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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2212834 No.2212834 [Reply] [Original]


I have never bothered to try to understand the phenomenon called 'touhou'

I understand it is some sort of old arcade style game, but I don't get it. Is it because I don't know how to read moon?

>> No.2212839

There are Touhou games?

>> No.2212842

Why are you making a thread then? Google it.

>> No.2212843

It sucks, it's just some generic shoot 'em up

>> No.2212844

Why do we have this thread every fucking day

>> No.2212849


Well I figured people like to talk about the things they love... I'll take my business elsewhere then. Sorry for bothering you.

>> No.2212855
File: 499 KB, 741x592, 1236546825568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that basically sums it up

>> No.2212860

It's not really a problem, but you could've pulled it off a lot better. Instead of saying the exact same thing every time, why not try to come up with something new for every thread? You won't cause rage because it won't be copypasta, and it'll be a new discussion so people won't get bored.

>> No.2212865

Would you expect people to answer your question if you went to /p/ and asked about what photography is?

>> No.2212867

In fact, I'm going to do this now

>> No.2212874

Even though you can just google, you probably started a thread just for the attention

>> No.2212884


>> No.2212893

Ah, /p/ _is_ a good board >>>/p/378874


>> No.2212899

Good show, my dear boy, good show.

>> No.2212904

You don't have to understand anything. It's shit and only faggots playing mainly because of herd behaviour.
They crave for the ugly drawn and ridiculous designed lolis though you might find superior ones in every shitty shounen magazine.

>> No.2212951


=( but its not pasta?
