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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2229700 No.2229700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2229705
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>> No.2229711
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Dibs on Yuka

>> No.2229727
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>> No.2229720

comparing anything to /jp/ is an automatic insult to the other party.

>> No.2229744


... But /b/?

/b/ is the worst place on the internet.

>> No.2229745


>> No.2229756
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>> No.2229763

I love how you replay to all of my threads with /b/ shit. We trolls 4 lyfe.

>> No.2229770

Pretty much been true for the last week.

Faggots from /a/ and spring break have made /jp/ even shittier.
cool story, right?

>> No.2229783
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>> No.2229784
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I laughed a bit harder than I should.

日本語でおk unrelated.

>> No.2229800


>spring break

It already started?

>> No.2229800,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2229800,2 [INTERNAL] 

Remember when CurryButt was good?

>> No.2229800,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2229800,4 [INTERNAL] 

Still assrocked CurryButt?

>> No.2229800,5 [INTERNAL] 

pulp xD:D:D:DD:D

>> No.2229800,6 [INTERNAL] 

I sure can't wait to go to CB's formsperg and see him writing 5,000+ words about some /a/ tripfag he's never met.

>> No.2229800,7 [INTERNAL] 

What happened this time? Is the girl he is in love with right now the same girl he stole from his best friend (deepfag)?

>> No.2229800,8 [INTERNAL] 


>CurryButt senpai...
>I don't like you. I knew you were the crazy type when it comes to internet girlfriends. I know about you and Shizuka Joestar and that crazy ordeal you put her through. To make things clear, I don't like holic and I don't know why Abby said that. I don't like you either. I should have said that from the start but I was afraid you'd hate me for no reason. I don't date online and don't plan to. There, there's your answer and I'm sorry (and apology). You can keep trying to attack me whenever but this is the last time I'll ever use this tripcode on /a/. Ja ne~
>Pic related, that's you giving me a headache with all your aggressive questions on formspring.

Don't you just love curry drama?

>> No.2229800,9 [INTERNAL] 

Most of the /a/ trip users seem to be pretty terrible.

At least we got cool ones in /jp/ still.

>> No.2229800,10 [INTERNAL] 

Good 'ol /a/, reminding us that no matter how bad /jp/ gets, it will never be as awful as /a/.

>> No.2229800,11 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell do you mean? CurryButt is (sadly) our responsibility. If anything, it should remind us that our tripfags are so autistic they are even managing to shit boards like /a/ up.

>> No.2229800,12 [INTERNAL] 

CurryButt stopped being ours when he abandoned us.

>> No.2229800,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2229800,14 [INTERNAL] 

>whatever Suigin
God, this retard is insane.

>> No.2229800,15 [INTERNAL] 

I approve this message.

>> No.2229800,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2229800,17 [INTERNAL] 

Why, just why.

>> No.2229800,18 [INTERNAL] 

too far

>> No.2229800,19 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I had saved some screencaps from the time CurryButt was my "friend".

That guy is fucking insane.

>> No.2229800,20 [INTERNAL] 

Hi Curry.

>> No.2229800,21 [INTERNAL] 

Currybutt is literally insane. It's also funny because he doesn't think it's his fault when people don't want to be his friend any more.

>> No.2229800,22 [INTERNAL] 

You realise /jp/ was created out of /a/ and users like Currybutt were originally from there right?

>> No.2229800,23 [INTERNAL] 

Ouch, Anonymous, that insult hurt.

But do you not agree that a blog made just to detail /a/ tripfriend drama is pretty dumb?

>> No.2229800,24 [INTERNAL] 

Not like people here have anything better to do.

>> No.2229800,25 [INTERNAL] 

If there's a public for it, someone will fill the niche of documenting shenanigans.
For all the "we hate drama" claims, some anonymous sure enjoy watching it.

As a side note, goddamn. And I thought I was unbalanced. Which might be part of the appeal of this whole thing: "Hey, at least I'm not as bad as Curry!"
The other reason being "let's point and laugh" of course...

>> No.2229800,26 [INTERNAL] 

Oh boy, I can't wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and get /ghost/ axed again by using it for my shitty drama!

>> No.2229800,27 [INTERNAL] 

Hi Curry.

>> No.2229800,28 [INTERNAL] 

Nope, just someone who actually enjoys the privilege of having a ghost board.

>> No.2229800,29 [INTERNAL] 


>(ZAWA) made an ACTUAL IRC CHANNEL JUST FOR PEOPLE WHO HATE ME TO FUCK ME TOGETHER. This group included people I NEVER EVEN KNEW like eksopl, a guy she cheated on me with and so on

Oh god, he is insane. What does Eksopl have anything to do with ZAWA?

>> No.2229800,30 [INTERNAL] 

>>insinuating #bunbunmaru is not a den of evil

>> No.2229800,31 [INTERNAL] 

But Eksopl has always been trying to fuck any girl ever.

>> No.2229800,32 [INTERNAL] 


I've just beaten Portal 2 and it's amazing how much i can relate my relationship with CurryButt with the song that plays at the end of the game.

"Go make some new disaster
That's what i'm counting on
You're someone else's problem
Now i only want you gone
Now i only want you gone
Now i only want you gone."

This pretty much sums up everything.

>> No.2229800,34 [INTERNAL] 

I really hope they're ironically using "senapi" and "-san".

>> No.2229800,35 [INTERNAL] 

It isn't an IRC channel it's just a Castle on top of a mountain in Stockholm.

>> No.2229800,36 [INTERNAL] 

go back to answering questions on your fake girl account eksi

>> No.2229800,37 [INTERNAL] 

She's not gay, it can't be him.

Pretty sure every terrible IRC user but you is already banned from #bunbunmaru!

>>everyone else

>> No.2229800,38 [INTERNAL] 

There's something called dynamic IPs and vhosts, you deluded idiot.

>> No.2229800,39 [INTERNAL] 

Not sure what you're going for with that, nobody is actually banned from #bun.

>> No.2229800,40 [INTERNAL] 

0/10. Get out, /bun/ devs.

>> No.2229800,41 [INTERNAL] 

Sion is.

>> No.2229800,42 [INTERNAL] 

So what does CurryButt use to rant about his life now?

>> No.2229800,43 [INTERNAL] 

His stream.

>> No.2229800,44 [INTERNAL] 

Shitty stream by the way. He doesn't even have a mic. I can't comprehend how/why people stand watching the shit he plays.

>> No.2229800,45 [INTERNAL] 

By people you mean, 1 - 2 of his "friends".

>> No.2229800,46 [INTERNAL] 

His only friends by the way, I wonder what he is going to do when there is no one left to support him.

>> No.2229800,47 [INTERNAL] 

Haven't seen his stream? I have, a few times. Mostly all the chat was about you. That guy suffers of a severe case of inferiority complex.

>> No.2229800,48 [INTERNAL] 

What is this thread doing out of page 1?


>> No.2229800,49 [INTERNAL] 

Do you have a log of that conversation?

>> No.2229800,50 [INTERNAL] 

justin tv chat. Didn't bother to do so.

>> No.2229800,51 [INTERNAL] 

lately he started to get friendly with komeiji and before that one, with some Fruits Chinpo.

>> No.2229800,52 [INTERNAL] 

Haha that Currybutt tumblr.

>> No.2229800,53 [INTERNAL] 


I wonder if it's his.
