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File: 164 KB, 706x474, ChinaDay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2232199 No.2232199 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning Anonymous.
Today can be wonderful or horrible. The choice is yours.
Have a nice day!

>> No.2232203
File: 159 KB, 562x530, stayupallnightlong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll sleep through it. I stayed up all night.

>> No.2232207

Colombia, is that you?

>> No.2232209
File: 260 KB, 678x568, 1189200422361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man you too ? I just listened to green day from evening to dawn.

>> No.2232210

Wait, it's tomorrow already? Fuck, I stayed up way too late.

>> No.2232213

These threads always come on days I feel that it's hopeless to have a nice day. But perhaps you're trying to tell me that it's never hopeless? Well, I guess I'll try, then. Thanks.

>> No.2232217
File: 302 KB, 474x705, do_my_best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll try.

>> No.2232219


>> No.2232220


It actually is hopeless. Enjoy your shitty day

>> No.2232221

Getting plenty of sleep is important, anon.

>> No.2232225
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 1204220289378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate you hoping that I have a great day, but don't forgot to have a good one yourself!

>> No.2232227

Reverse psychology? Well, it's working.

>> No.2232228

>>2232199 Today can be wonderful or horrible. The choice is yours.
Yeah, right.

>> No.2232229
File: 204 KB, 672x743, Remi_0525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning...I haven't even slept yet, it can't be morning. How many of you seriously just woke up?

>> No.2232231

Yeah, I know, but I had a writing assignment that was due yesterday. I have to turn it in later today if I want any noticeable credit on it.

You ever turn in a first draft as the final draft of an essay? Not a good feeling.

>> No.2232232

The reason I never went to sleep last night is because I got too much sleep the previous day.

>> No.2232238
File: 86 KB, 310x474, 1204057633291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm part of the "haven't slept yet" crowd with you, bro.

However, I can't let a perfectly good "Nice Day" thread go to waste, so here I am!

>> No.2232241

I just woke up.

>> No.2232243

Actually I'm a eurofag... I woke up 5 hours earlier.

>> No.2232245

go to bed remi

>> No.2232250

Thursdays are great. No classes, so getting up at 11:30 isn't going to mess anything up.

But I'll have to go shopping for some new shoes. Fuck.

>> No.2232251

I called in sick. Time to take it easy and have a nice day.

>> No.2232255


>calling in sick

Enjoy getting laid off.

>> No.2232256

Thursdays suck. Class from 10:30 to 3:30, then 4:30 to 6:30. Only good thing about thursday is DnD club from 6 to whenever.

>> No.2232259
File: 37 KB, 300x300, Remi_0277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Already there.

>> No.2232266
File: 64 KB, 450x562, suwakohastheWACKYARMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a sleeping problem so I wasn't able to get any sleep and have to go to class to take a test and then work now.

But maybe it won't be so bad.

>> No.2232280


It will, expect it.

>> No.2232281

Do you sleep with Sakuya

>> No.2232294 [DELETED] 

I live in a country where worker's have rights.

>> No.2232295

I live in a country where workers have rights.

>> No.2232296
File: 185 KB, 476x476, 5b16e63140515d76229a0bad8056e3ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the day off, probably going to memorize Touhou music to play on the piano because I don't feel like learning to read music and just memorize the keys from example.

>> No.2232298

She sleeps alone, she's a bit of a bedwetter.

>> No.2232299

If she does, I want in on it. I'll even lick her feet.

>> No.2232304

Worker's rights? Next thing you know, people will claim they have a right to be employed.

>> No.2232305
File: 208 KB, 1020x845, 1220265136138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, believe it or not, having this name does not actually make me a fictional character.

>> No.2232310



>> No.2232312

Considering some of the RPing you do, I didn't know you knew that.

>> No.2232317


>> No.2232319

I guess that means licking your feet won't get me into bed with Sakuya. Tch.

>> No.2232320
File: 67 KB, 450x450, 4f051a31f2919927ef3dcebc9495a5e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering I do no RPing, I wonder if you know what you're talking about.

>> No.2232331

You are now aware that almost half of the big keyboard is useless, because the human ear can't hear more than 10 octaves.

>> No.2232333

something wrong with wetting the bed?

>> No.2232338

what makes you think there isn't 2 keyboards?

>> No.2232378
File: 1012 KB, 1240x877, 1235598453234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today can be wonderful or horrible. The choice is yours.

You know, after submitting a resume, cover letter, and list of references nearly 400 times within the last 22 months and only being afforded a few interviews, I no longer believe this. I might be less grouchy if I didn't graduate with a biomedical engineering degree and a chemistry minor, but that's not the case. Lucky for me, the entire class that graduated a year after I did all have jobs already, so even though they can't help me get one, I don't have as much competition. ChinaxSakuya to partially make up for my bitching

>> No.2232405

Success at life is largely dependent on bullshit random luck and people just don't get the same opportunities no matter what they do. However, if you have the defeatist attitude, you're going to miss even whatever opportunities you DO get.

If you imagine you can do something about your shitty life, there's at least a chance that it's true. If you accept it to be shitty forever, you're guaranteed to get exactly that.

>> No.2232408

I've had friends with fairly good credentials that went through that process for over three years with no success. He was turning in ~20 apps a week and only getting about one interview a month.

>> No.2232411

Useless for humans. I don't think she's playing for humans.

>> No.2232414

If you can make yourself a minority you will up your chances of getting employed by a large amount. That is if you live in the states and they are following hiring laws.

>> No.2232431

Thank you Ms. Meirin, I'll do my best! Hope you have a nice day too!

>> No.2233738
File: 119 KB, 381x354, 1235989537450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep your RPfags straight

>> No.2233748

maybe it's different instruments like on an electronic keyboard. that way she doesn't have to put in the numbers to change to something like electric flute

>> No.2233749

Whatever happened to AoC?

>> No.2233757

he posts without his trip

>> No.2233769

I've already had a nice day.

35 minutes ago.

>> No.2233937

What's this stuff about 'morning'? It's 19:36.

>> No.2233980
File: 116 KB, 654x502, 1214576072371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maria wants you to have a nice day, so be good and do what she says.

>> No.2233990

he got coffeebagged

>> No.2234042

Well, I just ruined my day.

I had a three day no fap streak, ruined it when I decided to go to /f/.
