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2211890 No.2211890 [Reply] [Original]

Could Shiki kill Battler?

>> No.2211893

>Could shikixbattler?

>> No.2211896

Relevant to my interests

>> No.2211897

Tell me more.

>> No.2211900

Everyone else has.

>> No.2211907

Battler doesn't believe in mystic eyes, so no.

Then again, it wouldn't stop Shiki from thrusting his knife into Battler and messing around with his internal organs. If you know what I mean.

>> No.2211910

Which one? Regular Battler, True Battler or MAGIC HAX Meta-Battler?

>> No.2211920

is the OP Battler? If so tell me more, for he is delicious.

>> No.2211930

I'll take all 3.

>> No.2211931

battler sure gets raped a lot

>> No.2211936
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Yes, it is he, and he can be made even more delicious.

Despite this however, he will never be more delicious than Mr Delicious.

>> No.2211943
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>Battler doesn't believe in mystic eyes, so no.

He said he believes things if he can be shown them.

Magic in the Nasuverse is very, VERY blatant.

>> No.2211949
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>> No.2211971

I'd like to order a Regular Battler with extra cheese and soda.

>> No.2211977

>Magic in the Nasuverse is very, VERY blatant.

So was Virgilia and Beato's insane magic battle, but Battler still managed to find a way around that.

Besides, his big little sister would show up to save him anyway. (unlike Shirou's big little sister who waits until he's dead and then finds him a new body.)

>> No.2211987
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