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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2227646 No.2227646 [Reply] [Original]

Because I'm a hopeless loonix-faggot nerd, I just spent the last hour figuring out how to get Japanese input working on a linux box WITHOUT pulling in an input method through gnome or kde.

Most of the guides on the internet are pretty much useless, they're either tailored to a particular distribution that handles generic internationalization in its own specific way, or they are about getting Japanese working under a popular desktop environment like GNOME and KDE. But the truth is that you can get an IME working in a generic way using the "XIM protocol." It will work with any window manager and desktop environment, and most GUI programs, and it can work on Linux, BSD, Solaris, and even weird old proprietary UNIXes.

Here is how you do it.
1. If you have no Japanese fonts (Already installed on most Linux systems even if you don't otherwise have Japanese support, but you can never be sure...), get some.

2. Install SCIM. Your distribution probably provides a package called "scim" or "SCIM", otherwise you can download the source code from http://scim-im.org

3. Install anthy. The package is probably called "anthy." Otherwise build from the source at http://sourceforge.jp/projects/anthy/

4. Your distribution's "anthy" package may bring scim-anthy with it. If it doesn't, or if you compiled from source, install the package "scim-anthy" or compile this: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/scim-imengine/downloads/29660/scim-anthy-1.3.1.tar.gz

5. Run the program "scim-setup" and make sure that under the "Japanese" menu in the section IMEngine -> Global Setup "anthy" is checked

6. Add these lines to your .xinitrc and/or .xsession file, before the part that loads your window manager:
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export LC_CTYPE="ja_JP.UTF-8"
export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
scim &

7. Restart X11.

Done. hit "ctrl+space" to toggle Japanese input on and off.

>> No.2227658

I prefer UIM.

>> No.2227659

Uh... Well, thanks, I guess.

I still have no idea why people would use linux for desktop computer though. Apart from experience of working with unixes.

>> No.2227655

Boy, Unix sure is superior, isn't it?

>> No.2227673


>> No.2227674

Wow. Thanks for sharing this with us, but I really can't think of an scenario where I might need this.
But seriously, kudos on your hard work.

>> No.2227675

Well, if you run something stupid like Ubanto you probably won't have to do too much.

>> No.2227677

They really hate Microsoft?

>> No.2227685

Oh, I do too, I never bought anything from MS.

>> No.2227687

Yeah if you're running a modern distribution with a full desktop environment it is usually as simple as checking a box somewhere for "Japanese support"

The method I explained above is "platform-agnostic" and the reason you'd want to do it is if you're running a minimalist distribution, or you're running without a desktop environment, or you're on a proprietary UNIX, or other unusual systems. It should work literally anywhere.

>> No.2227710

You know, you should post this in a blog or forum somewhere. That way, if someone actually needs it they can find it, years from now.
Knowledge is fleeting in 4chan. Share your hard earned fruits with the rest of humanity

>> No.2227733

thanks bro
I'll keep this somewhere, I'm sure it will be usefull somedays

>> No.2227747

I don't hate microsoft, I just realy like how you can customize your *nix sys very easily.

>> No.2227760
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>> No.2227775

So how do you do all this dictionary stuff? I know how to edit my strings a little (look i can write huuge words XD 博麗神社例大祭), but what if I want to add my own stuff?

>> No.2227780

I already did this with Gentoo, except I'm using UIM.

>> No.2227788

Install "kasumi" dictionary editor.

>> No.2227851

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

awesome man! I actually gave it a shot a few years back, but I had some problem with the encoding of the dictionary created.

>> No.2227951

I only ever used it for adding the names of all the Rozen Maidens, with no problems.
