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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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22169256 No.22169256 [Reply] [Original]

How do I move to Tokyo as a NEET? That's the dream of everyone here, right? Weird that no one never talk about it.

>> No.22169258

no guns there. youll never make it as a miliota

>> No.22169571
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I'd rather move to Hokkaido. It looks beautiful and I like the cold.

>> No.22169645

Unless you're rich or able to marry a jap who doesn't mind your neet lifestyle, I don't think it's a very realistic idea.

>> No.22169703

not necessarily, if you work like 2-3 years on low skill job trying to save everything and then move to them net cafes and life trashy neet life there. It's possible to life a quite long time that way, but I don't think that many can actually do it.

>> No.22169722

1. Find a job in japan
2. Work in japan
3. Take and pass n1 exam
4. Apply citizenship/permanent residence
5. Become neet
6. Realize you only see the quirky fun parts of japan and being japanese is alot of work and responsibility being a 社会人

ie dont bother coming if you dont want to help japan and believe in japanese values

>> No.22169842

this. I see white girls on instagram shilling their lolita fashion who live in tokyo and I cant imagine what kind of hell their lives are off cam

>> No.22169843

>That's the dream of everyone here, right?
Consider lurking for at least 2 years here.

>> No.22169882

Personally I'd go for Niigata. Seems comfy and laid back and I'd probably lose my mind in a giant crowded city like Tokyo.

>> No.22169940
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Not much sun on the north coast, the mountains get in the way. But I bet it's a great place to do some boating and fishing.

I can't help but imagine a couple of Japanese nerds sitting around debating the relative merits of Wisconsin vs. Louisiana. It's easy to romanticize a place when it's so far away and different.

>> No.22169960
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I unironically want to move to rural Japan or some comfy place, I have some money saved like 100k I doubt I will be able to find a job since I dont study computer stuff but I opening a business or something and get the visa idk, just want to get out

>> No.22170100

Honestly it's not even romanticizing. I live in a city in Florida of around 100,000 people so I just feel overwhelmed and crowded out in truly giant cities. Just looking at stuff or watching walking videos and stuff a city around the size of Niigata just seems to be more or less my speed.

>> No.22170240
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I live in a rural area in the north so perhaps not too surprising I would find Hokkaido inviting. It's harder to make it in the country, there are not as many jobs available. But the beauty and solitude make it worth it.

>> No.22170333

If you live in the countryside, you'll only be surrounded by old people and ugly youkai, not cute JCs.

>> No.22170508

I'm really happy Japan doesn't allow subhuman EOPs like you to come here easily.

It took me some stress to get my visa, but once I did, I became happy it's that hard, cause it keeps you away.

Especially OP is a clear failure at life, even unable to Google how one can get to Japan.

>> No.22170537
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>> No.22170613

What are you doing there? software stuff?

>> No.22170615

moot is a fag no longer in charge, second, otaku culture is being obessed with japan overall

>> No.22170620

Americans that learn another language feel so superior that is fucking cringe, guess the bar is extremely low down there

>> No.22170622

Threads like this always get deleted.

I'm not American like you, fatso.

>> No.22170727

If I wanted to move to a shithole my country already has its own capital.

>> No.22170764

I live in Tokyo, but I'd rather just live somewhere more comfy in the suburbs like Yokohama or something desu. I just don't want the commute (for now), so I still live here.

And no, you don't really want to live in the middle of nowhere where the average age is 70+. Those places aren't very great long term.

>> No.22170790

how did you move to japan

>> No.22170855

Are you actually interested in me, or are just asking whats' a good way to get here?

I happen to have a financial/economics/accounting background and got a job as a consultant.

A good way to get a good job is to be a top grade programmer (not code monkey) and get a FAANG job in Japan. Or you could just be rich, that works too.

>> No.22170873

Presumably by not being you.

>> No.22171694
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>not code monkey

>> No.22172482

>Not much sun
My country has ~the same population as Hokkaido, and its southernmost point is further north than Japans northernmost. If there is one place I would absolutely move when given the chance it's Hokkaido.

>> No.22173194

> financial/economics/accounting background and got a job as a consultant.
Uh? That's weird, did your company move you to their office in jp or you got in by a jp company?

Wanna invest my money? Got 100k

>> No.22173271

What's wrong with being a code monkey? I reallly don't understand.

Asking out of curiosity I don't want to move to Japan.

>> No.22173286

sucks your life out and Indians will take your job

>> No.22173377

I'm way too autistic to do anything else anyway.

>> No.22175104

The better question is how do I get a job in Japan without being a native English speaker? I have a master's degree in English teaching (but I'm starting to regret getting it)

>> No.22175300

Can't you teach your native? I know a guy who got a job teaching spanish but there's also people who larp or get hired to teach english cause they really know their shit, you should fit there.

>> No.22175416

move in with us at the /jp/ house

>> No.22175447

Will I get my own room? Are you going to try and drag me to your gay orgies?

>> No.22175471

How does one find a job specifically in Japan? Assuming I have marketable skills/experience and basic language skills that I have a certification for.

>> No.22175494

I can’t tell if these threads are bait anymore

>> No.22175504

True actually.
Too bad it’s always socially and politically based on many things including but not limited to coming up with ways to get rid of the hikki/NEET menace

>> No.22175612

>Working holiday visa
>Can go and in the meantime get some company to sponsour me
>Have to hold a degree for that
>too fucking retarded for university


>> No.22175651

What does this post even say?

>> No.22175674

That I can apply for a fucking holiday working VISA to stay for a year but I can not change it or get some company to sponsor a full working visa cause I don't have a fucking university degree, simple as that.

>> No.22175695

Ok first let me ask you questions about whether you should come or not

1. Do you feel work is a: obligation, means to a ends, etc etc...

2. How do you feel about people who stand out and are outspoken?

3. What do your relation to your boss is? Should be?

4. Work should be done in a specific way, its not about the product, or does the ends justify the means?

5. How do you feel about spending tine outside of work with coworkers?

>> No.22175760

All that shit you are asking doesn't apply when you work for a foregein company, who the fuck would work for a Japanese one lol

>> No.22175762

Tokyo sucks

>> No.22175795

These are good questions and work just as well in America. Maybe 1/4 people here would give the right answers. Is it more there?

>> No.22175797

Japan has several other cities, it isn't just Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka.

I live in Hamamatsu and it's fine. Inexpensive, commutes are short, and I can bike to work for all but two locations.

>> No.22175846

Then why do you want to come to Japan and pollute the culture you love?

Dont you understand the fun subculture stuff is the opposite side of the not fun stuff?

You fill your obligation THEN enjoy Japan if you work here. Otherwise just come as a tourist.


>> No.22175865

Im saying when you come to Japan to work you become a so called 社会人, 社会 meaning society,人 being person. And guess what it means?

A fulltimer in japanese.

This shows that when you come to work in japan you arent here just to work. You also are here to become a member of their society.

Therfore the most important thing im asking in these questions is are you willing to embrace japanese values?

Are you willing to change your answers to these questions?

>> No.22175884

Its also part of why japanese only give unskilled labor to partimers and people from countries they deem inferior, then tell them to leave soon.

When you come to japan it will be a uphill battle to become approved by this society.

For you it will be stress, trust me.

And if you are going to just socialize expats and go whatever ill do what i want, ill ask, do you love japan?

If you dont then please leave.

>> No.22175903

Believe it or not, there are people in America with the same values, although not as many as there used to be.

The only one we might answer differently than you is #2, and this is a cultural difference. But the rest of your questions are about being a hard worker and a team player, to benefit your team and your country. Those values are how America became as rich and successful as it is.

>> No.22175926 [DELETED] 

Yes and im trying to prevent these radical individualist ideas destroying the US from entering Japan.

Nowadays the answers Americans give are more along the lines of what can I gain.

>> No.22175957

Good luck brother. I will keep fighting the good fight here.

>> No.22176075

Pollute? why pollute? If you think foregein companies in Japan are polluting the culture talk with the goverment lol.

Smart people who want to live in Japan always apply for foregein companies, someone can love some aspects of the culture but not all, Japan is a great place to live but not so much to work, why can't you manage to get a balance of both? you will have to be retarded to love Japanese working culture, it's literally the cancer of their society, specially in big corporations, I know some foregeins that worked in start-ups like companies and wasn't that harsh

And not liking working 10 hours straight doesn't mean you can't be a usefull member of society either.

>> No.22176112

Why not being NEET in your own country? Japan is not NEET friendly and also you won't be allowed to do tons of things. The only good option is this >>22169960. Japan is only good if you are rich and you want to be alone. But even then you won't feel comfortable. Japan don't want 外人 . Why bother then?

>> No.22176123
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Actually finding a job I can't help with, but as a first step you have this for immigration, considering you have a masters.

>> No.22176124

Workers should be glorified; work itself should be minimized as much as possible through technology, redistribution of wealth, and re-evaluation of consumption/lifestyles.
People who stand out and are outspoken are to be welcomed. They can speak for those who have no confidence to speak for themselves. They can make life more tolerable from the light of their personality if they are witty or silly. However, they can also be obnoxious. So they must be challenged on their opinions and behavior from time to time.
My relation to my boss is reflexive; that is, I am the boss. If I had a boss, he should be one who is elected by the workers in a democratized workplace.
When work is done, it should be done well. Nobody in society benefits from a poor job.
I will never socialize with people outside of forced interactions.

Am I ready to move to Japan and become a drone yet?

>> No.22176133

>work itself should be minimized as much as possible through technology


>> No.22176195

Why do you want to move to Japan anyway? There's nothing of interest there outside of otaku media, most of which you can get online. It'd be better to aim to have enough money to take trips there once a year, maybe spend a few months and then return.

>> No.22176255

Because living somewhere entails becoming a member of their society, and japanese society dictates you must work.

Its a reflection of their values of obligation, hiearchy, and conformism.

What right do you have to tell Japan how their society should work?

No one loves Japanese working culture not even Japanese but you know what? Its not about them its about being a part of society and following Japanese values.

You come here with foreign companies and live your foreign lifestyles while disturbing the harmony (和).

Japan is a country for people who are mentally Japanese.

Its about the society not you.

>> No.22176259

It isnt about productivity or work.

Its about following the system and being a part of the society.

>> No.22176287

>japanese society dictates you must work

Yeah and I pick the best place to do it, a foregein company while out of work I still live in a comfy country with all the benefits, best of both worlds, mad?

You sound like an autistic drone anyway, how much japanese semen did you have to swallow? Did your boss rape you? Enjoy doing 10 hours like a good c*ck boy?

And remember this, you will never be seen as one of them, not even if you do your autistic beer after work, work 10 hours, you will always be a foregein for them, everywhere you will go you will be seen as a tourist. Enjoy the ride c*ck

>> No.22176327

Is it possible to move there and open an ethnic store, like how in America, there's all those Chinese, Arab, and Mexican restaurants? Can I open an authentic corn dog and onion ring restaurant?

>> No.22176347

Yeah, but are you a chef tho?

You need at least 50K USD for the visa, in reality probably more for expenses and stuff but you know I've been reading and it's not that complicated if you really have the money, the problem is what type of business you are going to do you know, you don't want to be just throwing money you want to make fucking profits.

Probably e-commerce and such things are a good idea

>> No.22176349


>Could actually read that and understand it since I already saw it in some light novels

Do I qualify for Japan?

>> No.22176406

This thread was moved to >>>/trv/1681797

>> No.22176406,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hey cunny mod, thread broke off-topic rules. Why didn't you ban the off-topic shitposter??
