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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 640x879, cyclopsloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2231826 No.2231826 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, why are you so much shittier than /co/?

I used to want to drawfag for you, but every request amounted to LOL DRAW THIS TOUHOE WITH A DIAPER THAT'D BE SO EPIC XD

And then when anyone does draw you something, you just complain about how shitty it is.

Meanwhile in /co/, there's constant original drawfag content being made daily, and everyone is appreciative of their efforts. The requests are varied and genuinely interesting. They even tolerate a bit of animu there.

Why, /jp/, why? Why can't you be like that? I want to like you so much, /jp/. ;_;

>> No.2231830

We can't fathom the fact that a gaijin has learned the secret art of original content.

>> No.2231831

All right, how about this.

Draw Dio Brando, Tim from Braid, Sakuya, and Nox from Wakfu having a poker game.

>> No.2231832

No point drawing anything if it is gonna be shit.

I don't want my eye to bleed.

>> No.2231833

I don't think you've been in a /jp/ drawfag thread. Enjoy your strange assumptions.

>> No.2231834

I don't care about drawfags so I don't use receptibility to them as a gauge of board quality. Maybe if this was /i/ or something it would actually matter.

>> No.2231844

Anything drawn by 外人 is dirty. I do not want to save it.

>> No.2231846

I'm receptive to all different types of cute little girls.

>> No.2231848

Hi there, draw something for me will you? Anything would be fine I guess. I'll appreciate it as well.

>> No.2231860

Draw Patchouli destroying Namek.

>> No.2231864

Draw Yayoi and Reimu fighting over a nickel.

>> No.2231869

Draw yourself 10 years from now.

>> No.2231888
File: 96 KB, 438x620, 1211868872212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ideas:
-Yukari and Sachiko having a tea party.
-Hong Meiling and Kanako challenge each other to a one-on-one basketball match.
-Yuyuko and Sei taking turns molesting Youmu. Or Noriko and Shimako cosplaying as Youmu and Yuyuko respectively.

>> No.2231900


It's always the non-drawbros who have the best ideas.

>> No.2231906

>-Yukari and Sachiko having a tea party.
Throw in Takano as well.

>> No.2231904

because our resident drawfags can only draw Yuyuko eating and Touhous smirking

>> No.2231911

Draw some /jp/+/co/ love, anything goes.

>> No.2231912
File: 332 KB, 1000x1000, 1236803460567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a drwafag thread yesterday.

>> No.2231914

/co/ is den of self fellatio so that's probably as self serving drawfag such as yourself would like it there better.

p.s. go back to /co/

p.p.s please get the government to bailout /jp/'s drawfags

>> No.2231918
File: 55 KB, 601x720, 1231175326948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Yukari and Sachiko having a tea party.
>Throw in Takano as well.

And Akiha.

>> No.2231929

>get the government to bailout /jp/'s drawfags

A bailout is not the answer, Anonymous. Drawfags must succeed and fail in a free market. If they can't float on their own, then they are not fit to be saved.
What makes you think they'll be capable of surviving after the bail-out? Do you plan to just keep giving them your tax dollars forever?

They should either be nationalized, or let collapse.

>> No.2231938


Can I be the first black preside of /jp/? I promise I won't bail them out.

>> No.2231939


>> No.2231944

Draw hot shooting action between Marisa from Touhou, Cotton from Cotton, and Ran from Twinkle Star Sprites.

Or Reisen from Touhou, Keio from Keio's Flying Squadron, and Hikaru from Parodius dancing cancan.

>> No.2231945


Nigga can't spellllllll

>> No.2231947


jet me alone nigga white nigga won’t let me learn

>> No.2231950

Everybody and their grandmother draws fanart for Touhou and Marimite. Draw fanart for some obscure eroge you liked that barely has any.

>> No.2231952

Japanese ZUN piloting Vic Viper and shooting laser through Reimu (who is being restrained by Sanae).

>> No.2231953

Draw Cirno in the GIRUGAMESH pose.

>> No.2231954

Why are you never on in the day, CurryButt?

>> No.2231958

Any cool shit happen in it?

>> No.2231959

>I used to want to drawfag for you

stopped reading there. Get back to shitting up /co/, we have enough faggots here as it is without your attention whoring.

Also, I know you want to troll, but it's still amusing bitching about the quality of /jp/ by posting a shit meta-thread.

>> No.2231964

>I hate attempts at making original content.

>> No.2231965
File: 134 KB, 525x700, 1223933849912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rozen Aso get into a political debate with Shinku.

>> No.2231967

How is anonymously drawfagging attention-whoring?

>> No.2231971

The thread is already more diverse in ideas than any /co/ drawfag thread ever. You better fucking deliver.

>> No.2231984


OP is just complaining, that's all he is doing. Draw whores alone are bad enough with their ego inflating threads asking for requests, but at least shit gets done then. The ideal is someone who just sees a interesting idea or gets a idea and acts on it instead of begging for attention.

OP is doing neither; he's just bitching about how shit /jp/ must be because he got troll responses when he last tried to get some attention.

tl;dr - get back to drawing Squirrel girl on Harley back on /co/, ideally with unusually large breasts or something. They love that shit.

>> No.2231986
File: 133 KB, 807x738, Reimu ARROWED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT, examples of why the OP is wrong and is a faggot.

>> No.2231987
File: 418 KB, 1500x800, 1232749424375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2231988

I've wanted to start learning how to draw since I was thirteen. I am twenty-one now and I have drawn maybe for a total of thirty hours or so? I am a failure at everything.

>> No.2231991
File: 79 KB, 644x1327, thanksgivingtouhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mai waifu

>> No.2231992

>original content

This buzz phrase is getting pretty fucking old. Oh boy, someone drew a shitty picture, 4chan is now great again!

>> No.2231994

/r/ more lolified X-men.

>> No.2231995

Amanita is superior.

>> No.2231997

You don't have to be so jealous of other users having some skills

>> No.2232001


A single pic usually doesn't matter much, but when a board comes together as one to create something, it usually leads to a better atmosphere.

>> No.2232006
File: 104 KB, 600x855, stormloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2232008

Fate + white hair + tan = Storm?

>> No.2232009
File: 117 KB, 586x379, noxarrowstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nox pictured, by the way. Will provide references for the others, if you want.

>> No.2232010


Not really, people who just create things without all the whoring that goes with these threads are usually liked and appreciated, even on /jp/. The problem with boards with high draw whore content is the same sort of problem boards get with tripfags. Success often breeds feelings of self importance, at first the artist may do something on a whim or ask for some friendly requests for his talent... ok to have one thread I guess, nice to have new content. He gets attention, people compliment his work and starts getting fans of a sort. Request threads get more popular, more common and the trend doesn't stop, after all people can't get too much of a good thing right? Before you know it the artist has a insufferable ego, a small crowd of lackies that support the increasingly common threads practically BEGGING for art and they pop up all over the place, the guy adopts a trip to be recognised and more often then not becomes a insufferable faggot.

/co/ and /tg/ are full of these people. The art is reposted over and over, sometimes these boards are like mini-/d/ with shipping over fan-made characters from the boards with fans constantly posting their art hoping for new work.

Long story short, original content is all very well so long as it doesn't become some long drawn out attention whoring faggotry. The OP's attitude 'there's constant original drawfag content being made daily, and everyone is appreciative of their efforts.' is clearly one of those insufferable draw whore faggots who only want GOOD requests instead of just drawing for the sake of drawing.

Basically, fuck off back to /co/. If you want to draw something just do it instead of shitting up other boards.

>> No.2232011

Way too many words.

>> No.2232014

Well the last time /jp/ tried to create some VNs and such it just attracted animosity from other posters. I think if people just put effort into making good posts rather than being so hung up on this "original content" mantra it would help a board more. 4chan is primarily about discussion after all.

>> No.2232016
File: 284 KB, 640x943, wolverineloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2232018


I'd cut it down to 'gb2/co/' but really, it would quickly be dismissed. Sure, tl;dr arguments are often dismissed as well but at least it's better presented for those who do read it.

>> No.2232023


To be fair, a /jp/ created VN would be terrible and we all know it.

>> No.2232024

Oh god, loli wolverine.

>> No.2232032

loli wolverine is the best. BEST.

>> No.2232035


This, this, this, this, this. Do it.

>> No.2232036

I guess the main problem is I'm generally sick of Touhou. Any other requests that don't have something to do with Touhou would just amount to "uh draw a random character you like??" and then what's the point of even posting it on /jp/? That really would be attention whoring because it's not even a special request.

So basically /jp/ has a shitty attitude towards drawfags AND shitty ideas that don't inspire much art in the first place.

>> No.2232038


>> No.2232040
File: 765 KB, 1430x1022, Badass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, I do admit this would be a pretty awesome idea. Unfortunately this isn't a request thread, it's a 'BAW YOU GUYS SUCK' thread. OP is a faggot.


>> No.2232043


no he's a shitty /co/ draw whore who is too used to people sucking his cock for art.

>> No.2232044

>A single pic usually doesn't matter much, but when a board comes together as one to create something, it usually leads to a better atmosphere.

Au contraire. A single pic here and there leads to a better atmosphere. When the "board comes together as one to create something", it quickly devolves into unprodictive and untallented people coming up with stupid ideas and shouting "someone do it!" and "we make original content, we're so awesome".

>> No.2232049

Not really familiar with any of these characters, so I don't want to just crap out something with their character designs that doesn't capture their personalities well.

I am sure there are other drawfags furiously working on it as we speak, though.

>> No.2232054
File: 55 KB, 300x400, 1227442958175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no there really aren't. I've put this up in every /co/ drawfag thread since Wakfu started coming out, and never gotten a response.

Deafdefiler did manage to snap this gem, though.

>> No.2232063

I dont have a tablet yet.

And I mess up shit on paper

>> No.2232065
File: 807 KB, 900x1813, 1200784663203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy was great because he actually took good requests.

>> No.2232066

That's unfortunate.

Maybe a quick summary of each character + reference in a big image will help get your request filled?

>> No.2232068

I'll work on that, then.

Next time /co/ has a drawthread, I will be ready...

>> No.2232076


or in other words 'I want to draw whore for /jp/, I don't like Touhou and I don't want to draw anything I'm not familiar with'. That leaves a lot of options there, drawfag. It's almost as if you just wanted to rant about how shit /jp/ is.

>> No.2232122

Fucking awesome.

I think they can be excused for not knowing some /a/, /v/, and French MMORPG stuff.

>> No.2232130


Guts is hella scrawny in this.

>> No.2232129

>>2232122 I think they can be excused for not knowing some /a/, /v/, and French MMORPG stuff.
Then don't take request.
The point is to get obscure/crazy/awesome art. Not something we're gonna find on pixiv.

>> No.2232134

>I don't know who any of those characters are so I'm not going to take this request.

Oh /jp/, so tsuntsun.

>> No.2232139


The point is that if he wants to draw whore for /jp/ and doesn't even know Jojo or whatever the fuck that was, Akagi was it ? Then there is something wrong here.

>> No.2232142

JoJo, Wakfu, Touhou, and Braid (a fairly obscure game available over XboxLIVE Arcade).

>> No.2232145

Even you don't know who the characters from the request are?
He's a drawfag, he could possibly be concentrating on drawing and not reading/playing every obscure fandom from multiple boards.

>> No.2232146

>I don't know who any of those characters are so I'm not going to take this request.

>> No.2232149

It's also being ported to PC.

>> No.2232150

He doesn't need to be reading/playing obscure fandom. That isn't really needed to get a picture and short summary of a character's personality and attitude to draw.

>> No.2232151

It's not like it's the only request in the whole thread. If you don't want to take requests, then don't take requests. And don't complain because you don't like what is being requested.

This guy is just acting retarded.
Maybe it's genuine or maybe he's trolling, I dunno.

>> No.2232154
File: 8 KB, 121x141, braid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Braid is a puzzle platformer available now on Xbox Live Arcade.
>A PC version will be released in the 1st quarter of 2009.

Ah, damn, it looks interesting...I don't have an Xbox.

Is this Tim?

>> No.2232155

>Ported to PC


>> No.2232153


I'm not the one asking /jp/ to give me ideas for drawings that are "not touhou".

>> No.2232160

Because the only thing /jp/ related is Touhou.

>> No.2232162

Yep, that's Tim. Just a regular guy with a snazzy suit and fiery red hair. He's got some other stuff, like a ring that slows time within a certain vicinity, and a glowing green key would help to differentiate him.

Oh, and if he doesn't look depressed or mildly hopeless, it's just not Tim.

>> No.2232169


And that is the whole fucking point.

>> No.2232175

This is probably why nobody drawfags for /jp/. Every request thread ends up like this- ten people arguing about how one should go about their drawfaggery and whether drawfagging is being an attention whore or how shitty gaijins draw and "original content" is all worthless and /jp/ is lazy and never gets anything done cynicism trolling hatehatehate.

Meanwhile in /co/ people ACTUALLY DRAW and people who don't like it don't bother looking at the thread. I don't even see trolling in the completely gay /cm/ish shit threads. It's like everyone just minds their own business and enjoys what they enjoy.

Basically /jp/ has too much time on its hand to worthlessly troll each other.

>> No.2232178

I think he was being sarcastic.

>> No.2232188

The only troll is the OP here.

>> No.2232191

Okay, good night bros. I just ganked a 1017-word essay in about two hours.

See you all later today, once I've woken up and slept through my seven hours of class.

>> No.2232193

Good night!

>> No.2232262


>Meanwhile in /co/ people ACTUALLY DRAW and people who don't like it don't bother looking at the thread.

Doh ho ho ho. Oddly enough, /jp/ still gets people drawing new content, it's just OP is such a faggot he had to word his thread as a big rant first. Then when he does get around to sounding like he wants to do something it's pretty much 'I don't want to draw Touhou or something obscure.' So that's pretty much EVERY REQUEST out.

Troll thread.
