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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 140 KB, 1126x1500, ElonaGifts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22073107 No.22073107 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread >>21969452

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Elona+ Custom-G Release Thread:

>Omake Overhaul English Release Thread:

>Current Version:
Elona+ 1.91 (2019-06-0)
Elona Omake Overhaul EN (2019-06-17)
>Latest Custom:
E+C 1.90.4 (2019-06-02)
Elona+ Custom-G (2019-06-03)
Omake Overhaul EN Hack final release (2018-12-14)

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to Windows 7.
Using GIMP to create a sprite or PCC? Select "do not write color space" and save it as a 24-bit BMP.

If you want to know the differences between Plus and the most popular Omake variant read the pastebin FAQ.

>> No.22074680

Elona is dead! Long live Elona!

>> No.22075140
File: 72 KB, 479x148, Test plant 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your strangest furniture?

>> No.22075200

I read in Omake notes that stealth has been reworked to work as intended.
Can i play viably at low Karma without needing to disguise all the time with high stealth ?

>> No.22075208
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my wife

>> No.22075249
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>Demon dragon god

>> No.22075287
File: 3.38 MB, 2400x1800, ServantsOfgods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how some are straight lies unless that was patched somewhere
>immune to etherwind

>> No.22075334

Flavor lore doesn't align with gameplay, and companions are technically immune to etherwind regardless, it's you that dies.

>> No.22075405

You only need disguise kit to talk to vendors/guards.

>> No.22075469

thats exactly my gripe,why list immune to etherwind as a positive when EVERYONE except you and pael mom are inmune to it

>> No.22076490

Because they aren't intended to be immune but have to be in order to make the game playable?

>> No.22076856

how's the mobile version?

>> No.22077980

Awesome, how did you make that?

>> No.22078001

The new test version of oomSEST changes how you craft furniture with skins. It's being done as a potential candidate quest objective for the smithing guild that'll be added to S. Tyris. The + value is a random value up to 2x your hammer level.

>> No.22080831

It crashes a lot in my shitty phone

>> No.22081307

Any mirrors of Elona+ 1.90?

Bloodyshade's archives are gone, and the google drive download for 1.90 is dead. I heard E+C is no longer being maintained, so 1.90 might be the latest release for a while.

>> No.22081759


>> No.22083569

is it only available in chinkenese?

>> No.22084405

I haven't played Elona in a year or so, did the multiplayer features ever get added? I remember the third zone just being added and extremely unfinished, so curious if anything major got added after that.

Also Elona+ 1.91 or E+C 1.90?

>> No.22084452

Third zone is complete, work is progressing on the 4th chapter arc for E+. No multiplayer. E+C 1.90 is better for general ease of life, especially if you play in English.

>> No.22084476

Awesome, thanks. Didn't know E+ was bad for English, kinda sucks if
>>22081307 is true about it not being maintained.

I'll grab 1.90 E+C, looking at the changelog they added quite a bit since I last played.

>> No.22084533

E+ has gotten "better" for English than it used to be, but it's still kind of an afterthought. The main advantages to E+C are the utility features. Eventually someone might pick E+C back up again, but I wouldn't count on it.

>> No.22086351

1.92 is out

>> No.22086369

>Type of items produced by statues of Kumiromi and Yacatect and the cute fairy no longer depend on the day. They now depend on the total number of times they have produced an item.
Welp. Herbs just got more frustrating to farm again.

>> No.22086444

It's not like anyone will be moving past 1.90 for a while, anyway, right?

>> No.22086488

Wait,what days produce small medals on yacatect statue?

>> No.22086873

Days where the day times month equals 90.
So 30/3 for example

>> No.22086896

how the hell do people find this? just look at the code? so stuff like 15/6 works as well? that sounds awfully specific

>> No.22086912

It is awfully specific, but it works in every combination I have tried. Pretty sure people did look in the code for it.

>> No.22087995

Until we have a concrete understanding of how quickly it scales, we have no clue whether this is really annoying or not.

There are folks who are used to not running E+C, so for them 1.92 does have some interesting implications.

>> No.22089084

>Type of items produced by statues of Kumiromi and Yacatect and the cute fairy no longer depend on the day. They now depend on the total number of times they have produced an item.
Why does Ano insist on doing this shit? Why is he so afraid of knowledgeable players having an advantage?

>> No.22089188

Wait for the source code on this to be released. We literally have no clue other than this vague statement on what this actually means.

If Ano made it so that Kumiromi Statues/Cute Fairy started spewing out dozens of herb seeds and artifact seeds after being used 10 times (very unlikely given Ano's track record), it'd still be seen as an "advantage" in some regard. Similarly we'd need to determine if there's some sort of cutoff threshold where there's no further change (as in, after being used X times, all production sources grant the ceiling category of production, whatever that may be).

The wording seems to imply that each statue would have its own isolated production value, but even that is up in the air.

>> No.22089211
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Just starting out a couple days ago, is there a way to remove this

>> No.22089222

If this is a Living Weapon you can either reset the Living Weapon, or use the material changing trick to try and remove the trait.

If this is a normal weapon, there is no in game means of removing the blood sucking trait. You can elosnack it out but that's it.

At low values, the bloodsucking is annoying, but not too bad.

>> No.22089252
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what if it's a helmet? I'm assuming there isn't an ingame way.

>> No.22089259
File: 110 KB, 804x1678, An Idiot's Guide to Decompiling Elona+ in Four Easy Steps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait for the source code on this to be released.
Be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.22089264

That's a fixedart which always has bloodsucking. Nothing can be done about that one.

>> No.22089270

I have the big dumb when it comes to understanding code unfortunately. I'm literally still trying to learn C++. All I know about Hot soup is that it's open source and a popular coding language in Japan. Like at this point I have a better chance passing the JLPT than I do deciphering HSP.

>> No.22089305

Have you ever tried to read straight decompiled code?
Being HSP certainly doesn't help too.

Custom makes it somewhat readable, though still kind of a clusterfuck. And maintainers of that generally abstract/label everything new that comes along.
But it's obviously on hold for now, and probably going to grow into a monstrous task as time goes on.

>> No.22089341

Decompiled HSP on top of that. You basically have to translate it, using the previous Custom's source as a rosetta stone. There's no shame in having trouble penetrating that mess.
That's all there is, though. Plus' source code will probably never be released. It's only ever been decompiled.

>> No.22089543

>try playing today
>load game
>doesnt have an area
>hit enter
>updating your save data from Ver.0 now.
>Please exit the current area and enter the world map once to update game data.
>To update your game, please save your game in a town in the previous version then retry
>never changed versions or anything

>> No.22089562

Load one of your save backups.
You do have backups, right? Like no one would neglect to do that. Right? It takes but a minute to write or find a backup script that works with any Elona version.

>> No.22089567


>> No.22093283

still playing on 1.89,the meme mats and the new precious artifacts weren't too enticing for me

>> No.22093903

As someone who hasnt played this in like forever but still has nightmare about the ui and how it controls... was any of this improved on?

>> No.22093912

The ui is not bad at all,this isnt dwarf fort

>> No.22093960

Did the Z menu exist when you last played?

>> No.22093968

I think so, also wasn't there a lewd version of it?

>> No.22094046

Do you mean plus? Or just ELM?

>> No.22094052

It was early + I think. As I said, been quite a while.

>> No.22095004

The controls and UI have always been roguelike standard. They're fine. Learn the full command list, don't use the Z menu. Keyboard only.

>> No.22095227

Quick question: Elona+ still has non-English content, right? So if I'm a total brainlet EOP, I should only get E+C.

>> No.22095747

It do. Custom gets much of it working again, but even with that large parts of act 3 are untranslated. G tries to get the rest with machine translation, but missed some things like yacatect's extra dialogue with her gem, and some stuff that just never showed up in English at all.

>> No.22096302

Yeah don't play plus past the latest version of custom or else lots of things will probably be untranslated. Ideally go for E+C-G. Last I checked, Leold's north tyris dialogue is fully translated in non-custom plus. I think Ano just lifted the E+C translation. Anyway, it's possible he did that for later parts of the game too, but I wouldn't count on it.

As far as other versions go, the vanilla game is fully in english aside from the cutscenes which have been cut out altogether, and the latest official release of oomsest should be completely in english or close to it. No clue about the new features in the test version of oomsest that was brought up earlier.

>> No.22097364

Thanks! I appreciate the clarity. I really wasn't super sure on what to do.

>> No.22097591
File: 43 KB, 898x692, Elona Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I downloaded Elona + 1.90, Elona Custom 1.90 and Elona-Custom G 1.90. I extracted Elona+, then put the Custom files over it, then put the Custom G files inside of that too. The game runs fine from the "elonacg.exe", and I can make a character, etc...But if I get attacked by an enemy, the game instantly crashes with an error. I tried searching up the error, but I didn't actually find anything useful, so I'm not sure what I did wrong. The error is as follows:
HspError 2 WinError 0 Ver 3210 Mode 0
efId 1152 efP 100 Area 5/1
ci 63#692 ti 0#556 cc 1#165 tc 114#255 rc 114#255
3. main_init:Begin ct:245
2. main_init:End ct:0
1. pc_turn_init ct:0
0. turn_end:pc ct:0

Was I supposed to extract Elona when under Japanese Locale or something? Not totally sure if brainlet or not. There's an image of the .zips I have downloaded.
If possible, please help me. Thanks!

>> No.22097626

You didn't notice that the numbers don't match? You've got an old version of Custom-G. fixed that problem.

>> No.22097634

Oh. My bad then. I thought it said only the first three numbers needed to match up. Sorry for being stupid, then, and thank you.

>> No.22097640

Oh, it turns out that the Mega link on the wiki page has that older version, but the Google Drives has the newer one.

>> No.22097671

It worked, by the way. Thank you. The mega link on this page (https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Thread:29336)) is outdated, if the author ever sees this.

>> No.22097731

Dang, how'd I miss that? Thanks, it's fixed now.

>> No.22097738

Its working great now though when I got the google download. Thank you

>> No.22097979

Is it still possible to "write" your own books in the game? I remember many, many many years ago I would autistically pen my own fiction into the game and loved every second of it.

>> No.22098079

>Kill some stuff on a random map
>See a cool amulet on the ground, recall I killed a hermit crab
>This is as I'm leaving the place
w-will I ever see that amulet again?

>> No.22098141

Yes, just keep killing hermit crabs. It's not that rare anymore.

>> No.22098145

Oh, cool. Thanks.

>> No.22098153

Oh, if I can ask another question, is there a way to see the equipment slots on a pet? I'm really not sure what sort of slots certain pets have. Can the dog wield any sort of gear or equipment, or is it all useless? That sort of thing.

>> No.22098166

Use [G]ive to open your pet's inventory. The list of slots will be at the bottom next to "Equip:". Filled slots will be blue.

>> No.22098171

Oh! I totally missed that. I can see them down there, thanks. I guess my dog does have a hand, and a body, neck...Haha, time to dress up my pupper. Thank you!

>> No.22098197

What is the correct way to install OOMSE
>elona 1.22
>omake overhaul english
>oomse 20190901
did i do it right or i fucked up ?

>> No.22098642

Overhaul comes as it is, you don't go looking for a specific English version of it.

>> No.22098653

Got it, The process is right though, i didn't miss anything like installing omake, or oom in between those ?

>> No.22098695

Custom is taking too long to update, it's fucking dead isn't it?

>> No.22098742

You been living under a rock or something? BloodyShade retired. He didn't release or even describe whatever tools he used to work on Custom, he just said goodbye and left. The Custom-G guy made one new version of Custom to show it could still be done regardless, but he's got RL problems too now so he can't take BloodyShade's place, and nobody else has stepped up to bat.

>> No.22098757
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>> No.22098837

Unless you get overhaul in one package (some places have the zip packaged with base elona and omake), you want to grab each "layer".

So if you're trying to play OOMSEST then you grab base elona, get omake, get overhaul, get oomsest. That's the "safest" way of installing it anyhow.

>> No.22098846

thank you anon

>> No.22098957

The Adventurer Seminar says I can tag items as "no-drop" by pressing * when in the "X" menu, but * does nothing? It does say the same thing on the bottom-right, but it doesn't seem to affect any items?

>> No.22098959

oh, its NUMPAD asterisk. Oops.

>> No.22098998

oh, yikes. New items of the same type don't stack in the no-drop tag evidently, so even though I marked my scrolls/lockpicks as no-drop, new ones don't *add* to the pile. not cool

>> No.22099162
File: 4 KB, 563x63, oh fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally have an excuse to play Juere!

>> No.22099436
File: 672 KB, 1286x796, Is this a decent little gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what exactly does "holy veil" do? I've never seen it trigger

>> No.22099460


The install of oomSEST does have a gotcha.

This path does get you almost everything: elona 1.22 <- OO (from the twitter) <-- oomsest (from twitter, or the test build on the discord.

Except the custom items/npcs. The English translation of custom gods/items/npcs is only in OOEN (or OOENHACK) from the English wiki. So, you'll want to grab the custom folder from that build and drop it in, and overwrite. Then, oomsest makes a change to danalin, so she can be summoned. You can grab her from oomsest's custom folder (the only one there).

>> No.22099479


>> No.22099487

Oh. Does the weapon cast it on enemies, or on me? I've used it for a while and never seen anything happen. But thanks

>> No.22099507

Install Elona 1.22 from here:

Then on top of that install the latest Omake Overhaul from here:

Then on top of that install the latest oomSEST from here:

That's all you need to do to get it working. Don't install Omake between 1.22 and Omake Overhaul. It might work and it might not but it's totally unnecessary. oomSEST has english translations for almost everything by default so no worries there. There are a few extra steps if you want custom gods and items to be translated:

Download Omake Overhaul EN from here:
DON'T install the entirety of OOEN over your oomSEST installation. Copy only the user folder from OOEN and paste its contents over your oomSEST user folder.
Lastly, go into your user/god folder and delete üyìαéâCâiâè ÉÆnüz.eum. I believe that last file is the japanese version of the file for Inari's shrine, but it needs to be deleted or else your game may crash when going to the show house to visit the english version of Inari's shrine.

>> No.22099514
File: 5 KB, 597x56, explorer_2019-09-18_19-16-58_omake_overhaul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>üyìαéâCâiâè ÉÆnüz.eum
Why would you ever extract files for a Japanese game without using Japanese encoding?

>> No.22099525

Beneficial spell invokes like holy veil will be cast on the weapon's wielder. The animation and sound for holy veil aren't very flashy so you might have just missed them.

That weapon is outstandingly good for the point you're at in the game right now. Give it elemental damage on every level up, probably you'll want to stop leveling it after level 10. For act 1 the best element to use is probably chaos since that can inflict all kinds of status ailments. Once you get a bit farther into the game, every enemy gains a huge amount of resistance to every element except pure magic. Most people add nothing but magic damage to their living weapons.

>> No.22099528

That file is the only one that causes any problems and you don't need it.

>> No.22099529

Cool, thanks. I started as a tourist so my starting stats were more blank than most, so I guess I'll start training with guns. I'll keep that in mind then for what to use.

>> No.22099532

Yes, I'm aware. But it should be "delete 【財のイナリ 聖地】.eum" because having it named anything else is fucking retarded, as it requires extracting a Japanese game without Japanese encoding, which is clearly bad practice in general.

>> No.22099538

If you have jp encoding, that file shouldn't cause any crashes. You only need to delete it if you don't.

>> No.22101604

Oh yeah I should have mentioned - the options available to level up your living weapon change every month, and they also change every time the weapon is improved or weakened. If you have a bit of money you can cycle through different options by upgrading it at a blacksmith.

>> No.22102818

Oh, I didn't know that, thanks. I'll try to get Chaos damage then, or, if I'm too broke, whatever elements show up possibly.

>> No.22102925

For the Mages' Guild entry quest (E+C-G), is there a reason I can't turn in these Voynich Manuscripts? They still have charges.

>> No.22102958

>The requirement for completion is to get 30 points worth of ancient books, read them, and deposit them decoded in the guild box besides the watchman in Lumiest. The higher the rank of the book, the more Literacy is needed to translate it.

>> No.22102959

aiiieeee. I need to read these? Oh no no no...
Thank you for spoonfeeding me. I'm so stupid.

>> No.22103093

Hold on, aren't happy beds a rare drop? I just went into a level 8 dungeon to cash in on that Nefia fever, and I just killed two cupids and got two happy beds. Did E+C-G change that?

>> No.22103832

So,OO EN is to just rip those god folders?

1-Elona 1.22
4-god folders from OOEN

>> No.22103854
File: 21 KB, 727x262, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this file then? is it still used? i dont recall ever having to use a file called 'oomse_southtyris' to play omake

i am so confused right now

>> No.22103871

Yes except you want to copy the entire user folder from OOEN. The user/item folder has some additional translations. I don't know if OOEN made any changes to user/npc, but there's no harm in copying it over anyway.

It's because E+ makes rare item drops really common if it thinks you aren't save scumming. If I remember right, G leaves the rare loot trigger on whether you're save scumming or not.

>> No.22103882

You don't need oomsest to play omake overhaul. oomsest is another mod built on top of OO. Elona_oo_English_hack_20181214 and omake_overhaul_EN are two versions of the same thing. Just copy the user folder from one or the other.

>> No.22103909

Well,now i am more lost than ever,i thought OO and OOmsest was the same thing,time to read abit what are the differences

>> No.22103944

>If I remember right, G leaves the rare loot trigger on whether you're save scumming or not.
I think that's an option in normal Custom. Disable Anti-savescumming. Don't think it's enabled by default.

>> No.22103959

>Elona_oo_English_hack_20181214 and omake_overhaul_EN are two versions of the same thing
Not quite. For the purposes of just grabbing user files they should be the same, but otherwise no.
-hack is a further hack on top of OOEn that backports some shit from other OO mods.
I don't remember if it replaces OOEn for installation's sake, or if it goes on top of OOEn. But it is technically different.

>> No.22103965

It's not, and Custom-G doesn't make any changes there except to add potions of descent as a rare drop from zombies. No idea why anyone would say otherwise.

>> No.22103992
File: 31 KB, 640x346, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh so each of these two things is a different fork altogether,correct? sorry for asking so many questions i am just puzzled

>> No.22104006

OOEN translates the custom npcs too, so you can read ebony warriors dialogue, for instance.

oomSEST makes one change to Danalin, allowing her to be summoned. So it's a pick your poison problem, do you want a translated mute edlrich god, or a summon-able mute eldritch god?

>> No.22104063

Oh, okay. That kinda makes it a bit less interesting, but thanks.

>> No.22104137
File: 551 KB, 1286x796, one day I&#039;ll find rachel no.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22104317

For whatever reason, rachel no.2 has a much higher price/rarity than the other rachels. You'll find it a bunch in the void.

>> No.22104341

I don't know where this void is, but I'll keep an eye out, thanks

>> No.22104397

Don't worry about the void for now, it was originally post-game content for vanilla. Bottom floor starts at lv 50, and everything scales its level/stats to match.


>> No.22104424

Oh, neat. Thanks. I think I'm a long, long ways away from that haha.

>> No.22104679

You're right that enabling savescumming with custom will keep the rare loot flag up.

>> No.22104766
File: 46 KB, 602x74, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price is pic related, and the number of the book is a straight d4 roll.

>> No.22104824

Then, why does everyone always seem to find rachel 2 last?

>> No.22104871

They don't? It's just RNG.

>> No.22104981

1 and 4 are trivial to find. Then it's just coincidence that you seem to have noticed no.2 being rarer than 3.

>> No.22105107

There's been countless people saying each number is the rarest. You probably have some kind of confirmation bias or selective memory that makes people saying No2 is rarest stand out more.

>> No.22105192

I have 14 rachel books, not one is 2. Suffering.

>> No.22105598

Good to know. Thank you!

>> No.22105693

Step 1: Install Elona 1.22
Step 2: Install Omake Overhaul over that
Step 3: Install oomse South Tyris over that
Step 4: Copy only the user folder from Omake Overhaul EN over your existing user folder
Step 5: Look into your user/god folder. If you see a file named üyìαéâCâiâè ÉÆnüz.eum then delete it

That's all you have to do. You've already got everything you need downloaded.

>> No.22105835

Is there any reason those fags don't take OOEn's translation, pack that into SEST, and rename/delete that file by default so it works as is?
I understand that not having vanilla and OO included is some sort of fucking weird and stupid anti-pirate-distribution bullshit. But the English translator/s most definitely don't give half a rat's ass about that in regard to their translations.
And all other files in base Elona are named in plain ASCII. With Japanese and English content included so that it works by just changing the option. Why is SEST different?

>> No.22105867

Any major difference between OO english hack and OO south tyris?

>> No.22106168

oomSEST hasn't actually been released in english yet, they just copied over some of the easier stuff from OO's translation. It's still in beta though. I think they wanted to get the initial builds of the S. Tyris continent out before reviewing and redoing the english translations.


Quite a few. There's the entire changelog of oom, oomse, as well as a bunch of stuff oomSEST copied over from other variants.

Most of it was bug fixes, balance changes, and trying to complete half-down features.

Some of the bigger ones:

Dialogue popups, volume control for music, more gods implemented, god effects (like opatos' shell, and ehekatl's random magic cost) get better with higher favor, more title effects implemented, complete redo for wandering merchants, changes to mirial and garok's workshop, hammer reincarnation, the gerobug title to capture anything, junkie title effect to raise the base stat cap to 9999, most overflows have been fixed, the pv/str/con/charisma feats now scale with level, etc.

Stuff like that mostly.

>> No.22106206

>Is there any reason those fags don't take OOEn's translation, pack that into SEST, and rename/delete that file by default so it works as is?
My assumption is that Omake Overhaul's custom items, npcs, and gods weren't implemented in a multilingual way like the base game was. Though it wouldn't be a bad idea to set up a pre-built english oomsest that just needs to be installed over elona 1.22.

>> No.22106354

>Though it wouldn't be a bad idea to set up a pre-built english oomsest that just needs to be installed over elona 1.22.
Yeah, here:


All you have to do is copy that over Elona 1.22 and you'll be all set for oomSEST. The OO EN stuff is already included, as well as the translated jewel of love.

>> No.22107456

Why do omakefags keep copypasting these weird lists? Not even ESL write like that. You guys come off as used car salesmen trying to swindle someone.

>> No.22108236

Redditors, mostly.

>> No.22108350
File: 1.84 MB, 1358x2048, RE4_merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid. You wanna buy some hammer reincarnation? Got a deal on gerobug titles too, take your pick.

>> No.22108633


>> No.22109385

where would I find a winged snail? This goose only has 3 breeding power!

>> No.22109685

Going for a no magic gunner, does equipment weight affect guns/archery like it does magic?

>> No.22110079

if you feel like forgetting about the cooler box,you can use poppy instead? it has like 700+ breeding power

>> No.22110396

Oh, I already have the cooler box, but I didn't know about that. Sounds like a really nifty trick, thanks. Might reserve that for when I make a new character someday

>> No.22110593

How do I make Gwen the Innocent like me? She refuses engagement rings, chocolates...Do I need more nefarious means?

>> No.22110675

if you really want to get the wing snail,you can try to do a lot escort quests and hope for the best
gifts? token of friendships if you can raise her impress level far enough

>> No.22110681

Cool, thanks. I've been doing escort quests, haven't seen one yet. Am I too high level (29)? But thank you

>> No.22110726

You need to give her gifts. Like "a cheap gift" or "a so-so gift". Once she reaches <Friend>, you can give her a token of friendship (made from a small medal in a pot for fusion). Once she reaches <Fellow> you can give her a lovely bouquet (made from wildflowers in a pot for fusion).
If you've got money to burn, you can buy gifts from a souvenir vendor, otherwise you have to luck out and find one in a regular shop. Wildflowers are easy to get, so once she's at Fellow you're golden.

>> No.22110740

Awesome, thanks! I'll follow that down to a T.

>> No.22110744

i don't think level influences much about what joinable npcs can assault you during those quests

>> No.22110748

Cool. I guess I've just been unlucky, though lucky in some other places...I'm starting a collection of Happy Beds. This increased rare item drop rate is nuts. But thank you

>> No.22110807

Crazy that, when asked about Omake's features, people would list Omake's features. Omake is about a bunch of small improvements instead of a single major change (like, say, E+ having triple the content) so of course any useful description of Omake is going to be a list of a bunch of different things.

Nope, light, medium, or heavy armor won't affect your accuracy. Although in E+ heavier ammo increases your crit damage and light ammo increases your crit chance. They aren't balanced against each other very well, so the optimal choice is superheavy (180 s+) ammo. You can still get a pretty good crit damage while staying with medium armor if for some reason you'd prefer that.

Beauty and the beast ambushes tend to have unique enemies.

>> No.22110813

Oh, ok. I'll try more beauty and beast. I haven't seen anything unique, but I've only done a few dozen. Thank you!

>> No.22110902

>Crazy that, when asked about Omake's features, people would list Omake's features.
Yes it is in fact completely fucking insane. A human being would talk about features they liked and were familiar with from having actually played the game. You regurgitated a bulletpoint list from somewhere as a huge comma-delineated mess devoid of context or coherence. Are you so lacking in self-awareness that you're blind to how freakish and unnatural you sound?

>> No.22110906

that's cute

>> No.22110936
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The cutest.

>> No.22110951


>> No.22111003
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>> No.22111018
File: 578 KB, 1282x796, Ring Ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything on my gold bell I should remove? I have the melee weapon on it solely for the "Stop time" function, does that only take effect if it attacks with melee, thus would be useless?

>> No.22111107

only melee,but you can replace the bow for either shena's panties or nightmare if you can and i'll be good

>> No.22111109

Oh, I should have mentioned I had him using the bow to level it up. I have a pretty nifty gun I usually give him, but thank you

>> No.22111807

>think about playing elona again
>go to bloodyshade's archive to get E+ 1.90.4
>can't open it

>> No.22111844

bloodyshade is no longer a part of the community. Look back to previous threads for download links.

>> No.22111903

why isn't he?

>> No.22111947


>> No.22111965

Lost interest, backed out.

>> No.22111975

ohh ok

>> No.22112211

It wasn't my post, but what leads you to believe that it's been copypasted from somewhere? Why do you think that is not a list of features they liked and were familiar with from having actually played the game? It's literally just a list of features given in response to a request for a list of features.

>> No.22112237

Just to be clear, if you've ever killed the wing snail before, a new one won't show up for the same player character.

Hard to say what's worth keeping without seeing the enchantments. As has been said, that rankis is going to waste on a ranged character. Priority #1 for pet bells is to raise their life rating, so get some rubynus equipment asap. You can buy a material kit in larna for ~50k and then take that as well as a superior material scroll to the dwarf at the east edge of the map to get a material kit of any type, including rubynus.

>> No.22112242

OK, yeah my bell does sort of instantly die from something that hits it, so I'll try that, thanks. Also, I'm the same guy, but I've never killed one; haven't actually found one yet (Unless a pet killed it and I didn't get a notification somehow).
I was just reading up on breeding, and those Shades looked useful for gene fodder.

>> No.22112655

I don't think you get a join request if the wing snail dies in the void or an arena match. If you haven't ran into it in either of those places you should be alright. Pet kills are safe so long as it wasn't the pet arena.

Rubynus equipment adds 3 to your life rating, which is essentially a multiplier for determining how much HP you have. Most player characters start with 100 life, so going to 103 is nice but not a big deal. Bells have 1 life so a single piece of rubynus gear quadruples their health.

>> No.22112786

If you have scrolls of flying to spare (or the gold), you might as well slap an Axe of Destruction onto the Bell instead of the Rankis.

>> No.22112977

That's a good idea, though I don't see the need for the flying scroll.

>> No.22114025

Wouldnt the onion stick be better eventually? it weights way less and increases eye of mind

just make sure pet doesnt eat it

>> No.22115070

I don't think I've encountered it in the pet arena, maybe I have, maybe I haven't. But that's really good. I should have probably let my Bell eat that cheese that I ate instead of him, huh. Well, thank you, I'll keep an eye out for Rubynus gear, and swap away his melee weapon. Maybe I'll just give him some sort of high resistance but otherwise useless melee.

>> No.22115410

The Zweibel? It doesn't generate as Rubynus. The Axe of Destruction is only good because it's a guaranteed drop from a relatively easy quest, and unlike the other early end Rubynus guaranteed artifact (The Blood Rod), it doesn't require fighting something ridiculous to get it and it doesn't really have great properties anyways, making it a good holdover melee slot for +Life. The Blood Rod technically has uses for Casters.

The Axe of Destruction weighs 14s. Skews your Bell's Equip weight.

>> No.22116262

Once you hit act 2 there's an easy way to raise life so I wouldn't worry much about the hero cheese. For non-melee characters good things to put in their hand slots are shields, tonfas, and stat stick living weapons.

>The Axe of Destruction weighs 14s. Skews your Bell's Equip weight.
Yeah but is there any reason to avoid giving a bell medium or heavy equipment?

>> No.22116310

Cool. I actually bought this Shield Tonfa for some small medals from that special shop, so my bell is using that. I'll probably not hit this act 2 for a long time, since I have a ton of goals still.
If I can't ever find a Wing Snail, is there a good alternative unit with high breeding power that can breed shades? I want the RNG of what Shades can be for recruits/gene usage. On that note, can you actually run multiple ranches, or only one? I wouldn't mind a Putit ranch of two.

>> No.22116476

at this point,consider workshipping ehekatl,also you can have several ranches,but i won't go for more than 3 if i were you.
act 2 has the maid mansion/roach quest and you may want a few gokiburis as they're good for gene engineering and the discard ranch is tied to the whole MM shebang,but you will need about 2.5m gold pieces.
it's not mandatory,but it's nice to have to store unused allies

>> No.22116581

Goda the orc and the mad scientist are probably good alternatives to the wing snail. Haven't tried 'em myself though.

>> No.22116789

I did worship Ehekatl for a few days, but with a super lure I almost immediately maxed out his faith, got the rewards (albeit not the one for summoning him on november) and switched to Jure. I'll be in Act 1 for a long time regardless.
I haven't seen either of those yet, but hopefully I run into one.

>> No.22116992

The general notion with weight is that you might as well pick one range to stick in to build up the skill (which is medium for you at the moment). Rubynus gear is heavy, which means if you're going for more pieces, you'll probably end up falling into the Heavy Range.

At your current point you can make the switch pretty easily without much of a consequence, so it's up to you, especially since the Bell isn't a Caster. Eventually armour skill does come in handy, since your Bell isn't going to stay at 1 Life forever.

>> No.22117402

Why do people even play that "omake" version? It sounds inferior in every way.

>> No.22117457

Because it's fun.

>> No.22117462

Sell me on it, so that I'm not biased. What makes it fun? It just seems like its "let's make this comfy turn based game harder for...reasons!"
Is there an actual reason I should try it?

>> No.22117465

The original explicit reason was to get away from Ano's faggotry, but that was before Custom-G existed. The playerbase now is weirdos who've latched onto Omake as an identity, weirdos who think the Plus line isn't Japanese enough (they're still upset that it doesn't have to be installed on top of vanilla Elona, etc.), people who really like one of the Omake features, and people who haven't heard of Custom-G.

>> No.22117468

That's interesting. So its a mix of elitism and previous issues? I've seen communities fragment over such things, so it just kinda intrigues me on exactly what's up with it. Is it sort of the "Keep out EOP" mod?

>> No.22117493

>"let's make this comfy turn based game harder for...reasons!"
But...it's not harder? If anything it's basically the easiest of the variants.

>> No.22117496

Maybe I read it wrong, then. One of the first things I saw is that dying permanently lowers stats and has other penalties, which seems like a pretty big change.

>> No.22117497

Nah, the translation initiative was started on the jp side.

Omake actually does make the game quite a bit easier, it just doesn't do it in the same way plus does. You can power level like mad in omake and get stats that plus players don't dare dream of. The start does have a brick-wall feel to it, but you can get past that once you know the tricks. Someone did a speed run in oomSEST to get to void floor 1000 in ~11 hours, beat the whole pantheon of gods and captured danalin to clear the way.

>> No.22117499

That is literally no different from Elona. You're literally talking about the variant that allows you to start with maxed stats with no work involved. The only reason people grind in Omake is because they want to.

>> No.22117502

Interesting. I didn't know speed running was a thing for turn-based games.

>> No.22117506

The omake line doesn't make Elona any harder. A lot of things it does makes a lot of content easier; like blessed food and straight damage+ feats.

It adds a lot of flavor and flare (Themes, events, roleplaying feats, etc). But little straight content. Like few new enemies, no story.
What it does add content wise is weird. Like really really grindy living item types that go on practically forever with tricks, blacksmithing stuff, or chuu2 spell making. But it's difficult to actually figure those out or find any info on them in English.
From what I've seen of any players actually engaging in that at all it's usually some odd meta methods that makes little straightforward sense, like justice binders or whatever. Like things you'd see from obsessed speedrunners.

>> No.22117514

Well, that's a bit more comprehensive, thanks. Flavor and flare over direct content makes sense.

>> No.22117872

Should I bless scrolls of ally, or is that a waste? I have over 20 and was wondering about them.

>> No.22117912

In the code it doesn't look like it matters. The ally is based on your level.

flt cdata(CDATA_LEVEL, CHARA_PLAYER) / 2 + 5, 3
p = 0
if ( rnd(3) == 0 ) {
fltn "man"


novoidlv = 1
characreate MAX_CHARA_NC, p, -3, 0
gosub *add_ally

>> No.22117913

Cool, thanks. I'll not save them up or waste a blessed water. Appreciated!

>> No.22118117

What is a "Devil Fragment"? E+C-G

>> No.22118196

Not currently used. Intended for something down the line. Related to traps? Definitely gotten from trap checking jobs.
I like collecting them because they're easy to get, reasonable in number, and useless.

>> No.22118198

Oh, thanks. Yeah, I found one somewhere without doing that trap quest (I think), but then I finally did one and got three more. Just wasn't sure, so thank you.

>> No.22118809

It focuses more on NPC interactions, sandbox features, and bits of entertaining weirdness, all of which are more in line with vanilla Elona's strengths than E+'s combat focus. Omake's special nefia are probably the single biggest positive change. They go a long way towards making dungeon crawling more varied and interesting.

>> No.22118833

>Someone did a speed run in oomSEST to get to void floor 1000 in ~11 hours, beat the whole pantheon of gods and captured danalin to clear the way.
It should be mentioned that that was severely savescummed. Not saying that to delegitimize it, that's how jp elona speedrunners do things, but void 1000 in 11 hours is absolutely nothing like anything that will happen in normal play.

>> No.22118939

Yep. Save scummed limbs for mutant (including descent pots to level), and scummed wishes for gods/null shields. Still, pretty impressive. You can probably do it legit with a brief interlude to get bellgemesh up and running so you can rob traveling merchants for wish rods.

>> No.22118946

You can also wish for mutant race as any other race, and get another +12 limbs. You'll be at the mercy of rng and riding if you do.

>> No.22119041

My computer hates custom for whatever reason.
Crashes 100 % of the time and each time i posted the error nobody managed to give me the solution
Since i can't use custom G without it, and i have to keep the pissing fetish on i rather play omake.

>> No.22119127

>Nah, the translation initiative was started on the jp side.
Well, that at least partially explains why the people pushing it here are such schizos. Every time I complained that the game was completely undocumented, someone replied "this is a Japanese game, you're expected to know Japanese to play it".
I don't get why they bothered translating it into English if they think like that. Do they see it as nothing more than a way to attack Ano? I'm used to translations being passion projects.

>> No.22119262


That, is because most of the documentation is on the discord. There is a lot of information on the wiki, but most of the information/meta/starts/mechanics hasn't left the discord.

Going only by the chan it does feel like an info graveyard, I'll admit. Normally, with plus, all the people trying it would be posting their attempts, trials, stories, the on the chan here, but that all ended up on the discord.

But, that's a whole 'nother thing to complain about.

>> No.22120472

As if more proof was necessary that discord is the worst cancer since IRC.

>> No.22120647

So is OOMest south tyris an upgrade from omake overhaul,correct? should i just play south tyris in that case and not bother with overhaul?

>> No.22120658

At this point in the life cycle there really isn't much interest to flesh out the English documentation for Omake, partly because it feels like wasted effort, partly because it's accepted that the English community is fundamentally attached to E+, enough that people probably see Omake as effectively going back to Vanilla. Overcoming that inherent presumption is just beyond what most people care to do, more enjoyable to just play the game than try to explain it, especially when it's a fork as convoluted as Omake is.

>> No.22120687

Unless you're in it for the long haul you're not going to really notice the difference.

>> No.22120717

>especially since the Bell isn't a Caster
Actually irrelevant, since pets have a fixed spell failure chance.

>> No.22120721

The simplest solution, then, would be to publish the source code rather than continue to keep it hidden. Omake developers have already copied some of Custom's features; it'd be a nice reciprocal gesture to allow Custom's developers to borrow from Omake. (If Custom ever has developers again.)

>> No.22120740

Nobody who has the source code gives a damn about sharing it, and most likely won't ever be convinced to share it. This isn't about finding a solution, these are people who are literally beyond the point of giving a shit whether other communities care about their game. "Nice reciprocal gestures" probably never even crossed their mind.

And frankly it's up in air whether the devs are even the same people at this point, given that the Omake branch has an unknown amount of forks in the Japanese community with most of the obscure variants being one off projects from years back. Omake is a shotgun approach through and through.

>> No.22120765

And if we're going to be completely honest here, Omake's design philosophy isn't compatible with Custom's. The entire E+ branch has been focused on streamlining gameplay and optimizing the overall grind loop. Omake's design philosophy revolves around "let's insert whatever seems cool, balance be damned", additions are made with no real internal synergy, thereby giving the impression that there are dozens of changes just haphazardly scattered about.

>> No.22120790
File: 94 KB, 500x458, 1531643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who's ever worked on omake went out of their way to make it harder for anyone else to be able to do it
>ano never complained about custom including the source, just asked that nobody change the online stuff to screw with vanilla's chatservers
>ano of all people is somehow more reasonable than every single omake dev ever

>> No.22120797

Welcome to literally any game dev scene. Turns out that most people literally don't give a shit about anything other than themselves.

>> No.22121064

>on the discord
absolute cancer

>> No.22121424

When can we Omakechads get their own thread?

>> No.22121483

Why? Omake is barely even mentioned in this thread, why would they get their own thread?

>> No.22121579

Yeah there's very little reason to play oo over oomsest.

>> No.22121597

Clone the pastebin and remove every mention of Omake, then when this thread dies make the new OP without any mention of Omake. When that happens, Omake fans will leave their discord to create their own thread, which will result in information about the Omake variants being indexed on search engines, and therefore becoming publicly accessible.
Right now, Omake is like NetHack without steelypips.org; borderline unplayable. Once it's possible to look up how to actually play Omake, it'll start generating interest. Then these threads will stop being plagued with the desperate discordfags that people keep complaining about. Everybody wins.

>> No.22121598

This thread is fine, just ignore the one guy who's bizarrely offended by the existence of a mod that isn't Plus.

>> No.22121609
File: 931 KB, 1906x728, Party of Heroes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little bit off topic from what is currently going on, but these are my three party members. Is there any major improvements I should make? I don't really have much else for gear, they more or less have my best stuff at the moment. The only exception is the bow my Bell is using is solely to level it up, I have a better machine gun for it when I get enough resistance bonuses on that bow.

What sort of pets should I be looking for? I have rank 40 monster balls and a rod of domination. I also have the black cat, goose and defender pets. Not sure what would be good. Fights are getting a bit hard since I neglected my own stats more or less and just relied on my bell, so if it gets one shot unexpectedly, I tend to go down like a wet napkin.

>> No.22121622



>> No.22121631

I mean... this accomplishes nothing since most the Omake stuff was added like a month ago.
The discord Omake players are fine to never touch 4Chan.
And the Omake players on 4Chan never cared enough to make a thread.

>> No.22121651

Need to change the mod/main guide links at the top. Otherwise, perfect.

>> No.22121677

Most of Omake's mechanics are explained on the wiki. There's a lot of powergaming information on the discord, but nothing you need for normal play.

Spend a few gp to upgrade your party's equipment at a blacksmith, it makes a big difference. You'll even get a 50% off discount for being a fighters guild member. You could also squeeze quite a bit more pv out of your equipment with judicious use of scrolls of change material. Defender is a top tier ally and bringing him along will do a lot of good for your party's defense.

>> No.22121684

Cool, I'll bring him. I have him in the ranch right now hoping to breed a "copy" so that I can use it along with the black cat/goose "Copies" I made. I'll enhance their stuff, its just a huge pain to disarm and rearm them. Thank you

>> No.22121703



>> No.22121735
File: 450 KB, 726x611, 85-851239_megumin-vector-shrug-rainbow-puzzle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying it won't even be missed at all after it's removed? Well that's a shame. I was hoping to give them a shot at taking off and becoming popular. Well, maybe someday there'll be someone who cares enough to make threads for Omake. May as well at least give them the opportunity.

Perfect. (As close as you can get, anyway.)

>> No.22121767
File: 1.38 MB, 800x1200, Lulwy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I was saying anyone willing to shill Omake will be here with or without the pastebin.
And anyone that DOES hear about and wants to just dick around with Omake will just spam the thread with even more asinine 'how do install?!' shit than usual.

>> No.22121771

Also, eating herbs and herbed food is by far the best way to raise stats in Plus. You can start an herb farm pretty early, but it becomes much easier to maintain one after you reach act 2 and can do the quest that gives you a kumiromi statue. Your bell might be strong enough to beat Zeome with some good equipment.

It looks like you're adding body parts to your pets at every possible opportunity. Giving a pet more than 13 equipment slots penalizes their speed by 5% for each part so you don't want to go overboard on that.

The single best source of pv is adamantium plate mail. Try to get a suit for yourself and ideally give one to every member of your party. After converting the material to adamantium, use a craft repair kit on it to max out its stats. Ideally you want <Miracle> or {Godly} plate mail as those have higher stats in addition to more enchantments. The easiest sources of elemental resistances are living weapons and standarts.

If you've got training in crafting skills you can make miracle plate mail and other useful things easily enough. If you don't have them I highly recommend picking them up. They're powerful and a solid source of early income.

>> No.22121789

Oh, I didn't know they got penalties to speed. Thanks, that would have been a rough mistake to make. At the very least they all have some slots for now. I haven't really seen much Adamantium, but I'll look out for it. I do have a lot of crafting skills, but I didn't know you could make equipment.
I have 44 carpentry, 53 tailoring, 44 jeweler and 44 alchemy. But I'll try all of that, thanks. Some of the harder fights/quests have just been slapping me around.
I do have some herbs growing, with about 51 gardening, but herb seeds seem really rare. thanks!

>> No.22121807

Get a pot for fusion and look up what items and skill levels you need for the equip update and equip making recipes. Equip update changes equipment into similar equipment eg changing a katana into a lightsaber, and equip making lets creates a set of 3 (sometimes less for rare items) miracle or godly quality items of the same type as the item you used in the recipe.

Look here for more info on equip update:

Get some crappy plate mail or equip update a different suit of heavy armor into plate mail. Then use equip making on your bad plate mail to create three suits of good plate mail.

>> No.22121811

It's theoretically possible to beat NetHack without spoilers, although it'd take insane dedication and/or luck.
>Omake actually does make the game quite a bit easier
>once you know the tricks
The information needed to actually play any Omake variant is hidden to the point that it might as well not exist. Ergo: borderline unplayable.

>> No.22121814

Why are you faggots so insecure that the mere mention of another variant triggers you?

>> No.22121818

Do i ever stop gaining AP? every enemy in the void levels me at this point

>> No.22121821

>The information needed to actually play any Omake variant is hidden to the point that it might as well not exist. Ergo: borderline unplayable.
The information needed to reach void floor 1000 in 11 hours is hidden. The information needed to play normally is readily available.

>> No.22121823

You cap out at ~80,000 total AP.

>> No.22121824


>> No.22121836

Interesting. A bit confusing but I'll try and figure it out, thanks. I might have to grind a tiny bit more of my crafting skills, but that's really not hard. I'll see what I can do!

>> No.22121841

Er, if I can also ask something again, what exactly is the "EV Item" in that link? i.e
Add hard equip
Add hard materium
Add EVitem

Not sure what the last one is.

>> No.22121843

Far worse than IRC, really. More akin to private forums. But with the live chat aspect of IRC and (sometimes optional) voice chat thrown on top of that.
Plus the propensity for cliques, especially those that stir trouble elsewhere (As they used to do on IRC, and /jp/ used to endlessly suffer from and bitch about). Which is even clearly referenced by the service's very name.
Not to mention the privacy issues.
That it continues to grow is incredibly disappointing.

>> No.22121849
File: 797 KB, 1437x837, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any special passives or skills i should get? i only have continuous attacks and barrier,the dim or evasion one seemed lame picks

>> No.22121851
File: 191 KB, 500x364, get a load of this chuuni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you guys spent so much time on your discord circlejerk that you forgot how to create threads? Well, maybe if you beg, someone will create your thread for you.

>> No.22121856


>> No.22121862

That...doesn't sound easy to obtain. Do I need one of these "heart" items for every craft? Seems like a huge bottleneck

>> No.22121872

you will have so many hearts later that you will use them as decorations

>> No.22121876

They get pretty common once you start diving into deep enough Nefia. I think souvenir shops sell them, but that's probably a last resort.

>> No.22121880

Oh. So should I abandon this crafting idea for now? I'm about 35 hours into this character and I've never seen one. I already prepped a ton of these soft/sharp/etc materiums.

I guess the deepest dungeon (Nefia) I've been in is around level 40, and I'm level 38. Anything past that is pretty rough and I tend to get my ass kicked, so I've been avoiding them. Maybe if I hire some adventurers?

>> No.22122159

At your level you should not be having any problems making enough money to consistently buy EV items from souvenir merchants.

>> No.22122183

Are you seriously trying to provoke the janny or something? Elona is already borderline not /jp/ to begin with.

>> No.22122249

What's a souvenir merchant? I have about 375k gold at the moment, I don't make a ton of it.

>> No.22122280

If you're at the point where you can't make money consistently, you should not be bothering with equipment crafting. Get your farms to a point where you can sustain production indefinitely, get your Gardening high enough that you don't receive substantial losses. Start increasing your farms and shop. After that cap every piece of equipment to +15.

When you have the gold this isn't very difficult, just time consuming with Stardust farming.

>> No.22122288

Well, alright. My main income source is the shop I dump junk into, but its a bit of a pain to actually find said junk to put into it, so I tend to neglect it a bit. I'm just kinda at a wall where I'm not strong enough to do anything harder, yet I'm not getting stronger.

>> No.22122317

You've entered the first phase of the perpetual grind. It'll smooth out when your equipment improves, but you're going to go right back to it soon enough. Stat grinding is basically what the entire game revolves around.

>> No.22122322

Alright. I'll focus on trying to get herb seeds (I assume harvest quests are the best), keep making herbed food and run my ranches. Right now I have my Defender, a Mad Scientist and a Putit farm. The Defender is because I want a copy of him, the Scientist is because its the only unique I've gotten and I want Shades, and the putit is just good food for eating or selling. I also have a museum, but its not crazy high rank. Thanks

>> No.22122370

>Not to mention the privacy issues.
>That it continues to grow is incredibly disappointing.
My reply is WAY off-topic but, I use Riot. My girlfriend runs a server and I connect directly to her. She's on Arch Linux, Win7 for me. You don't need a matrix.org account, that's for their official servers. She set her own server up. Made an account on it then gave it to me. Riot is as private as you want it to be.

Here's an example of what you can do with it. We have a channel set up for pasting magnet links. Her Pi picks them up to download. The Pi also scans RSS feeds to scoop things up then updates the channel with a completion message. She coded this stuff on her own, Riot's environment allowed her to do her thing. Cool shit.


>> No.22122404

Can monsters in the "Panic!" town quests not be dominated, or can Silver Eyed Witches just not be rod of dom'd?

>> No.22122421

Former not latter. Silver Eyed Witches can be dominated.

>> No.22122426

Cool, thanks. Shame I had to use my domination rod just to fail, but its a good lesson I suppose.

>> No.22122548

You only need hearts for equip update, not for equip making. I would say low levels of the void are the easiest source of hearts, but for right now I'd say just do what you can with equip making. You'll need stardust for equip making and the easiest way to get it is to do party quests and kill NPCs for their precious items. Lomias for the vindale Bow, Larnneire for the ether dagger, beggars sometimes drop the beggar's pendant, farmers sometimes drop the zweibel, and nobles sometimes drop shena's panty. Whom dwell in vanity also drops ragnarok but probably he's out your league. Try not to kill noble children as that will incur a karma penalty.

If you can't find any plate mail at all, chain mail, ring mail, breastplates (not to be confused with breast plates), and banded mail are all strong and can be equip updated into plate mail once you've got hearts.

Brave and obstinate are both weak. I'd take obstinate out of the two since it still does something for you while at 100% hp. By the time brave kicks in, you'd be better off healing or running away. I've never used the dimming one, potentially it could be good, dim is pretty strong.

You can't recruit level scaled enemies in general. The only exception I know is that in Omake you can use void balls to capture void enemies.

>> No.22122559

Oh, interesting. OK. I'll give the equip making a shot without said EV items, its sorta a confusing system but I'm glad its usable right now, since despite getting blacksmiths and those black markets up to 60-100 shop rank, I haven't really found anything good in them. Thank you

>> No.22122572

>blacksmiths and those black markets up to 60-100 shop rank
I've never had any luck with those and equip making is 100x more efficient. Magic shops are the only ones that are really important to invest up high because of how important potions of potential are to your character growth.

>> No.22122585

Cool. I'm sure I'll figure out this equip thing eventually, I'll just keep slapping it around. After this Nefia Fever ends and I get plenty more junk I'll start trying it out. I have over a hundred casino chips, just waiting for the next "Mew mew mew" to happen. Actually, I haven't had one of those in a long time...I wonder if happy beds don't trigger them?

>> No.22122601

You still get lucky days from happy beds, it's just the RNG being the RNG. I've gone more than a year without a lucky day and I've had lucky days two nights in a row.

>> No.22122609

reasonable. Can't wait til I do, I'm evidently terrible at the casino so despite doing the 1-chip bet about 70-80 times with the mewmewmew buff, I've gotten maybe 15 cure corruptions and 3-4 scrolls of faith. I never make it far.

>> No.22122643

Consider betting 5 or more chips at a time. Doing so gives you the option to fold once for each extra chip you bet. Folding means the current game is considered neither a win or a loss and another round is started. When you've still got chips in reserve, generally you want to draw more aggressively than you normally would. If you land on 20 or 21, that's probably a win, if you go over, just fold.

>> No.22122648

Oh, alright. I'll give it a shot and hopefully get somewhere then, thanks

>> No.22122765

Is provoke useful at all?

>> No.22122845

Wiki is a little outdated with rarities, for example evolution heart is 1/400 not 1/2000, and kings have a 1/100 rate for king heart. Basically, they're all a lot more common than the wiki says.

>> No.22122850

Oh, cool. Well, I still haven't seen one, but I'm sure I will eventually.

>> No.22123022
File: 507 KB, 1282x796, travelling merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, what's up with travelling merchants? I have over 40,000 fame, and all I've ever found from them is junk. I've cleared out a few level 50 Nefia, so what gives?

>> No.22123175

Hearts only drop from boss-type enemies or enemies above lv40. If you've avoided going above lv40 dungeons, that's why you haven't seen any.

>> No.22123182

Reasonable then. That explains it.
Would you know what a good spell to level casting would be? I can reserve spellbooks at this guild, so it'd be nice to get something spammable to level up my caster-stuff. I've mostly neglected spellcasting.

>> No.22123199

Bind a spell that's cheap, easy, and that you have a lot of stock for to a hotkey, like heal light wounds or short teleport. Then go somewhere safe and hold down the hotkey until you're out of mp and then rest until you're full. Top of your casting potential every now and then.

>> No.22123210

Cool, I'll do one of those, thanks. Might reserve a buff spell like Hero too, since it seemed pretty easy. I have minor teleportation, though, so I'll just do that.

>> No.22123218

Hero is a good practice spell. Set auto wait time to fastest so resting doesn't take as long and turn off spell animations if possible.

>> No.22123224

That's not actually true.
The Heart items are chained to specific mobs. The only one to which level (29) applies is technically the base <Evolution Heart>. Typically map resetters will eventually find King Hearts in Ancient Castle since Ancient Castle is the first Stardust farm point.
Normal play most people never see it because AC is a once only map.

>> No.22123225

Neat. Will do. I put Effect Speed on 0 and Auto Turn speed on "Highest", couldn't find anything else but hopefully that does it.

>> No.22123257
File: 433 KB, 1282x796, mm yes delightful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22123263

They're generally not very good. If you don't have living weapons yet sometimes traveling merchants have them, but other than that I wouldn't expect much.
I like them better in oomsest where they sell expensive, high quality items like high tier material kits and rods of wishing.

>> No.22123266

That'd be really cool. It feels like such a shame to get a random trader and everything is just...truly terrible.

>> No.22123309

Once you hit midgame in E+ your equipment should generally either be standarts or stuff you made with equip making. Nothing else is nearly as reliable.

>> No.22123318

I suppose.

>> No.22123342

So, I just got my third wish and I have no idea what to get. My first one was for some boots of seven league, and my second for an astral light pen, but now I'm not sure. Secret experience of kumiromi? I figured I'd get that eventually anyways. Another light pen? Rod of domination?
Please advise, ahhh...

>> No.22123383

Grab the shift cores, assuming your in plus: https://elona.fandom.com/wiki/Shift_cores

>> No.22123402

Oh, cool, thanks. I'll do that.

>> No.22123407

Actually, the more I look at it, the less useful it seems. Honestly, I've never even used that gauge ability once, and having an item I need to micro in fights seems...annoying. I prefer to just let my pets do all the fighting, and even if its infinite use, a temporary buff just seems kinda pointless.

>> No.22123417

Never worry about having to ID (or pseudo-ID) food again.

>> No.22123425

That seems kinda interesting, maybe.

>> No.22123439

I'm just going for the Kumiromi experience, I haven't gotten one from fairies yet so it seems like a solid choice.

>> No.22123443

Just let your main pet run the Shift Core?

>> No.22123446

Ah, I didn't know you could just give it to a pet. Do they actually use it?

>> No.22123450

Yes, there's a "formalized" process where they transform when they use it and whatever.

>> No.22123452

Process? Well, that's neat. I'll try one next time, but I'm not sure what you mean by process

>> No.22123459

You use it, basically a menu pops up asking you to determine the sprite for the transformation, and that's what gets used whenever the Core is activated.

The problem with Kumiromi Experience is that the number of critical feats in E+ is pretty low, and the longer you play, the less useful most of the feats become because your character becomes more versatile.

>> No.22123464

Well, if I ever get another wish, I'll grab a Shift Core then, thanks. That speed one sounds pretty fun to use on my Gold Bell anyways.

>> No.22123519

Man, this crafting thing is a bit confusing, but I think I get it. So, if I say, put in a paper vindale cloak and craft it, it'll give me 3 random vindale cloaks of different quality?

>> No.22123526

Also, which hand is the main hand? 1 or 2? 2 is the first option that default comes up, or does it even matter...?

>> No.22123566

Secret experience is never a bad call.

>> No.22123567


>> No.22123575

Yeah. The resulting items are always miracle or godly quality and their materials are random. Some rare items only give you one or two items, not sure if vindale cloaks are one of them.

You're talking about when you give items to pets, right? When dual wielding I assume the main hand is 1 and the off hand is 2. If you're two handing it shouldn't matter. If you're equipping a weapon and a shield or whatever just put them in different hands.

>> No.22123584

Neat, OK. I'm glad I wasn't reversing my sword and shield on the pets or something. The crafting is pretty cool, I'll look for the heaviest stuff I can and go from there. Thanks!

Now to find gifts somehow, so I can raise Gwen to soul mate, and then Astral Light Pen her so I can own my own innocence incarnate.

>> No.22123599

You can check rank 5+ food is not cursed by trying to have a meal with a pet, so this feels like a waste of a wish. Especially since you can buy it later on.
Miracle or godly quality, random material. Don't try to craft sox, you wont profit any.

>> No.22123603

Gotcha, no sox. Thank you

>> No.22123625

You can buy it in Act 3, yes. if you're in the early game and you've already wished for seven league boots and whatever else, it can be a nice quality of life improvement.

>> No.22123643

>Now to find gifts somehow
Would you like assistance?

>> No.22123648

Don't they just randomly show up in shops, or in the souvenir shops? The latter is guaranteed, but, I mean, I'm not paying 300,000 per gift. But if there's something else I'd love to know. I tried to use engagement rings and love-potion infused food, but she refused them all.

>> No.22123711

Yes souvenir shops are an easy but expensive way to get them, but also general shops, goods shops, and the furniture shops in the embassy sell them. They don't get rarer with shop level, so invest in them as much as you like to increase your odds.
Gifts can also been randomly generated in dungeons.

>> No.22123713

Cool, thanks. I'll actually visit the embassy now then.

>> No.22123723

You can also get barbecue sets there, if you have't already got one.

>> No.22123729

I think the best thing I have is a food processor, so I'll keep an eye out

>> No.22123902
File: 22 KB, 1053x206, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made a spreadsheet where you can compare different equipment types/materials/qualities, to help with theory crafting equipment loadouts. If anyone is interested in it, do you know where I can upload the file to share it?

>> No.22124000

You could upload it to google docs, there's already a few based on anna's old spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h-X_rSprP9EaXepI17YiY5NZM68qwEqeTCOWH5ua2Qo/edit#gid=1547178730

But it doesn't let you select quality, or see weapon ranges, etc.

>> No.22126542


Here it is, please let me know if you find anything wrong etc.

>> No.22127189

That looks pretty cool, though I have no idea about spreadsheets. If it got filled out I'd definitely use it though. It'd help me figure out these crafting shenanigans.

>> No.22127483

Outstanding work, anon.

>> No.22127487

I always get my barbecue sets by pickpocketing party time quests. Just kill all the NPCs around and it's a freebie.

>> No.22127626

Started playing again after a quite long break and i'm not sure if i remember all the souvenir shops. 1 in larnia, 1 in arcbelc... anything else? grinding treasure maps for godly gear

>> No.22127744

Where do I learn pickpocketing? Thief guild? I can't get in there :(

>> No.22127853

Cast teleport other on the guild watchman. If you don't know the spell, rods of teleportation are plenty common. Or just kill him. Once inside, cast incognito or use a disguise kit and you're free to use the trainer in the northwest as if you were a member. If you're playing E+ then Sin the guild leader won't be fooled by your disguise, but he isn't hard to deal with.

>> No.22127861

Souvenir vendors also appear in Noyel during the holy festival. Is buying treasure maps anywhere near as efficient as lucky day equip making?

>> No.22127871

Nevermind, found the one in ol-dran too, 1 per continent makes sense.

>> No.22127905

I don't know, how hard is it to farm stardust? the best i can think of is starting party time quests and using oracle.

>> No.22127923

>If it got filled out
What do you mean? What do you think is missing?

>> No.22127933

I've never found this thing particularly helpful. Flour bought from bakers and herbs grown on my farm will never be cursed and there's not a whole of reasons to eat much else. I guess it's good if you care about the small, temporary resists you get from fairy corpses and such.

>> No.22127949

From looking at this thing, I wonder if rubynus fleures wouldn't be better than lightsabers for dual wielding characters. That accuracy boost is gigantic and 80% pierce is still very good. You'd be able to get away with going over the normal weight limit with that +40 to hit. Would help with the weak crits that hold DW back from competing with 2H.

>> No.22128275
File: 231 KB, 1569x931, all i see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. The trainer aggro'd me as well, but maybe my disguise ran out? Regardless, I might just use blessed scrolls of gain attribute.

This is all I see?

>> No.22128306
File: 76 KB, 413x195, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I might just use blessed scrolls of gain attribute.
If you plan on taking the character to endgame, please do not. They are quite rare and used in artifact fusion.
>This is all I see?
See pic related. Clickity-click.

>> No.22128365

oh i didn't know how to use the documents thing I guess. But thanks.
But if I don't use the scrolls for that, it'll be hard to get those skills I need. I did teleport the guy blocking the stairs, and I did sneak in with disguise kits, but I got attacked by everyone even with disguise on (I actually used the spell) and had to kill them all. I assume they respawn and I can try again?
But that document is super cool

>> No.22128447

The incognito effect only lasts a few turns. If you can manage to kill everyone in the guild, then you can do that except leave the trainer alive. To be safe, 'i'nteract with the trainer and talk to them that way, to be sure you don't attack them. They'll respawn but I can't remember how long it takes.

>> No.22128479

Cool, thanks. I definitely bunged it up then. I'll save those attribute scrolls (I already read one by accident though).

>> No.22128632

Make sure you disguise after entering the thieves guild, not before.
And yeah, don't read scrolls of gain attribute in Plus. They're rare and super valuable. They're probably the main thing you want to use wishes on after you've got enough secret experiences of kumiromi.

>> No.22128663

Cool, thanks. My bad, and yeah I think I used it WHEN I entered. Thank you!!

>> No.22128913

why do summoned pets and stuff start with engagement rings/amulets
is there a downside to being a <Foe> of a pet?

>> No.22129013
File: 621 KB, 703x402, 0YOzA8A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I'm sort of stuck here. I can just scrape my way past level 30 dungeons, and there are none left on the map that I can do without losing my entire stack of cash. What do I do at this point?

>> No.22129100

Your attribute potentials suck. This means you will increase them very slowly. You need to drink blessed potions of potential until they're at superb. Try to get all magic vendors invested to at least rank 120 for the best chance of finding them in shops. You could also make them with the alchemy skill.
It looks like your PV is low too. 57% prot is not very good. Could you post a picture of your equipment?
Have you read the pastebin for new players in the OP yet? There is a lot of good information in there, like drinking blessed potions of restore mind/body, which you don't seem to be doing.

>> No.22129104

Is there any faster way to get good herbs? I have maybe 20 stomafillias and curarias, and I'm always doing farming quests, but I usually get maybe a curaria and stomafillia or two per herb plant, and then it fails to regrow (I have 65 gardening and plant on rainy days). I get herb seeds maybe one out of every 10 farming quests, and I haven't worshipped Kumiromi (I'm still hustling Jure right now).

>> No.22129118
File: 549 KB, 699x400, Adventurer Blade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if it helps, but here's my character who is a similar level (And follows the same God, funnily enough.)

>> No.22129126
File: 348 KB, 692x416, pPayU2L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I hadn't read it yet. Honestly, all of the gear is pretty old. most of it has came before I started falling off.

>> No.22129194

Statues of kumiromi are great for getting herb seeds. You get one from a quest in Eirel, and then you should use the little sister quest to get a bunch.
Kumiromi scissors will help with replanting, but you have to kill a god for them in act 3.
You want an adamant plate mail. It will do good things to your PV. Get the rest of your armour to at least +3 at the blacksmith since it's so cheap, and keep an eye out for scrolls of enchant armour to boost it even higher.

>> No.22129205

I'm still in what seems to be Act 1, so I'll try to see if I can't get around there I guess. Thanks.

>> No.22129247

If I attach a spellcaster (Fox Brother) to tag with, say, a tankier unit (Defender), will the spellcaster still cast spells and get EXP? He doesn't seem to do anything now, does it lock him into melee only?

>> No.22129261

Also, Jure is such a shitcunt god. "Ahh I won't thank you, I won't!" and throwing insults. Kumiromi is way nicer.

>> No.22129275

You could try to do the quest to get Opatos statue, he regens the dungeons on the map for you.


>> No.22129312

tagged pets do get exp but only half of what they'll get normally,same for ap

>> No.22129318

Oh, so each one gets 50/50, no matter which one gets the kill? Cool, thanks. It'd be nice to put my spellcaster with my bell, but I don't think it'd do very well for my bell's speed.

>> No.22129485

If you can scrap together enough small medals for a void license you could try out the void's low levels. Your first priorities should be to fix your armor and to find a few potential potions.
For your armor, get a scroll of superior material and buy a cheap material kit from the souvenir vendor in Larna (should set you back about $50,000). Take both and a bronze coin to the dwarf south of Noyel and have him upgrade your material kit into adamantium. If he doesn't offer adamantium, try back tomorrow. Might take 2 or 3 days but you'll get it. Use it on your body armor and your defense should improve immensely. Next you want a craft repair kit. Go to Noyel and buy one from Moyer (~$25,000). If he doesn't have one, invest him up and check back. Use the craft repair kit on your body armor and you'll be in good shape against physical attacks. Should be able to take on great races of yith without a problem.
For the potion of potential, invest up one or two magic vendors (up to at least level 100, ideally higher) and just check back until they sell one. Mix the potion with holy water (drop water on an altar owned by your god to bless it) before drinking, blessed potions of potential are far more potent.

100/50. They won't share attribute or skill experience, however.

>> No.22129493

You post on /jp/ and you don't know about tsunderes???

>> No.22129549

OK, thanks.

>> No.22130107

Don't tell him to go to the Void with stats like that, he'll get massacred and won't be able to get anything out of it. It's not like he can floor scum drops or something.

>> No.22130492

In omake there're some skills that are class exclusive.
does OOmest do something about this, or it's the same ?

>> No.22130570

Some skills are but some were fixed. You can get singing just by taking the feat, but you still need to be a claymore to get boost. Warmage (I think) to get the element enchant skills.

>> No.22130573


Oh, and in oomsest you can change your race and get some of the race abilities. You can wish to be a spider, and be able to move through webs like them. I know you can get the mutation feat and the golem dim resistance too. Haven't really experimented with it too much.

>> No.22130697

The bottom floors ought to be alright with some adamantium armor, right? Am I underestimating the void?

You can change classes with certain NPCs and if you change to a class with a special skill you'll get it. Not that any of them seem especially important. Maybe go with claymore for boost?

You should

>> No.22130700

>You should

>> No.22131113

I wanted to go gunslinger since i'm manly going to use guns , but i dunno if recycler is necessary or frugal is the same / overwrites it
beside that thief giving PV for dualwield sounds useful.

>> No.22131384

Ah, every class can get every feat. You'll be able to get those back just from leveling or miromis. It's only certian action skills that are locked to classes.

>> No.22132673

Sweet. Mind if I include this in the pastebin anon?

>> No.22133009

>The bottom floors ought to be alright with some adamantium armor, right? Am I underestimating the void?
He'd spend so long trying to kill the monsters that it wouldn't be worthwhile even if he could tank the waves.

>> No.22133467
File: 505 KB, 1286x796, What should I use this for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this kit be best used on armor or a weapon? Should I craft some cool gear, then use the kit on it?

>> No.22133564

Nanomachine isn't a particularly effective material, more for role play.

>> No.22133568

Oh, I thought it was one of the best. That sucks, it looked pretty good. Ah well.

>> No.22133571

I'd change it into a better material.

>> No.22133573

Alright. What do you recommend? I'm looking for maybe a nice helmet or something. Or boots, I never have many boots.

>> No.22133612

In general, adamantium for things that give mostly PV, dawn cloth for things that give mostly DV. I also like rubynus for decorated gloves.
Make something nice, then decide what material to change it into, then use a craft repair kit on it.
You can play around with this to help decide what item to make and what material to use.

>> No.22133621

Alright, I'll follow it in that order, thanks. I do have a few craft repair kits. I assume I can just use scrolls of superior material too (IF I bless them) to produce adamantium/etc? But I found a metal plate mail in a shop, so I'll go craft it a few times until I get something nice, then adamantium it. Thanks for the link!

>> No.22133629

Scrolls don't work on {Godly} items and you typically have to use a bunch of them, but yes you could.

>> No.22133634

Ah, alright. I did a bunch of crafts and got absolute garbage from it, every plate mail had nothing good. Can you get anything better than <Name> or is that the highest? I must have gotten unlucky, every piece had either multiple negatives with no good positives, or just almost no benefits. Out of stardusts sadly.

>> No.22133643
File: 515 KB, 1286x796, Best I found.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just use an adamantium kit on this? Only thing decent out of the bunch.

>> No.22133660

>Can you get anything better than <Name> or is that the highest?
{Name} is better, sort of. You get more enchantments and it has a higher limit for artifact fusion. Quite rare though, unless you have a high luck stat.
Might as well. It would be best to find something with a lot of resistances, though.

>> No.22133662

Alright, neat. The best thing with resistances had I think 2 fire and 2 cold, but also multiple negatives in other things.

>> No.22133675
File: 515 KB, 1286x796, oh this one looks amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely gotta do this one

>> No.22133683

Be careful you don't die from being overburdened, by the way.

>> No.22133686

I took a bit of damage but made it a few steps to my shop, where I dropped about 20 unwanted armor pieces. Gotta do some more party times and slap my ragnarok sword around to get some more stardust.

>> No.22133781
File: 494 KB, 1286x796, I feel...almost bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22133887
File: 105 KB, 586x384, what is the point of this item.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this have a use beyond just providing some PV?

>> No.22133896

Helps with training stealth and negotiation.

>> No.22133900

...how? If you constantly fail something, does it somehow train it up? Do you wear it and buy/sell a bunch of crap in unison or...

>> No.22133935

With negotiation, you get experience based on how expensive the item is. Lower negotiation skill means higher prices, meaning more exp.
I can't remember how stealth works, but it's not an important skill anyway.

>> No.22133938

Well, thank you. I don't think I want to spend that much money on training it, but regardless its good to know I suppose.

>> No.22134001

I'm pretty sure ninja and samurai are a head and shoulders above the other classes. You can wish for featreset to refund all positive feats. Even if you don't want the samurai's dual wield-focused feats, you'll surely find a use for those 12 free feat points. My claymore suggestion was for something to change to after character creation.

Please do!

>> No.22134011

Convert it to a better material. Adamantium is best for PV, and damage, rubynus is best for accuracy. I think griffin scale is best for DV but DV isn't important.

>> No.22134020

alrighty, I'll grab one of those. Thanks

>> No.22134030

>griffin scale is best for DV
Not quite, but it gives quite a lot of PV as well.

>> No.22134031

Go for it. Those enchantments are nearly worthless but even a bad suit of adamantium plate mail is a big help. Material kits and scrolls of superior material are not really expensive when it comes down to it, and when you get a better suit of plate mail you can use that one as a hand me down for your pets.

Bear in mind that negotiation's effect caps out at like level 100 which you'll easily reach naturally.

>> No.22134038

Sure thing. When in doubt go with adamantium. I'd only recommend rubynus for dual wielding, ranged weapons, and for boosting a pet bell's life rating.
