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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2212814 No.2212814[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Which one of you is responsible for this?

>> No.2212870,1 [INTERNAL] 

>olde /a/
Stopped readan there.

>> No.2213020,1 [INTERNAL] 

It was made a long time ago by that idiot troll Waruteru-chan. I know because I logged on to my old ED sysop account from years ago just to delete the retarded vanity article he made about himself when I saw it.

>> No.2212820

1. Don't read ED.
2. Don't post links to ED on 4chan.
3. Get the fuck out of here.
4. Please die

>> No.2212819

Youre mom

>> No.2212822

Cool down, bro. I just googled 4chan /jp/ and I saw it on the second page.

>> No.2212825

How are you still alive?

>> No.2212830

Hey, they have our theme song.

>> No.2212827
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>> No.2212845

Wow, /a/ has really gone to shit.

>> No.2212850
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>> No.2212851

/a/ is worse than I thought.

>> No.2212853

Because I ain't dead yet mother fucker.

>> No.2212854

I googled ``anime'', and found results with Naruto. Should I go to /a/ and make a thread then?

>> No.2212856
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>> No.2212857

It's not like you can make the place any worse.

>> No.2212861
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No, this board doesn't like "everything about Japan", but rather, only "2D Japan", which in non-mouth-breathing terms, means 'crap that's meant for little Japanese kids but somehow appeals to pedophiles and manchildren, and would otherwise be embarrassing for anyone with half an inch of dignity to enjoy'

>> No.2212870

oh, and all this /a/ died when got separated from /jp/ is a myth.

/a/ is the same it always was, just without Touhoe hijack. Which is a good thing.

In before "/jp/ has all the old /a/ users" bullshit.

>> No.2212876

/a/ is a board dedicated to anime, you can't expect much from it.

>> No.2212878
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>> No.2212880
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>> No.2212881

lulz funni reaction image bro xD xD

>> No.2212885
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>> No.2212886

This is what only trolls believe.

That's terrible, sir.

>> No.2212889

I edited the articale to make it better.

>> No.2212892

what the fuck is all that comic shit in the bottom

>> No.2212898

Just want to echo what he said.

ED is just /b/ in Wiki form.

And run by the same thirteen year olds that pollute the rest of the site.

>> No.2212914

They don't even have the good ones, like the East/West Germany comparison or "everyone out of /a/".

>> No.2212924

/jp/ was created because moot wanted to get rid of Touhou shit from /a/, nothing else.

/jp/ is like Korea, they love making stories about how they used to be important and influent in the past because they're envious of their neighbor countries.

>> No.2212929

Where did all our good trolls go? Why are we stuck with second-rate trollbros?

>> No.2212930

Sure /a/ is around here

>> No.2212937


>/jp/ is like Korea, they love making stories about how they used to be important and influent in the past because they're envious of their neighbor countries.

You're half right. /jp/ is not productive, and when it tries to be, all we get is smirks and shit. However, it's always entertaining, such as the netplay/danmaku threads and mildly entertaining discussions.

>> No.2212944

The retard that posts in here using the name ワルテルちゃん or something like that.

>> No.2212961

BTW I'm not saying you guys should hate /jp/, we just have to get over this separation bullshit. Moot created this place to get rid of unwanted stuff and this is a fact, creating fictional stories to prove we are better than /a/ like a butthurt bastard child won't get us anywhere.

We're having fun now and that's what matters, get over the past and live on. It's about time.

>> No.2212962

if it sucked that bad we wouldn't even be here anymore

>> No.2212976

ED used to be an LJDrama.org, GNAA and Bantown in-joke in 2005. Then /b/ happened and they mutually destroyed each other.

Now it's unbearable to go to either of the two places.

>> No.2212985
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>Did you watched
People, learn your god damn language.

>> No.2212986

Hell I think there isn't enough separation.

There should be /ca/ -- current anime (for posts regarding anime that is airing right now in Japan)
/a/ -- The usual faggotry
/oa/ -- old anime (anything older than 10 years)

>> No.2213002

And maybe even an entirely separate board for anime movies and OVAs

>> No.2213014

These threads are started by people from /a/, moot had no idea what /a/ was about, and /a/'s complete self-destruction is proof enough of everything that was said before and after the split.


>> No.2213018

Funny thing is, moot still believes /a/ is better than /jp/. Probably because he must get really pissed off at the idiotic reports he gets in /jp/ nowadays.

>> No.2213020
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>meta thread.
The op wants attention for the article he just made on ED.

>> No.2213020,2 [INTERNAL] 

I hate Walter.
He is a fucking annoying troll, he trolled /jp/ with all opportunities, and he cocksucks IRCfags too much.
In fact, that retarded Alice tripfiend is his eternal love or something of the lines, along with the rest of them.

>> No.2213020,3 [INTERNAL] 

He would probably jizz his pants reading that, you know. To be remembered such a long time after his banning... every triptroll's dream.

>> No.2213020,4 [INTERNAL] 

Haha...too bad he was a faggot, unlike our Jones.

>> No.2213020,5 [INTERNAL] 

Will you asshats please stop bumping this encyclopediadramatica thread. What is this, /b/-lite or something?

>> No.2213020,6 [INTERNAL] 

Implement sage.
I dare you, or you got no argument.

>> No.2213020,7 [INTERNAL] 

ED is filled with failed newcomer /b/tards from what I've known of it.

They make poorly written articles about 4chan and other related nerd phenomenon but never really capture the zeitgeist with any of it.

It's like newcomer /b/ but in wiki-format. Also the moderator of the site is apparently a furry gay person.

>> No.2213020,8 [INTERNAL] 

>ronery and women hating threads (all started by athens, a troll that fled from /n/),

I bet this was made by athens.

>> No.2213020,9 [INTERNAL] 

>the moderator
Huh? There are several sysops. All the new ones are retarded /b/ kids, all the old school trolls (you know, before trolling mean 13 year old kids posting retarded lolitrollu images) pretty much left and try to forget the fact that they used to be involved with ED.

The two site owners are the old ljdrama.org owners. ED started off as a wiki to document LJ idiocy. In a pre-social networking Internet, that was pretty much where all the hilarious stuff happened.

ED used to have decent parody articles a long time ago. This was when there was no 4chan content on the site except for the Cracky-chan and not4chan.

Just like what happened to /b/, smart people would go there and do parodies by writing in a racist/dumb/retarded style. As ED started to absorb /b/ content, the userbase changed a lot and now it's filled with kids who are genuinely racist/dumb/retarded and think repeating the same old gimmicks over and over is funny.

>> No.2213020,10 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.2213020,11 [INTERNAL] 

Spare us the ED history lesson. You're talking about ED on the archive, we couldn't care less.

>> No.2213020,12 [INTERNAL] 

*is 300 pounds*

>> No.2213020,13 [INTERNAL] 

And who is this person that knows so much about this site, if it's not some frequent site user himself.

By the mere nuances of this post you could be identified but I do not waste effort in such as you. Don't post in this board ever again.

>> No.2213020,14 [INTERNAL] 

I was a user there back when there were 5 active people editing and no 4chan related content. That much is obvious.

It was a nice place until /b/ crap ruined it. Then ED destroyed /b/ even more in return.

>> No.2213020,15 [INTERNAL] 

Honestly, truthfully wasn't. Check the History if you want, it was probably ISM.
