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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21805641 No.21805641 [Reply] [Original]

They're usually not censored or toned down as they aren't as mainstream compared to anime or manga. They are longer and can more in depth with the stories world and characters-

>> No.21805642

they're a fucking dying medium. you mostly have cheap, if good looking eroge coming out nowadays. I highly doubt any new kamige will ever happen.

>> No.21805643

>can more in depth with the stories world and characters-
They can but 95% of the time they don't

>> No.21805644

Eien Shinken 3 SoonTM

>> No.21805645

Why do weebs do this

>> No.21805646

Japs can't be "weebs" you dumb newfag

>> No.21805647

Not much different from others media really.

>> No.21805648
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It's been years, is it even still around?

>> No.21805649

You aren't Japanese and you never will be. Write in English.

>> No.21805650

>Are visual novels the superior Japanese medium
no that would be drama

>> No.21805651
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I like Fault series. I hope STP will out soon

>> No.21805652

>Japanese live ""acting""
>superior to anything

>> No.21805653

Takase Naofumi posts designs and shit on twitter all the time, so probably.
I'd rather he finishes it properly instead of a half rush job Seinarukana was.

>> No.21805654

eroge, nukige, utsuge, nakige etc, it's not like this is unusual
kamige is used ironically a lot of the time though

>> No.21805655

even the worst series still has better writing then the average anime

>> No.21805656

no they're padded to high heaven and a majority of mcs are self inserts

>> No.21805657

Utawarerumono is still pretty new and they have confirmed that they will make more games in the series. But yes a lot of good VN studios has been shutting down lately.

>> No.21805658


>> No.21805659
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I agree.

>> No.21805660


Also, you're forgetting that 3DPD is fucking ugly to look at which immediately devalues everything.

>> No.21805661

Don't remind me

>> No.21805662

Many of them are trash, but perhaps they're the final bastion.

>> No.21805663

God I love VN designs so god damn much, it reminds me of what I first expected anime to be

>> No.21805664

Mahoyo 2 will be released, some day

>> No.21805665

>Utawarerumono is still pretty new and they have confirmed that they will make more games in the series
Anon, they went full gacha

Yes they are. Though I still think manga is best overall

>> No.21805666
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>series was inspired by Star Trek: Voyager
Must have been an interesting brainstorming session

>> No.21805667

Wait really? Fault is a road trip science fantasy in a fantasy world right?

>> No.21805668

yeah, i rarely watch anime unless its related to a vn now. unironiucally started playing vns because i didnt understand shit in ufotable ubw, then i played tsuki, then higurashi, umineko, 11eyes, maiji, demonbane

>> No.21805669

No, they're trash.

>> No.21805670

I think that's a common sentiment, saying that nothing will live up to the good old days. But the fact is history tends to forgets all of the mediocre things and only the really good ones stand up to the test of time. Good VNs are just as rare now as they were in previous "golden ages".

>> No.21805671

This, if the eroge industry has another decade as bad as this one was it won't survive

>> No.21805672

They feel like they get paid by the word. There's so much useless repetitive dialogue giving you the same information you already learned 5 minutes ago. And they rarely use reader input, what separates them from actual novels, to good effect. Like Grisaia, which might as well not have branching paths at all for how little choice it gives you.

>> No.21805673

Medium might be in downward spiral but each year still usually have atleast few prety damn great games coming out depending on your taste.

>> No.21805674

I'd say the sound, images, and in many cases voice acting separate them from "actual novels", but what do I know.

>> No.21805675

>4 hour shit that can be done in 1 hour

>> No.21805676


>> No.21805677

They're good for moege and porn. The 'deep' vns people rave about are mostly juvenile affairs, only held up by shock value

>> No.21805678

> I highly doubt any new kamige will ever happen.
This is the statement done by an EOP. There are plenty of good VN coming out frequently.

>> No.21805679

They certainly make you feel closer to the characters, since not only does the length of dialogue give them more quirks and nuances but you also get a lot of 1-on-1 time with them.

>> No.21805680

Visual novels are padded to hell and back. Grisaia had a 10 hour common route where absolutely nothing happened. All KEY games are insanely long for no reason. Chaos;Child had an engaging murder mystery and some genuinely interesting things to say, but good luck finding anyone who's willing to put up with 60 hours of boring SoL to get to it. Subarashiki Hibi, the visual novel that gets touted as god's gift to mankind, has tons of stupid comedy filler, tons of pointless porn and a million irrelevant endings. Visual novels are just too damn long for no reason. The authors aren't made to edit their scripts at all. Every word must have its day, whether or not it has any meaning.

>> No.21805681

>medium dominated by isekai

>> No.21805682

This thread isn't about manga.

>> No.21805683

Sure, there are good ones, but is there anything that measures to /jp/'s kameegays?

>> No.21805684
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>I highly doubt any new kamige will ever happen.

>> No.21805685

>Subarashiki Hibi, the visual novel that gets touted as god's gift to mankind, has tons of stupid comedy filler, tons of pointless porn and a million irrelevant endings
Sasuga ADHD-kun.

>> No.21805686

You are retarded anon, I am sorry.

>> No.21805687

VNs are no more padded than LNs or manga that run for 20 volumes even though the story could have been wrapped up in 3-5 at most.

>> No.21805688

>still working for PC environments
>not migrating to android/iOS
No wonder why VN are dying.

>> No.21805689

Haha that sure worked out well for light.

>> No.21805690

>works bad for 1 single novel
>nooooooo!!, all medium is doomed in this format!!
Migration doesn't always works at the first tries. But it's completely neccesary in the long run, unless you want to die forever, and you're ok with that.

>> No.21805691

sorceress alive was pretty meh imo.
MC was a massive retard, really ruined the true route for me.

>> No.21805692
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Moshi Moshi Anon! I'm back! You remember me, don't you?

>> No.21805693

All text based Japanese media aimed at young adults has the same fundamental problem: Language competency of people under the age of 30.

>> No.21805694

needed an evil/Yuumi route where you can truly join her to play with the world she basically created for you but considering MC's cliche personality it might not have worked out.

>> No.21805695
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I heard it had some fun twist about half-way through? should I add it to my backlog?

Personaly was the last kamige for me from last year

>> No.21805696

>should I add it to my backlog?
Maybe if you have nothing else to read.
First part of the game is basically a moege.
>I heard it had some fun twist about half-way through
at the beginning of Alive route it does get pretty intense with twists/betrayal etc but then goes downhill and furthermore takes it too far and when you get introduced to literally Mr.Infodump the character who fixes all problems for you or tells you how to fix them you know the writers should've just stopped escalating with the twists before that point.

>> No.21805697

i can barely read subtitles while watching anime and you want me to read this faggot shit for weeks just to unlock some porn CG
no thanks

>> No.21805698

the breasts are too big, dropped

>> No.21805699

ok thanks, I have enough games alreayd on my backlog but might remember it thanks to nice looking art. last quesiton tho, is the protagonist shitty self-insert with no own personality or something atleast acceptable?

>> No.21805700

>with no own personality
hah if you put it that way and if we're being technical indeed that's not his own/real personality.
But yea he's basically your cliche nice guy MC.

>> No.21805701
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Superior to manga, at the very least.
I’d much rather imagine a scene in my head than try to make sense of what’s going on with a bunch of black and white pictures layed out in a weird order.

>> No.21805702

>that measures to /jp/'s kameegays?
Just by this you can probably infer why most if not all the kamiges by jp's standards are translated.

You can find really good ones but since they are not going to be translated most of the users there can't know shit about how good they can be. You just have to search really carefully.

>> No.21805703

This just sounds like you are too retarded to take your time to read something.

>> No.21805704

Yes, yes they are, but VNs aren't /a/ related.

>> No.21805705

but mememasa is my eternal JOP shrine

>> No.21805706
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>usually not censored
99% of the eroge I've seen have pixelated genitalia.

>> No.21805707

I wish they were, makes more sense than /v/ (which isn't explicitly prohibited area for VN's) - after all the artstyle is similar to manga and anime and there's lots of overlap between the franchises and there's usually nothing that can be called "gameplay". Then there's /jp/ which is the recommended board for VN's - but that's a dead Touhou board in practice.

>> No.21805708

JUST has it covered. Eventually.

>> No.21805709

That is literally part of the appeal.

>> No.21805710

Visual novels really are excessively long though. Grisaia has the same wordcount as the Bible.

>> No.21805711

Yes, they are. Faggots don't like reading though so they're not very popular.

>> No.21805712

The real good thing about them is that most of the time they are complete stories, unlike 95% of Anime, Manga and Light novels

>> No.21805713
File: 143 KB, 962x1063, 1557066250055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worse girl
>worse route
>every time someone brings up Grisaia it's usually this picture or the spinny meme version

>> No.21805714

The companies are migrating, theyre just making gachashit instead

>> No.21805715

Can't imagine that ever turning out well.

>> No.21805716

>worst girl
But that's not Amane

>> No.21805717
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Songs are coming out at least

>> No.21805718

They would be, if their main audience weren't disgusting fat moebuta who buy the exact same fucking game a hundred time over.
Actually interesting vns are few and far inbetween. Everything is derivative harem shit with generic art. Grisaia has quite of great stuff going on and definitely worth a read, I'm not saying harem are bad by definition, but how about being more original sometimes.

>> No.21805719
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This will be my first time with 07 sprites... I'm not picky but I hope it will live up my hype same as ps3 sprites.

>> No.21805720

VNs are censored by The Ethics Organization of Computer Software. You don't technically need their approval but it's much harder to distribute a software without it.
They have banned lots of words that could imply a character is underaged, for instance "highshool" or "student", characters need to be at least five heads tall, randoseru are banned et cetera. They are very strict about mosaics too. No small black bars here ...
They don't approve games that are too extreme expressions. When reviewing software they take into consideration things that go against the norm of society that could be harmful for the moral development of the youth. For example raping, excessive violence and use weapons, criminal activity, underage drinking, drug use, suicide, torture. It's not exactly banned, it depends on how it's written about, how detailed it is.

>> No.21805721

Given that Kara no Shoujo exists, doesn't sound like they're too strict.

>> No.21805722

They don't want games to endorse those things that were listed. They probably wouldn't approve a game were you played as the murderer for example.

>> No.21805723

try euphoria or maggot baits, kns is babby tier

>> No.21805724

>we do not condone or encourage any criminal behaviour present in this VN
There, done. Just a little disclaimer when you boot up the game and you're free to do what you want.

>> No.21805725

This anon >>21805642 is right. VN is a dying medium. They need to bring those VN to the mobile platform. When I say that I meant the professional ones.

>> No.21805726
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VNs are great but there are only a few that really achieve what the medium is capable of.

>> No.21805727

>I highly doubt any new kamige will ever happen.
Are we talking genuine kamige or /jp/ meme kamige, aka "it becomes shit once it's translated?" Because Rance X is a genuine kamige and released only just last year.

>> No.21805728

KnS3 has kamige potential.

>> No.21805729

Maybe plot focused stuff is dying but moege are still fine, and moege delivers better romance stories than harem romcom manga/anime, plus you get some nice porn as an extra.

>> No.21805730

I've been following the series since the day it released on Steam and the wait for StP is frustrating as fuck.

>> No.21805786
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Same anon, same.

>> No.21805915

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21806014

Why does this group exist if all it does is prevent, demote, or censor harmless creative expression? That's the real harm to society.

>> No.21806029

Its surprising that this isn't the first thing you see in any visual form of entertainment. Why isn't this as prevalent?

>> No.21806309

Maybe they actually do condone it, and they don't want to lie.

>> No.21808091

I don't want to read the bible, like, 9 or 10 times.

>> No.21808907

>mobile platform
Kids these days, everything has to be implemented to their new toy.

>> No.21809832
File: 268 KB, 800x600, 0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think visual novels are probably the most cost effective way to tell a great story.
You can have voice acting so it's already better than manga in that regard.
Too bad they're so long, I like character developement but I'm not in high school anymore and I can't just spend 50+ hours on a single game like in the better days.
The biggest problem nowadays I think is the writing. It seems like real good authors avoid visual novels; or maybe VN companies can't afford to pay good writers?

>> No.21815443

>You aren't Japanese and you never will be. Write in English.
>you can't be non-japanese and speak japanese
ok retard

>> No.21815888

I'm trying to find a source on that second quote. Maybe you forgot to reply to someone else as well?

>> No.21816608

>They're usually not censored or toned down as they aren't as mainstream compared to anime or manga. They are longer and can more in depth with the stories world and characters-

Ln tend to have the same advantages.

>The real good thing about them is that most of the time they are complete stories, unlike 95% of Anime, Manga and Light novels


manga isn't dominated by isekai, you probably meant web novel.

>> No.21816706

I used to love VNs but I have a very hard time getting into them as a wageslave. Its like a medium designed for NEETs

>> No.21817188

Because of the length or because of the story?

>> No.21818449

My problem with VN is despite its ability to adjust the pace, the reading pace is dictated by the game, if you want to read it at your own pace you need to click a lot and that's tiring. VN also presents you with a few sentences at a time at most. In those two aspects they can't beat a book at all.

>They're usually not censored or toned down as they aren't as mainstream compared to anime or manga. They are longer and can more in depth with the stories world and characters
Books are like that too and they come with extra two advantages which I said above

I exclusively consume manga and light novels for weeb media and consume all kind of books for non weeb media but to be honest I can't stand VN at all despite not having problems to read 1000 pages book, especially in physical format

>> No.21818482
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Thank you for posting, needed more Ritona art.

>> No.21818868

Can't definitively say books are better than VNs
Books have less pictures than VNs and they don't have branching routes

My only problem with VN is as >>21816706 mentioned. I only have like 2 3 hours free a day and my japanese isn't very good. So it takes me weeks to advance in the story. Really kills the mood sometimes and I can get bored of the story before I finish it.

>> No.21818899

I'm not him, but I get intimated by their length. I can't read too much per day, and because of my schedule, I might need to take a longer break from reading one. After that, I can't really remember the fine details or feelings from before, so picking up from where I took off doesn't work as well. Well, none of this is really particular to visual novels, only that's where I most wish things were different (for me).

>> No.21818902

that vn is nice my dudes

>> No.21819054

i always start a vn, read it for six hours and find a stopping point, and then never launch it ever again. on the off chance that i do it's like months later and by then i probably have no remembrance of what happened before. im probably just retarded but i really want to like vn's

>> No.21819064

lmao this nigger has no fucking idea what he is talking about

>> No.21820640
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>> No.21820710
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>> No.21822438
File: 110 KB, 500x707, 7749842a354e5bbbed0aa43dba8cc5e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really curious why there hasn't been (as far as I know) a major VN designed from the beginning for the smartphone and around its features. There were critically acclaimed VNs for the Nintendo DS, for example. Could someone with a better understanding of the VN industry explain?

>> No.21822485

It's a pain to prefer VNs where romance isn't the major focus.

>> No.21822489

Logo look Fate-esque

>> No.21822541


>> No.21822742


>> No.21824018

No they arent.
Are you the same idiot that goes around saying anime or manga is dying?
Its dying in the same sense that all of Japan is dying from depopulation
There has been an explosion on otome ones lately though, women have discovered them, and its more profitable and less risky to write LNs, but VNs are not going anywhere.

>> No.21824092

Is Japan reclining?

>> No.21824185

I hate visual novels. Less dynamic than manga, and due to being click to continue, slower to read than books

>> No.21824697

The freemium model, arguably the most successful one and the standard for mobile games, would never work for something like VNs. It's based on the continued engagement of players, which a VN can't provide as it's a one-time experience.

>> No.21825038

It's true that freemium works better for gacha or any game with collectables, but you can sell a VN like this. For example, you can sell your visual novel one episode at a time (with a free prologue). Some PC VNs have been sold like this.

>> No.21825571

2 potential kamige coming out soon tho.

>> No.21825938

But books and manga don't have background music.

>> No.21831267 [DELETED] 


>> No.21831333

You're misidentifying the problem, which is the creators catering to any specific demographic at all, and not just making what they want to, without concession.

>> No.21831340

Then why don't they add that to the beginning to eliminate ambiguity?

>> No.21831362

The mindset that games on mobile have to arr be teh sehm is why gaming on mobile is shit most of the time. Mobility didn't stop handhelds from developing console-style one-shot games.

>> No.21837030 [DELETED] 


>> No.21837828

I like how they don't suffer from serialization in that things won't be dragged out forever to sell more volumes. On the other hand there is less variety with a few genres dominating it.

>> No.21838024

Creative freedom is not an unbridled good. Constraints on art are often productive. Artists get lazy and self-indulgent without them. Making your art for an audience that's broader than just yourself is an example of such constraint. It only becomes a problem when your work has to be targeted at a very broad audience to make back the money invested in its creation, because then you have to dumb it down.

>> No.21841099

The freemium model is the FGO model. Audience provides a continuous revenue stream and they make more content. The main story line is the true route, while character/events are the side-routes. Too bad these stories are a jumbled mess cause they do it one chapter at a time.

>> No.21842628

Let me clarify for >>21805709. The 'boring' slice of life bits are padding to you, but meat to us. Can't help you with your condition, your brains wired for constant stimulation and SoL just doesn't touch your enjoyment centers. My condolences and better luck next life

>> No.21851986

then why did leyline bore me?

>> No.21851993


>> No.21852030

hating 3D pigs makes him a wannabe japanese?

>> No.21852051

This was actually written by a westerner living in Japan, in Japanese. He had someone else translate it into English for some reason, even though he speaks English natively.

>> No.21852925

グリザイアの果実 confirmed kamige.

>> No.21854199

He said that different languages are better at different kinds of things, and that he wasn't sure how to tell the story in English, so he wanted someone else to handle it for him.

Which is kind of weird, but the result turned out decent. The artist is still Japanese, too.
