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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 41 KB, 459x425, hikikomori-mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2214061 No.2214061 [Reply] [Original]

Are your parents proud of you?

>> No.2214065

Not at all.

>> No.2214067


>> No.2214068

Extremely. I can do no wrong in there eyes.

>> No.2214070

Fairly. At least I go to college and have a nice job.

>> No.2214073
File: 115 KB, 320x310, batman-panel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2214082

They're tying. Cause i failed them soo many times

>> No.2214087

of course not, how could they?

>> No.2214105

They never had any expectations of me to begin with

>> No.2214129


>> No.2214133

My mom is practially my bro and my dad is long dead

>> No.2214143

My parents are dead. ;_;

>> No.2214155

Have you fucked your mother yet?

>> No.2214159

Not anymore.

>> No.2214164

Not yet, but I'm close

>> No.2214166

Hikkimori has no plans for future or has given up on humankind

>> No.2214169

Are you proud of your children, anons?

>> No.2214170

I'm in college now and my parents are happy with how I'm doing. A couple of years ago though, when I was a drop out, my parents had a talk with me. They were insisting I was depressed and that they were saying they were going to make me "see someone". I told them I wasn't depressed and didn't need "help" but they didn't listen. They kept insisting on it and after one hour of bullying I broke down in tears. After that they felt really guilty, and my dad tried to comfort me. That was pretty much the end of it. I'll never forget that though, it's scary to have your parents completely misunderstand you and think you're mentally ill.

>> No.2214175

Must be horrible having a son like me. Hence the reason I'm not having children. They always fail your expectation and blame their misfortunes on you.

>> No.2214173


>> No.2214189

At least somewhat, I managed to get a good job and moved out.

Of course, when they ask me 'Do you socialize with people at work?' or 'Do you go anywhere other than the grocery store and work?' and I answer "No" I wonder if they think something is wrong with me.

>> No.2214190

Goddamn that picture makes me feel depressed. Not that I'm wasting my life away of course. Just sad.

>> No.2214194

source on OP's pic plz?

>> No.2214195

Yes. And very.

>> No.2214210

I'm doing well in college and have plans for the future so I think they're somewhat proud of me. They're only vaguely aware of my lack of any social life, otherwise they would probably be more worried about me.

>> No.2214211
File: 7 KB, 180x177, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2214234

I envy your life, Anon.

My mum said she might be able to get me non-paid work where she works (government lol).

>> No.2214230

>Japan is no advanced country. The country has advanced industry but the people's mindset is still limited and medieval. They never had a breakthrough revolution on their own. They had it easy. This country only has tamed humanoids with good rote memory and engineering skills. 10% are successful foreign demand firms, the rest are obsolete educators, greedy civil servants/politicians leeching on political interests, and downhill internal demand firms.

>> No.2214260


>> No.2214286

Non-paid government work with your mum?
Why aren't you there now?

>> No.2214294

I'm better than my brother and sister in terms of school and direction in life, even if I am a weeaboo.

So they're proud of me by comparison.

>> No.2214297

This is me a few months from now.

My parents drag me out to a restaurant every Saturday. Once recently I decided I didn't want to go so I told them to go ahead without me, and my dad got a little weird and kept telling me we could go wherever I wanted.

Shortly after I overheard this exchange:
"I hate to see him just sitting in his room."
"What do you think he's going to do when he gets an apartment? He's going to sit in his room all weekend."

Apparently asking a waitress to bring me food counts as socializing?

>> No.2214305

That is very true.

>> No.2214309

Your parents were gonna set you up with a girl? I would be all over that. She would probably be a friend of the familys and just might be young and pure and it would be cool since if you got her pregnant you could just be like SORRY PARENTS IT WAS YOUR IDEA

>> No.2214310

>Apparently asking a waitress to bring me food counts as socializing?

Maybe thats how your mom and dad met!

>> No.2214325
File: 247 KB, 800x1145, 1232986374784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very proud of my daughters, but I am starting to think that the older one is ... a slut. I might have to kill her to preserve our honor.

>> No.2214322

I think that "someone" was some sort of psychologist or councilor or something.

>> No.2214335

It would be for the greater good, I encourage it.

>> No.2214469

Quite so, actually.

>> No.2214481

I wouldn't know, they aren't around so I can ask them.

>> No.2214494

They meant a doctor or a shrink or something.

>> No.2214511

No,I don't think so. Basicly my dad is Hank Hill and I am Bobby.

>> No.2214520

My parents are proud of me, yes. After showing a lot of promise not only in the science and math department, but also the visual arts, my parents tried to stimulate me in every possible way. But being the extreme introvert I am it backfired and now my parents are crying and apologizing every once and a while I come down. Like they should.

>> No.2214523

That boy aint right.

>> No.2214536

Probably not, but they act like they are. Oh well...

>> No.2214600
File: 157 KB, 1275x653, ranyiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom constantly bugs me and i answer with one word answers. My dad says hello in the morning and i wave but don't look at him. I spend my weekends in my room on /jp/ hanging out with my touhou friends.

I work as a radio frequency engineer so during the week I'm on the atlantic coast (I go home to northeast ohio on weekends) living off company money and hotels driving around looking for places where cellphones drop their calls for ATandT. The most I ever talk to anyone is if I order food or when I check into my hotel.

My childhood friend moved to colorado and my college friends are in pittsburgh, which is where I really want to move to, but I have a phobia of spending my own money so I dont want to pay rent when I can live at home for free.

I get so lonely and want to meet someone but I know the only way I could find someone I would connect with is if I quit my current wellpaying job and go work at like walmart or something and hope theres a cute geeky girl that works there I could get to know. That or go back to college, which would be spending money.

My parents havn't talked to me about depression or anything like that. My mom is supportive it seems but my dad just sits around and drinks. My mom works as a lunchlady at my old highschool and I kinda wish she would set me up with one of her coworker's daughters or something.


>> No.2214639

I like to think so. I'm at medical school and doing okay. I'm gonna be the first doctor in the family and the first person in my immediate family to go to university.

I've had to try and reinvent myself a couple of times though, to shed massive amounts of emotional baggage. Some of it was self inflicted, some of it was brought upon me. I'm hanging in there.

>> No.2214673

cool story bro

>> No.2214685

My interests and abilities belong to science, math and visual arts. They tried to increase my interest on physics so I would become a physician, but in the end I end up choosing a career in animation and arts. My dad is a bit bitter about this, while my mother says that whatever makes me happy is fine, but she's unsure about my future. Still not a NEET, trying to avoid becoming one.

>> No.2214690

Your life seems very simmilar to mine, although i dont have a fucking job

>> No.2214710

Even though I'm a shut-in I'm still doing better than my brothers. One is a NEET and high school drop out, he just plays games all day. The other is a college drop out, working a crappy job, but he has a good social life.

>> No.2214720


Not trying to be a dick here, but physician != physicist

>> No.2214726

Sorry. English not my first language.

>> No.2214736

>I know the only way I could find someone I would connect with is if I [do some unnecessary irrelevant dicking around. Girls only exist at Walmart and school.]
That's bullshit, and you know it.

>> No.2214772

They found out I like 2D more than 3D. After they found out they confronted me on it. I just told them "Hey, at least I'm not gay."

>> No.2214775

my parents are proud of me, my mother says things like "I'm so happy you went on a walk" when I go out.
she still has expectations of me, she just lowered them a lot ever since i got diagnosed as a schizophrenic. =/

>> No.2214777

Yes. My father will always say 'son, it doesnt matter that you are a 21 year old virgin. You are a famous tripfag on 4chan.org and that's all that matters to me and your mother.'

>> No.2214793

How does one 'find out' such a thing?

>> No.2214795

I'm an academic (doing my PhD) and so my mum thinks I'm pretty awesome and excuses my complete lack of a social life.

My dad did his PhD whilst maintaining a pretty hectic social life (based on the number of girlfriends he used to talk to me about) and so he calls bullshit on that excuse. Plus he's seen my /d/ folder.

>> No.2214806

I've been to anime club and seen you phd students with my own eyes.

It's like they found deodorant's arch enemy or something.

>> No.2214811

what did your dad think of your /d/ folder? did your dad ask for sauce?

>> No.2214824

>Plus he's seen my /d/ folder.

Sounds like a beautiful father/son moment.

>> No.2214839

Like another anon said, in comparison to my brother and sister, yeah.
My Brother decided to live in Germany, while my family lives in the U.S.. My brother now works random jobs(currently cleans hotel rooms), and my sister is 14 and is dyslexic, or mildly retarded or something. Functions somewhat normally and isn't obviously retarded, but can't read for shit. So I'm pretty much the only hope they have for a child going to college and getting a higher paying job. Right now I'm taking 2 classes and working. Had more classes before, but also had a job before that started around 5 PM so it didn't really cut into a school day. They'd probably prefer I take more classes, be more social, get a girlfriend, not buy "dolls" and all of that, but oh well.

>> No.2214836

But you're not a virgin. You told us. I remember.
Athens-san discussion thread hijack go ^o^

>> No.2214844

>You told us. I remember.
Just because Athens started being a serious faggot and trying to make every girl on 4chan his e-friend doesn't mean he's stopped being a virgin.

>> No.2214858

*sigh* I am a virgin.

>> No.2214861

No man, it wasn't a 4chan thing as far as I know. It was a real life relationship. With a girl. But nigga's still 'essentially a virgin' so he's still one of the cool /jp/ guys. Or he was a few months ago; I haven't been on /jp/ constantly, and neither has he (at least while tripfagging).

>> No.2214870

I'm in college and they don't give a shit about my hobbies so yeah I guess they are.

>> No.2214879

It's not true, or are you referring to ZUN !bar's practise of explaining my absence with 'he got a girlfriend' every time it's brought up?

>> No.2214892

> anime club

No. I don't leave the house unless it's to do research at the library pretty much. Also I'm a compulsive hygene freak, sweating makes me incredibly panicky and I usually have 3-4 showers a day.

>> No.2214899

No. This is about things you said. With your tripcode. Don't make me trawl through the /jp/ archive! Because I'm just about bored enough to do it!

>> No.2214906

I promise you, 100%, short of a doppelganger (of which I doubt because the only person who cracked my tripcode ended up getting himself permabanned) that I never said any such thing. Nor have I ever had any kind of a romantic relationship with a girl.

