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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 514 KB, 920x690, op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21945368 No.21945368 [Reply] [Original]

H-Games General #1125

bags of sand edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of 2D/3D H-Games/ Eroge/ Nukige/ Hentai RPG/ Hentai Action Games.


Use web OCR to get kanji of error messages:

Please pay your respects to our matron saint, Julie d'Aubigny.

>If you have to ask, it's not translated.

>Please REPORT and IGNORE blatant shitposting


>Machine Translation Guide:

>Recommended Games:

>/hgg/ Nukige Catalog:

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Previous thread:

>> No.21945370

Games pending release:

>[ANIM.teamMM] 妻の肉穴にホームステイするマッチョ留学生2軒目 - 2019/08/30

>[POISON] 家庭教師X催眠~絶対従順、ワガママJKとハイソ妻を催眠操作~ - 2019/08/30

>[BISHOP] 家属~母と姉妹の嬌声~ - 2019/09/27

>[つるみく] 淫蹂の号砲 - 2019/09/27

>[WendyBell] 保育しちゃお!~エッチな年上保母さんとイチャイチャお遊戯~ - 2019/09/27

>[Moonstone Cherry] セックスオープンワールドへようこそ!- 2019/09/27

>[Miel] モンスターが支配する異世界で魔物使いになって孕ませハントで救世主になる - 2019/09/27

>[bootUP!] みつあね - 2019/10/25

>[WAFFLE] いかにして俺の妻は孕んだか…… - 2019/10/25

>[ANIM Mother&Wife] いつまでも息子のままじゃいられない!5 - 2019/10/25

Games recently released:

>[ピンポイント] 夏休み明けの彼女は…~チャラ男好みの黒ギャルビッチに~ - 2019/07/12
DL: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2761095

>> No.21945551

I don't really mind, It's turning the girls in to toilets that's hot about their games either way.

>> No.21945566

The harem scenes looks good. I wonder if the game will have a more harem vibe around it since many of the targets are in home.

>> No.21945966
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>> No.21946355

Can't wait for this game, because of the two milf, especially the blonde one. I just hope the harem scenes won't make it so we have less content with one girl. I mean, I like three and foursome but I'd rather see a focus on my favorite girls.

>> No.21947209
File: 3.85 MB, 1600x1198, asdfasdfsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play Oyako Rankan

>> No.21947288

Wish you would play as the nog.

>> No.21947297

I'm playing Bunny Black.

>> No.21947317

Is Sexy beach premium resort's VR mode an actual game? Or just some boring tripe like in Koikatsu?

>> No.21947982

I wish I could

>> No.21948669

Is it playable without a virtual machine?

>> No.21948827

How is this thread different from エロゲスレ?

>> No.21949203

>virtual machine

>> No.21949228

>Dannys new game still only has one heroine revealed
What the fuck bros

>> No.21949233

This one is full of /v/ shitters

>> No.21949271

The kid was the most annoying part of the first one, I'm glad they chose to focus on the milf this time.

>> No.21949291
File: 47 KB, 712x426, 1560596790817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit taste tbqh

>> No.21949294

The other one isn't full of /v/ shitters

>> No.21949442

Who was ahead in the Milk Factory poll?

>> No.21949469


>> No.21949473

I checked before the last minute. Nanako was in the lead.

>> No.21949548

Why the fuck do they do a poll before revealing CVs?

>> No.21949573

I voted three times every interval for Nanako (phone, home computer on my wifi, my laptop on my neighbor's wifi). I hope they dont ban gaijin votes or some shit if they can detect that.

>> No.21949677

This is hgg. That other one is untranslataed /vn/ which means autism incarnate.

Maybe that way the poll reflects better if a character is popular rather than the VA, plus they need it to print stuff for the launch.

>> No.21949731

Downloading Koikatu now. Installed a couple of Illusion games before but it was a few years ago.
Currently downloading the base game and a repack.

This is pretty much the bare minimum to play, right?

>> No.21949765

Looking at the short haired adult girl character page you can see her getting fucked in front of a dude in a suit. So i assume she is the gal that MC's father is cheating with so you are likely cucking your dad in all fronts.

>> No.21949772

>adult girl
It's called a woman

>> No.21949783

Sorry, too many yound girls in eroge so i had to be specific.

>> No.21949882

Is this title the first time a Tomoaki girl was on the cover? Or was that Kutsujoku 1? Either way, I really think his artwork has taken a step up since his earlier characters with Bishop. Would love to see if him do a full title solo.

>> No.21949905

Tomoaki's character isn't on the cover though. He designed Erisu.

>> No.21950050

Bunny Black is weird. I felt like I should dislike it, but I played all 3 games and I was a bit sad when it ended. At the same time, though, I don't know if I'd ever recommend it to anyone else.

>> No.21950419

>I really think his artwork has taken a step up since his earlier characters with Bishop.
Yeah, Risako design is one of his best, same with Mahiro.
>Would love to see if him do a full title solo.
Nah, Oonari and Rio already established as BISHOP main faces.

>> No.21950800

>Nah, Oonari and Rio already established as BISHOP main faces.
Oonari, sure. But Rio's more of a guest artist. Tomoaki has worked on more Bishop games than her.

>> No.21950976
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 1420_ev05_004_1p01_1f501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like that too. I loved Anna a lot, its been a while since i liked a character from Bishop since Hina in CnS.
Sexy, cute and bombshell body.

>> No.21951077

Anna is Oonari iirc. Tomoaki designed Risako.

>> No.21951114

No, he's right. Tomoaki designed Anna.

>> No.21951459

The fuck, their design is too similiar in SnK.

>> No.21952079 [DELETED] 

This isn't funny anymore, where is 8ch. I don't want to browse the taimanin thread in /h/.

>> No.21952363

Come to bunkerchan my friend

>> No.21952399


>> No.21952518 [DELETED] 

You guys more or less asked for it when you sheltered so many shooters.

>> No.21953193

Supposedly it will be up again september 5th the earliest.


>> No.21954991

One day closer to never evers being released. All there is to do is finish the backlog and add to the backlog.

>> No.21955793

What are some games you played and initially didn't enjoy but after acquiring new fetishes you came back to them with a newfound appreciation for the content?

>> No.21955859

Netorare Imouto Misaki

>> No.21955891

I wonder why Erectclip became one trick ponies and just release the same mega tit tittles.

None. I have been playing eroge for a good while and vanilla is still my fetish. If anything now i hate tittles i liked because they were cuckshit or female mc trash.

>> No.21955893
File: 68 KB, 600x844, Cerberus chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant wait to see the dogs heads go ahegao.

>> No.21955935

I do appreciate the fact that Miel is doing more fantasy stories, as fantasy setting can get a lot more creative with characters, like this girl here, but I also find it hilarious that part of the reason they're even doing fantasy setting more often is so that more of their stories can get sold on steam.

>> No.21956422
File: 83 KB, 569x800, ririmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Miels characters have been getting better and better lately. Especially now with monworldhun coming up, Akira did a really good job on the characters this time. My favorite is the dragon girl, but I feel like her color scheme in the sneak peak preview they released like a month ago was better.

>Cant wait to see the dogs heads go ahegao.
I can't wait to see all these monster girls break and ahegao from the mc using them as urinals by giving them the good ol' internal golden shower. I hope that all the monster girls get the meat urinal treatment by the mc, I'd be disappointed by anything less from Miel.

>> No.21956442
File: 109 KB, 1000x592, pakage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole cast

>> No.21956467

I'm more on board with this anon >>21955891
I got into eroge in the first place after seeing Taimanin CGs years ago, but over time I lost all taste for rape, gangbangs or other such shit. I only ever play vanilla games now and I feel completely content with this. Still haven't touched a Taimanin game and probably never will at this point.

>> No.21957044

wonder if this woman commented on her thing becoming a meme

>> No.21957122

who is this guy even

>> No.21957323
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, st_mervi_a001b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really doubt that the west has that much influence, but i do welcome more Miel Isekai games.

I like the caat overall but only Cerberus and Dragon girl are my true favorites but they still dont come close to Melvy.
Hope Akira outdoes her someday.

>> No.21957344

the fact that you have so much free time to make such posts considering how short and full of nothing miel games are proves it

>> No.21957355

have you ever been as far as even decided to look more like?

>> No.21957385

I can't wait for the shortstack from >>21956422 personally

>> No.21957397

the fact that you have so much free time to make such posts considering how other companies don't even bother anymore to release two games a year proves it

>> No.21957424
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, sword of heterosexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm playing a game right now though :^)

>> No.21957478
File: 68 KB, 1024x768, st_Claire_a002c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont come close to Melvy.
Yeah, Melvy was pretty great, but Claire is still my favorite Miel girl and omanko benki.

>> No.21957525

>full of nothing
They are filled with hot spicy content and fetishes, and niku benkis. What more could you want?

>> No.21957531
File: 36 KB, 800x600, st_ritsuko_a001g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Ritsuko

>> No.21957587

Same VA as Claire and Suzuka from Deviant Dungeon. I like her alot in Miel's games. I wonder if there's a chance she's going to be in monworldhun too. She'd fit for maybe the dragon girl or the snake girl.

>> No.21957703

how about a game that lasts more than 5 minutes

>> No.21957775

It's not Miel's fault you don't last longer than five minutes.

>> No.21957883

>wow, now that's a chara design that appeals to me
>check it
>it's a 2 billions heroines game with weird fetishes and no real storyline
fuck u

>> No.21957906
File: 120 KB, 319x240, 1423595830726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird fetishes
get a load of this faggot

>> No.21957925

It's a pretty standard Miel game, dude. I don't know what you were expecting.

>> No.21957978
File: 271 KB, 854x1200, 47155218_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking of Akira I wish he would make a mature women centric game like some T-28 games.
Plumb mature Baba's with some meat in them. BBA Knights cast looked too young, only Martina looked older.

>> No.21958002

I'd really like to see him do a proper gyaru game

>> No.21958325

My dick hurts from all the lesbianism, rape, and incest. I need something cute and average but without difficult Japanese.

>> No.21958408

Nanami to Konomi ABC.
Amakano 1 or 2.
Iegami series by casket.

>> No.21958557
File: 216 KB, 993x709, 1566065951093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbianism doesn't hurt, anon.

>> No.21958809

It hurts when I fap too much to girls mating with each other.

>> No.21959826

These look great as always, but I'd honestly wish that their next big title be a non-fantasy one. It seems like they've been doing a lot of these recently. Hell, even a sci-fi setting would be a nice change of pace and I don't think they've ever done one before. I'm also still holding out hope that they might one day do a proper incest-themed game, despite how unlikely that seems.

>> No.21960432
File: 190 KB, 498x800, 09080c08a5fd62d3842bc4b0a1d1a25a58b68a93113e935b3f2bbed8103b0f82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wont happen soon. Akira is already working on another Isekai game on the sidelines.

>> No.21961466

Does anyone know how a maid become free maid in COM 3D2? One of the maid I ignored got this event but the 2 maids I focused on are still trainee

>> No.21961473

You need to have a certain amount of stats before trainee status is gone. Just keep putting them to work and option will show up.

>> No.21961513

Does being a free maid automatically whore themselves out when I work them in prostitute job like SM room?

>> No.21961526

Use some common sense, mate. Jobs are fairly straight forward as to what they entail.

>> No.21962117

>sci-fi setting would be a nice
That would be pretty cool, there is lots of stuff you could do in a sci-fi setting too. There's a real lack of sci-fi eroge out there.

>> No.21962171
File: 329 KB, 459x305, onahotoire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have any experiences like that, of not liking a game at first and then coming around to liking it. However I have experienced discovering quite if few new fetishes from playing different games though. The biggest one being internal urination from playing https://vndb.org/v21962, I don't know why but shit's so hot.

Has anyone else experienced discovering major fetishes from playing eroge?

>> No.21963036


>> No.21964057
File: 112 KB, 956x800, Dlsite release soon™.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With each peek of what to come, I wonder how this circle will become after its game is released. I've no doubt it will be at or near the top in dlsite's daily ranking for quite a while.

>> No.21965868

Is there an English version of Park Toucher fantasy?

>> No.21965929

As with 99% of h-games, the answer is no. There were some people who attempted to translate, but like with a large amount of fan translations of h-games it ended up shoddy and eventually dead, if not a paralyzed snail's speed of progress.

>> No.21965936


>> No.21965952

damn that sucks I found a 2 year old google drive of it in a /v/ thread
guess I'll see how good the english is

>> No.21966004

Due to giving no other information in the post, outside of it being on dlsite in future, I'll tell you. インキュバスクエスト is the name.

>> No.21966778

What's everyone currently reading? I finally decided to not be lazy and suffer through Japanese to read Kangoku Academia. Only halfway but I think it may be the best in the series. Scenes are all really creative and for once I like both of the main girls.

>> No.21967052

Have to finish Sweet Home. Did the harem route first, now will do the thots and then probably mom then Risa. After that will probably get back to studying Japanese more and then do this RPG called マセルハート

>> No.21967102

Tsumamigui 3

>> No.21967113

Nothing right now since i dont want anything getting in the way of sister gyaru and like+love releasing tomorrow, though they will probably will be uploaded after tomorrow and crossover is using DRM for Gyaru sister so i will likely wait longer.
The last thing i read was Avril teacher route in LovexHolic and damn it was a really short route but i felt sorry for the MC literally being forced to impregnate her and him taking out his frustrations on her but the masochist loves it. Felt like a bad endibg route.

>> No.21967186

Will Sukebe Elf ever be translated? I remember so translater group teasing it a while ago, but nothing came out of that, as far as I know.

>> No.21967216

Not unless Lune does it officially

>> No.21967337

>Some translator group.
Shitposters shitposting.

>> No.21967365

Sukebe Elf 2 is far more likely to happen sooner than a TL. I think the hype it had around that time it made it #7 in that MG poll has faded.

I wonder if someone archived the hgg infinity chan Sukebe Elf thread, it gives you a good idead about the game.

>> No.21967388

I mean the main problem is that as long as lune isn't partnered with MG the poll doesn't really matter
It's why people who vote for shit like fate stay are so hilarious

>> No.21967442

Well i think their polls are a good metric to gauge the interest on tittles and really 2 years after the debut i dont see any TL attempt.

>> No.21967506

we need more games where the ss is trying to steal a milf through consensual coitus

>> No.21967526

Like https://vndb.org/v24151?

>> No.21967551

pretty much

>> No.21967628

there is a cheap one https://vndb.org/v24148 , but Im not sure if there is a ntr ending because I only could get momcest end, sensei end and harem end.
this one is great

>> No.21967649

It was a guesslation like the EroMahou blog posting thread. Stop holding faith in something that wasn't accurate to begin with.

>> No.21967737

What do you mean? It looked pretty accurate, in both threads.

>> No.21969764


>> No.21971184

lurk more

>> No.21972086

I sure hope the update folder from Erogedownload Bunny Black download, isn't gamechanging.

>> No.21972095

There is no longer an 8ch so you have to explain.

>> No.21972232

Games with the best paizuri content?

>> No.21972289

Paizuri Fiancée is the ultimate paizuri game. Many Honky Tonk pumking games have great animated paizuri too.

>> No.21972337

Is Sadpanda down again? I got nonnonbiyori image wanting to go fine the sukebe elf cgs

>> No.21972340

Works fine for me.
Downloaded a CG from that set not long ago.

>> No.21972342

Waffle going to soshage... Looks like they're taking ogin bara with them

>> No.21972355

hentai shooter 3d / 2: world tour appreciation thread

>> No.21972386

Thats a shame. I like Ogin but i guess he ended directionless after One Up folded.

>> No.21972394 [DELETED] 


>> No.21972471

Action Taimanin?! Taimanin with gameplay?! No details just yet

>> No.21972497

Is RPGX dead now? Are they going to jump ship again?

>> No.21972624

Oh no no NO WHY

>> No.21972648 [DELETED] 

Oh no no NO WHY

>> No.21972656

Ok dammit what is broken this time, 4chan or just my 4chanx?

>> No.21972684

it's a mobile game

>> No.21972911

Mother fucker, been waiting for a new Ogin lead game since Tech Arts collapsed but this isn't what I wanted.

>> No.21972920

new illusion game site is now up:

maker trial also released:

>> No.21972933

The Illusion cycle will continue, yet again.

>> No.21972936

new illusion game site is now up:

maker trial also released:

>> No.21972938

4chan is sperging out again it seems
Why can't japs code

>> No.21972977
File: 198 KB, 1024x600, 妹ぱらだいす!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hentai game where the girl uses ボク as her pronoun?
pic related is the only one I know

>> No.21973105

And that's a good thing.

>> No.21973117


>> No.21973130

Might as well jerk him off, too. Teach people to fish.

>> No.21973221
File: 915 KB, 810x2328, Screenshot_20190830-090303_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21973432
File: 148 KB, 1500x500, 1567142087087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does mobile shit feel so shit, bros? Will we have to wait 10 years so mobile games are actually have a good ui, good visuals and decent input methods?

>> No.21973741
File: 74 KB, 905x1280, 5d7ff61e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jinsei Tsuukoudome is working on a CG set called Project Bitch with art by 23. It's going to have another non-virgin heroine and will be about learning about her past experience - though this time it won't be through her telling the protagonist, but some other means. He says it's essentially a spiritual successor to KanoBitch. Anyway, he also says that while it's planned to be a CG set at the moment, if enough people are vocal about wanting it to increase scale and become a full game, that could happen (hint hint).

>> No.21973780

new heroine looks like shit so whatever

>> No.21973827

Why would I play a cuckge?

>> No.21973831

The Ai girl character maker and character design is god like but I am too experienced to know by now that there will probably be 0 gameplay/will be artificial even though illusion " promises " and promotes the game as a living/vibrant simulator.

>> No.21973991

>makes the work with the most unique idea and the best art into a CG set while the generic works all become games

>> No.21974079

did lilith just give up on RPGX? the last 4-5 banners and event units have been total shit

>> No.21974094
File: 28 KB, 491x487, 1566931234149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can only hope for

>> No.21974188
File: 597 KB, 600x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're isekaid into your favorite eroge as a plain man, what do you do?

>> No.21974230
File: 1.11 MB, 1303x669, Ending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eiyuu Senki Gold. You get a harem and can actually defend it.
Runner up would be the average Miel game Isekai.

>> No.21974331

But you are plain, average, no girl would want to be in an harem with you. In a Miel logic world it might work.

>> No.21974414

probably just die

>> No.21974456

Can't you just suck Rance cock?

>> No.21974465

even if rance doesn't kill me the rance world is predisposed to kill average shitters

>> No.21974653

You usually get some kind of upgrade when you get Isekaid so I could still be strong enough to get a harem.

>> No.21974715

All these years of playing Mielshit paid off. Simply having a working dick is a guarantee of success.

>> No.21974793

You get the knowledge that all girls can't beat the dick.

>> No.21974941

Kizuna Ai in 6th place.

Eh, I mean it hardly matters but I wish she got more love.

>> No.21974986
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, Kurano-kunchi.no.Futago.Jijou.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I'm in the normal everyday world of Kuranokunchi no Futago Jijou?

Continue living life like normal I guess.

>> No.21975073
File: 657 KB, 1280x720, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21975214

Their newest game is better.

>> No.21975219

I honestly think he should do a pure love story between a lonely and depressed office worker oji-san and a gal bitch kind of like that one Tamagoro story. It could have its format like Kanobitch where the past details how she became a slut, though never found herself truly satisfied, and then the present is her meeting up oji-san and their relationship from there on out.

>> No.21975222

Oh, also 23's artwork is too good to just be a CG set.

>> No.21975229

Fuck. I really hoped Maya would win so she would get a sexy bonus picture in her battlesuit.

>> No.21975241

>Slut story.
>Pure love.
Make it a gal bitch starting the business and Ojisan is her first and then Ojisan wastes money to keep her to himself.

>> No.21975282
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, 1296842-9cf3f5efc2-00000613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guilty tweeted out Toriko no Shizuku
>Turns out it is just ad for the horrible anime adaptation.
>PV is worse than expectation when it is already low bar.

Argh, probably just gonna skip till the after credits to see if they will finally announce their motion remake.


>> No.21975374

Which one

>> No.21975382
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing dress up with Kaede-san.

>> No.21975436 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 321x450, VJ012697_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not up
God please...

>> No.21975447

LoveXholic too. Art looks like shit but we will get some nice art from choco for the advertising.

Then you will have to wait for someone to crack it.

>> No.21975485

The one that came out this month.

>> No.21975514

I didn't even know about it, gonna look it up at VNDB, hopefully it will have my fetish like in the other one I posted. Cute girl but wasted on bad fetish.

>> No.21975720 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 470x353, 1567193623468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge update on the website of the new Bishop. Focus on the three main girls with two side chicks, three to fivesome, sequences when they are sleeping.
Sadly, no Kagami but the Blonde is top tier.

>> No.21975726

And they announce an oav of Kutsujoku.

>> No.21975771
File: 106 KB, 1000x1225, fbc8077af01fdff15d2800028f2d569ee9f35d01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Maki. What's the closest I'm going to get?

>> No.21975777

The one game that has you torture and fuck Maki. There was also a Nico one, too.

>> No.21975779


>> No.21975800

Maki-Fes by Crossover.
A game made by Saberfish based in love live.

Wish Kagami fans would move on already.

>> No.21975809

*Grand Cross.

>> No.21975833
File: 671 KB, 1280x720, RJ227102_img_smp1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why arent you playing Goblin Slayer The Game?

>> No.21975851

Yae is so fucking perfect.

>> No.21975865
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even Saturday and JUST SEEN A BIG OL' ASS.

>> No.21975897
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, 98331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It now surprises me, now that I think of it, how obvious it is that this game exists.

>> No.21975936

I'm playing as the Goblin in a different game. Also, unless the only enemies are Goblins, you shouldn't use the work as a catch all for armored guy in fantasy setting that has female companions.

>> No.21975964
File: 459 KB, 1280x720, 46288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every girl is perfect
Fixed it for you

>> No.21975965
File: 278 KB, 615x952, img1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know japs agree with me on this one and placed my girl at the very top but yellow bitch should be higher.

>> No.21975971
File: 238 KB, 615x952, img6-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also sad that this girl didn't make it into the list

>> No.21975992
File: 120 KB, 750x421, my sweet sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step sister butt

>> No.21976017

I recently came up with a scenario invoving a step sister that would be hot but outside of it nbr=shit

>> No.21976035
File: 231 KB, 1024x1152, k0djqhf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan but his characters in the older Bishop are some of my favorites, especially those two.

>> No.21976047

As long as you know what you're getting into, no 7th chapter 'oh but we're not related' fuck you bullshit. Step sisters can be great for the justified 'under the same roof' trope. If played right they can even be like, childhood friends on steroids, but too often they're trash.

>> No.21976063

>Still no Anim
>Still no Poison

>> No.21976077

>hopefully it will have my fetish like in the other one I posted. Cute girl but wasted on bad fetish
And what are those fetishes?

>> No.21976649

Fucking lilith, they are never going to do another Annerose or another Ochiru Hitozuma are they?

>> No.21976702
File: 19 KB, 250x300, 41295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no, you will eat all of the taimanin milking, even the most generic vanilla, and you will like it

>> No.21977182

>sleeping scenes
my fucking dick
dunno what it is about it but those situations always get me rock hard

>> No.21977225

I checked the translation, basically, there are the classic Bishop scenes where you corrupt a chick. But as you live in the house as them, you can extend the corruption to their bedroom, when they are sleeping. For example, you can use your mother's breast to masturbate when she is sleeping, right next to her husband, your father. That blonde milf is going to have awesome scenes according to the teasers.

>> No.21977231

Anim is up on A-S, still needs a crack tho'.

>> No.21977408

I was thinking about an evil stepsister who competes with you for your parents' attention losing to your cock.

>> No.21977419
File: 1.56 MB, 3820x2160, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>semen fetish
Where else can I find this?

>> No.21977487


>> No.21977561

It's not exactly the same but this made me think of Yokorenbo. If I remember well, the step sister loves her father and hates your real mother, which is also infatuated with you. But the main guy will corrupt her.

>> No.21977567

Marika route in Sansha Mendan.
Gretel in Aku no Onna Kanbu 2.
Mefi in Mononoke In'youtan.

>> No.21977997
File: 102 KB, 1200x679, yaboydannyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21978191

I would dig the shit out of a taimanin-themed DMC or furi clone. Don't care if it's on mobile as long as I can emulate it.

>> No.21978204

They're showing it off at fucking TGS of all places. It's going to be like a PS4/PC release.

>> No.21978288
File: 116 KB, 277x400, 1485634836440.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taimaning on PS4
>Taimanin on a homeconsole ever.

>> No.21978299

What more cucking could he do? Introducing Tyrone as new tenant?

>> No.21978300

No one is attracted to loli. You just don't like anything.

>> No.21978301

>It's going to be like a PS4/PC release.
It's a mobile game. Lilith's parent company's page on the TGS booth listings states that it's for Android, iOS and other smartphone devices. Plus Sasayama already tweeted saying Google Play had strict regulations.

>> No.21978337

Danny 2 looks boring as fuck with no loli and oyakodon.

>> No.21978347

You laugh but RPGX had an all ages mode and got public advertising.

>> No.21978372

Is RPGX a PS4 game?

>> No.21978392


>> No.21979142

Dmm and all kinds of random dmm games have been at TGS for years. https://twitter.com/aigis1000/status/643960198286061568

>> No.21979147

What is wrong with your screenshot

>> No.21979214

The extra white stuff is semen.

>> No.21979263

So she just doesn't like you or is she actually evil? I'll give it a try anyway, thanks

>> No.21979330

Guess what got an "hd" port. The old version would only work in a virtual machine.

>> No.21979337


>> No.21979484

Why'd you put "hd" in inverted commas?

>> No.21979750

In E*S world you'd be the only male. From there you just let nature take its course.

>> No.21979817

>The old version would only work in a virtual machine
what are you talking about, it works on win7 just fine

>> No.21979922

She hates both the main protagonist and her mother. She isn't "evil" though.

>> No.21980359

Anyone have a dedicated pastabin for mods for CM3D2?

>> No.21980528
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, NCH02ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How heavy dumbells can you lift?

>> No.21980796

Why did he leave Aki qnd the loli? Or is this a sequel from the ending where the cuck forgives his wife?

>> No.21980830

I haven't played the game but the milf from the first game appears in her gyaru form which implies the ending where she leaves with Danny is the canon ending.

>> No.21980941

This art is so fucked holy shit

>> No.21981018

Great CG set, but can someone spoil the story?

>> No.21981238

Ogin Bara's not a Waffle-employed artist, he's just been contracted for a couple of games with them. He only does a small amount of the art for Eden's Ritter 2 anyway, and looking at the pics there, this seems more like a cheap way of reusing a bunch of the art from Eden's Ritter 2 rather than a fully fledged new project. The only original assets there are the chibis, which likely weren't even drawn by any of the usual artists. They also just announced Eden's Ritter 2 Gaiden; I really wouldn't be worried about them "going to soshage."

>> No.21981417

I can't believe monster park 3 will never happen.

somebody shoot me.

>> No.21981573
File: 786 KB, 647x585, elfstock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is a working dick and lots of semen (piss) to make a harem. I'd be all set.

>> No.21981615
File: 34 KB, 354x286, illust_76193167_20190830_132743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21981679
File: 114 KB, 208x227, ahoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not a mielfag
unbased and bluepilled.

>> No.21981699

Shame, I'd like me some straight Bully McMeanface step-sister to defeat with cock

>> No.21981934

Damn if true. Ntr harem sounds great.

>> No.21981948
File: 78 KB, 1024x768, st_mirza_a001a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats how you know how to spot a normie/pleb.

>> No.21981952

Mielfags produce the most quality posts on /hgg/. This is a fact.

>> No.21981956

On codemonkey's twitter, he said it's gonna be back after 5th september. Another week, probably.

>> No.21981966 [DELETED] 

>sheltered shooters
Everything illegal got removed quickly, and jim cooperated with the glowniggers. You cunts just love censorship.

>> No.21981998 [DELETED] 

Encouraging shooters to go shoot people isnt illegal but that still means that people browsing there are being given all the incentives to do it.
Its a community issue that Jim hasnt adressed and he will get his ass handed to him for that.

>> No.21982500


>> No.21982599


>> No.21982611
File: 1.27 MB, 1261x709, macho2 (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished one route of Macho 2. No oyakodon is a bit of a disappointment, but it's still good. It's more or less a retread of the first game but with just the wife, there's nothing too original there as far as NTRge go but it's a good fap so far. If you liked the first one, check it out, if you didn't like it or only liked the loli don't bother.

>> No.21982636

Oh and for those curious, the wife from the first game does come back and has several scenes. The game takes place after the ending where she ditches her husband and moves to America with Danny.

>> No.21982750

What happens when magical girls lose? Is the world doomed? Are we all going to become food for demons?

>> No.21982811

Was kinda interested in this, I can put up with some tentacles, but the bug shit is going too far.

>> No.21982849


>> No.21982956

You have three months to come to term with your latent homosexuality. You are either in it for the girls, or in it for phallic objects that are used to dick the girls. The insects are fine and they serve a purpose.

>> No.21982970

Still no Poison ugh... At least, there is the Anim but still.

>> No.21982994

Monster park 2 is probably the best game of its kind.
>That ending with the loli and the pigman (consensual sex)
>That ending with the female knight and the dragon (consensual sex)
>That bestiary

>> No.21983006

No crack?

>> No.21983011

>Still no Poison
are you blind

>> No.21983538

I might be actually.

>> No.21983633
File: 1008 KB, 1280x720, 8947984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife's standing portrait is just-

>> No.21983636

Wait until she gets thin.

>> No.21983732
File: 63 KB, 700x371, c1047737package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC from the first games get dicked 20 minutes

>> No.21983899 [SPOILER] 
File: 145 KB, 691x518, 1567294865753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Kaeru soft game is apparently about a lolicon that tries to move on from lolis and gets married but she comes with daughters that end up tempting him.
I guess they aren't moving away from loli after all, makes me wonder why they bothered creating a new brand if they're just releasing the same type of games they did as Tanuki under it.

>> No.21983941 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 660x574, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started NTR homestay 2
>Mom POV isn't unlocked from the start
fuckin dropped

>> No.21983949

I gotta say though I didn't expect the animated sprites in this game to be so great, it's pretty cool actually. I actually wouldn't mind seeing this kind of effect in a normal VN

>> No.21984073
File: 113 KB, 600x800, ECVANw-UcAETFFs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cast looks pretty lame. Guess i got spoiled by Nem.

Any crack for Crossover gyaru sister game?

>> No.21984104

That's how it was in the first game and every other anim ntrge.

>> No.21984229
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, macho2_l6S3k8O0Eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest cross-over since Infinity War.

>> No.21984236

You wouldn't cheat on your wife with some random slut you met in America, would you/

>> No.21984252

Only if it's part of Daniel's NTR master plan.

>> No.21984288

>the son trying to distract the dad from finding out his wife is cheating on him because he wants to see him happy
fucking hell, this game is Too Real

>> No.21984308

Danny lets the son fuck Akie in thanks. My biggest disappointment with the game so far is that there doesn't seem to be a single scene where he gets to fuck his mom.

>> No.21984310

Yeah but when will he fuck his mom?

>> No.21984321

How can you hate Danny? The guy is a bro, its just that he cant help but hurt people unintentionally.

>> No.21984325

The problem is that we never see things from Danny's POV so it's very unclear if he's a happy-go-lucky nice guy or it's all a facade and he's a master NTRman.

>> No.21984368
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, macho2_0uRAXlYpjG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely BASED

>> No.21984377
File: 485 KB, 1062x368, macho2_df7uJSuIRM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21984391

All in all that was a great ending. Who gives a fuck about your wife cheating on you if you have a fantastic son who supports you and cares about you

>> No.21984399

I was really worried that the son would drag the game down at first but he's a total bro who sticks with his dad no matter what and isn't afraid to dump his whore mom.

>> No.21984403

He lets other guy fuck his girl. He is a selfless lad.

>> No.21984477
File: 1.03 MB, 1263x717, macho2 (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie, I chuckled.

>> No.21984650

Looks like shit

>> No.21984723

Please tell me of some VNs that have really REALLY big breasts. I need some fat fucking honkers right now.

>> No.21984773
File: 236 KB, 1280x720, uh oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean there are tons depending on just how fat you want, use tags on vndb and sadpanda

>> No.21984780

That's the husband right? Or the son? How old are they again?

>> No.21984800

this is good but even bigger

>> No.21984801

The son. He's probably supposed to be 16-18. The wife is supposed to be in her 30s, if they give her an exact age I haven't seen it.

>> No.21984808
File: 59 KB, 800x600, data0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only limit is your imagination

>> No.21984820

quality content

>> No.21984872

Erectlip last 3 games have been huge honker heroine games.

>> No.21984955

He fucks the mom in one of the endings but ends up ultimately regretting doing that. Also the scene where the wife starts crying and has a mental breakdown really makes me notice how versatile these seiyuus are, not 5 minutes ago she was panting like a total slut and then starts crying her lungs out.

>> No.21984965 [DELETED] 
File: 964 KB, 3840x2160, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21984984

Which ending? I got all of them from the husband's perspective, but I didn't see that from the son's (although admittedly I just quickly scrolled over all the scene descriptions so I might've missed it).

>> No.21984987

>Also the scene where the wife starts crying and has a mental breakdown
Can you elaborate?

>> No.21985000

He's probably referring to the one where the husband walks in on her and Danny together, says he wants a divorce, and she completely loses it. Weirdly, this scene has a nude dogeza CG, but only when played from her POV.

>> No.21985017

Who can stop this monster? Big Dick Danny cucking all of Japan, even the sons. Fuck you Korea, you're next.

>> No.21985024

the one where the son ends up teaming with Danny, seen from the son's perspective, he fucks her once in the onsen, then again when they're back home
After the husband discovers both Danny and his wife. Where you choose whether to divorce her or not. If you choose not to, she loses it when asking for forgiveness to his son and he's like "just don't do it anymore". Also if you choose to, she loses it while the husband walks out like a chad.
I'm still missing some of the wife's PoV but overall, it's been a great game.

>> No.21985054
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, emotesave_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favourite scene been so far? I really liked the ones at the beach, the threesome with Akie, and the wedding.

>> No.21985082

Onsen was pretty nice, the ones when they go camping too. I wish the son had more scenes tho' , the game needed a DP scene somewhere.

>> No.21985093

I thought Danny would fuck the Heroine's cross-dressing son.

>> No.21985124

The divorce choice really solidified the son in this game being a fucking SAINT. He was fine with whatever his dad did as long as he was happy. He doesn't deserve a mom like this.

>> No.21985128

I thought that might happen. Probably because I read a doujinshi where that happened just yesterday. He's more the type who peeps on them to masturbate though, hetare-style.

>> No.21985177

I wanted a new musume shimai, I guess this is better than nothing...

>> No.21985184

Based Anim taking cues from CHAD Miel's book.

>> No.21985192
File: 45 KB, 800x600, chL373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really thate this trend of moe adult women. Where are my sexy adult women at?

>> No.21985195

I wanted new Shoujo Lamune or Shoujo Kyouiku.

>> No.21985197

It's actually very strange, it's a full CG that's only there for maybe 5 lines in only one perspective. Maybe it shows up somewhere else in a part of the game I haven't played, and they just re-used it?

>> No.21985203

Nonohara wouldn't be able to draw a non-moe character even if his live depends on it.

>> No.21985206

Try Atelier Kaguya vns.

>> No.21985242
File: 3.84 MB, 1773x2500, Shoujo Ramune Settei Gengashuu.zip-036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're cute, always wanted a scene with the mom from Shoujo Ramune.

>> No.21985279

Nah, it's only used there, doesn't have any variations whatsoever.
I honestly thought it'd be more like the first game where in this case, the son, would start participating in the acts but they didn't go that far.

>> No.21985878
File: 918 KB, 1024x768, st_mirza_a001h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miel games

>> No.21985899

where are the games at that allow me to bang hawt BBAs like in chichimiko?

>> No.21986000

Any of the multiple heroine games from Anim Mother and Wife brand.

>> No.21986224

Here https://vndb.org/v25368, it has hot BBAs and even a translation

>> No.21986609
File: 441 KB, 1920x1080, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire character and 8 (eight) scenes are locked behind DLC for buying from waffle's online store
>and there's another DLC for buying from sofmap as well
thanks waffle

>> No.21986721
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, 127913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this girl get some action in rootnuko's new game? I dont like much the main heroine but i like pic a lot.

>> No.21986736

No, it's a single-heroine game. That said, the game's title makes it sound like they intend to do more than one of these games, and they're probably going to do one with her next.

>> No.21986767

Thats a shame, was hoping the lack of "not sexually involved" tag would hit towards an scene. Guess its time to wait.

>> No.21986776

I wanted to ask something.
When playing some games inspired in Dragon Quest you usually see the MC being called Yuusha.
But how do you know when its his name or his title? Other than the game saying its a name of course.
Just something i have been thinking over.

>> No.21986799

>But how do you know when its his name or his title?
主人公 and 勇者 aren't names. It's like in English if you saw someone referred to as "Protagonist" or "Hero," you'd know that it's just a title and not their actual name. Same goes for 勇者.

>> No.21987267

Realistically this is the absolute limit
This is just absurd and whoever gets off to such is mentally ill.

>> No.21987295
File: 89 KB, 680x1195, 481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the man who gets off on drawings.

>> No.21987798

Look at her smugness, she is laughing at all of those poor and thirsty virgins that won get to see her.

>> No.21988211

Are there any games like Haruka beat blade where your heroines can be raped or NTRd?

>> No.21988619
File: 463 KB, 1000x1200, 1566067261326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll ask here, too, since you guys might know.
Does anyone know if/how to use paypal to buy DLsite points to buy a Ci-en's monthly tier?
Ci-en/dlsite doesn't take my credit card, and I don't see how many points the tier would take. The option for points is greyed out, so I don't know if that means it doesn't take points or if I just don't have points to purchase it.

>> No.21988683

The points are basically a 1:1 ratio. 1000 points = 1,000yen. Dlsite doesn't care for paypal. I haven't bothered with buying through ci-en yet, but the payment system seems to be similar. If you can't buy with your card from maniax dlsite/ci-en, go to the all ages dlsite and use your card to purchase points from there. Those points carry over to 18+ maniax dlsite, as well as the cien point payment option.

>> No.21988717

Well DLsite apparently doesn't take Discover card, so I can't buy with my card. Otherwise I'd just buy the purchase straight from Ci-en.
I'm just afraid that if I use Paypal with my credit card to buy points, the Ci-en page will just decide to not take the points for some reason.

>> No.21988728

Is there a gamerip of the CGs from Taimanin Yukikaze? Not finding anything on EX. Also, a shot in the dark but is Taimanin Yukikaze translated? I mostly play RPG Maker and ACT hentai games so i'm new to the VN/Nuikige scene.

>> No.21988733

>Not finding anything on EX
Check 'purged galleries'
> Also, a shot in the dark but is Taimanin Yukikaze translated?

>> No.21988737

Yes, it's translated. In order to see the CGs on ex you gotta search for expunged galleries, Lilith is pretty touchy about their CGs.

>> No.21988773

Thank you friends.

>> No.21988776

>Discover card
they have one of the worst international networks, use visa or mastercard

>> No.21988778

Enjoy Yukikaze's game, it's a modern classic. I think to this day it's still Lilith's best selling VN.

>> No.21988787

You're being paranoid for no reason. Dlsite tells you what kind of payment methods they accept, anyway. Paypal and Discover are a no go.

>> No.21988791

Nice to know it's good. Yukikaze is the hottest Taimanin to me.

>> No.21988798

I mean, their website says you can buy points using paypal, and then the points can be used to buy things without violating paypal's terms of service. So we know what you're saying is wrong.
I just want to know if those points can be used for Ci-en purchases, since there's a tab for them but I can't click the tab and don't know if it's because the developer opted out of points or if it's just because I don't have any points.

>> No.21988924
File: 108 KB, 1600x600, 15 years in photoshop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you made me look for eng-ecchi dlsite password just to show you this. There is a reason I specifically included maniax dlsite and the all ages version in previous post, as the Japanese version is the only one to deal with ci-en. Not the English site. Feel free to show me where on the ci-en payment page that includes paypal.

>> No.21989285
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, magical girl lovely lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I needed a decent rape game so badly I just fapped so many times my dick hurts. It's not even a great rape game, it's just decent. I've just played so many shit rape games lately I needed this bad.

>> No.21989766

Eden's RItter 2 is fantastic. Shitty gacha pigs scums better not ruin this series

>> No.21990369

I see thanks.

>> No.21990380

I wish the monster of the week bad end scenes had at least an aftermath scene instead of just ending after one.

>> No.21991434
File: 290 KB, 825x1185, 65090873_p0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miel OP for next thread!

>> No.21991493

What vn?

>> No.21992147

new thread: >>21992143
