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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2199049 No.2199049 [Reply] [Original]

When I move to Japan, will it be hard to find a woman willing to marry outside of her race/culture who is all the things I want in a wife (quiet, intelligent, humble, staggeringly beautiful) and who isn't already taken?

I hear any woman over 25 is considered over the hill, is that still true?

>> No.2199077

kill yourself

>> No.2199093

I plan to, when I'm 45. I am going to commit seppuki in the Japanese Ministry of Defence headquarters in Ichigaya, in solidarity with my hero Yukio Mishima.

But before then, I want to live a Japanese life with my Japanese wife

>> No.2199100

real life experience here:

I was inspired by all the TV drama and romance stories to find a really traditional japanese girl. I ended up with one, she's beautiful, submissive and totally obedient.

It was great at first, I felt like a man, she cooks, cleans and basicly satisfies your every needs. She wouldn't talk back or even defend her self if you beat her.

After about 2 month, I start to get really sick to the obedience and submissiveness of that girl. I asked her, "why wouldn't you fight back?" she said because she loves me. At that point, unknown rage erupted within me, I slapped her silly. She was crying, but still kneeling infront of me.

It broke my heart, I apologized and comforted her for the rest of the day. I told her, this is not working out, she's too good for me, too gentle and loving for me. ( i didn't have the heart to tell her that I need a girl to be more than a loyal servant...) She cried through the night till the next morning. Sad I was, but still determined . I left her. We hardly talk now.

If you want to find a "pure" girl it's not within your grasp, make sure it's really what you want. Even if you think obedience is heavenly, after a while you'll get bored with it. Think through before you ruin some girl's life.

>> No.2199112


And what will you bring to the table, OP? If you are requesting all those qualities in a woman?

>> No.2199116
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>> No.2199120

Sounds like you (or the guy whose pasta you stole) are/is an asshole.

>> No.2199128

Only rule is "1. All things Japanese welcome!"

Reporting for abusing the report system.

>> No.2199134

I will bring my willingness to provide money

>> No.2199158
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>> No.2199161

Pasta last seen on R9K, IIRC

>> No.2199166

Hey brah

We need your help in like 99% of the threads here
