies you already completed, so I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.22373164

Damn it.

>> No.22373184

>How many people here think that Maus is mandatory for hard maps in Ash Arms
I do
>how many of them have any other heavy tank besides her?
I have 3 other 3* tanks

>> No.22373199
File: 411 KB, 526x364, EIlDJ4XUwAYX1TN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like we might finally start be getting more info on Action Taimanin soon if the machine translation of the tweet is correct.


>> No.22373214

Is there a list of personality implants? It's fine if it's in jp, I just want to know what skills there are.

>> No.22373237

new bread please

>> No.22373262

So I'm guessing you have Tiger and Centurion as well? Why is Maus better than either of those?

>> No.22373294

There's still 8 threads before we die

>> No.22373322

Maus has better armor than Centurion and a bit more than Tiger. My Maus ended up having more defense than them and since I only use Maus to tank and not hit shit I decided to go with her. I still haven't ascended the other 2 but I probably won't bother since Maus is working out just fine but I'm welcome to be proven wrong if another anon finds a better tank.

>> No.22373340

Well it's a bit of an alloy sink, but pairing Maus and Tiger gives Maus even more armor due to Tiger's passives.

>> No.22373350

Why are children so sexy?

>> No.22373355

Oh it's too late for me I've already sunk so much time into my current team of 6 I don't wanna raise another girl until I've maxed out the current ones.

>> No.22373358

Centurion is a medium tank anon.

>> No.22373370
File: 105 KB, 1200x720, 1556404680829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KV-1 is so shit as a tank everyone forgets she exist
All is as it should be

>> No.22373387

>Can still clear Onsen 3 Nightmare in kusoneko with DR MC, fist loli and Rachel
Maybe I shouldn't have wasted my only 500 gems on this gacha.

>> No.22373743
File: 174 KB, 746x366, Screenshot_20191105-104834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she was gonna have as much HP as map 4 boss hard but surprisingly she doesn't.

>> No.22373767

I don't care about her but I'm happy, they did her dirty. Lilan is damn good, Aisha and Richie are pretty good too but Shizuku is incredibly bland.

>> No.22373934

Her weapon skill is cute, though.
Kinda wanna trade for it just for that, even though it's apparently the worst of the batch and I don't have her to give it to.

>> No.22374093

wheres the new ash arms thread bros?

>> No.22374137

Fuck off.

>> No.22374149

>Trying to start shit
Not giving a (you) to a shitposter

>> No.22374160

we're going to fall off bros...

>> No.22374200

Can Maus be considered the single most important 3* to have or not?

>> No.22374219

I'd say so. The air has a lot of options and flak won't carry you in the B maps.

>> No.22374235

Yes someone who can take aggro and is able to take a hit is very important in harder maps.

>> No.22374242

I'm making KV-1 my main tank for hard maps and there is nothing that can stop me.

>> No.22374266
File: 57 KB, 496x626, 1563292219300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute madman I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope you don't end up regretting it.

>> No.22374360


>> No.22374509

I mean KV1 can get above 300 armor once upgraded and fitted with discs.

>> No.22374511

I have a spreadsheet with the effects but am phone posting and can't upload right now. Translations are at the end of this doc. >>22357337
