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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 600x540, GIROGAMEHS!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2226697 No.2226697 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ in a nutshell


>> No.2226759,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sounds like viral marketing.

>> No.2226759,2 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.2226701

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2226699

oh god why did i lol

>> No.2226703
File: 60 KB, 242x228, 121622119937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2226704

they are entry-level weak sauce.
also we hate japan and everyone who doesn't suppress their powerlevel, didn't you get the memo?

>> No.2226707
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1214022104632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2226710


>> No.2226712

Just report them, hide the thread and move along.

>> No.2226713


the original is funny enough to show how Japanese hate foreigners.

>> No.2226759,3 [INTERNAL] 

This commercial made me start playing FSN ;_;

When do I get to Gilgamesh anyway?

>> No.2226716
File: 73 KB, 600x431, 1234232828413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


can't accept the fact that you're all going to that shit weeaboo convention amirite?

>> No.2226718

This has been the best thing to happen to /jp/ and /a/ in a long time.

>> No.2226759,4 [INTERNAL] 


The ad had nothing to do with VNs, why did it make you start F/SN?

>> No.2226723
File: 132 KB, 455x382, 1218635520574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2226725


yeah maybe these sagefags are raging because they're exactly like those people in the video.

OP is great to post it in here, epic lulz.

>> No.2226735

>conventions and other forms of western bullshit fanbase fawning over japan
>implying that /jp/ will enter said event
You sir, are a retard. Thank you and have a nice day.

Kindly removing your presence from this world is an acceptable action too.

>> No.2226739

I haven't run across many people like that at anime conventions myself, but that might be because I avoid them on sight.

>> No.2226741

Wait, what are you trying to pull he-

>> No.2226744


proves my point.


/jp/ was never about japan, only touhou and shitty VNs

>> No.2226774,1 [INTERNAL] 

ZUN#tripcode posted his shriveled cock something like 6 months ago, and a picture of a little girl he claimed was his sister maybe a month before, provided my memory isn't just making things up.

iunno, check the new-tripfriends report

Also, if this Girugamesh is just another shitty jrock band, why does anyone care enough to try to force meme? Boredom?

>> No.2226774,2 [INTERNAL] 

PROTIP: You're posting in ghost mode, your post won't show up on the main board.

>> No.2226774,4 [INTERNAL] 

You're posting in ghost mode, your sage won't do anything, but you still do it, right?

>> No.2226759

I reckon the original was intentionally horrible to start people discussing it on the internet and raise it's profile. A less horribly annoying ad would of gone unnoticed, but this travesty shall have people talking about Sakura Con for weeks and perhaps even longer! YOU'RE SPREADING THE WORD FOR THEM YOU FOOLS!

>> No.2226787,1 [INTERNAL] 

I always sage every post I make.
It's not like I was responding to someone who can't see me.

>> No.2226809,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thread was already on Ghost Modo, you derp.

Somebody was reading it.

>> No.2226815,1 [INTERNAL] 

You were responding to a non-ghost post with a ghost post.

>> No.2226774

But that shit con will have people...

also when did we get another ZUN tripfag here?

>> No.2226772

According to the PR guy, they intended it to be silly, but didn't really want it to be a subject of ridicule.

But yeah, I'd go there at this point just to see if any garugamesh cosplayers show up if it weren't on the other side of the continent in a different country.

>> No.2226786

According to the PR guy, they intended it to be silly, but didn't really want it to be a subject of ridicule.

But yeah, I'd go there at this point just to see if any garugamesh cosplayers show up if it weren't on the other side of the continent in a different country.

>> No.2226787

i wish to blow my load on manga girl

>> No.2226807

This is nothing like /jp/

/jp/ would be a room full of men, none of them have showered in weeks and they're either incredibly obese or disgustingly thin. They also wouldn't be talking to each other but hiding within their own corners, social contact is for normalfags.

>> No.2226809

But I posted the link at least 3 times on /jp/
now without anyone giving a fuck about it.

Why start to lul now?

>> No.2226815

slowpoke here, what the fuck is this girugamesh bullshit?

>> No.2226819

Why don't you look at the link and stop asking stupid questions?


>> No.2226824

what if i'm too afraid to watch a youtube video?

>> No.2226825

I-impossible! Transcending the border of life and death with my amazing posting prowess?!

>> No.2226826

PR guy for SakuraCon thought 'what if we did an advert where nobody suppressed their power levels?'

This is what resulted. Girugamesh is a reference to the japanese band of the same name.

>> No.2226830
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother.
It's better if you didn't know since it's shit anyway.
