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File: 208 KB, 1295x995, UFOc13n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2212300 No.2212300 [Reply] [Original]

How long did it take you to finally get a decent 1cc at normal UFO stage 1-3 ?
It took me a while to figure out the brofists. But after around 5 hours of raw playing i finally beat her.
Goddamnit why is this so hard.

>> No.2212312

On the first try... (on Normal). I just bombed her every attack.

>> No.2212311

I no-missed Normal on my first attempt (used Sanae-A). Shit is way too easy. Go back to your hentai.

>> No.2212324

I go it done until the third run. I was still getting used to the whole thing.

>> No.2212318

>YetAnotherTouhouFag !!bpN0GP6dLuc

More like yet another tripfag that springs up to add to the shit that /b/ and /b/ with videogames like to bring here.

That said, it's a valid question, UFO is pretty hard. You need to start looking for gaps and safe spots the second you can make out the shape of the card, and if shit is going to follow you.

>> No.2212329

Less than an hour

>> No.2212330

Sixth try, I think. When I decided to use SanaeA, after testing the other characters and shot types.
Learning how UFOs work also helped a lot.

>> No.2212333

I haven't gotten an acceptable run yet because I die sometimes and then maybe use a bomb ;_;

>> No.2212339

The point is to get a decent run done. Not to press the bomb button whenever I see an inconvenient Spellcard.

>> No.2212351

3rd run, trying Marisa B was a bad idea.
At the moment, I try to 1cc Lunatic, but UFO is 10 times harder than SA Lunatic, and I don't quite get the UFOs, or what to do with those blue UFOs since I have to dodge them, and if I die once I can already give up.
And then my keyboard doesn't allow me to do high precision dodging.

>> No.2212357

Normal: 1st try
Hard: 2 hours

>> No.2212386

I've been enjoying too much playing Laser Mari and collecting/shooting UFOs that I felt 1ccing the whole demo doesn't matter.

>> No.2212392
File: 81 KB, 640x480, th004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wasn't so bad, but I still died once and used as many bombs as I could have (4?). At least I didn't make any mistakes on stage 3.

>> No.2212419
File: 204 KB, 282x384, 1236551782751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can finally 1cc Lunatic with MarisaA and ReimuB and capture a decent number of cards without bombing through every goddamn thing(save the end of stage 3, you can pretty much bomb bomb bomb with no worries), but I think UFO has the hardest Lunatic so far. Unzan is serious about being a man in Touhou. Step your game up, son, or get FISTED.

>> No.2212435


>> No.2212436
File: 11 KB, 486x425, ufos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2212462
File: 61 KB, 525x525, 3376393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my third try. I think. All I remember is that I beat it with SanaeB, after trying my luck with MarisaA and reaching those fucking fists. The game became much more entertaining once I learned how the UFOs worked.

>> No.2212490

ZUN needs to change a few things:
you shouldn't be able to die on a spellcard a second after you cleared it.
UFOs should always be visible. It is fucking annoying if I have to bomb to get my UFOs, but then don't know where they are and end up dying trying to collect to UFOs once I see them again.
(would be nice) autocollect of all items from UFOs. Again, sometimes you have to use a bomb to collect a bomb/life a UFO dropped, and if you don't have a bomb ready, all is lost.
UFOs blink a few seconds and then change color, but some blink and then stay the same (and start blinking again a few seconds after, or change color without blinking), while you desperately follow the item around trying to get your last piece. It's like ZUN is trolling you ingame.
new UFO items shouldn't replace the first one collected, That's annoying.
Sanae's hitbox
Marisa B

What happens to UFO items you collect while there's a UFO on screen? It seems that they are gone without doing anything.

>> No.2212501

> What happens to UFO items you collect while there's a UFO on screen? It seems that they are gone without doing anything.
You still get the point multiplier bonus.

>> No.2212503

I did it the same day of release, after maybe an hour of practice to figure out UFOs and spellcards. I died a few times to stupid shit but didn't bomb once in that run, I know it's wrong but with how powerful bombs are it feels like cheating.
Currently trying my hand at Hard, but I cannot yet figure how to beat the Nazrin Pendulum card, they keep shooting bullets like 1mm in my face with virtually no space to dodge them.

>> No.2212511

>Currently trying my hand at Hard, but I cannot yet figure how to beat the Nazrin Pendulum card, they keep shooting bullets like 1mm in my face with virtually no space to dodge them.


Also ZUN should fix the power when you die.

>> No.2212512

>new UFO items shouldn't replace the first one collected, That's annoying.

they replace something only when the combination you're going for is impossible: i.e. you have two reds and catch a green, then the first red is discarded. It's to avoid cluttering of the UFO bar.

>> No.2212514

When the UFO explodes the items appear floating where the UFO was. You auto-collected them immediately after a second. I don't know if you get 100% of the items tho.

>> No.2212524

haven't thought about it but, you don't get 3 bombs per life anymore right?

>> No.2212538

Yes, if you time it right, you can skip two spellcards with one bomb (hello ReimuA).
But whats the point of clearing it with bombs. You will need them later on. So I focus on high points while beating spellcards without using any bombs and maximizing the potential of UFOs point multiplier.

>> No.2212551

3 lives, two bombs each.

Also, I noticed that you no longer start with 0.00 Power.

>> No.2212568

When you have RED GREEN and collect another RED one, what do want? RED GREEN or RED RED?

I meant the star pieces. Sometimes you have to bomb to collect bomb/life star pieces.

>But whats the point of clearing it with bombs.
since you have to "work" for your bombs, there is no shame in using them.

>Hard, but I cannot yet figure how to beat the Nazrin Pendulum card
It's easier on Lunatic (for me at least)>>2212501

>You still get the point multiplier bonus.
so it is useless.

>> No.2212579

1.00 is the lowest.

>> No.2212595

>since you have to "work" for your bombs, there is no shame in using them.

I personally avoid to use any bombs before stage 5, better learn to get through it now, then later when you appear emptyhanded at stage 4 in the full version.

>> No.2212607

> so it is useless.
uh no, if you got ten lives or ten bombs or something it'd be useless, but points, that's not useless

>> No.2212629

for someone who aims for a 1cc, points are useless if they don't give you bombs or lives.

>> No.2212687

>When you have RED GREEN and collect another RED one, what do want? RED GREEN or RED RED?

It's your mistake for picking up a green one while aiming for three reds then. You obviously need a bit of memorizing, strategy and luck to get it right, but the UFO bar is fine as it is, don't fix what ain't broken.

>> No.2212710

I'd rather it just put out a dud UFO or cleared the bar, with this system the UFO's start appearing in different places if you fuck up.

>> No.2212734
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That card is harder on Hard than it is on Lunatic. The prisms cycle so dangerously close to the border of the screen that you don't have time to react, compared to just making a maze of slow-moving bullets on Lunatic. You have to move in and out with the cycles of the prisms. Get up in Nazrin's face, back out when they surround her, repeat.

Still trying to find out if Kogasa's blindspots are practical in Lunatic. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Also, Ichirin's card where you're forced to place your ass on the bottom of the screen or Unzan BROFISTS you is fucking stupid. That and the majority of the latter half of Stage 3 is just a nightmare.

>> No.2212736


>> No.2212749

And different places usually means overlapping with a boss.

>> No.2212758

MSH nearly hit game over on stage 3 lunatic and he was (as usual) cheating.

>> No.2212762

Who is MSH?

>> No.2212772


He slows down his computer.

>> No.2212781

But that's something you only do once, every time after that you'll play for score.

>> No.2212782

404. Was it deleated for cheating?

>> No.2212783

Just because you 1cc the game once, doesn't mean you can do it right again.

>> No.2212794

Yep I am still trying to get ReimuA and MarisaB through the thing before moving to Hard. But I have to say I like SanaeA the best.

>> No.2212802

I can't bring myself to like SanaeA; it's just...too good.

>> No.2212804

But then what's the point?

>> No.2212812

SanaeA sort of feels like SakuyaA in PCB, but it's a good choice for learning spellcards.
