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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21959863 No.21959863 [Reply] [Original]

It's been three months since the trial and over two weeks since the full release, but barely any artwork of any of the new characters came out.
It's too soon to say for music arranges, but I found most of the music in the game pretty forgettable. I wouldn't be surprised if, like HSiFS, there would be practically no arranges of any of the themes after C97.
After the underwhelming release of HSiFS, this is disturbing. The game itself is really fun, but the fanbase is visibly waning.

So this really it, isn't it? Touhou really IS reclining.

>> No.21959877
File: 65 KB, 425x419, 1557317826722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fanbase is visibly waning
Yes, and?

>> No.21959947

Fuck off retard. Danbooru and Pixiv has less than 50% of all new art nowadays. It's all on Twitter now.

>> No.21961179
File: 288 KB, 1181x1181, 1566024104252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely any artwork of any of the new characters came out.
Mayumi and Keiki get tons. I bet you only checked Booru instead of Pixiv and Twitter.

>It's too soon to say for music arranges, but I found most of the music in the game pretty forgettable
People already messing around with Keiki's theme right after it come out.
Also, this come out a week after release.

>> No.21961192

Sorry you didn't get into the game Sakuya, but at least that slut didn't!

>> No.21961223

This exact post gets made every time a new game comes out.

>> No.21962432
File: 2.56 MB, 1555x968, 11232787105d56be1b02b54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Japanese fanartist are refrained from posting WBaWC fanarts on public media because it is considered rude to do that in their culture.
Those fanartists who posted on public almost always have a spoiler warning.

We should see a surge of fanarts of TH17 appearing once the game is out on Steam on 10th September.

>> No.21962733

god I fucking hate twitter
why hasn't anyone made a dedicated 2hu booru yet that anyone can upload to because the sheer amount of art that's lost to twitter's asshole is ridiculous

>> No.21962784 [DELETED] 

I like how you can pinpoint fags like OP that only browse boorus and call it a day.

>> No.21965559

Anon did you ever went into niconico?

>> No.21966018

Hey look it's another doomposting thread shortly after the last one died.

>> No.21969176

zun will deny it

>> No.21969752

Who are the faggots that keep making these threads?

>> No.21970389

not me

>> No.21971271

Still waiting for that surge of HSiFS fanart.

Amen brother.

>> No.21971796
File: 667 KB, 1944x2061, __rumia_and_sakata_nemuno_touhou_drawn_by_proton__f659ac1e1f552f2ddf8785764b1043ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can dump my Okina and Aunn folder on separate threads to reach bump limit, and unlike popular belief Nemuno also get a lot of art.

>> No.21971879
File: 762 KB, 1000x1500, __haniyasushin_keiki_and_joutouguu_mayumi_touhou_drawn_by_hillly_maiwetea__bba5a3a68eaed98db100923d6520727d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made one already and the game has changed my mind at least. Maybe this does bring a nice touhou renaissance since we have a nice cast of characters, really good music, and nice concepts. Also art wont be coming until a week or so now, so we can finally get some good shit

Doomposting sucks anyway

>> No.21971998

I made one and but this is someone else.

>> No.21977587

You mean ZUN.

>> No.21982888

>I made one already
Pic unrelated?

>> No.21984847

The worst part is the bitch tits artists that delete their art later on after posting it though.

>> No.21987155

funny sakuya

>> No.21987405

please try and hum any of the WBaWC themes

>> No.21987642

nana nanaaaaa
nana nanaaaaa
nana naaaa naaa nanana nanaa naa

nana nanaaaaa
nana nanaaaaa
nana naaaa naaa nanana nanaa naa

>> No.21987971
File: 2.28 MB, 1500x2121, 76300233_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

na nana-nana-nana-nana nana-nana-nanana-nana V
na nana-nana-nana-nana nana-nana-nanana-nananana ^

>> No.21988382
File: 46 KB, 664x670, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21990462

Piano section of Unlocated Hell is stuck in my head.

>> No.21992045

