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2220040 No.2220040 [Reply] [Original]

Manhattan could kill Shiki.


-love /co/

>> No.2220049
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Well at least it's more plausible than Shirou.

but no, Shiki could kill the concept of atoms.

>> No.2220054

but can Manhattan kill Gogeta SSJ5

>> No.2220055
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My head hurts thinking about this.

Make it stop.

>> No.2220062
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and what do you suppose would happen to shiki if he did that?

>> No.2220064


And promptly die.

>> No.2220065

>durr hurr

>> No.2220066
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>> No.2220070

You know, I think you're right.

>> No.2220071

Come on guys, aren't /jp/ and /co/ friends? There's not need to argue over this.

Because Shiki would win

>> No.2220072

Well, DUH.
I can do it with a grenade.

>> No.2220075


>> No.2220077
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I think OP is referring to Nanaya.

>> No.2220078

Of course.
It's very easy for him to die.
The debates usually revolve around what he can actively kill(emphasis on kill, not actually being remotely able to beat in battle)

>> No.2220082

Shiki in Nanaya personality,
Tatari Nanaya,
or Nanaya in Shiki's dream?

This is important.

>> No.2220083
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I agree. Shiki would just explode into a pile of flesh before he could see anything.


>> No.2220084

Manhattan vs ORT

>> No.2220086


>> No.2220088

AIDS can kill Shiki.

>> No.2220095


No. Aristoteles exist beyond physical levels.

At best he could explode ORT and then have to deal with M/M haunting him for the rest of forever.

>> No.2220097

All comes down whether has also has absolute matter manipulation in the Nasuverse.
If yes, yes.
If no, no.

>> No.2220098

Or is it Ryougi Shiki?

>> No.2220107

How does ORT attack, anyways? Does it use its tentacles to crush its opponents? Or does it Kool-Aid Man everything in its path?

>> No.2220108
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ya'll trolls are postin a nigga thread.

also superior shiki is superior.

>> No.2220109

Does Manhattan even have any lines?

>> No.2220118

No fucking idea really, that's the funny part.

No definite lifespan.

>> No.2220120


Crystal Valley surrounds it and alters physics in its favor.
The material that comprises it is described to be incredibly sharp, so melee attacks aren't out.
It probably has lasers.

Remember, Aristoteles engaged in TOTAL WAR with WHOLE ARMIES, INDIVIDUALLY.

The biggest one was fighting an ENTIRE CONTINENT.

>> No.2220123


I just had the idea for this thread last night...

...but yes. Assuming Shiki could somehow get close enough to do the slice 'n stab, Manhattan can't really die. He'd just put himself together again. Much like Arcueid did the first time, except without all the nasty temporary side effects.

It could even be argued that Manhattan's "self" is actually a nonphysical consciousness, and his physical body (or bodies, for that matter) is just how he chooses to represent himself to the world. Shiki killing his body would be like chopping off a finger at the very most.

>> No.2220129


Absolute Matter Manipulation fails when REALITY ITSELF DOESN'T APPLY, which is what Crystal Valley is.

>> No.2220131

Some /jp/edo make the reverse of this thread in /co/


>> No.2220132

Isn't ORT the strongest of the Aristoteles in terms of physical strength?

>> No.2220136

wait... why doesnt shiki kill cancer cells and HIV and cure all decease?

>> No.2220137
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The trouble is that Doc could just reassemble himself even if he WAS killed. So it's sort of a stupid question, a bit like asking if so and so could kill God.

Suika at least could fight him to a standstill, though. Manhattan would probably get bored after the first minute and leave.

>> No.2220141


Well, the only one we know it's above is Type-Moon.

It's said to be the strongest Dead Apostle Ancestor, and Type-Moon is #3.

So it's pretty epic-tier even among Types.

>> No.2220143

No, just on EARTH on pure attack strength.
It rearranges the environment near it in a pretty specific way, it doesn't do anything to ITSELF, nor can it do anything it wishes.

>> No.2220153

Also, how does the reality altering of Crystal Valley benefit ORT?

>> No.2220154

Strongest in pure offensive ability on EARTH(DAs included), not overall.

>> No.2220162

Makes it like it's home ground, and everyone has an advantage in their home ground.
Plus, it's very unhospitable for most other beings.

>> No.2220163
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>It rearranges the environment near it in a pretty specific way

Which is to say, subverts it into god-knows-what where physics doesn't work.

Crystal Valley is a singularity and Nasu hasn't given us details as to what it changes things to. Any and all logic fails in the spider's web.

>> No.2220165

The same way a Reality Marble is beneficial to the user. Crystal Valley isn't a Reality Marble but it is similar to one.

>> No.2220172

Anything can kill Shiki.

I could kill Shiki. You could kill Shiki. A midget could kill Shiki with a butter knife if he got the jump on him.

Just think of it as Shiki has the ultimate gun, but he still needs to get a shot off.

>> No.2220174

Since it's SIMILAR to an RM, we can assume that blowing the fucker who puts it in effect or splitting his atoms or teleporting him to the heart of the sun ends it.
You give it too much credit.

>> No.2220181

Then who's the strongest out of all of the Types?

>> No.2220194


Because that'd require him visit personally every patient in the world and killing his sickness personally. Which would probably mean his brain would explode from over-taxation

>> No.2220201


Types don't seem to die when they're killed. V/V said it could still move its main body even after the weapon DESIGNED TO KILL THE UNKILLABLE KILLED IT.

Ordinary killings of it probably will fail in every sense.


They've never been adequately compared, but Type-Saturn was an information relay if not the "leader" of them and Type-Jupiter was the biggest.

>> No.2220202
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The TYPE Power-Advantage is like this.

>> No.2220210

>Since it's SIMILAR to an RM, we can assume that blowing the fucker who puts it in effect or splitting his atoms or teleporting him to the heart of the sun ends it.
Uh yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.2220213


More literally and accurately, it's more like he has the perfect knife.

>> No.2220215


This is pretty much what I've always said. Shiki is an absolute glass cannon - he has beyond incredible killing power, but the resilience of wet tissue. The only reason he survives Tsukihime is pure plot armor, really.

>> No.2220220

I'm referring to CRsytal Valley, not Types in general.
assuming that deploying a specific effect in environment rewrites all reality in a way that a nuke is not effective is somewhat of a stretch.

>> No.2220221
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>Ordinary killings of it probably will fail in every sense.

Whassis then

>> No.2220222

ORT always shows up at the top of the power charts, but that doesn't mean that she would win in a match against other types. Just because you are powerful doesn't mean your clumsiness won't get in the way.

>> No.2220226

>Types don't seem to die when they're killed.
Yeah, technically they don't get killed. They just get destroyed for a while. It's more like an inconvenience really. I think the only way to kill a Type is to kill celestial body it is from.

>> No.2220231

Or more accurately, the fact that there is someone to heal his torn up arms, leaking brains and thousand holes in his body after fighting an opponent who has never faced an ability like his.

>> No.2220232


But it might hamper manipulative effects, like Dr. Manhattan's.

>> No.2220235

What's a nuke going to do to an entity that can travel between planets and all the hazards that come with said travel?

>> No.2220238


A very very extraordinary weapon of inconceivable murder capabilities.

>> No.2220239

That's a very big might and his abilities are not restricted to that.

>> No.2220241


So, to kill a Type, what you need is not personal combat power, but a Death Star? Blow up celestial body, win?

>> No.2220246

There was something on this. Its has to do with a radically different concept of death than what is normal. Shiki would be able to kill one, but he would have to understand how their concept of death works first (let alone even do his thing). There was something also about when a type-XXX dies the next strongest thing from XXX replaces it as type.

>> No.2220247

...A lot?
Strong nukes can fucking cause damage to planets after all.

>> No.2220249

Didn't humans kill Type-Earth?

>> No.2220250

Wait, so the Types that were killed will just resurrect after a while?

>> No.2220255

You do realize that the cosmic radiation in space is greater than that of a nuke, right? And ORT is from Mercury. I.e. the planet closest to the sun. Are you telling me that a nuke is deadlier than the SUN?

>> No.2220259


That's only theoretically.

Also, what most people don't realize about crossing over universes...
Planets in the Nasuverse are CONSIDERABLY more powerful and active than planets in, say, Star Wars. Before a Death Star even draws near it, the Type-entity would probably be assaulting it max-force, if not its Counter Guardians (in the case of Earth with no Type-entity).

>> No.2220260

You have to kill their source(see:Planet), else it will be reborn somehow.
Earth could not create a Type(hence asking Brunestad for help).
We killed fucking earth itself.

>> No.2220266


Essentially, yes. Most types can only be destroyed through physical means, it's just that that would require a Death Star.

>> No.2220267

Well, if we have a nuclear furnace 100.000 times stronger then the earth, sure.

>> No.2220279

Well, I'll be waiting for the second coming of Type-Jupiter....

>> No.2220281

Or a Slash Emperor or a Black Barrel.

>> No.2220288

whats ORT from?

>> No.2220292


Slash Emperor is the most h4x thing in the entire Nasuverse and Black Barrel was literally made with the base concept of killing immortals in concept.



>> No.2220296


What the hell /co/, I thought you were cool. Why do you have to resort to the most basic form of /jp/ trolling? You could label every part of your post with TROLL, TROLL, TROLL, still ask that question in the comment field and still get 100 replies.

Oh yeah, and Shiki can kill servants. True story.

>> No.2220308

Wait, so Slash Emperor and Black Barrel can kill Types permanently?

>> No.2220324


Slash Emperor doesn't make sense.
It just absolutely and certainly cuts anything.
It worked on Type-Jupiter and Type-Saturn.

Black Barrel can stop a Type in its tracks, but as V/V (Type-Venus after absorbing human concepts of "self") said to Gun God, it was both still alive and it could even move itself, although its shell would crack if it did.

>> No.2220329
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Not enough /jp/ related pictures of Watchmen characters.

>> No.2220330

No it doesn't kill them permanently. But if you need one destroyed right then and there then they are your best options. If you happened to be named Ado Edem or Gun God.

>> No.2220332

When it comes down to it, aren't the types just min/maxed versions of Sailor Moon characters? Let's argue about them.

>> No.2220339

Can Youmu kill ort?
( Her speed is approximately one quarter of the speed of light and the things her sword cannot cut are next to none)

>> No.2220344

It's Ideon sword, slightly smaller scale, add 'dimension effect'.

>> No.2220353

So...if planets are the source of types, doesn't this mean there are a bunch of types we don't even know about? The only types we even know about are Jupiter, Moon, Mercury iirc.

>> No.2220361


I can't wait till type Pluto

>> No.2220371


Venus', Saturn's, Uranus', and Neptune's were all mentioned too.

Former 2 were fought by Gun God, latter 2 had a single mention of shooting down observational stations.
Pluto was also mentioned, but it exploded.

Since there WAS a Type-Moon (and an erratic planet like Pluto, but Angel Notes came out 8 years before they ruled Pluto out), it's entirely possible that there are at least a few more in the Solar System and of course plenty throughout the universe.

>> No.2220372

ORT is overhyped as usual.
No it's not indestructible.
Yes Manhattan would cream it.

>> No.2220381

Not all of them are able to, lifeforms existing or not.
Earth could not after all.

>> No.2220396

Alternatively Ea at full power could theoretically kill a Type.

>> No.2220399

Fuck yeah, Titan and Ganymede

>> No.2220403

Everything sounds great IN THEORY

>> No.2220407


Would a say a Brown Dwarf ever get a type, some sort of fail type that's not really a sun and not really a planet?

>> No.2220409



I'm dumb

>> No.2220413

he Ultimate Ones or Types are the eight lifeforms (not including Type Moon; apparently the inhabitants during this era were unaware of its existence) from other heavenly bodies. Beings that don't mix well with the (common sense) rules of this planet; no mind, no concepts comparable with "death", hence "destroyed" ones haven't truly "died". Will continue to operate until objective is complete.

True identity are the ultimate beings from each of the other planets. Each has the power to single-handedly exterminate the existing lifeforms on this world. Called Aristotles by humans, but these beings do not even have the concept of names. Aristotles do not contend against each other and operate freely of each other.

>> No.2220415


Has to have life get on it somehow.

Stars don't get life because they're GIANT BALLS OF EXPLOSION.

A Brown Dwarf is just a hugeass clump of gas.

>> No.2220418

Among them, there are those who learn the concept of "knowledge" from the lifeforms of this planet. Further, several Aristotles have made contact with humanity. Following the destruction of Type Saturn, the relay unit for the orders of each of the planets, the Ultimate Ones would move on into the final battle.

Confirmed physical "destruction" of 3 by humanity: Venus, Pluto, Jupiter. Saturn is later destroyed meaning that there should be two more on the surface and two remaining in the blood sky. Uranus and Neptune are described as destroying the majority of the Type Venus monitoring base which would mean that these are the ones that are probably still on the surface. Which would mean that the remaining ones in the blood sky are Mercury and Mars? It's also possible that Neptune and Uranus were able to breach the cloud barrier after the destruction of Saturn.

>> No.2220428

It is kind of hard to use something when the only user of it gets killed in every scenario years before the Types appear.

>> No.2220433

A carnivorous plant around 1000 meters long. Is said to have a form of a fish bearing an enormous tree on its back, but because it was hidden in the clouds, no one has accurately recorded it.

Joined the invasion somewhat later than the other Ultimate Ones and for a long time had been drifting in the clouds.

Had been harmless for a while, but after completing investigation and selection of the ideal seed bed, it finally began to descend.

True identity is an invasion type environmental cultivation forest bed that roots itself into the ground and spreads hundreds of millions of spores (angel-type predation terminals). The moment it lands on the surface while still alive signals the conclusion of the existing species. However, it was shot down by Gun God before it landed on the Earth surface.

Interestingly, its "corpse" was the only place left on Earth that could naturally support life. That is, on the Earth that died, it brought with itself "a part" of Venus, a still living planet. Probably an effect similar in nature to ORT's Crystal Valley.

>> No.2220437

An Aristoteles, or Ultimate One, that appeared in the western continent from the world of Notes. A black giant several tens of kilometers in size. Its form was pretty close to that of a humanoid.

True identity is a mass of black photon gas, that can theoretically expand without limit. In its center lies its core that can only be described as an pseudo-star, as it constantly emits gas in enormous quantities.

Of the eight Ultimate Ones, the one that annihilated the most living beings. It engaged in total warfare in the western continent, but repelled its attackers without receiving damage. Though, the concept of injuries probably doesn't even exist in this Aristotles.

At the end of a battle with the Ether Knights dispatched to the western continent, it was sliced apart by Slash Emperor. However, the core went out of control and incinerated the surface of the entire western continent.

>> No.2220439

Has the appearance of a 3000 meter long flying cross.

Outer shell is composed of light generating mineral, and no other pattern can be seen on its surface. It attacks by dropping a rain of light from its body towards the surface. The "rain" is made of a cross-shaped electromagnetic shockwaves of 1 meter length that, at the moment of impact with the surface, will explode and destroy the surrounding area. There are other types of "cross light" as well, for example, one that will bore through the surface to cause an earthquake, destroying the very land the beings of Earth live on. The countless crosses piercing the surface in the wastelands it passed through look like tomb stones.

Called Aerial fortress and appears like a leader among the Aristotles that came to Earth.

Destroyed eventually by Slash Emperor.

>> No.2220445

Destroyed by the six sisters (said to be mutual destruction, although this contradicts with later statements), who confronted Pluto to prevent it from entering the planet. The blood of Pluto covered the planet and became what is known as the "blood sky", the area above the ashen sea of clouds. Said ashen clouds are thought to be a defensive membrane that the six sisters expanded. Inside the blood sky, the remaining two Aristotles, whose entry had been prevented, are swimming like fishes in the clouds.

>> No.2220459

Nasu sure liked Eva back then.

>> No.2220461


He still does.

Have you seen Rebuild of Evangelion?

>> No.2220463

no, why?

>> No.2220466

Apparently landed in South America before the Common Era. As an attack-type life form, ORT boasts power on levels far beyond anything else. The former 5th Ancestor attempted to capture it and was killed in seconds. Afterwords, ORT has been treated as an Ancestor when it was discovered to have vampiric properties.

An alien entity some 40 meters tall covered with outer skin that is harder, more flexible, more temperature resistant, and sharper than any other substance on the surface.

Said that as long as the battleground is Earth, it has no weakness. In addition to the ridiculously high attack parameters of the main body, it also possesses a special ability similar to Reality Marble - Crystal Valley, the apparent invasion of Earth terrain by a horrifying but beautiful crystalline landscape. While some magi and the 27 Ancestors control internal worlds called "Reality Marbles",the one that ORT controls is on a completely different level.

>> No.2220469

By just ORT being there, the Earth is changing to the environment it lived in. That is, the rewriting of physical laws, a leaking of its "alien order/system".

If man is that which destroys the planet, then ORT is an invader that paints the earth world into an alien planet. Just movement by ORT will cause the trees around him to crystallize, forming the crystal valley that surrounds him, resembling a spider web.

Can't be killed by Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Doesn't have the Gaia concept of death, so the Eyes can't perceive it. It can be destroyed physically, though it would be exceedingly difficult.

>> No.2220473


Wtf is tatari nanaya?

>> No.2220477


It's good. Watch it.

Nasu wrote a raving review of it.

>> No.2220480

It's not rewriting the physical law, just the environment.

>> No.2220481

Nanaya in Melty Blood as opposed to say Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.2220487
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The Nanaya Shiki of Melty Blood, a knife murderer given form by TATARI.

>> No.2220490

It's rewriting the physical laws.

Nasu agreed.
Don't bother him about it.

>> No.2220563
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So, ORT doesn't die even when its killed?

>> No.2220570


Shirou, you took a couple days to understand Heroic Spirits.

You will never understand the hyperexistence of an Aristoteles.

>> No.2220582

We already covered this. Read the thread. Types can be destroyed but they will eventually reform unless you somehow manage to kill the celestial body they're from.

>> No.2220623

My head hurt.

>> No.2220641
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Meidos can summon Servants

>> No.2220661

What if we throw Yukari in the mix ?

>> No.2220778

Needs more Getter Emperor.

>> No.2220832

His head would explode.

>> No.2220833

All posters in this thread are the samefag. At least I hope so ;_;

>> No.2220847


>> No.2220859


I see what you did there.

>> No.2220963

Manhattan, Shiki and Yukari pilot Getter Emperor instead.

>> No.2221003


Not possible.

For one, there's no logical way you can see he's seen Slash Emperor.

For two, it's made of space magic sewn into human DNA. He couldn't trace Ea, he probably can't trace this.

For three, it's not really a "sword" so much as "giant bony death".
