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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22211905 No.22211905 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>22174239

>> No.22211923
File: 217 KB, 960x540, 1570436922267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think your favorite mobile game anime adaptation is bad then remember it could have been way worse

>> No.22212102

...There's a Shadowverse anime? And it contains that generic shounen? How horrible. Also what the fuck is that logo.

>> No.22212105
File: 141 KB, 728x593, 1557875345220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime original MC with anime original characters and anime original setting/plot that absolutely scraps the story of the game for something completely different to bring in card game anime watchers.

Please enjoy Shadowverse.

>> No.22212194

>Releasing kusoge at the same day when the anime will start airing

>> No.22212210

Is it supposed to be some sort of yuri card game or something?

>> No.22212248

The real card game isn't. Who knows about this kusoge although it seems the new anime will only have female characters.

>> No.22212263

Oh no wonder the name remind me of something, there was an anime of it in 2014 i watched.

>> No.22212272

If you told me that was just a bad shop from a Yu-Gi-Oh anime I would believe you. Looks nothing like Shadowverse or its style.

>> No.22212295

>Decided to do one more 10-roll in kusoneko
>Only get Dambi dupe and trash
RIP my gems and kusoneko KR.

>> No.22212334
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Based Flak 88. Saving my ass on Map 2.

>> No.22212378

Seem like the mobage have the player be the teacher (and student at the same time) of the main heroine class.

>> No.22212846

Just downloaded Witch’s Weapon; how’s the game and gacha rates?

>> No.22212905


bad and bad

>> No.22212989

Tfw I got better result from these fucking Dragalia free rolls nstead of my rolls in kusoneko and other kusoges which I'm currently playing.

>> No.22213049

Game is decent, gacha is AIDS. Best to be selective with banners and just go for the guarantee on banners you really want, because otherwise you're fucked unless you're paying.

>> No.22213338

>Nothing new in Kusoneko this week aside Titan coop rerun and new King coop
Kusopl deliberately lowering the gems income before Chaguma.

>> No.22213391

Baal is pretty fun but I can't get his HP anywhere close to 15k. Oh well

>> No.22213563
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, 【公式】アクション対魔忍 アサギのゲームプレイ映像(TGS2019試遊版).mp4_snapshot_00.10.033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New gameplay trailer for the family friendly Action Taimamin shows that the game will display A/B/X/Y on the HUD for gamepad users. Neat.


>> No.22214002

I'm still struggling I feel like I do shit damage compared to the enemies. Maybe I just suck ass at these type of games.
Nice I look forward to release.

>> No.22214172

One button combat. How exciting.

>> No.22214286

Please define one button combat. I see a button for attacking, a button for dashing, a button for ultimates, and a button for something else but I assume is some sort of support thing. I assume that what you're talking about is that the combat CAN be done with only one button because in theory a player who knows where to move and where to attack should be able to win without using dashing, ultimates, or support.

>> No.22214344

Attack is mashed near constantly while dodge is used maybe a dozen times (and not to dodge attacks, it was just randomly used to show it off). The 'boss' lost 3/4 of its health to the person mashing attack. They used the ult purely for display purposes and they only used it once. To pull random numbers out of my ass it'd look like 500 attack inputs, 10 dodge inputs, 1 ult input. I'd define that as "one button combat". Not exactly the most thrilling thing to show in a trailer used to advertise the game but to each their own.

>> No.22214511

Mobile games are often laughably easy at the start then at some point later the difficulty goes WAY up, truly testing the freeloaders who must decide whether to finally pay up or grind a lot to proceed.

>> No.22215442

It's more like I use the rest of the team to be a delaying action against Flak 88. Flak 88 in her first role has a skill that can shoot twice against ground units and she hits like a truck. Her AA skill in the first role will also hit everybody in that grid line.

>> No.22215533

This gacha doesn't end until the 18th so next week should mostly be teasers/reruns and maybe a new 21* coop. I wonder what kind of bait gacha they'll go with for Halloween, maybe a new Undertaker event for all the Aisha/Judahfags or a new Sharehouse with characters like Tina and Ruushe.

>> No.22216265
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Alright I was able to break through by upgrading 1 of my planes to 3. She can actually do damage now and is able to take a few more hits.

>> No.22217152

>family friendly

>> No.22217598

Call me crazy but I think that's a good thing. Too many times I've seen games slack off in other parts just because they can get by by having R-18 stuff. Going family friendly will increase the amount of competition and probably lead to a better game. Besides the game's not looking exactly "family friendly" if we're being reasonable about it. I think there's a gap between family friendly and eroge.

>> No.22217659

It's a waste of characters. Make some new slightly less sexy characters and use them. Otherwise it just becomes a tease to funnel people into the porno games industry

>> No.22217790


PC version of Another Eden coming, at least for JP. Has transferable saves with the mobile version.

>> No.22217946

How far away is Arknights EN/JP? I heard they were both releasing together.

Is prereg for it up or is everyone expecting it next year?

>> No.22217950

Is this any good?

>> No.22218035

The fields look like ToS ripoffs, I'm guessing this is a chinese game?

>> No.22218175

Pre-reg has been up for awhile.

I'd give it around December for release. Nobody knows the exact time for either release. It's just because due to the speed they've announced all the foreign servers, they might as well release simultaneously.

>> No.22218447

They said "Winter" so probably in a few months.

>> No.22218501

rage of bahamut?

>> No.22218626

>Digimon ReArise
should I play any of these or skip them entirely? I do like Digimon as a franchise

>> No.22218713

>Not just tried them yourself and delete it if you don't like them afterwards
ReArise is better than Linkz at least.

>> No.22218949

Another thing about R-18 stuff is that it's dime a dozen. Stuff that focuses entirely on how sexy the girls are without gameplay to back it up gets shut down within a year.

>> No.22218998
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New gameplay trailer for Action Taimamin. Still shows really low difficulty though.


Anyway, out of morbid curiosity I decided to read more of what sort of things happen in the VNs and OVAs that won't happen in the game. I almost wish I hadn't read that page because on one hand, it was truly vile stuff but on the other hand, it was said that pretty much all of it was limited to BAD END routes and wasn't canon and now that I know about all that I can greater appreciate the game.

>> No.22220137

Did that chink index game that some anons played here ever come out in japan?

>> No.22220532

Pretty much, they're pulling a Genesis with the Shadowverse anime. The only difference is that there was a lot of people that didn't play or know about RoB so they kept talking about how the original game was trash while Genesis was the best thing ever.

And then divine punishment came in the form of Virgin Soul.

>> No.22220547

I'm glad i never watched a single episode of Virgin soul.
I only hear bad things about it.

>> No.22220571
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The octopath traveler game has been putting out music previews:

Mildly excited for this, its trailer said single player RPG so hopefully no guild wars autism to make me feel bad.

>> No.22220748

Man think for a moment, what could've PAD be if it wasn't such a fucking pokemon wannabe adaptation, we could've got a DXD battle with gods vs demons vs dragons vs heroes a real carnage filled with pantheons and crazy powerlevel fights, instead we got a faggot kid with his crappy 1* monster going around doing boring things...

>> No.22221529

The thing is these sexy ninjas are iconic, their R-18 isn't dime a donzen. Make new characters and a fresh franchise.

>> No.22221538

How can you be on /jp/, let alone 4chan and not have read these eroge
Times truly have changed (´・ω・`)

>> No.22221543

You might as well go play RomaSagaRS in advance if you want a taste of how this game will play out.

>> No.22221644

>a normalfag AND a newfag

>> No.22221685

Not every weeb is a fan of VNs and not everyone enjoys being grossed out. Heck, seeing guro is what traumatized me into being squeamish which is why I won't play a really violent game if it doesn't have a no blood option.

>> No.22221695

>seeing guro is what traumatized me into being squeamish which is why I won't play a really violent game if it doesn't have a no blood option
Are you a child?

>> No.22221718

Ah that's your mistake this isn't the weeab board, this is /jp/. You want >>>/a/ , though even some of the threads there might make you squeamish, 4chan probably isn't safe for you honestly anon

>> No.22221731 [DELETED] 

Fuck off already

>> No.22221739

Who are you quoting? You tick at least one box there

>> No.22221742

>badly written garbage with shit art
>a must read

>> No.22221747

You are correct that I don't exactly fit in here at /jp/ which is why I don't really browse this board but this board happens to be the one with the mobage general thread. I'd expect it to be in /vg/, but here it is and so here I am.

>> No.22221758

Where do you think you are? Whomst are you quoting?
Ok that's fair enough

>> No.22221876

I doubt it'll have stat grinding and wildly-inconsistent difficulty that leads you to losing fights if the game feels like it.

>> No.22222078

>I doubt it'll have stat grinding
It will have something similar, haven't you played octopath?
>wildly-inconsistent difficulty that leads you to losing fights if the game feels like it
Wrong. The only time that's the case is when they have a middle level boss suddenly confuse your whole party. That, I will pay, is bullshit. Otherwise it's a steady grind up through 30,000 party power

>> No.22222375

>You are correct that I don't exactly fit in here at /jp
you dont even fit in here at 4chan really

>> No.22222404

That's so far away.
I want to play something in English but I've pretty much tried everything so my only hope is waiting for a fresh release like Arknights to have fun.

>> No.22222412
File: 156 KB, 960x540, Pre-reg open.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ash Arms posted that app pre-reg is open. Hopefully this means it will launch in a month or two. https://twitter.com/AshArms_staff/status/1181742603726811137

Anyone make it into CBT 2?

>> No.22222448
File: 1.03 MB, 2280x1080, Ash Arms - P-51D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did.

>> No.22222450

Did they ever end up fixing Epic7 or making it less absolute suffering for F2P to play?

I heard they were finally getting a Japanese server with JP voices so maybe anyone that plays that here can enlighten me since I ended up quitting a bit before the guilty gear collab and missing characters that ended up a must have for every single piece of content didn't exactly motivate me to go back.

>> No.22222541

No they made it more whale friendly by buffing 5* MLs out the ass. Also the JP server thing is gonna kill the game since they said they wouldn't bring JP language over to other servers ever and JP is getting some other shit. It's like the other servers were test servers for JP release.

>> No.22222645
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I think only 2 of us made it in.

>> No.22222658

I thought they removed the Moonlight gacha after Koreans shit on them?

>> No.22222672

The big thing was t hey refunded like half or all your ML rolls to justify them being broken. Then double downed and buffed a lot of them and just churn out new broken ones. Koreans don't even play anymore and just try to shitpost and get the game shutdown cause they're region was the alpha test for the rest of the world.

>> No.22222679

>Koreans were alpha test
>Global was beta test
>Japan gets the finished product

How wild

>> No.22222698

But is Japan even going to like the game?

>> No.22222708

The difficulty curve is smooth, but only if you have units rated 90 or above on altema

>> No.22222734
File: 1.35 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20191009-232208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As good a time as any to do an gacha impression of Ash Arms since the CBT is about to end soon. By this point, I got 57 rolls in the game. Granted much of it was apology gems due to their errors but it is a beta so it's to be expected.

3 stars are 3%
2 stars are 24%
1 stars are 73%

By the end, I got 24 out of 32 available units in the game. So 75% of the total available. I got 5 out of 6 of the natural 3* units. Really lucked out there.

Yak-7 was upgraded from a 2* to a 4* which is why she's gold over there. Note all units can eventually be upgraded to 5*. Even the 1* units can be upgraded to 5*.

Each time you roll you get this "M" currency for each roll you do. 1 "M" per single roll or 10 "M" per ten roll. 300 "M" currency will allow you to buy a gold 3* ticket in the shop. I have no idea if this is random or not since you can't even get close to buying the thing in the beta.

Overall, my impressions of Ash Arms' gacha as pretty decent. But there's no option to actually buy the premium gem currency in the beta so it's unknown what the real world money rate is. But the eventuality of upgraded 1* to 5* units to decrease 3* unit dependency and the what looks to be a "pity system" gives it decent marks so far.

>> No.22222743

just bring the right type of damage in speed formation and gank them

>> No.22222787

If they like whaling and infinite grind for decent+ gear then yes.

>> No.22222808

Being able to buy resources with gems is a little worrying but seeing as there's no PvP it's not too much of a concern. Also my problem with the game is that the difficulty ramps up really fast after the first boss it's really disheartening going into a map and getting your shit kicked in then trying a different map and the same thing happens. Hopefully this changes during launch and hopefully those pesky bugs are fixed.

>> No.22222878

How do i register?
can't find any option for it

>> No.22223060

>haven't you played octopath?
Yes, and when I say "stat-grinding" I mean that your stats directly-increase as a result of battles like a SaGa game.

>> No.22223121

Why bother asking here instead of just going to e7g? You'll just get outdated information from people who doesn't even play e7 like this

>> No.22223240

Because nobody is going to give me a real unbiased answer there or just tell me to check myself and play the game.

The mobile games general seemed like a better idea considering there's people that play all sorts of games here, both popular and unpopular. If it's wrong or outdated info then can you provide me with updated information regarding the state of the game then?

>> No.22223396

Yeah, that's why I said something "similar"

>> No.22223488

Anyone here play that Kemono kusoge? How is it?

>> No.22223537
File: 155 KB, 960x540, Pzkpfw VIII Maus v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the mechanics like, both in-battle and out of it? How bad is the grind? The stream from a few months back showed a lot off, but I wasn't able to get into either CBT because I didn't make a valid JP account soon enough.

Also, what's Maus's rarity? Is she a natural 3*?

>> No.22223609

Rarity 1 because she is pig disgusting

>> No.22223646

Newest shironeko apk break the game for anyone else? Keep getting errors after title screen

>> No.22223658

Isnt nip E7 ip blocked for gaijin?

>> No.22223670

No error for me atm.

>> No.22223671
File: 163 KB, 720x1280, また逢う日まで.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 23 hours left. What has been everyone's impression of the dead game collab in AGA?

My opinions
>The main AGA artist's style really does not work for some girls' portraits (Kaede and Renge in particular)
>No appearance/portraits of any of the other middle school girls, no Nozomi either, not even a chibi I think
>Despite the attention to density for tights, doesn't seem like they really did much for the transparent parts of the Flora outfits
>Kurumi's melee only seems to be effective when her bottom's skill is active, otherwise her tops and ult has the problem that a lot of melee skills have where after the approach they stop to deliver the blow, which most bosses have an easy time dodging somehow
>Sadone is the funnest to play, followed by Michelle
>Didn't get Miki, but have two 10+1 rolls yet to try
>Can't get Shiho
>Couldn't headpat any of the other Narukozaka girls
>Hoshimori Sitara never
>The Irous boss patterns were copy-pasted aside from an extra attack
The few event story segments read like an introduction to BGHS, which is odd considering the state of BGHS. So I'm wondering if they weren't already planning for this in some way long ago but got the axe orders from kusopl. The amount of extra effort put in to f*f has me thinking they'll do a second collab, similar to what they did with FA:G, but that had a reason for the second run.

>> No.22223722
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Tfw got what I wanted on 1st 10-roll on a dead kusoge

>> No.22223744

yeah it is and apparently its much better than the global one if the guy above is to be believed

>> No.22223790
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EOP here, so I couldn't actually read the story stuff. But I'm glad to still have some of the girls around in some form, even if I am still disappointed about no Anko.

Had to reroll to get anyone, but then I managed to get all four of them on the new account. So I'd say it was worth it. Plus some tickets to spare, to hopefully pick up a few more 4*s this month.

Agreed on Sadone being most fun. Though I'm super biased since I wanted her most, and since I'm used to dual gunning with Ayaka on my old account. And her 80 skill seems good for getting in extra damage after her SP skill.

Haven't played much with Mumi, since she's been pretty stingy about giving me anything but guns from her shells. But she seems really good to have on the backline for party healing if things go wrong.

I kind of like the headpat accessory, even if I probably won't ever actually use them.

School uniforms for the non-collab girls also seems like a pretty reasonable include. But thanks to BGHS's gacha, I kind of don't want to actually grab any of them.

>> No.22223818

According to the data miner, the next gacha is World of Guilty 2.

>> No.22223821

I found a site that sells alternative girls (bilibili) accounts and i'm both surprised that it exists or that they sell

>> No.22223826

Do you guys have any recommended games similar to Kancolle, Girls Frontline, Azur Lane etc.?

So far I've tried:

>Metal Waltz

Seemed kind of interesting but the graphics/animations are not to my liking.

>Stella Maiden

Not really a fan of the combat

Haven't really dabbled into many other games of this sort yet.

>> No.22223838
File: 163 KB, 850x997, 749f24c44ce0fed7f4b118064a390408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess connect?
It's not exactly a colle game like those three you named but it's a pretty casual and comfy bonsai game.

>> No.22223845

Talking about Priconne, how is that Index game? Is it way grindier?

>> No.22223855

No clue, I'm currently only playing Princess connect and Dragalia at the moment.
Desperately waiting for Arknights EN and kind of considering picking up Epic7 but not sure if it'd be worth it to pick back up.

>> No.22223884

>Mimi Halloween still not out

Fuck she's the one I want the most

>> No.22223895

I wanted Yuni the most so I was pretty bitter about them only releasing Chloe and some Aoi alt. Chieru would have been pretty cool too.

I really want Mimi too, hope KMR has mercy on my poor soul and crystals when rolling.

>> No.22223921

I'm still going to skip everything until Chaguma.

>> No.22224264
File: 594 KB, 1850x732, 1570705313605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has finished maintenance and Voidoll's season has started alongside a new batch of Halloween costumes.
Voidoll's season will run until the 20th - 128GB chips will have a chance of dropping until the 14th, and if you win 20/40/60 matches you can earn up to three of them. Play one match a day for 7 days to earn her limited seasonal costume.

For Halloween, there are new costumes available for Derumin, 13, Gustav and Thorn. The older ones are also obtainable - standard 1 event ticket for random costume or 3 for one of your choice. Tickets can be obtained from a limited event gacha that gives and event ticket for every 30 rolls, and a double UR version is available until the 14th. No free tickets as of now unfortunately. Halloween stuff will end in the 1st November.

Finally, it's the last few days of the Steins;Gate collab. A double UR gacha will be up from the 12th ~ 13th, with the card gacha ending on the 13th and the hero gacha ending on the 14th. Make sure you use all your tickets by then

>> No.22224272

The IOS store says expected release: October 31, 2019. Google Play is bugged but they're working on it they said.

Gameplay is like Advanced Wars except a single line of rows rather than a large grid of squares. How bad is the grind is unknown. Not enough time to really get a good gauge on. Exp and materials to upgrade are a thing.

Maus is a natural 3*

>> No.22224814

>dragalia, arknights, epic7
I hear you like grinding...

>> No.22224883

The gameplay is actually pretty interesting in that units get a lot of customization options. There's a sort-of talent tree that unlocks upgrade options (for instance with my P-51 I could unlock a gun that did higher damage but had less accuracy). Units also have different unit counts which changes depending on the modifications you are using as well as rarity-for instance my 3* P-51 had a max of 3 units, but if I upgraded it to P-51D it would give me 6 units (though they were about 40% weaker). When I upgraded it to 4*, she also got an additional 3 units for a total of 6.

It's an interesting trade off system between having higher numbers of units and lower numbers-high numbers of units are more likely to suffer performance degradation as they take damage, but lower numbers of units can only attack a finite number of enemies-so even though 88 Flak hit like a truck, it could only target one enemy unit at a time (which meant that she'd get overrun by a 5/5 token).

The units also have ability configuration (anti-land mode, recon mode, air superiority mode, etc.) which you can select based on whatever you need in your formation. That changes the abilities they have, so for instance air superiority basically disables air-to-ground attacks but you get better anti-air and also can set overwatch/counter attack modes against enemy air. This led to situations where my P-51 would be able to solo entire enemy airwings.

Also the enemy is bullshit, they have a lot of crazy shit like AOE lasers and it can be a challenge to figure out how the enemy is going to behave and how to deal with it. It's kind of like a puzzle.

My main concern is that the difficulty curve can be pretty steep initially and that it only eased off once I gachad enough to upgrade my unit counts from 3 to 6. Hopefully they fix that a bit, because the core gameplay is actually pretty decent for a mobage. Not sure how well it'll do in JP though, JP being a place where they'd rather just blindly throw high rarity waifus to steamroll whatever content they see.

>> No.22224979

>Considering Epic7 of all things

>> No.22225181

Just wait Epic7 JP bro.

>> No.22225332

I thought Epic 7 jp was going to be ip blocked bro...

>> No.22225589
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how do I make a chink apple account?

>> No.22225636

There's barely any grind in dragalia

>> No.22225801

It's not bad, but "barely" might be a bit of an understatement.

>> No.22225910

are there big changes to E7 JP ?

the core grind in E7 is pure shit.
I hope JP makes a stand and changes things around for endgame.

>> No.22226036

It will be a grind fest. It will be a whale fest. Everything 'good' will still be ML gacha and no changes will fix that from being 'p2w'. Perhaps it wont suffer from the bullshit that global had at launch but the core issues with the game will remain the same. If you have deep pockets then best of luck to you otherwise I'd be looking elsewhere for something to play.

>> No.22226267
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After some events that left who I wanted the most for last, it's been the opposite for me with the new girls and Halloween. Well, I wanted Yuni a lot too and they're permanent anyway, but Kyouka's outfit is the cutest by miles for me. Although, Halloween outfits usually make me want to get all the characters. Will be hard to not spend too much on Mimi, since she's supposed to be permanent.

Didn't get to form my own opinion much in the end. First I was away for the entirety of Sadone/Miki gacha, but at least I could login more or less every day. Then I lost motivation to do anything in the game yet again anyway. I'll try to finish the bingo and see what I can/should get from the medal shop, also squeeze in another 10-roll for Sadone. But seems I'll go back to irregular logins again.

Biggest disappointment is headpats being just an accessory, and everyone's favourite shitty uniforms for free versions.

>> No.22226273

>More typhoon in Japan this weekend
RIP kusoges.

>> No.22226765

They have older ML 5*s in the Mystic rotation now too as opposed to it being just new ones and you can spark them. That game quickly became a whales paradise.

>> No.22227009

>40k gems and no Persona characters
>Got a few troll rainbows instead
Kuso gacha.


>> No.22227030

Don't know how grindy Arknights is but I'm really looking forward to it and Epic7 would just be something to pick up for the new JP voices because i'm bored to tears waiting for Arknights. If they added new QOL or fixed the game by making it more fun or easier to play then I might consider reinstalling but last time I played you needed Dizzy or were absolutely fucked for everything.

The game always had a solid base with fun gameplay, it's just that there were too many things added to it that made it pretty shit and P2W with the whole moonlight and limiteds deal.

>> No.22227057
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>Will be hard to not spend too much on Mimi, since she's supposed to be permanent.
I need to see this to believe it. I don't really believe KMR would make a seasonal character permanent because it would set a precedent for future seasonals but we'll have to see.
If she's permanent then it'll be easier to prevent myself from rolling too much but it'll be pretty hard to not roll if she's not.

>> No.22227132

I actually liked how Zenonzard did it, this just looks fucking stupid.

>> No.22227144
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>Get Yu on first 10 pull
>Only after two more 10 pulls notice Yu and Makoto have solo rate ups too
>Try for Makoto Rate Up by grinding
>After three tries only 5* I got was a Miki dupe

>> No.22227160

Maze coins get you 500 gems for 50 coins.
Blitzing story will help too.
This collab will probably last for a bit considering Futaba and Kasumi aren't in the gacha pool yet so they probably plan on a Part 2

>> No.22227409

Well this is what they said with Kyouka's preview. I don't want to imagine the mental gymnastics you'd have to go through so the next gacha isn't perm Halloween Mimi.

>> No.22227449

Yeah but KMR has never done a permanent seasonal between Granblue, Shadowverse and Princess connect together. Mimi would be the absolute permanent seasonal character he would ever do even including the times he had Xmas on valentines and halloween on summer because those were limiteds too which is why I want to see how he's going to handle this.

>> No.22227904
File: 158 KB, 720x1280, KaedeAndKaedeAndKaede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story took training session times literally and Miki was trying to get everyone to eat her homemade lunches, but something always interrupted before innocents got hurt. Some noting of girls with similar interests, like Rin and Haruka, Fumika and Shiho, Kaede and Yuri and Misaki, or Anko wanting to play against Mutsumi.

>That 4-star sailor uniform trauma
That's funny, thanks for the reminder. I'm just happy they're given as a grind target, even if they'll look perpetually bad or I may never use them.

>Biggest disappointment is headpats being just an accessory
Yep. The dailies sated the itch I had for headpats but I was hoping to headpat other girls too and not have it be a mechanic that would go away so easily.

>> No.22227926

Can you still get the BGHS girls in AGA? And would it be hard to get them without rerolling?

>> No.22227975

You can get Kurumi and Michelle 3-star outfits by logging in, not sure if 3-stars for Miki and Sadone are still available. All four girls' flora outfits can be rolled in their paired gacha, so you'd ideally want to reroll for one or more of them.

>Without rerolling
Where do you think you are? You have 6 hours anon, get cracking.

>> No.22228013

I was hoping the game would be one of those games that frontload with currency when starting out so you get addicted to rolling to make it easier to roll for them so I guess that's not the case.

>6 hours
Guess I'll wait for the next time the collab comes, don't think i'll be able to.

>> No.22228032

They let you reroll the tutorial roll (but it doesn't have collab girls so ignore that) and gives you at least 10 scout tickets to do a 10+1 when you're done. Maybe more depending on what's still available from collab gifts.

>> No.22228227

How big is the game download?

>> No.22228262

Full install is taking up 3gb on my phone right now. But don't do that when rerolling, decline any download and it'll put what you need in cache.
Also check the guide.

>> No.22228281


Based on the feedback from the Ash Arms Beta. It looks like they're going to increase the rate of 3* units and improve the grind for the game. Looks like everyone hit the brick wall that was Map 2.

>> No.22228312
File: 37 KB, 617x384, 1500570325528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based now I might spend a little money on the game.

>> No.22228491

Out of curiousity how'd you make your JP email accounts? Just, VPN to make new account, launch VPN on device, add JP email account?

>> No.22228503

The older one is better

>> No.22228576

Pretty much. Just google how to make JP Google Play account.

>> No.22228664

Not based

>> No.22228831 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_20191010-220313_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22228832

Go home

>> No.22228837

Prishitter general is on /vg/
Stop wasting time and go play that game, post there

>> No.22228847
File: 2.19 MB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_20191010-220812_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.22228861
File: 195 KB, 1131x1600, EDBuaaAXUAEGD_C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15th single ticket
Nice, guess I don't have to dip into my gem supply yet.

>> No.22228937

What do dupes do in Girl Cafe Gun? Increase damage of skills?

>> No.22228941

Skill levels. So sometimes damage, sometimes other effects.

Dupe gives 3 random skill levels, those mask items give 1.

>> No.22229003 [DELETED] 

But other games are allowed to have cute cunnies too?

>> No.22229197

Don't know what prishit has to do with tenka but ok.

>> No.22229277

Learn to read. Also that poster referred to that specific sword as the c word.
We don't talk about it here

>> No.22229287 [DELETED] 

>the c word
>getting mad over a word

>> No.22229311 [DELETED] 

>the c word.
What is this grade school?

>> No.22229315 [DELETED] 

feel free to off yourself any time, faggot

>> No.22229352
File: 200 KB, 720x1280, AGA_20191011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comp! Spent the last few hours grinding points and had to use up all of the points I saved up in gifts/rewards.
Shame AGA Miki still looks weird to me

>Still need to get everyone's gear finished
The investigations never end.

>> No.22229354

/mbgg/ should just move back to /vg/

>> No.22229371

Whats the best way to earn gems? I only have enough to do 10 rolls x3

>> No.22229379


i just do dailies. if you haven't rolled since release 10k is easily reachable

>> No.22229404

If you didn't happen to catch it, all the BGHS girls' exclusive gear are purchasable for the next week. That should help finish off the grind if you're at 3/4 and keep getting dupes or just have a shit ton of medals lying around.

>> No.22229456
File: 31 KB, 720x270, Pile of Misery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't notice it went on so long.
>shit ton of medals lying around
I'm sure this pile looks small to someone playing more thoroughly than me.

>> No.22229609 [DELETED] 

Get out of /jp/

>> No.22229648

Damn, 50 gems per day is very significant. Cant believe I mostly neglected the dailies till now, with luck the new swimsuit event also reward a good amount.

>> No.22229688 [DELETED] 

>Priconne leaves the thread
>/mbgg/ suddenly hates cunny

What happened in this place?

>> No.22229719 [DELETED] 

you first newfag

>> No.22229731 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1080x597, pudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than Priconne, what other games have cunny characters that are actually optimal and meta?

>> No.22229747 [DELETED] 



>> No.22229750 [DELETED] 

no u

>> No.22229752

>few hours
How long does it take?

>> No.22229836 [DELETED] 

imagine getting triggered by a word

>> No.22229849 [DELETED] 

>/mbgg/ suddenly hates cunny
One shitposting faggot doesn't speak for all of us

>> No.22229856

Daily weapon gacha ball too, which is nice. I'm usually paying more attention to that than the gems.

Event looks like it gives about 1k for grinding out everything. That'll go faster if you can pick up someone from the gacha early on, though.

>> No.22229888

>New Titan and new King coop in Shironeko on same day
Kusopl please.

It's a 2 years old account which doesn't have new gems sources left except dailies and new maze.

>> No.22230368

>Finished grinding Titan coop and got the stone slab
Somewhat useless stone slab imo.

>> No.22230695 [DELETED] 

Not unless this entire thread does as well.

>> No.22230845

>Fun gameplay
Getting the story done was enjoyable enough. Everything past that was hot garbage, at least from what I experienced. The complete RNG loot, the fact crafting was absolutely worthless, energy gain being pathetically low, progressing in the dungeon or whatever it was called basically required you to have certain super top tier characters to progress, turbo whales destroying everyone in guild wars, you get the idea. I'm sure there's more but that's just off the top of my head. It had potential but without having an oil baron to support me the 'fun' was hard to find once the end game reared its ugly head.

>> No.22231652

gARBAge. This is a place to discuss mobage.

>> No.22232902

>Page 9
RIP /mbgg/

>> No.22232909
File: 106 KB, 640x360, 17395136775da020aeb82790026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22232968

Scuffed Akagi?

>> No.22233578

Pretty much
By fun gameplay I meant the core gameplay mechanics because the game is fun at the start until you start getting to the mid/end game and get walled hard with how horribly bad and grindy things were. Needing specific characters to beat stages, needing to grind certain stages all day to get RNG loot, the three separate gachas where each had worse rates than the other, etc etc.

>> No.22233621

Talking about cancer endgames, I hate when people tell you that you can do 90% of the content with the lowest rarity units because that remaining 10% is usually the stages that actually matter in the game and require specific things to be completed while the 90% is just story stages, dailies and other easy event stages.

>> No.22234256

You weren't lied to, but you still fell for it.

>> No.22234401

I'm never falling for that shit again. E7 killed me in that regard.

>> No.22234432

>Need triple or more effort to clear stages that people with limited shit have on easymode auto
>Some stages require specific units or you're absolutely fucked

But then people assure you that you just need to get good because it's totally doable even though they have the easymode shit.
Koreans really make the worst games.

>> No.22234914

Dragalia is heading that way

>> No.22235755

I can feel it coming
A lot of upcoming mobages would be delayed because of the typhoon.


>> No.22235776

Do we have a guild for GCG? I joined a random one for the panel mission so I'm not sure if there's a cooldown

>> No.22235861 [DELETED] 

Go home samefag

>> No.22235921

No. Stop.

>> No.22235937
File: 25 KB, 320x180, EGkRBpIUUAE3V9J1-320x180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the idol bikini card already (her idle animation in home screen is great). Now I only need loli card to be set, currently doing dailies + commu events to hoard as many gems as possible. Also got maid Irene so gonna rebuild my team to tackle the story and get more gems from that as well.

>> No.22235950

>GCG multiplayer doesn't give exp


>> No.22235968

I don't think so, I think we all did the same.

I random joined one, quit, and random joined another seeing what stuff did early on. I think there was a 24h cooldown. Dunno if that applies to making, though.

>> No.22235980


I was planning on making one after this week's guild shop rotation changes. I doubt we'll be esports though.

>> No.22236185 [DELETED] 

My home is /mbgg/ where all the other cunny lovers are

>> No.22236248

Nice Akagi. Lets comeback to GrafSmash I guess.

>> No.22236322
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, cursed_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 3*s without even a Misaki dupe
>2 (two) of the first-tier prize that has abysmal rates instead
>Shinobu comes laughing at me the first thing in last roll
Nice rate-up. But I've been rather lucky in Priconne lately, so it had to turn around at some point. And of course it had to be for the character I already wasted enough gems on the first time around, in the worst fashion possible. She definitely knows that 99% of the reason why I wanted her is her outfit.

>> No.22236345 [DELETED] 

Go back

>> No.22236402

I got baited by them leg, I have no choice but to skip Halloween entirely...

>> No.22236435

You have your own general, go run around free with your own kind.

>> No.22237477 [DELETED] 

You first. Mobages won't be delayed because of 19 unless an entire studio gets literally washed away or it was planned to be released this weekend at worst.

>> No.22237558

I never thought I'd be looking forward so much to chink kusoge; Genshin, Ash Arms, Arknights.
What went wrong? What went right?

>> No.22237578

>Ash Arms
Ain't that JP? I don't think Ash Arms is CN.

>> No.22237586 [DELETED] 

Tell that to this entire thread first.

>> No.22237623

>Ash Arms

>> No.22237658

It was.

>> No.22237728

Part of me suspects that Embers is publishing JP first due to whole licensing thing China has for mobages.

>> No.22237740

Embers is Chengdu, China to my knowledge unless they moved. Cydonia, the publisher is located right in Akihabara in Tokyo. It's a bit a misleading since JP is the first server and not CN.

>> No.22238219 [DELETED] 

Samefag get out of /jp/

>> No.22238289 [DELETED] 

Sisters let's show this garbage the the power of CUNNY posting

>> No.22238594

is it just me or is ichigo gain the same no matter how many event characters you use?

>> No.22238637

I'd assume CN just having less market saturation than JP which allows for greater numbers of more unique start ups.

>> No.22238648

Oh that's a surprise also I'm glad the game has improved from 2 years ago it looks much better now.

>> No.22238835

If it's 2 years old then you should have Twin Eclipse stuff still.

>> No.22239140 [DELETED] 

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person

>> No.22239325 [DELETED] 

Stop responding you stupid fuck

>> No.22239452

amen to this
especially co-op games
>"hey, you can beat the game with 90% of units"
>run favorite unit
>"NoT rUnNinG goD TieR's?! B A N"
>nobody wants to play with you
>check tier list
>the favorite characters literally only mid-high tier
>nobody wants to play because of your character isn't big dick DEEPS
fucking hate the hypocricy

>> No.22239471

Arknights is barely grindy because you get what you get most of the time instead of the RNG bullshit that is Epic Seven's equipment grind.
The problem is stamina more then anything, but everything you need to do takes like only two thirty minute sessions each day.
That, and getting auto modes set-up for grinding material.

>> No.22239585

>Twin Eclipse
I have already emptied all stages which give gems. 3rd arc when?

>> No.22239926

>JP is the first server and not CN
That's pretty odd. Why?

>> No.22240196

It's funny how literally the new and latest content is aimed towards whales and day 1 players.
You'd think a game like them would make the slightest attempt at enticing new players but why would they when they can just make the rich get richer so the gap between the people above and the people below gets even wider and way harder to catch up?

>> No.22240235

>The problem is stamina more then anything, but everything you need to do takes like only two thirty minute sessions each day.
So priconne?

>> No.22240405

I'm pretty traumatized with Mihoyo so i'll skip genshin. Honkai started out as a fun game for me but now it's just a source of distress because the only reason I'd continue playing this game after all this time is the story and characters but it just so happens that i'm stuck on a server where I can't read shit so it would be better for me to distance myself from it.

>> No.22240476

We're coming home, bros.

>> No.22240700

Why did it suddenly die?

>> No.22240753 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.22240794

Someone was intentionally killing threads.

>> No.22240853 [DELETED] 

yes, so we can come home sister and talk about the cunny wunny

>> No.22241220

Here, I remade it


>> No.22241310

Looks like janny deleted the cunny poster, hopefully /vg/ pedo/trannies stop invading now
Also, please play Brown Dust I beg you

>> No.22241320

i dont play garbage sorry
much less garbage thats prone to shutting down anytime now

>> No.22241358

Played it for 2 hours, gameplay is shit.

>> No.22241366

gameplay is shit, art is shit, company is shit and apparently even the people that play it are shit judging from your posts so why would anyone?

>> No.22241456 [DELETED] 

Get out of /jp/, you overstepped the mark and janny btfo you, give it up

>> No.22241461
File: 103 KB, 600x793, 070[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it just me or is swimsuit idol secret op? huge AoE bind with good damage.

>> No.22241513 [DELETED] 

if I wanted to play bad gookshit and be shitposted on every second of the way then i'd just go play epic7

>> No.22241521 [DELETED] 

>newfag AND plays shit games

>> No.22241528 [DELETED] 

Obsessed, just go back to your home board already

>> No.22241539 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting? You reek of newfag

>> No.22241739

I haven't pulled that SR sadly. Don't want to use anymore tickets. I did end up getting a dupe of the blonde SSR on singles trying to get that SR though.

>> No.22241904 [DELETED] 

Don't care. My allegiance is to this thread, not to /jp/.

>> No.22241910 [DELETED] 

I have no home board, just a home thread.

>> No.22241927

Not really useful for most bosses and elites. It's a nice skill, however CC isn't really as necessary, especially since outright killing works way better.

>> No.22241975

Oh good. Ash Arms fixed it's Google Play pre-reg link.


The IOS version says October 31st as the anticipated date of release. I'd assume the Android one is the same.

>> No.22241977

Planning on playing girls frontline again, CN Girls frontline specifically. I think I verified my account with a fake real ID some time ago but has China put out other annoying laws?

I think the last time I played was probably to claim rewards for 2nd anniversary then never again.

>> No.22241980
File: 166 KB, 950x1421, 1570794600181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't get her since I rolled my Ekos too fast, but I'm getting the feeling that element/type/whatever may be a bigger factor here than I was originally giving it credit for. I seem to be doing better with the event SR Mana than running the 3-SSR team I could with the 8-day login bonus Jimika in that spot.

Then again, that could also be because Mana's skills are more defensive to keep the team alive longer. Or because her weapon choice lets me use that cooldown-reducing 4* dual gun I rolled the other day, letting everyone else spam their skills more.

>> No.22241982

What game is this? Looks really cute

>> No.22241986

Nothing thus far though there has been talks of putting photo ID verification but that hasn't happened yet I believe.

>> No.22241998


>10 sec bind that works on bosses

>> No.22241999

Have they made any important changes to the game since then or anything? I probably have a lot to catch up with but have no clue of what I could use to learn what's good or what I should be doing now.

>> No.22242008

I don't play GFL, the account stuff is just a China wide trend.

>> No.22242076

Sometimes I wish the generals for the games weren't filled with horny children. I like shitposting with people that play the same game as me but I wish some generals got discussion beyond "I badly want to fuck X"
Maybe i'm getting too old for this shit

>> No.22242085 [DELETED] 

feel free to fuck right off, reddit-kun

>> No.22242092 [DELETED] 

Damn why are the no good kusoge coming out?
At least say what you want to say in one post and stop shitto-ing the thread up. And stay on topic.

>> No.22242099 [DELETED] 

rich coming from someone shitting the place up like he's in /vg/

>> No.22242113 [DELETED] 

Your whining about the posts that trigger you isn't on topic in the slightest and shits the thread up more than anything else. And no, saying that there's nothing good to talk about or play isn't even close to on topic discussion.

>> No.22242125 [DELETED] 

Nice try, anyone can tell it's you making all these shitposts from the weak grasp on grammar and the vague grip on reality that you display. Go back, or if you want to stay then get on topic.

>> No.22242127

Ages ago someone posted a PV for a game, it was kind of a stationary on-rails shooter, if that makes sense. I think it was a Chinese or Korean game and hasn't come out yet.
Anyone have any inkling of what I'm talking about.

>> No.22242130

I told you to stay on topic, why won't you listen?

>> No.22242131 [DELETED] 

This is a shitpost too, hypocrite. BOTH of you go back.

>> No.22242143 [DELETED] 

Autistic meta screeching about literally and absolutely nothing has always been protected /mbgg/ culture instead of a /vg/, /v/ or /jp thing.

>> No.22242150 [DELETED] 

Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.22242151 [DELETED] 

This used to be the mobile games スレ. At some point you /vg/ tards co-opted it and came up with the faggoty acronym. Fine, but don't shit where you eat at least ok?

>> No.22242160 [DELETED] 

You first buddy, nice try anyway.

>> No.22242166 [DELETED] 

>Fine, but don't shit where you eat at least ok?
I've been stuck in this place for years and it's always been pretty nice until some autist decides it's time to screech about something he hates or about literally nothing at all. Give it some hours or a change of topic and it'll go back to being nice again.

Changing boards doesn't matter when the problem children tag along for the ride.

>> No.22242200

Was the variant or mage from island 14 good? I forgot to check them

>> No.22242219 [DELETED] 

These were your posts
that started it all. You are the one who should stop.

>> No.22242226 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah and >>22229277

>> No.22242233 [DELETED] 

Actually it goes further than that to >>22228837

Isn't it fun how someone used the word cunny then we had to enjoy a "no u" war over who has to go back to /vg/ because of it? Could have ignored or maybe even filtered the word that makes his autism flare up and problem solved.

>> No.22242244 [DELETED] 

Well whatever, in any case it's clear that any statement he doesn't agree with is off topic to him.

>> No.22242245
File: 73 KB, 250x322, 100% Sarcastic post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But if you filter it then you can't cry and shitpost about it.....
Fucking pedos shitting up the thread, when will they go back?

>> No.22242301

Useless against Fairy type mons.

>> No.22242307

Was pokemon masters any good?
It got shilled a lot in some other generals but I never touched it

>> No.22242330 [DELETED] 

but cunny is a portmanteau?

>> No.22242351

It's shit, Dena even made a public apology for how bad it is. They promised to fix their game but until it happens no reason to touch it

>> No.22242367

>Dena even made a public apology for how bad it is
That's pretty bad but the people that went nuts for Pokemon go will probably eat it up anyway.

>> No.22242619

Disgaea kusoge return soon (tm)

They are broken for now until next wave of powercreep happen.

>> No.22242625

please play brown dust instead of disgaea

>> No.22242685

What's the best stage to farm points for GCG event? I'm at 10k party power and last time I could only auto 1-3. 1-4 was kind of sketchy because of the big mobs that can knock your party down. I just did cleared SP3 though and that was a super close fight

>> No.22242704

Are there any other good colle/resource management kinds of games that guys would recommend? I currently play gfl and im biding my time till Ash Arms comes out since that looks like it could be neat.

>> No.22242769
File: 396 KB, 1920x1080, 1570676978210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any GFL anons that could help with this? I remember this thread had a few that have stuck with the game since the start.

>> No.22242785


whatever the highest level stage you can do is. the point gain is linear

>> No.22242855

Is this game ipblocked? Feelsbad being an Applecuck.

>> No.22242865 [DELETED] 

Damn I refresh and half the discussion is gone. Then I check the archive and see it was the pedo getting btfo.

>> No.22242870 [DELETED] 

>STILL shitposting about this
holy fuck, your shitposts getting deleted didn't clue you in that nobody wants to see your shit?

>> No.22242871


>> No.22242879 [DELETED] 

Stop. You'll only get deleted again just like the other guy who baited your pedo ass.

>> No.22242888 [DELETED] 

Whom quoting?

>> No.22242908

Kuroe not being Chloe is like trying to say Kurisu isn't Chris or Christina

>> No.22243204

Might mean Nikka (or whatever Nike variant name it has)? The korean game. It seems to be kind of game you're referencing, which is on-rail shmup with limited movement.

>> No.22243677
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20191013-222406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started Girl Cafe Gun today after getting lucky in my reroll. I'm trying to beat SP2 in the event to get the costume but the boss has too many mob shits that I can't beat it. How do I beat that shit with my team?

>> No.22243739

uncap/limit break your characters, level up gear, add subs for stats.

>> No.22243762

Is there still no emulator working for Girl Cafe Gun?

>> No.22243863

The DAL mobage is having a nep collab right now only White Heart is available in the gacha for now she plays much like an ice Kotori.


>> No.22243883

>[Ohys-Raws] Tenka Hyakken Meiji-kan e Youkoso! - 01 (BS11 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4
Subs never.

>> No.22244035

I'd also add that the priority would probably be along yhe lines of
>Level 40 characters
>Level 40 first sub
>Level 20~30 any 3* weapons
>Level 50 characters
>Everything else

At some point during the story/beginner rewards, they give you a 3* weapon box in your inventory. The Pistol and Launcher you can choose from it are pretty good.

>> No.22244055

In addition to >>22243739, do more story to unlock sub and module spots, and do your dailies for more gacha weapons.
Also farm the numbered stages some. They drop event items that level up event-only powerups to boost your attack and defense.

I've been going for SP3, since I can full-auto it consistently. I can do SP4 too, but it needs a lot more supervision. Haven't tried SP5, but that estimated powerlevel worries me.

Also, bring swimsuit Mana and any swimsuit gacha cards you got, they boost points. Subs are fine, but Mana's shield is pretty handy.

>> No.22244215

Thanks anons.

>> No.22244216

It's 64-bit game, it will never work on current emulators.

>> No.22244340

>tfw no Ekos
Getting a 4 star card by luck actually resets the guaranteed 4-star counter, shit sucks.

>> No.22244482
File: 144 KB, 426x410, 1566704808213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22244618

The guaranteed 4-star card isn't guaranteed to be one of the rate-ups in case you were thinking it did. I got maid Su from it.
Fortunately I luckshitted Ekos with the next 10-roll after that though.

>> No.22244919

That's the one, thanks mate.

>> No.22245204

Isn'it it just a 5-minute skit of SOL scenarios? What do you need subs for if it's that simple?

>> No.22246008
File: 64 KB, 783x391, closers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Closers pretty good? Looks like 2D Honkai.

>> No.22246047


I don't think the point boost is working. I get the same amount of ichigo no matter how many event characters I use.

>> No.22246417

Isn't the mobile version Chinese? I'd just stick to PC for Closers it's much more fun.

>> No.22246607

>Wasted 1500 gems in Shironeko and didn't get either of them
>Out of gems now and no free gems sources left except dailies which won't be enough for the guarantee
At least I couldn't care less about next gacha compared to this one.

>> No.22247258

That music is bitching

>> No.22247289

At least you didn't tilt your 2k gem stack into weapons

>> No.22247404

How do you not have enough fodder for tradeins? Especially with the free 4*s from the ticket system

>> No.22247438
File: 177 KB, 1097x1097, 54356310_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda the reverse for me. I didn't really care about this one. But I started around WoG1, so WoG2 at least has my attention.

Not that we've had a big shortage of Ruushe versions in the meantime.

>> No.22247504

I got tilted, no logic behind it just pure rage rolls

>> No.22248301

Grinding mobage while at the gym
Using mobage to better myself
Becoming a stronger home security guard

>> No.22248309

What kusoges are you grinding while doing fit bro?

>> No.22248350

I don't really like the mobile port, it's side-scrolling and not beat em up, the graphics are good but that's all.

>> No.22248525

I tried playing the PC version but it is a buggy piece of shit that kept crashing at the tutorial, somehow managed to clear it after many tries only to have it crash at the main hub too. Guess Im going to get it mobile because liked the gameplay of the gun loli I picked as my Closer.

>> No.22248708

Which server is that? I download the apk from bilibili https://www.biligame.com/detail/?id=101601 and the collab isn't there.

>> No.22248761

Actually someone posted subs in the official facebook chat

>> No.22248881

Is this ever going to get a JP release?

>> No.22249131

I just hope that it won't need a VPN to play.

>> No.22249358

I preordered taiyo no miyako

>> No.22250191

Oh that sucks well have fun with Tina she's a cute android but not as cute as Seth.

>> No.22250225

>but not as cute as Seth.
Great taste.
Helps that Seth has the best story in the game by far. The final bit of her first arc really got to me. Her coming to understand death really stung.

>> No.22250258
File: 1.12 MB, 320x272, 1519667849166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit didn't know someone else other then me played the game
Yeah I really love her story from start to finish.
>Starts as a crybaby that doesn't know anything about the world but just wants to live Anna
>Ends with her coming to terms with her death and being serious about her dream to become queen.
The part that really hurt was when she had to kill those Anna clones Hoffman made

>> No.22251248
File: 964 KB, 1280x720, 1CWGMX4UkVJsLQnwDgcEROvpDXyyurWZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tina is love. I like Seth too but only in the Splendor of Darkness outfit I will never get because cash shop materials.

>> No.22251271
File: 1.46 MB, 698x936, Corsairchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mobile games about planes? It seems only botes, tanks, and guns get love. Any about combined arms?

>> No.22251414

Judging by the beta. No. You only need a VPN to grab it from the Play Store

>> No.22251422

Combined Arms

>> No.22251455
File: 188 KB, 1199x668, F4U Corsair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ash Arms

>> No.22251483

nice. I guess it's Nip only?

>> No.22251492

For now, yeah.

>> No.22251498

I'll look into it. Any ETA on English?

>> No.22251504

No idea. They haven't announced anything regarding EN. It's only just got done with its beta in JP. It's trying to get up on its feet in JP as its first server let alone EN.

>> No.22251529

>Wanting to play an EN server

>> No.22251539

I'm a slow reader when it comes to moon runes and it turns games into a chore. If EN is coming soon, then there's no need to slog through JP. It seems that isn't the case though.

>> No.22251892

Requiring a unique name in a mobile game is just cruel and unusual

>> No.22251910

Nothing too bad about it unless you're rerolling and actually care about your name.

>> No.22252019

>I like Seth too but only in the Splendor of Darkness outfit
Yeah that's my favorite costume for her too it's also nice knowing that it's just Anna after having killed Seth and gotten her body back

>> No.22252069

You should care.

>> No.22252099

Doesn't really matter for most players, since they'll just download it and play with the name they want.

Sucks for us rerollers, though, yeah. Unless it lets you namechange to something else before you ditch the old account, then it's just a mild inconvenience since you have to take that extra step.

>> No.22252109

it's usually the sign of a bad game

>> No.22252268

Glad we agree GCG is a bad game

>> No.22252446

I saw this ad on TV and now exclusively grind this game at the gym

>> No.22253550

I think my time with mobages might be over, I can't find one that keeps me interested for more than a day. I don't want this to happen.

>> No.22253647

Try playing a type of mobage you wouldn't usually, puzzle or sports maybe? minna golf is pretty fun and cute

>> No.22253797

know of any good puzzle ones?

>> No.22253904

So I started jamming out to some T7S songs, is the game any good?

>> No.22253920

Same as any rhythm game
Honestly pazudora is still king, but you have puyopuyo and anything else that pops up under suggestions in whatever app store you use to try out
To be clear, this is "puzzle mobage", it's not like you will get picross out of this

>> No.22253951

Do I need to be fussy about rerolling in Cafe? I got one 5* that seems highly rated at least.

>> No.22253984

I was going through the archives and accidentally ran into the day 7th sisters was released, it was another time...

>> No.22254004

>the day 7th sisters was released
It was already out for like 9 months though?

>> No.22254008

In the long term, it only matters too much if you want them for their outfit. Otherwise, you're probably fine with any good SSR.

In the short term, current event gacha characters get an event item drop boost and are typed to have an advantage in the event, so it'll be handy to start with one of them.

>> No.22254037

Android release. The real mobage platform.

>> No.22254083

The pre-Android release had the better rhythm game.

>> No.22254091

It wasn't very polished pre-android, let alone post-android
Honestly surprised it's still going

>> No.22254111

What's the purpose of guilds in Girl Cafe Gun? And do we have a guild here?

>> No.22254138

Man, I hate the way T7S's in-game music in just fades out at the end. Makes it feel more like a iTunes preview than a game version of the song.

>> No.22254370
File: 133 KB, 900x506, 1571130489989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22254377
File: 241 KB, 1500x950, EG6BzVHUwAAY4c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tagameme milking its remaining players this month
>The FF reskin version is scheduled to be released next month
I wonder if Jewmi will finally kill the game next year.

>> No.22254378

Sorry little girl, next time

>> No.22254382 [DELETED] 

>Perma seasonal cunny
Being able to skip her to just roll her later or farm her later is the best feeling. Hopefully more seasonals will be perma too after this.

>> No.22254383 [DELETED] 


>> No.22254385

That is a step in the right direction, limited train was horrible

>> No.22254402 [DELETED] 


>> No.22254405

The limited train is still on going with Xmas, New years and Valentines but maybe some of them will be permanent.

>> No.22254409

you have your own general. the image is from that general. is this just 1 autist trying to samefag his way back in?

>> No.22254427

Don't you want to protect that smile anon? Who cares if she's perma or not?

>> No.22254431
File: 187 KB, 960x540, EG6E3UfU8AAWax1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22254469

>he hasn't played You Can't Win

>> No.22254478 [DELETED] 

He gave himself away by using cunny

>> No.22254484

>few posts about a game
>sperg out and reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee about it
you're the only autist here

>> No.22254487 [DELETED] 

/mbgg/ has always loved cunny

>> No.22254493 [DELETED] 


>> No.22254499 [DELETED] 

/mbgg/ loving cunny has nothing to do with pcrg though? It's always been a selling point for new mobile games that come out.

>> No.22254537

Any game with somewhat not so stressful grindan, I hate it when devs introduce new instances every two months.

>> No.22254604

Cute bun. I'll do a roll like I planned and maybe some ticket singles, but can't justify anything more. Especially after getting Shinobu for Halloween compu took a huge part of my jewels.

>> No.22254666

W-Witch's W-Weapon ...?

>> No.22254667 [DELETED] 


>> No.22254670 [DELETED] 

I hope you realize you're shitting up the thread with your autism far more than people making small talk about the game you don't approve of

>> No.22254677 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 755x674, e700817edabe894376889fbbeca86fdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are?

>> No.22254684 [DELETED] 

I don't think 4chan is the place for you little buddy

>> No.22254695 [DELETED] 

The no fun allowed graveyard everyone runs away from when they can keep a thread alive

>> No.22254704

It's the one from the traditional chinese server.

Probably not, it's been over 4 months since release and there hasn't been a word of it, but the game is fully voiced in jp so you can give it a try at least, just know the game is fucking grinding you have over 9 ways to upgrade a character.

>> No.22254706

Outside of whaling, how do you get the star-raising material for limited characters?

>> No.22254737 [DELETED] 

Possibly seems that way because your shitposts keep getting deleted. /jp/ does not have fast threads like /vg/, if you want that then go back. Otherwise please stay and take it easy little guy

>> No.22254747 [DELETED] 

I'm talking about autists like you making a mountain out of a molehill and starting a shitstorm because someone dared to use a word you didn't like or brought up a game you hated.

>> No.22254749

Save up enough tarot cards to roll for her multiple times in gacha and hope you get lucky enough. There's no other way unless you're willing to drop 10 gems on one piece of star material.

>> No.22254755 [DELETED] 

Ah I see, so autistic in the same way as your response. Gotcha. Go home or get back on topic. Note, Priconne is not on topic because it has it's on general.

>> No.22254764 [DELETED] 

Great on-topic whining you're providing to the thread, why give out advice you can't follow yourself?

>> No.22254771 [DELETED] 

Education is on topic kid

>> No.22254778 [DELETED] 

if you don't fit into the board culture, or are in the wrong thread, people will help you
That's how it is down here on jaypee

>> No.22254784 [DELETED] 

20 meta shitposts over 5 priconne posts
good job

>> No.22254796

Damn I thought it's going to be better than priconne's dupe system.

>> No.22254817

Oh no, you mentioned the game that must not be named.

>> No.22254828

Funny how the poster count didn't bump up, must be a bug...
Anyway there's a general on /vg/ for that game, please discuss there

>> No.22254835 [DELETED] 

>doesn't know about saging on /jp/
>calls other people newfags

>> No.22254856

Silly newfag, saging still bumps new poster count :) I wonder if you got deleted or realised your mistake, all too late thanks to warosu archive.
They are working on killing it pretty damn hard

>> No.22254866

Just like you're working on killing the discussion in this place with your meta shitposts

>> No.22254880
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 1546000036277.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news on Uma Musume? It's still coming out, r-right?

>> No.22255005

Did some Investigation grinding today
>Danger nodes with 3x Mech soldiers, some spinny asshole, and the Convertible Mech
>Two of them on the same investigation map
>No rainbow shells from either
>Get one from the Destination Point which turned into a dupe
I hate this.

Also something weird I noticed, usually when destroying enemies, their projectiles will disappear, but when I was playing with my level 60 Miki, projectiles stuck around. I don't think there's a level-based passive that determines this but they were disappearing for Kurumi at level 69. Enemies were level 62 compared to 50-something where the projectiles were disappearing.

>> No.22255019

Perhaps once the horses die and the owners don't care about how the names are used so maybe 20 or 30 years?

>> No.22255165

>I don't think there's a level-based passive that determines this

Yes and no. It's not an explicit passive on characters like equipment boosts, but character level determines if bullets disappear on kill. They need to be equal to or greater than the enemy level for it to take affect, so for the case of level 62 enemies you'd need a 4* or 3* with at least 2 dupe rolls to have the effect.

>> No.22255207

last cloudia releases in a few days, looks decent

>> No.22255560

Why would you still cling to it anon? Even its father already gave up and left the project.

>> No.22255596

Is this written somewhere in-game? Projectiles were always disappearing, so this was unusual to me. Imagine trying to do evade clears without enemy projectiles disappearing. I need more anima.

>> No.22255738

Aren't most of them dead already?

>> No.22255827

No idea. I just quickly checked that most of them seemed to be born in the late 90s or early 00s. I think horses can live 20-30 or so years, so that plus 10-15 years after that because the name has value in lineage I imagine. I have no idea if that's the case but wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.22256724
File: 89 KB, 844x870, 76823002_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just reached floor 50, any tips?
my team is Bea, Kiriyu, Raphilia and Beth

>> No.22256854
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, yk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New trailer showed up for Action Taimamin. This one starts off by showing some gamepad play and then direct feed play of Best Girl.


>> No.22256872

fucking nipponese cant they just let a nigga play arknights im tired of waiting

>> No.22256875

Get a bilibili account like everyone else.

>> No.22256895

nope. i'd rather give the russians my internet data

>> No.22256903

Hey create new.

>> No.22256918

We're still at the top of page 10

>> No.22256928
File: 2.96 MB, 1848x2417, uma_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how up-to-date is this, but most of them are dead, yeah. And the count is steadily going up. MC's horse died right when anime was airing, even.

>> No.22257031

Not enough cute girls though.

>> No.22257042

The mere presence of male characters in a mobage triggers me unless they are on the opposing side.

>> No.22257056


>> No.22257073

Because mobage is for waifu games and on-screen male characters are poison. If they are on the opposing side it isn't as bad because they are at least not among the waifus.

>> No.22257122

Not that anon but getting fags you didn't want in your rolls is even more depressing that getting useless girls for me.

>> No.22257159

insecure waifufaggots thats why

>> No.22257197

I see. I have a follow up question if you don't mind. Do you guys also care about characters being for "you"? I was never sure if people were being serious when they made posts asking about this but I'm genuinely curious after seeing your replies.

>> No.22257259

Not really.

>> No.22257296

I have absolutely zero problem with the self insert's predecessor in T7S. In fact it's a shame that the one voicing him isn't Norio Wakamoto.

>> No.22257357

>gear in the BGHS event medal shop is not the exclusive gear, but only replicas for AGA girls
Whoops. Oh well, it's not like I rolled anyone, or will suddenly start playing the game. At least I'll have a bit better grasp of how things work when they'll do a rerun.

>> No.22257409

