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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21777184 No.21777184 [Reply] [Original]


Old Guide:

previous: >>21768628

>> No.21777194

Stop making threads before the previous one is dead. Understand? Make a new thread when you can't post in the old one anyone.
Also >>>/v/

>> No.21777212

smoke weed to learn japanese faster

>> No.21777266

hoes mad

>> No.21777330
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Another day, more RTK.

>> No.21777368

why do you post this ridiculous scribble every thread

>> No.21778095

You should use some of those Easy German videos on Youtube for sentence mining. They've got people being interviewed out on the street on common subjects, and two sets of subtitles (English and German).
You can add audio to them through the qm anime card method.
They've got a sister channel named Easy Languages where you can get the same sort of videos for just about any language. Here's one in Japanese: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8A2q3awnsU

>> No.21778194

I don't think I ever counted, but a good few
depends on who made it, sometimes yes very, mainly not really but the dick don't care
Alicesoft is my favorite, Rance is a top tier series

>> No.21778218

The day we get a Matt-level guy who says he got fluent by using this guide will be the day I will endorse it. Till then, I'll believe that AJATT "simply works better".

>> No.21778245

I know some people seem to really oppose RTK, but I'm going to keep posting these in every thread, and I hope that in time I'll overcome my Parkinson's disease and be able to write neatly with my brushes, and hopefully eventually transition into actual calligraphy. At the very least it would be nice if I inspired a few others to share their own writing work too.

>> No.21778461

i gave up japanese for fallout new vegas. i think i'm going with an explosives build this run.

>> No.21778468

that would kinda suck since RTK shouldn't be encouraged because beginners inevitably misconstrue what it's useful for (which for a beginner is virtually nothing).

>> No.21778506

>reading the book would only further misguide them
are you willing to actually elaborate on this

>> No.21778616
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btw 45th for

>> No.21778636

oh and
>All you did is assert some other way was better, without stating what or how.
yeah just learn nihongo lmfao did u need someone to tell u that or can u not fathom the idea that u dont have some kind of dedicated chinese house study method as part of ur routine

>> No.21778668
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dude if it brings you closer to learning japanese then do it

>> No.21778709

neither i learned another european language to C2 level in the course of 3 years (C1 in 2) through self-study, effort, and only after the first full year, immersion

>> No.21778867

>it's bad because it's harder and takes long to remember how to write a character than to recognize it
yes but writing also entails reading and stronger connections than if you only ever learn recognition style (source: China and Japan's curious literacy issues due to prevalence of computerisation) which is surely valuable when you have to make up for not having compulsory immersion and from-scratch output as a child at initial exposure to all concepts

>> No.21778871

>which is surely valuable
you're better off reinforcing lazy kanji connections with reading than double or triple the time required to write them.

>> No.21778928

makopi do you still maintain that moenigger is the best in this thread after he said "i had a 空気を読む"?

>> No.21778936

tfw i'm too low iq to do cs 102 stuff

>> No.21778944

we all are studying with the best method already, so there's no need to talk about it

>> No.21778945

u prob dont even need 100 iq to install gentoo

>> No.21778990

update on my ass
everything is fine now

>> No.21779032


>> No.21779037

Get your moralfagging ass out of here right now before I beat the kanji out of your head and rape your ass with my chinchin btw yes im a good person

>> No.21779040

probably not but i am at least very nice to people i like and not mean to people i don't

>> No.21779052

my brain is starting to evolve to deal with the increased burden

>> No.21779055

nah you're a terrible guy, unless you play mahjong with me and the other guy then you're alright

>> No.21779112


>> No.21779177

wtf there's cute girls involved?!

>> No.21779180

Shut the fuck up no you aren’t you tryhard manchild.

>> No.21779198

why arent u playing majung en nihongo ?

>> No.21779201

I don't give a fuck about mahjong at all, but I love that character's voice.

>> No.21779204

lmfao seethe

>> No.21779245

Post what you're listening to right now
Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuzeEEQjPqY

>> No.21779257

> there's a vertical relationship between me 'n anyone from this thread
in terms of japanese proficiency? of course that's true. who are you bullshitting?

>> No.21779262


>> No.21779368

it's your silly phrasing that generated that "battle" tho

>> No.21779369
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>> No.21779380
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me destroying qm in a battle of wits.

>> No.21779396

damn that other ever17 anon was right about the skipping being slow af took me 40 mins just to get to a new scene

>> No.21779415

well i was tryin to say whatever he seems to be talkin about is prob still vertical hes just nitpicking cuz we dont have assigned company titles lol
also daily english thread is just a djt tradition

>> No.21779438

cant be helped if shouneniggers quit the brutally difficult journey of rtk 1

>> No.21779442

>what that if you don't do it you won't learn anything?
if you're able to respond to my post more charitably i will respond in kind but since you've started it off being dishonest i can't bother

>> No.21779463

your argument is that people end up taking forever to do it, from what i can tell. but that's not really an argument against rtk itself, because rtk is not uniquely difficult. it's just a claim that people don't have the ability to do it properly. which everyone knows is true because most learners are retarded. you could claim the same about any method since so few people have ever gotten good, especially in a reasonable timeframe

>> No.21779493

my argument is that rtk is so tedious that few people who even attempt it make it through and it causes some of those people to quit japanese entirely. so even if it increased efficiency it would really only be the case for a very select few people. i'm not sure what the point of selling rtk as this amazing efficient method is if the vast majority of your audience could never actually do it.

>> No.21779498

He might. Holy fuck I hate listening. It's weeks later and I still cannot stand it. Oh my god why didn't you warn me it'd be this difficult relative to reading. I bet Calvin gets triple the amount of listening per day that I do.

>> No.21779507
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just watch kawaii anime

>> No.21779510
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well i dunno about anyone else in this thread but i'll learn japanese don't worry!

i think japanese gf guy and quiz will def make it too

>> No.21779519

and im saying the vast majority of these people may quit literally anything, because they just don't have the patient, intelligence, or capability to learn japanese. there's nothing uniquely annoying about rtk that makes people want to quit, if anything it's easier than other shit because you have a constant feeling of progression even if it doesn't really correspond to learning japanese. getting thrown into the deep end of reading with no skills is much more frustrating than doing rtk for an hour a day.

>> No.21779565

it probably doesn't feel like that when you're struggling to read single sentences in yotsuba for weeks though. im sure if any of these people who take 2 years to do rtk were to attempt it they would just die on the spot in fact

>> No.21779576

damn matt wasnt lying when he said rtk is retarded and kanji recognition is better than production

>> No.21779581

what goes through someones mind to think that u can struggle on on yotubato for weeks or that memorizing chinese houses will change that if u could

>> No.21779590

i spent 80% of my study reading and listening isn't much of a problem lol, i had 10k hours of anime subbed prior though, obviously

>> No.21779592

im saying that people who can't do rtk probably aren't able to learn japanese anyway because it's much easier than learning japanese (as evidenced by the fact noone in this thread has done it)

>> No.21779614

ok he didnt say that specifically, but that’s the general feeling i got when he put up lazy kanji and ditched rtk. though i do feel doing at least the first 500 and a radical deck may be worth it but after that just dont even bother the rtk keywords are retarded anyway

>> No.21779666

id rather be european than a gook desu but i just like how the languags sounds in general and i wouldnt say learning japanese is easy for them maybe easier but not easy

>> No.21779672

finns are basically gooks tho lol they're mongolian

>> No.21779682

That makes a lot of sense now. I considered that as a possibility but just assumed my dumb ass wasn't picking up on Engrish for the thousand time. I guess skimming through https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borden_(company)?oldid=493140698 for any references to a Japanese branch was on track after all.
Thanks a bunch.

>> No.21779709


>> No.21779728

Finnish is one of those languages that sounds like it'd be cool to tell people you know, but that would probably be difficult as fuck to find tons of compelling content in.

>> No.21779755

if my son gay or turn out like moenigger ima beat his ass straight on GOD fr fr

>> No.21779764

spaniards seem to have an easier go on this language

>> No.21779784

you're not the typical person. most would not give two fucks if you told them you knew finnish but they'd be impressed by some 3rd world shithole language like arabic

>> No.21779840

>clam atmosphere tower

what the FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

>> No.21779922

>Personally I just want someone from this fucking thread to learn Japanese
how will you know when that happens

>> No.21779938

i have one of those, it's not nearly as nice as my going-into-games machine though (at least it wasnt as nice before my mom sold it)

>> No.21779953

i’ve read the reviews for all the ones i could find on amazon and according to those buyers they’re shit

>> No.21780109

bluetooth isnt iot though ?

>> No.21780120


>> No.21780121

It can be used to create a network regardless.

>> No.21780139

i just think ur overreacting
i mean i think usin bluetooth for that would be shit but im not gonna put it in the same category as wifi connected light bulbs

>> No.21780151

Learn English Dayquandrious

>> No.21780155

lmao fucking esls

>> No.21780172

>want to sign up for jlpt
>the responsible organization in my country doesn't even bother picking up the phone
>their email address domain is expired
>the announcement in their official website is dated back to 2016

>> No.21780212

the other thread is almost dead maybe op should go ahead and post the next one

>> No.21780295


>> No.21780322

this is where the real worrying starts.

>> No.21780343


>> No.21780344


>> No.21780355
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>> No.21780409

>doing a speedrun through Tae Kim in one week
on any%?

>> No.21780427


>> No.21780433

looks like gook moot

>> No.21780443

I think you might be onto something.

>> No.21780450

a lot longer than it needs to if you insist on writing everything down like a luddite

the more you try to think about japanese in english, the more you're going to sow the seeds of inevitable confusion in your brain
get the basic gist, don't take anything you read in an english grammar guide too seriously, and just get it over with asap so you can start actually learning the language via listening and reading
don't do more than 500 words of core/[insert shitty pre-made deck here]
don't study kanji beyond learning their radicals, at least not until you get better at japanese and know with familiarity a variety of words which are written them

>> No.21780459

its hirakana

>> No.21780487

its kakimashita in katana

>> No.21780583
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>> No.21780817

this book is a piece of shit and the author is too

>> No.21780966
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Reminder that documentaries are the optimal way to learn Japanese.

>> No.21780976

read a history book

>> No.21780979

have sex guys

>> No.21781011

This. Absorbing nip vaginal fluids is the true way to fluency.

>> No.21781012

I have, thousands of times, it's overrated and boring to me now desu

>> No.21781028

he's lying guys don't believe him

>> No.21781049
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watching matt fuck japanese girls is the true way to fluency

>> No.21781077

so you're saying we're screwed then

>> No.21781107

why if that fat nignog showing her boner to that JK.
more importantly why is he in japan

>> No.21781114

Presumably some sort of corporation used some kind of aircraft to bring him there in exchange for some sort of currency.

>> No.21781120

Interesting, I wonder how I could make use of methods like that

>> No.21781121

Is this what americans think migrating is like?

>> No.21781156

If I complete Heisig's I and III, study Tae Kim entirely, read the grammar guides and all about particles books, do immersion for a year. After all that will I be able to read classic japanese literature like Mishima, Endo, Kawabata, Yoshikawa etc? How hard are those books exactly? What about really old japanese books like Rin no Go and Genji Monogatari?

>> No.21781160

>After all that will I be able to read classic japanese literature like Mishima, Endo, Kawabata, Yoshikawa etc?
Simple answer: no.

>> No.21781175

I made it to "Heisig" and whatever it is that you were asking, I'd say no.

>> No.21781181

lol if it were that simple every weeb would be fluent in japanese by now

>> No.21781191

What's the non-simple answer, friend?

>> No.21781214

you failed to account for the most important thing, vocab.. without a vocab of at least 10k, but prolly more like 20k, all of that other stuff is pointless

>> No.21781254

definitely closer to 30k for mishima at least i haven't tried reading the others.

>> No.21781256

I 祠, therefore I 日本語

>> No.21781299

断じて no

>> No.21781333

Vocab comes with immersion, am I wrong?
Wow, is it really that hard? Is old japanese so different from modern japanese like english and old english?

>> No.21781358

how much time do you have each day to read and listen?

>> No.21781360
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she said it

>> No.21781376

quality subs

>> No.21781403

dw im on my way there im about to start a masters in translation at a world top 20 uni so ill be the one people are complaining about on /a/ soon

>> No.21781414

When did we start putting hashtags before DJT? Who the hell is responsible for this?

>> No.21781418

30+ minutes a day can be 24 hours if you want it to. Listening is on the guide. Making anki cards is on the guide (can be sentence cards if you want, it doesn't specify). Literally the only difference is RTK which the MIA community has watered down to pretty much a month long endeavor of 1000 lazy kanji followed by deleting the deck. Not a big difference.

>> No.21781419

this is a person who made a new thread 12 hours prior to the old thread dying (which is still up i believe)

>> No.21781423

It's the final thread now. I can't believe someone was stupid enough to make a new thread on /jp/ when there were still thirteen threads below it.

>> No.21781438
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what does she mean by 初行為

>> No.21781458


>> No.21781475

Is there a way to get serie like say mad men in subbed japanese?
I'm tired of watching animes.

>> No.21781482


>> No.21781483

That's what Wikipedia says, not me.

>> No.21781487


>> No.21781492

esl retard

>> No.21781493

buy the dub off amazon japan

>> No.21781497

I couldn't care less about it, now fuck off.

>> No.21781504

if you don't care then you should've ignored my post your coping faggot lol

>> No.21781505

i took it to mean kiss when i read it since it's a pg13 game and you wouldn't be so crude

>> No.21781513

(濃いキス also makes more sense to me)

>> No.21781514

anime is plural like geese is plural

>> No.21781517

>muh muh cope

I said I didn't care about my grammar, not that I didn't care about you said you retard.

>> No.21781519

man fuck eigo

>> No.21781521
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>> No.21781522

explain how it's different to care about grammar and care about when someone corrects your grammar

>> No.21781525

why do people like english should inherit grammar of other languages? just because anime can be plural in japanese doesn't mean it should be if it's loaned into english. im a defender of english grammar and will ALWAYS refer to them as animes and mangas.

>> No.21781527

You called me a retard, that's when I answered you, the first time with the "?" was when I didn't understand what you said (if it was you).
Do I really need to explain everything to you?

>> No.21781530

why do people think*
phoneposting is a true curse on the mind

>> No.21781542

well seems like i was right in calling you a retard since you don't care about making mistakes that make it obvious you're some esl to anyone who knows english

>> No.21781543

watch animes guys

>> No.21781548

yeah but if i decide to say animes and you understand what im trying to say (the plural of anime) because it follows the standard conventions of english grammar, then that usage is also perfectly acceptable. and that's also how language works.

>> No.21781554

saying "animes" and "mangas" is the biggest sign you're an esl

>> No.21781555

native english speaker here

>> No.21781558

i guess i can understand what you're saying but there's a difference between speaking naturally and sounding like a foreigner so i guess do whatever you like it's a free country

>> No.21781559
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>> No.21781560
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>> No.21781563

nah it's the biggest sign you're a patriot and a defender of our OWN grammar against the hordes. next thing you'll be telling me the plural of octopus isn't octopuses because somehow greek grammatical rules apply to english. drain the linguistic swamp.

>> No.21781567

so you let a robot tell you what you can or can't say? guess you're ready for the next 50 years of being cucked by Google Dominatrix

>> No.21781577

obv the plural is animera

>> No.21781578

Is 0 an even number? Or is it an odd number?

>> No.21781580

it's the most boring thing ever put to paper in any language. you'll read 20 pages maximum in english and 0 in japanese

>> No.21781582
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>> No.21781584

i've never once in my whole life met a native english speaker that says "animes"

>> No.21781587

A lot of time at weekends.
One hour at most on other days.

>> No.21781590
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to think i didn't felt like reading vns yesterday

>> No.21781593

I wonder how your boomer dad would pluralize it.

>> No.21781595

"faggot shit"

>> No.21781601

VNs aren't reading.

>> No.21781604

that's not enough study hours to get to that level in one year unfortunately.

>> No.21781605

air isn't reading.

>> No.21781617

its not possible to get to that level in a year regardless of study time. even if you spent 8 hours a day that's only 3000 hours of study. you definitely need over 10k hours of anime watched alone

>> No.21781619

anime isn't reading.

>> No.21781621

yeah and that's why it takes so long to get to that stage. you need 10k hours of anime just to be able to read normally

>> No.21781634

you can bypass the anime watching if you learn to read with visual novels. that's how rarepotato learned japanese in a year by reading vns for 8+ hours a day

>> No.21781644

post videos of this guy speaking japanese we'll see if he knows japanese

>> No.21781645

is there any proof he can actually read? probably not

>> No.21781652

bet anything this guy "knows" japanese just like how meditation tranny is "fluent" in japanese

>> No.21781653

vn語 is unnatural

>> No.21781657

Life is unnatural

>> No.21781661

natural is a meme, everything is unnatural

>> No.21781664

ky guy i don't think you know what's natural or not when you think 空気を読む is some obscure expression

you're right though language they use on vns is unnatural but so is the language in fiction in general, including the anime you watch

>> No.21781679
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>> No.21781690

results are different from being able to read high lit. do you think someone who read translated VNs in english for a year to learn english could read thomas mann's modern classic doctor faustus at the end of it and get anything out of it? i would contend even most native english speakers would struggle

>> No.21781696

How do you look up unknown words that have familiar kanji, moe?

>> No.21781703

It seems that she's always hot

>> No.21781704

handwrite into a dictionary preferably on the phone

>> No.21781709
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x798, chrome_XHDkxrm8Sj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh. time for my daily 3 hours of anki

>> No.21781711

no one cares about reading that gay shit lol

>> No.21781713

>not just reading it out loud in to google translate

>> No.21781723

the original question was about reading that kind of thing tho ?

>> No.21781743

Mann wrote in German, so your argument isn't applicable.
Somebody who can read Fate/stay night in English could probably read Hemingway or Steinbeck, but I wouldn't be too sure about them being able to read James Joyce or Henry James.

>> No.21781744

bro, no joke, i remember after i finished the anime (this was way before i started learning japanese, mind you) i got to the part where they pulled out a mahjong set and i dropped it and said i'd go back to it when i learned the rules for mahjong, only now had i finally learned how to play it and went back to it, i'm pissed

>> No.21781758

someone who is *able to* read fate/stay night in english could but reading for a year wouldn't get you to that point imo. even more so in japanese. anyway the original translation of mann is pretty faithful afaik

>> No.21781785
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i wish they had just went with uno, then my autism wouldn't have stopped me from reading it for almost a year only to be dissapointed

>> No.21781794

8jg of the day 天上天下唯我独尊

>> No.21781805

that's weak, check this 9jg 修身斉家治国平天下

>> No.21781808


>> No.21781820

lol i didn't even notice it wasn't tenka, that's fucked up

>> No.21781828

the etymology for that 8jg is very cool btw i suggest u all check it out and enlighten yourselves

>> No.21781865


>> No.21781871

i want someone from here to record them saying バスガス爆発 3 times real quick

>> No.21781876
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starting to feel like this story is picking up a little. hopefully that makes me read faster and more each day

>> No.21781880

bro it gets so much better on the true route, just you wait

>> No.21781901

post 軍歌 bangers https://youtu.be/G1ckh1GHyIA

>> No.21781917

sure why not https://vocaroo.com/i/s1po00d5rGEs

>> No.21781928


>> No.21781945

you know what you did

>> No.21781958

do you think i said 爆破 lol?

>> No.21781968

its the ritual of the vocaroo

>> No.21781969

oh no that was just a typo, i meant 爆発

the main point is you're not saying バス

>> No.21781988

imagine this dude saying he's gonna take a bus in japan and people look at him weird cause he thinks he's saying バス but he's saying ガス

>> No.21781999

>fails tongue twister horribly and gets called out
>nah dude you just can't hear right
classic djt

>> No.21782009
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is this you?

>> No.21782010

there you go, i felt a lot less confidence on that one but you did it

>> No.21782018

No, I can actually read kanji, but I can't understand sung Japanese at all.

>> No.21782020

anyone wants to try this one?


(would be cool if you can do it 3 times but honestly even 1 i'd be impressed)

>> No.21782060

multiple is too hard https://vocaroo.com/i/s16oCZYDwwDL

>> No.21782063

30 years and you'll make it

>> No.21782064

you said びょうふ, it's びょうぶ

>> No.21782068

truly epic

>> No.21782070
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What decent places are there to find raw manga, other than nyaa or djt's limited library? Neither one is doing the trick for me atm.

>> No.21782072

fuck i knew I was gonna fuck it up again

>> No.21782074

Immersion is the real start of language learning. Everything else is build up.

Do not get lost in the build up.

>> No.21782084

How does a day of studying of someone who has just finished basic Kana should look like? I work full time, which means I cannot do a lot every day, but I do something every day and I am motivated to keep up my schedule. Someone told me long ago that "everything", but it might be a bit overwhelming and doesn't tell me much. Should I focus on learning Kanji next? Vocabulary? Grammar? I'd like some kind of a plan/schedule, so to speak. For now I am just learning Kanji radicals and browsing anki deck. Is that a correct course of action?

>> No.21782085

that's actually a bit easier than what i was trying i think lol https://vocaroo.com/i/s0SM4XBOCNm5

>> No.21782087

lhscan has some.

>> No.21782089


>> No.21782096

very good

>> No.21782100

Being able to speak a language is always mundane

To the point where someone who has acquired a language is treated like they're a native who did no work,

yet beginners are treated like the real authority because it's obvious they're still learning

>> No.21782103

here's a funny one


>> No.21782105

Don't make your ability someone else's responsibility to guide you, just because you feel you aren't qualified to do it yourself.

Don't put yourself down. You always had the freedom and ability to find the answers yourself through immersion.

>> No.21782106

go through a book like tae kim's grammar guide or genki then start reading manga

>> No.21782108

Huh, a lot of things on that site don't seem to contain the first bunch of chapters.

>> No.21782109

i like this new moenigger better than ky guy

>> No.21782134

Yeah, and there was a holocaust of their hosted images, so a lot of chapters are just broke. But it's pret good if you're looking for recent raws.

>> No.21782171

You can easily meet people on the internet today who acquired a second language without ever leaving their country.

And yet nobody asks them how they did it because they're so natural nobody considers them a learner.

So they go ask someone who /hasn't/ accomplished it instead

>> No.21782173

i wanna say you did it too slow but i don't want to discourage you from doing those since it's been months since i saw you post a vocaroo so i'll just say it sounds slow cause of the voice changer and good job

>> No.21782176

Learning a word is a process, not an event.

>> No.21782181

is it just me or people in these threads are arguing about studying more than actually studying

>> No.21782186

Saying the secret to contuining is never stopping sounds like a tautology but it couldn't be more true

Stopping or taking a break inversely builds up a counter-habit of "I don't need to do that thing" so it becomes even harder to continue

>> No.21782190

Thank you anon, so grammar book first? That's actually something I haven't considered. Figured there's no point in studying a grammar book without basic vocabulary/kanji competency.

>> No.21782193

just you. we're all studying diligently with native materials and tab in here every once in a while to make a post or two

>> No.21782194

nope just you

>> No.21782195

Imagine not knowing that. Haha, I totally get it, though. No need to explain it to me (but maybe you could refresh my memory??? haha jk, ofc I know what it is)

>> No.21782210

that's the cringiest one yet, good job.

>> No.21782217

the greatest evidence ive seen for jamals superiority right here also ive been trying to speed it up but it's fucking hard https://vocaroo.com/i/s1ZYjj3z4hkh

>> No.21782234

aiming for the 3 second speedrun https://vocaroo.com/i/s1ZYjj3z4hkh

>> No.21782248

the resources i recommended to you have vocabulary sections where all the words used in that chapter are defined for you. i don't see anything wrong with your idea of learning words first and then grammar either. you need both grammar and vocabulary to read and understand so until you know both it's going to be quite painful. since you are doing self-study how you get there is up to you in the end

>> No.21782252

lol nice

>> No.21782253

jamal confirmed for anglo

>> No.21782259

Why are there so many /a/utists and /v/ermin in these threads?

>> No.21782294


>> No.21782302

Just follow the guide >>21777896

>> No.21782364

Except for that dude who did it for 3 years straight and was nowhere near fluent and went into a depression, then he had to "find himself in the misery", and now whenever he hears japanese he has flashbacks like he was in 'nam.

>> No.21782395
File: 183 KB, 1453x167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this

>> No.21782412


>> No.21782415

maajan isn't reading.

>> No.21782420

it's fun though

>> No.21782441

Me sitting on the red chair

>> No.21782446

that's so fucking epic omg

>> No.21782449
File: 137 KB, 446x425, 1EWB4mvN7K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21782450

he really inspires me to wear my white t-shirts

>> No.21782461

why do Japanese people like Yoshi so much? Is it his cute tasty eggs?

>> No.21782477


>> No.21782577

ive been checking and paying attention to pitch accent for every new word i learn and now i can identify it just from hearing it as matt predicted... sasuga the japanese god

>> No.21782583

study verb conjugation pitch accent

>> No.21782602


>> No.21782606

出来るs never study. They just watch anime and read eroge.
Fakers do anki reps and read grammar/pitch accent guides, in addition to collecting obscure words from novels and Wikipedia articles.
出来ぬs do whatever others (usually fakers) tell them to do.

>> No.21782619

Your post is subtly implying to new learners that they should watch anime and read eroge, which means anyone who does those things is now doing what someone else told them to do.
Nobody can ever learn Japanese again.

>> No.21782621

wouldn't i be a 出来ぬ if i just watched anime and read eroge now that you said it?

>> No.21782622

fakers that's a good one lol

>> No.21782649

useless unenlightened black and white thinking

>> No.21782698

It's odd how Japanese kids study English for like 6 years and all they have to show for it is knowing some more obscure English words yet they can't say a single sentence other than "I'm fain hawayuu"

>> No.21782708

yeah they study for school exams not for fun. idk anyone who got fluent taking spanish classes in high school in america either

>> No.21782719

I do, but an English speaker learning Spanish for 4 years is massively ahead of a Japanese speaker learning English, even if it is 6 years.

>> No.21782735

nice, i think i'll move there too, did you win that hand btw?

>> No.21782742

>any panty shot ever
>not warranted

>> No.21782783

I don't even have a full grasp of did vs have done, although I'd like to think I get them right most of the time.

>> No.21782795


>> No.21782807

word of the day: らりるれろ

>> No.21782814
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>> No.21782835
File: 1.53 MB, 1676x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright changing servers was a bad idea lol

>> No.21782846

oh damn, forgot to censor the names on the background, guess it doesn't matter since mine's not there lol, holy shit did i get owned though

>> No.21782852

I can't stop masturbating

>> No.21782863

would there be any kind of backlash if i went to nicongo and called people for baka kuronbos

>> No.21782871

looks like ky guy isn't the only one who ky

>> No.21782883

did you see at the full list ?

>> No.21782887

oof, that's when you know it's time for some learning at least since there's so few nips online we might be put into the same room if we time it right

>> No.21782890

this fucker was the only dude who won any hands in the game, i'm thinking he might be a smurf or something cause it was insane how his lowest hand was like 4 han

>> No.21782894

i wasn't lying about how they
>go big or go home

>> No.21782903
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>> No.21782906

to be fair one of those i was going for 国士無双 and i played right into his ron and i really shouldn't have done that but a lot of the time the dude just called riichi like 4 draws in or did tsumo with some insane hands

>> No.21782948

i wish i wasn't a neet so i could play a met of mahjong with jamal with money on the table and take all his money

>> No.21782950

someone be my friend and teach me mahjong

>> No.21782953

dude just watch the 3 hour tutorial video on playing mahjong and ignore all the parts where he explains how to set up the game on the table cause you're never gonna play that shit irl and the game takes care of that part for you

>> No.21782960

yeah that's the one lol

>> No.21782969

learning japanese is luck based

>> No.21782984
File: 96 KB, 806x651, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does her hair hover in the air like that

>> No.21782986

Yes. An ideal chess player would have as many possible board states, and optimal reactions to them, memorized as they could manage. Therefore the outcome is decided on luck via two factors:
1: Your opponent puts the board into a state you've yet to memorize and now cannot react appropriately
2: Your opponent (via luck) was born with a better memory and knows more board states than you and thus will not lose.

>> No.21782990
File: 341 KB, 1600x1032, 81hqKkfNKFL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to read it so hard... can any of you rich westerners buy it and upload it for common good?

>> No.21782993

buy a real history book. they aren't that expensive

>> No.21782998

damn im addicted to metta.
my new drug!

>> No.21783000

how the heck is せ onions sauce lol

>> No.21783006


>> No.21783012

it's the steam she is constantly giving off that is lifting her hair

>> No.21783021

they're not encouraged to seek out compelling input so their only association with the language is shitty textbooks

>> No.21783035
File: 12 KB, 211x109, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are these kanjis

>> No.21783037


>> No.21783051

thank you

>> No.21783055

use google translate handwriting recognition and draw it in next time

>> No.21783056

lol, name a single sport that isn't luck based or any game that isn't luck based by your definition of "luck based" which just means "you played against a retard so you're lucky to not have played against someone who's not retarded"

>> No.21783066

i learned that word from monster hunter stories the anime

>> No.21783067

you just got trolled dude

>> No.21783072

将 由
fuck, sound sisters make my ass pucker

>> No.21783076

sub-AI level copes detected

>> No.21783089

i know jamal in real life. he is short, in his 30's and has an afro. and took a long time to graduate from university

>> No.21783090

how much of a normie do you have to be to not realize every single thing in life comes down to luck lmao, you have a lot less control over yourself than your fragile brain wants to admit

>> No.21783093

no way jamal is some uni grad nerd loser

>> No.21783109

imagine actually having a degree lmao

>> No.21783115

i knew jamal, we used to hustle kush to white boys and ras lovers until he said something about him wanting that calm life
moving in with his grandfather in some farm in georgia

>> No.21783125

wtf i hate jamal now

>> No.21783126


>> No.21783129

>Luck: success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
Nope it's a real word, checkmate retard

>> No.21783138

hmm, but if i roll a dice that's taking an action


>> No.21783139


>> No.21783150


>> No.21783153

One of the better posts!

>> No.21783159
File: 2.41 MB, 4000x2898, 20190729-rtk-combined-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to use my whiteboard today, thinking that it would save time, but dealing with the scanner for it ended up making it take more time overall.

What I might do in future is only scan (whether whiteboard or brush-pen) my reps from the point where Anki shows me new cards (i.e. after I finish the initial set of reviews, since I use the "reviews before new" option).

>> No.21783170

No it's not. It's all determined by these factors:
1. How good you are at remembering stuff.
2. How good you are at paying attention to stuff.
3. How much motivation you've got for it at any given point in the process.
4. How much time you've got that you can put into it.
It's not luck. It's more like genes, environment, and being a huge otaku/weeb.

>> No.21783173

Imagine being born with just enough IQ to waste everything on that holy shit.

>> No.21783187

Is there a point to learning German keywords for kanji when you could be learning their 音読み or 訓読み too or instead?

>> No.21783194

>It's not luck. It's more like genes, environment,
It's not luck, it's more like luck and luck


Because they're doing RTK and either don't know better or genuinely think learning readings with the kanji is too much at once or somethin

>> No.21783200

i really hate the germans

>> No.21783213

Then he should be watching anime with German subs instead.

>> No.21783238

You forgot the 3. option being "PROFIT!!!!" grandpa

>> No.21783239

how can i get my esoteric posting style to be understood by a wider audience

>> No.21783241

just gotta be lucky enough

>> No.21783247

I'm not sure how much variation exists within classical Japanese considering the timespan it covers but I don't think Mattvsjapan can read works like Genji Monogatari. But he can read plenty of classical Japanese. He found classical Japanese grammar books in Japanese and SRS'd all the grammar/sentences and read a bunch of classical shit.

>> No.21783249

Luck means "random shit happens".
You can be a determinist if you believe that there is a necessary effect for every cause, consquentially implying that randomness would have no place.

>> No.21783273

most useful kanji for mahjong fags: 牌

>> No.21783274

to be honest with you guys, it's me who controls the direction of these threads.
since I'm the RTK and anki baiter

>> No.21783279

rtk bad anki good
aniki better

>> No.21783286

more like a baby with a fresh dump in its dipe

>> No.21783287

he definitely can't read classical japanese considering he can't even read "dense philosophical text". he only said he tried to read 学問のすゝめ which was written specifically to be easily understood by retards (fukuzawa yukichi would read it out loud and ask his maid if she could understand it). anyone who knows some modern japanese could read it

>> No.21783288

& then there's MAKOPI (me) who does whatever the fuck he wants but which apparently no one else does. I just want to see how much I can get away with.

>> No.21783296

Isn't the Meiji stuff in general very clearly written? Oh well I ain't fucking surprised Matt is perpetually dead to me those blows to him do nothing.

>> No.21783298

based makopi

>> No.21783314

depends on the author but generally the use of vocab is pretty close to modern japanese which makes it easier, and also a lot of specific details about japanese grammatical constructions weren't really well known so even though there's like 5 different forms of past-tense in classical japanese they were used interchangeably by that point

>> No.21783316

i'm only concerned about what jamal does

>> No.21783317


>> No.21783318

why you worried about other people when you're still the worst person on this thread at japanese?

>> No.21783320

the other nigger boy

>> No.21783321

actually i think just "the worst person on this thread" in general fits you too

>> No.21783325

pre-patreon matt was the best matt

>> No.21783326

I respect a free soul.

Exactly dude.

>> No.21783347


>> No.21783362

you have failed to read my 空気

>> No.21783369

theres no such thing as luck, just conditions you may or may not be aware of

>> No.21783375

I don't think so. jamal fan got called out for his nihongo mistake after all, and I told him that he is not worthy of the name.
So now as a cope you act like you hate jamal

>> No.21783378

got some nasty google image results when i searched 頭をかきむしった

>> No.21783383

??? What is this fanfiction again? I grant you my permission to write more though bcuz all human beings are born free.

>> No.21783388

let's start over
hey djt im moenigger nice to meet you all

>> No.21783389

Sorry, but I'm working on a VN about it and explaining more would ruin the plot

>> No.21783391

today i learned that 押さえる = 認識・理解する

>> No.21783393
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>> No.21783418

i bypassed learning japanese by doing rtk

>> No.21783419

I don't know any japanese but I've mastered ゲー語

>> No.21783431


>> No.21783432

word of the day is ペテン師

>> No.21783433
File: 503 KB, 1297x1080, 1546329520537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21783452
File: 121 KB, 806x651, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one for our rtk friends

>> No.21783509
File: 794 KB, 652x955, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate having to remember those chink readings

>> No.21783538

but anon I already know german, and german morphology (actually most non-english languages) permits you to be less ambiguous with the keywords which is a huge help

>> No.21783541

as if id be friends with someone that retarded

>> No.21783551

suck my 肉棒

>> No.21783570

German is as unrelated to Japanese as Hindi is. You're not gonna understand the subtleties of the Japanese language by trying to use RTK keywords for kanji. In many cases, kanji are used more like root words than as independent words, and there can be several words with different meanings tied to the same kanji (like in 本 or 下-下ろす).

>> No.21783573

wtf is a "meat rod" rtk sucks

>> No.21783576

>You're not gonna understand the subtleties of the Japanese language by trying to use RTK keywords for kanji.
point status: missed

>> No.21783578

he probably means that less ambiguous keywords are easier for him to know which kanji to write. there are keywords like secret and secrecy and you have to know whether to write 秘 or 密 lol

>> No.21783579

It's just some specific biology word

>> No.21783583

how did this entire thread get so fucking awful that they unironically defend some dumb fucking faggot using german rtk

>> No.21783588

it devolved once I've mentioned something about luck

>> No.21783619

panda dead what do i wank to now

>> No.21783629

those peeps still haven't refunded my 20 hath perk when they introduced the tag-system overhaul

>> No.21783632
File: 127 KB, 1024x707, 1536234486736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german morphology permits you to be less ambiguous

>> No.21783634

>姦 doesn't appear till RTK 3
How could such an important kanji have been left out?

>> No.21783638


>> No.21783643

but everyone already learned that hanzi from meme tedx "lectures" years ago

>> No.21783652

exactly, and english sometimes has the problem where nouns are identical to either verbs or adjectives whereas most other eurolangs have shit on the end of words guaranteeing what type they are

>> No.21783657

no thank you

>> No.21783673


>> No.21783680

Dude Japanese is hard work, if only I could learn by reading and reading a lot instead of doing the latest fotm programs...

>> No.21783691

sorry i called you a nigger jamal
had too many energy drinks

>> No.21783697

word of the day

>> No.21783704


>> No.21783725

is there any deeper meaning behind why
渡す (watasu) means "to hand over", but
渡る (wataru) means "to cross over", i.e. is there some sort of pattern to whether the -su or -ru hints at the same verb being transitive or intransitive (like with める・まる) ?

>> No.21783751

too late bro, he's never coming back

>> No.21783775

never thought of that before

>> No.21783777

Yes :)

>> No.21783783

写す- 写る
落とす - 落ちる
壊す- 壊れる

>> No.21783807

thanks :)
also just hit 残る.残す so it really does seem like a common feature, that's pretty cool

>> No.21783846

loan words dont necessarily follow the conventions of english grammar : )
i mean some people say ninjas but no one says sushis u feel me
animes leans towards wrong to most but is just acceptable enough that u get some kids sayin it unironically
what a banger
such is the life of the low intermediate
im havin a hard time believin ur actually 69

>> No.21783860

there are multiple patterns http://nihongo.monash.edu/ti_list.html

>> No.21783869

it seems that way until it arbitrarily isn't, you have to learn it on a verb by verb basis but for the most part yes す is when youre doing it to something you'll notice the pattersn yourself if you're not retarded 汚す 汚れる is another pair

映る 映す   移る 移す

>> No.21783876

having a very useful rule and learning a handful of exceptions seems to be a much more sensible approach than blindly learning them all in isolation

>> No.21783896

there are sites which mirrored (or by other means acquired, i dunno) all/most of the content
e.g. nhentai tsumino hitomi

only problem is the latter two i think have annoying ads where you click some part of the page (e.g. clicking to move to the next page or image of a gallery) and it sends you to some dodgy (and most likely malicious) third party site. the ads are reliant on javascript to work but so are both sites as a whole so you're forced to enable it. all you can do is practise vigilance and try to close the off-site page before it has chance to load.

nhentai is seemingly functional with all scripts blocked so that's the safest bet if you're wary of viruses, but i dunno if it has less content than the other two sites or something like that as a trade-off.

there's obviously also eroge, jav, etc.

>> No.21783939

love her

>> No.21783961

you'd be surprised what your subconscious will acquire for free sometimes though

>> No.21783974

i really much prefer running these things past the conscious mind too, just to be on the safe side, otherwise it's all too wishy-washy, hand-wavey and unfalsifiable

>> No.21783979


>> No.21784019


>> No.21784051

Ew, a western "woman" speaking nihongo

>> No.21784069
File: 533 KB, 559x718, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone able to decipher this little doll nameboard thing?

>> No.21784070

why are vn soundtracks always so generic and boring it feels like every one uses the same songs they're so indistinguishable from one another

>> No.21784075

prob cuz u only play ez moege and haven’t played a single kamige

>> No.21784079

This but with the whole vn

>> No.21784081

btw i consider moege to be anything without a voiced protagonist

>> No.21784090


>> No.21784099

初 something lol

>> No.21784115
File: 23 KB, 480x360, mpv-shot0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's meeku

>> No.21784116

watch these and pick one with lots of ratings for its 音楽

2001 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6052683
2002 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm632525
2003 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm570750
2004 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm518006
2005 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm863085
2006 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm480491
2007 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2221994
2008 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5887958
2009 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9558399
2010 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13411213
2011 - https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm16811310</wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr></wbr>

>> No.21784120

in the unlikely scenario that i want to use anki again what should i do to makw sure i do not quit it again

>> No.21784123

what an incredibly painful post.

>> No.21784124

10 sentence cards a day

>> No.21784127

make jav cards

>> No.21784137

senshinkan had a fairly original soundtrack imo. it's pretty chuuni though so might not be to everyone's tastes

>> No.21784138

Red pill me on JAV cards.

>> No.21784144


>> No.21784145

朝に辞す DJT彩雲の間……

>> No.21784156
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, arifureta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao what is this

>> No.21784166

I was in fact not born for this world I was born for the world of poetry which is why I ordinarily talk like a r*tard as fans of poetry are wont to do.

>> No.21784173

a yearly popularity chart of over 300 games is useless for someone who desnt play eroge already too

>> No.21784182

say what you want about key shit they know how to make good music
i recommend rewrite

>> No.21784197
File: 151 KB, 2439x2232, 1541530225023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chart doesn't show any of the scores for the music and other stuff, just the overall total number of points
the video also shows snippets of the pvs for each eroge which gives you an idea of the art, setting, etc., much more useful than just a title and a number like you get on the graph

how the scoring system works (i think):
1 person can vote for up to 6 eroge
when voting for an eroge, you can choose to say what exactly you liked about it out of the following things:
BUT you can only choose 2 of these things per eroge, e.g. scenario+characters or characters+graphics, or just characters on its own (or you can pick none at all)
you get 3 bonus points to add to whichever eroge in your list you want, but you can't add more than 2 points to a single one (you don't have to use any of these points if you don't want to)

>> No.21784201
File: 77 KB, 351x75, dame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already got banned from streamable so I can't showcase them.
PPPD-766 is perfect example of what type of videos you should look for when making them.
The guy who fucks doesn't speak, but is given subs instead. To understand the plot, you have to listen extra carefully what the girl says since she isn't subbed, and probably is too far from the mic anyway.
These types of jav are in themselves already the ultimate way to learn nihongo because they combine everything you ever need, reading, listening and motivation!

>> No.21784214

her tits look disgusting and she's ugly to boot
how does she get work?

>> No.21784220

who 賢者タイム here?

>> No.21784222

theres nothin wrong with a small list of recs when u dont know shit if ur still gonna look em up and pick the one that sounds the most fun to u
lmfao show what kind of shit ur mining in the note browser

>> No.21784225

the most important part is the plot! you think matt watched fucking pokemon because he liked it?

>> No.21784247


>> No.21784250

jav lmao

>> No.21784251

the only other places to look are vndb where half the ratings on untranslated vns come from eops reading machine translations, assuming they didn't just skim through the cg set and rate it on that instead
egs is better obviously but the owner has some retarded system set up which bans gaijin ip addresses if they have the nerve to load more than 5 pages from his potato server in any given 24 hour period

i guess you can also look through e-celeb lists like

>> No.21784262

The awkward roleplay drama turns me on, I love table talk and elevator scenes and other nitijo moments.

>> No.21784268

i mean i agree with ntr that u shouldnt just look at top rated shit whether its from eops or native ero gamers
but recs can point a baby thats never eroged to a gentle moege that wont destroy them and is probably not total shit like leyline
and after like 2 or 3 eroge ull be in a much better position to be on ur own and follow ur heart : )

>> No.21784284

Are there any audio clips for the lessons in tae kim? Don't necessarily need to be the exact examples but things that demonstrate the concept would be helpful for a retard like me.

>> No.21784285

it would be nice if you guys had some interactive stuff like duolingo but since I heard duolingo doesn't help. I like to multitask

>> No.21784288


>> No.21784290

you can talk to japanese people if you want interactive stuff you know

>> No.21784293

for the record though im not sayin u look at a chart and roll a die and play the game like the rec chart is a walkthrough to the land of eroge
i dont remember the first place i ran into most of the shit i played or thats on my backlog but it was probably from some recs or mentions and i looked it up and decided if it looked sick or not
its ur own responsibility to do that and as long as u do then recs and charts and shit aint really different than any other way that shit can find its way in front of u

>> No.21784295

here u go

>> No.21784298

lol it's alright but the dialogue is super simple so you'll only get to master jav watcher with that shit

>> No.21784302


>> No.21784306

eroge that has been ported to the psp or psv usually have the ero removed?

>> No.21784316

I don't know how true that is since I was doing duolingo and pimseluer for learning spanish but no practice

>> No.21784318

eroge ported to consoles are just ge(i)

>> No.21784322

very true boomer-sama fuck the internet

>> No.21784334

That's why you should've been watching Minecraft let's play videos instead of listening to ゲイ Pimsleur CDs.

>> No.21784336
File: 819 KB, 2069x969, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if ur gonna do that ur gonna do whether u got a chart or not
i hope they find a cure for it though lol

>> No.21784339

I'm just trying to procure that epic feeling of something... anything... out of my brain for knowing many thousands of kanji. Nothing comes out. It has never been epic. Where is my mistake? Should I have done RTK?

>> No.21784343

anal herpes

>> No.21784346

maybe shoot yourself

>> No.21784356
File: 6 KB, 162x162, kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if u ever want to build ur own chinese house u have a lot of inspiration to draw on
while if a less experienced kanji master tried theyd probably just make somethin that looks fuckin stupid to an expert like u

>> No.21784366

I've been told it's 'cause I'm not a teenager anymore but how fucked does the world have to be then when at 20+ you're already as old as you'll be at 50? Are there teenagers right now sincerely enjoying the crap on nico? I'm going ever for the more dangerous pleasures I may eventually shoot myself >>21784350 only to find release not 'cause I'm emo. インターネットを廃止しろ。

>> No.21784376

what the fuck dude that is like an amalgam of the most typical kanji in Japanese. The entire thing is so disgustingly Japanese I can't look at it. It uses Chinese elements but it looks one hundred percent fake.

>> No.21784413

all epic feelings are born inside your body. you have to cultivate it by focusing on it. external experiences can only ever be triggers, but no one ever teaches us that we can simply teach our bodies to have those feelings more. what does it feel like to be glad that you can do something? describe the feeling experience, tell me how your body responds.

>> No.21784420

is this a lead into a meditation pitch

>> No.21784421

train our bodies is a better way to put it

>> No.21784422

Believe it or not they do love action tv shows and films in Japan

>> No.21784423

I appreciate it. Did you know that the word うっそう is actually 鬱蒼 and in it 鬱 is used to mean "thick vegetation"? The more you look at this, the more you feel one with the nature, one with your melancholy, one until you become one with the earth; only an 一寸 separates you from going (辶) DOWN.

>> No.21784428

*live action ffs

>> No.21784434



>> No.21784436

I will tell about it to myself. I can have a dialogue on that.

>> No.21784451

now how do u explain the dumb fuckin u kanmuri i added

>> No.21784454

Watching a million hours of anime isn't going to help you read dick, mate.

>> No.21784461

Ok. Time for reading. Think I'll aim for 2 hours today.

>> No.21784463

actually it will just like reading a million hours of eroge will help u listen unless u permanently cripple urself
the more nihongo u know the easier it is to fill in what u dont
i think ur more fucked than me but respect

>> No.21784490

anata no heeeyaAa
de mita no eigaAAa
alcohol no flavaaaAa
fuっtari ha stay highp

tada no groupie
jane booty
psycho kyuu ni
dopena shorty

>> No.21784491


I mean, yeah the second one looked a bit like 音, but I thought surely not... Guess it's the other being a funny.

>> No.21784530



>> No.21784536
File: 93 KB, 1023x837, 1564196329263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21784552

Oh shit. Nukemarine is spamming his youtube channel on a bunch of discord channels right now. He must be desperate for attention.

>> No.21784580

hes genuinely so stupid.... i kind of feel bad for how stupid he is

>> No.21784590

if nuke was a bit more tech savvy hed just be sucking qms dick right now

>> No.21784609

i mean whats the difference his cards are basically the same except his sentences are on front cuz he likes matt : )

>> No.21784613

he really knows absolutely nothing still lol he looks up every common word that's even in his shitty premade decks

>> No.21784624

actually i change my mind cuz do u think qm ever looks this happy

>> No.21784637
File: 1010 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21784642

he just skipped it and hes bad at seeking so he gave up when he was close to the end lol

>> No.21784654
File: 553 KB, 1316x2669, quizBTFOnuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember nuke getting btfo by quiz?

>> No.21784655

i was gonna say what if the op is shit but actually if the op is shit u should just drop the show

>> No.21784658

man whats up with that fucked up picture qm posted though the art is all fucked up

>> No.21784659
File: 36 KB, 1024x683, Pilot-Metropolitan-Gold-Plain-NW-3_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you link your pen? I switched to a fountain pen when I started writing kanji, but I've never tried a brush pen.

>> No.21784660

>uuhh sweetie? do you know what a hyperbole is? hello?
god why does qm talk like such a passive aggressive faggot

>> No.21784667
File: 61 KB, 591x60, mutturi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever posted this a while back https://soundcloud.com/teito_yokohama/sukebe
i just remembered this is for u

>> No.21784686

that works too :) i just wanted to make the point that once you get a pretty good grasp on what it's like (words can help a lot but their purpose is just to point to the body sensations or remind you what to do, the words themselves are not the experience), all that's left is repeatedly turning your attention back to that felt experience when you want to.

it's much easier to do when you're calm, your body isn't tense, and you're not distracted by too much noise/dialogue going on in your head. play around with it!

>> No.21784696
File: 14 KB, 248x32, bokki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes a character for sure

>> No.21784698

quiet tranny

>> No.21784731
File: 87 KB, 1520x1080, 1509817771029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21784750

i def thought it wouldnt take 24 hours for one of u poor kids to ask for source

>> No.21784752

>i was just trying to find diaper porn
on youtube?

>> No.21784759

on google

>> No.21784779

>what is ur PRoblem
what is UR problem? girls are cute esp like that
thats definitely not cute but definitely one of my fav clips, imagine that guy had grand kids and they see that jesus christ

>> No.21784784

they're both bad
qm pretends his narcissistic delusions are ironic when everyone knows by now they're not
wording your honest opinion as a joke so you can weasel out of taking responsibility for it is the behaviour of a coward
nuke is perhaps the single worst example of a dekinai on the internet
he knows he is shit at japanese and is the last person anyone should be listening to but he takes patreon money in exchange for telling people how to learn a language he has tried and failed to learn for over a decade anyway

fuck e-celebs

>> No.21784788

how did you get your boomer hands on japanese stuff way back then grandpa?

>> No.21784792

especially how did you learn of the existence of eroge and such?

>> No.21784802

any opportunity i have to post quizMASTER destroying his opposition, i will take. eff you

stop defending nuke.

>> No.21784812

how do quizlets justify making subs2srs cards manually

>> No.21784823

& eroge females are 99% men projecting and 1% seiyuu voicing the lines they have been given. It is quite the predicament.

>> No.21784826

all the cool kids in my day got hooked on flash dating sims before they even watched anime and then they put 2 and 2 together and were playin their first eroge at like 13 inbetween episodes of naurto

>> No.21784827

nice, don't let him get away with being a nasty person who could cause someone to feel really bad

>> No.21784828

NO offense to the seiyus im sure you ahve more percents! It's a pseudo-mathematical hyperbole!

>> No.21784830

>vhs and laser disc my ninja
can't have been easy to come by in the west though, right?

>also i didnt really find erogaming till i played tokimemo on the psx and found out more about these newfangled dating sim things
this sort of thing especially
there's no english release. how did you end up with a game in full nihongo in your possession as (presumably) an american?
did you already know japanese before you got it?

>> No.21784832

do you guys think japs like to put wolves so much in their fiction cause they feel guilty for killing all of them in japan?

>> No.21784833

please stop responding to him like you actually believe hes 69 or discovered eroge in the 80s holy FUCK you stupid FUCKING NIGGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.21784837


>> No.21784839

Why would anyone stop responding to jamal? You'll miss a banger.

>> No.21784878
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21784886

i'll monopolize your asshole with my foot

>> No.21784902

just finished soras route that was the saddest one so far need koko-chan to cheer me up ;(

>> No.21784905

i didn't doubt you before but your story is pretty convincing. i believe even more now that you really are an og weeb.
(i'm still leaning towards the 1969 thing as being a joke though)

>> No.21784907

anyone with a passing knowledge of what the world was like before the internet could say the same shit. im sure jamals a boomer but let's not get ahead of ourselves

>> No.21784915

i wonder what ntr was spittin in the 90s

>> No.21784932

how the fuck do i make more caps if i have such low bartering

>> No.21784937

you guys are just jealous nuke-chan is living at マイペース, taking it easy, and enjoying his life. stop hating

>> No.21784944

im saying if someone telling you basic facts about life prior to the internet convinces you they're old then you must be very easily convinced

>> No.21784949

without the pressure of having to understand spoken japanese (i don't listen it's gay), and because i don't read a lot every day, it is taking me a long time to internalize grammar. even if i get it, it often requires i think about it for a few seconds. at this rate i will not get to mattvsjapan's level. fuck guys.

>> No.21784952
File: 18 KB, 297x200, FF0D0C9C-B27A-11E9-B8DB-16DC48AA4010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol just give up now you're not even gonna reach nuke-chans level bro

>> No.21784954

i think i just need to go and finish tae kim or a text book or some shit. even reading 6 hours a day there's still so much grammar i dont understand

>> No.21784965

he's just posted though

>> No.21784966

im not doubting what you're saying is true? just that guy is an idiot for supposedly doubting you then changing his mind because you mentioned some common knowledge shit

>> No.21784973

good news or bad

>> No.21784974

best way to acquire grammar is by listening a lot!

>> No.21784982


>> No.21784984

you've never lead me around i intellectually pulverize you every time. i'm on a 365+ day winning streak. i lost count cuz it got so fucking boring schooling you

>> No.21784985

i think the music in ever17 is good since that seems to be a topic here currently

>> No.21784999

i can no longer enjoy vns

>> No.21785004

let's talk about this dude why is this

>> No.21785016

google translate is uncanilly accurate for what it is

>> No.21785017
File: 76 KB, 591x1191, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never been so motivated to learn a language LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO

>> No.21785018
File: 45 KB, 741x500, here i sit broken hearted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuke wants to read with audio but nuke wont read voiced eroge
whats his fuckin problem
what are the last things u tried

>> No.21785028

bing is surprisingly more accurate, so use that instead.

>> No.21785030

it's not just that but also his knowledge of specific old eroge (+dating sims)
the act is too elaborate. why bother? why go to all the effort of gathering knowledge of 90s eroge just to troll djt?

>> No.21785032

you could never

>> No.21785038

>for supposedly doubting you
i said the exact opposite of that though
>i didn't doubt you before

>> No.21785041


>> No.21785042
File: 117 KB, 1136x820, any.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darn it. Now I have to use nazeka for a more accurate frequency list alongside yomichan. Hopefully I can learn at twice the speed now.

>> No.21785071

why not just use nazeka? do you really need a fucking pitch accent dictionary when you're reading?

and for a j-j you can just use shinmeikai in nazeka instead. but really, why bother bloating your popup when j-e is way faster and does the job just fine in 99% of cases?

>> No.21785073

parts per million?

>> No.21785079

my frequency list is that feelin that tells me ive seen this word somewhere else
lmfao subvocalizing with wrong pitch have fun permanently crippling urself

>> No.21785109

>pitch accent dictionary
i had been keeping track of pitch accent for some words but i haven't been using it lately since i decided i can work on it later if i care to. it's just something i hadn't bothered disabling until now.
>why not just use nazeka?
the lack of text highlighting on hover bothers me, and the various elements within the popup look much more similar than in yomichan because yomichan uses colored backgrounds. everything looks much more uniform in nazeka's popup. it takes me like 500+ milliseconds longer to find the information i want at a glance. also i like that yomichan's popup is contained in a box you can scroll through. i understand these are all decisions wareya made so that nazeka is lightweight. it's probably good for most people but i'm autistic.

>> No.21785110

great advices! thanks for sharing

>> No.21785143

you can turn sticky mode on nazeka and it becomes a scrollable box too

>> No.21785150

lol if u actually care about pitch accent why on earth are you reading

>> No.21785154
File: 310 KB, 1536x980, たどく.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21785170
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1539926400158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21785184
File: 306 KB, 402x474, Ever17PC_UbJdV8peeP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caring about pitch accent when you don't even know japanese is big dekinai energy lol im sure all that pitch accent knowledge will come in handy in a decade or two

>> No.21785198

I've actually lost the feeling of learning Japanese a month ago. I just understand it or something. It doesn't matter to me.

>> No.21785200

i was jokin but i dont see the relation ?

>> No.21785201

why are you still here then?

>> No.21785230

I wanted to shitpost about moenigger and now idek jamal gave the feels. In short, you guessed it, for the namefaggotry.

>> No.21785269

I was concerned with pitch accent from day -1 because I wanted to pronounce Japanese names within the Russian language as close to the original as possible and that involved figuring out their accentuation. I didn't know anything about the theory of pitch accent; I'd just listen to how they are pronounced. Later on I noticed I would subvocalize sentences like shit if I didn't know the good intonation for them & hearing a new word or phrase pronounced properly would always feel like a revelation so pitch accent ftw honestly it is one of the most intuitive and somehow most rewarding parts of the language.

>> No.21785279

Do /djt/ have a chatroom? Discord? Telegram group?

>> No.21785282

i think pitch accent is aight but im too fuckin lazy to put any time into it

>> No.21785285

Nevermind, stupid me...

>> No.21785293

this is the chat room

>> No.21785300

>white girl writing in Japanese
i puke

>> No.21785303

king matt says he picked it up in a few months so i don't see the point in focusing heavily on it now. i check the pitch accent for words i learn and try to pronounce shit accurately but im not gonna spend time focusing on it when im not even at the point where i fully understand everything people are saying anyway. i imagine it will be much easier to focus on it when understanding japanese is just second nature to me like english

>> No.21785310

you don't really put time in it. you just try to be less of an idiot gaijin about hearing the language and then the acoustic/phonemic image of it in your brain finally reaches its full extent

>> No.21785328

You either hear it or you don't. It's that simple.

>> No.21785340

I may have gotten a bit carried away in that nuke thing and not been entirely in my senses it is just indeed that I can hardly excuse his existence and his attitude pisses me off

>> No.21785351

you could say that about anything at all in language learning. your brain adapts based on exposure and focus. you can come to hear something if you understand it better

>> No.21785353

Seeing you blow a gasket like that is pretty cool though, Nuke's basically collecting checks for stealing content

>> No.21785357




>> No.21785364

are you a manchild with anger issues (just asking)

>> No.21785370


>> No.21785371

I just found the juiciest, crunchiest, leafiest of all bangers

>> No.21785372

I just don't understand what "dedicating time to pitch accent" means. Apart from reading about it real quick + checking a few examples from forvo. Like, just keep doing everything normally? You'll hear it now.

>> No.21785378

Or u mean there are people who would ankidrone it instead of JUST LISTENING? My condolences!

>> No.21785380

but are you redpilled on verb conjugation pitch accent

>> No.21785389

russian probably has something similar since you said you wanted to know about it immediately when learning so it must be easier for you to hear

>> No.21785399



>> No.21785405

I'm a fan of all things Japanese, I'm planning to take up the N3 exam in the month of December (N4 is too basic). I have learnt hiragana and 50% of Katakana. I'm staring with Kanji radicals now.

I need your help in figuring out an effective and efficient way to prep for the exam, while working a day job and balancing other areas of my life. Right now, I'm winging the preparation process.

I'm planning to take a month off from work to prep before the exam but I want to be fluent before that last month.

Please share your tips and opinions. It'll help me out a lot.

Thank you.

>> No.21785425

I just introduced my monolingual granparents to duolingo because they told me they want to learn another language. Have I committed an unforgivable sin?

This looks like a reddit post, but I'll give a serious piece of advice:
Read a lot. Listen to plenty of stuff. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you like it.

>> No.21785437

maybe he should focus on getting to n6 first

>> No.21785442

Depends what language(s) they're after. LingoDeer is better if they want an Asian language, but overall, no, DuoLingo is structured in a good way for people who've never studied language to get a taste.

Also, yeah, it was a reddit repost. Most people actually dunked on him for thinking he'd get that far that quickly, was nice to see. Much better than the usual ひらがな上手

>> No.21785445

I took the whole bottle.

Russian has unpredictable dynamic stress that moves within inflectional paradigms (according to many patterns), but it is differently made from the Japanese pitch accent, though both are ultimately similar in that they're poorly predictable, unwritten, and you just have to know them.

>> No.21785455

I'm retarded, what is the actual difference between hiragana and katakana besides how they're written??? Obvious newfag here but i'm reading through the beginners guide and all it says is that katana are like italicized versions??? What use do they have

>> No.21785464

Hiragana is used for native Japanese words or cute characters. Katakana is used for 外国語 or characters with a strong 外人 accent.

>> No.21785470

You'll find that any hard and fast rule is going to be broken often by Japanese people. Try not to worry about them being different, because ultimately they're just methods of writing sounds.

This is generally correct though

>> No.21785474

you have to learn them to read

>> No.21785477

So you mean you would use katakana for words that don't have a direct translation into actual jap words? Along with whatever you mean by 外人 accent?

Epic I suppose

>> No.21785479

Now that I think of it Russians are in general quite anal about pronunciation. You grow up being corrected on your accent and correcting others on theirs pretty much on every occasion. Very high awareness.

>> No.21785508

Katakana is used for:
a) loanwords/names from Western languages (like パソコン and バイト)
b) emphasizing the fact that somebody has a strong non-Japanese accent (in other words, that they sound like they're from Texas or Moscow)
c) highlighting "brusque" speech (imagine a ヤンキー saying "オレ" or "チカズクンナー!").

>> No.21785528

katana is sword.

>> No.21785544

and more !

>> No.21785546

y'all ever take a big ass shit and it took all your japanese gains for the day with it

>> No.21785556

No, I think that's pretty much it.

>> No.21785567

how much of a meme is passive listening?

>> No.21785579
File: 118 KB, 480x596, 1561359886164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck Jisho is down how am I supposed to look up words now?

>> No.21785581
File: 27 KB, 466x33, kokoro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a strong accent or brusque speech when someone says アタシ ?
what about taxonomy animal and plant names
what about this

>> No.21785595

Use goo.ne.jp or weblio
>is it a strong accent or brusque speech when someone says アタシ ?
It might be some kind of rise in terms of volume, or off-tone speech.
>what about taxonomy animal and plant names
They fall under foreign loanwords, since most of them are derived from Greek/Latin.
>what about this
It might highlight the oddness of that word's specific usage, probably as an allusion to the title of that novel written by 夏目漱石

>> No.21785603

For sure. My product review is there now, too, so please read it! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07L4WN41Q/

>> No.21785620


>> No.21785626

rise in volume or off tone isnt covered by your original list
バラ isnt foreign to my knowledge and im sure there are many others
and the quote is discussing the meaning of the word 残心
im only sayin i dont think u can sum up katakana usage in such a short way
but i dont think u need to either

>> No.21785630
File: 100 KB, 1083x930, languages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can easily meet people on the internet today who acquired a second language without ever leaving the country
if we include people whose second language is english, then people meet many more of them than they realize too

>> No.21785663

anon, don't be ridiculous

>> No.21785675

l2 speakers 120000 when ever language surrounding it is in the tens of millions. Guess there's no getting past it: we're learning a meme language.

>> No.21785678

I was learning for 6 months without this and noticed a ridiculous uptake in my ability to parse spoken Japanese after immersing myself in it all the time.

Japanese music mostly. Anime on in the background while busy. I turned all my phone contacts into katanaka, and Siri speaks Japanese for me now. My Nintendo Switch is in Japanese even though I don’t know everything on the menus. I write labels on common things around my house to familiarize myself with their Japanese names in the moment. I use Japanese greetings and goodbyes with my friends who have no idea what I’m saying until I explain. I will drone on for five minutes about something I learned to someone who isn’t entirely excited, and just being able to express it aloud helps me retain the info. I pull out my phone and type random shit into the Jisho app literally all day every day. Immersion is priceless.

I am on a discord server with beginners, both Japanese and English learners. It’s a tremendous help too

Though I do feel with the split between eastern and western civilizations, it’s also highly beneficial to study the culture underlying the language. The language very closely mimics the atmosphere of the people, as with most languages I’m sure but it’s very pronounced for me with nihongo!

>> No.21785698

It's just the best data they have, there are obviously a lot more than 121k speakers. Over 20k people have passed N1 on almost every period since 2H 2010, and JLPT certificates don't expire so I doubt it's the same 20k people taking the test every time.

>> No.21785701

check out ur real meme language
>Native: estimated 1000 to several thousand (2016)[1][2]
>L2 users: estimates range from 63 000[3]to two million[4]

>> No.21785707

Can't be the real language of a country, and I doubt you're calling a dead language a meme, so it has to be Esperanto.

>> No.21785709

japanesepod101 has over 1 million subs why arent they counted lol

>> No.21785718
File: 36 KB, 648x173, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single nihngo learner is subscribed to george

>> No.21785752

Passing N1 doesn't mean you're fluent though, especially with the huge amounts of Chinese people who "learn" Japanese and have an easier time with reading which is the only thing JLPT really tests

>> No.21785758

Those 753 million L2 English speakers aren't necessarily fluent speakers.

>> No.21785769

At what level am I L2 then? Whenever I decide I've "learned"?

>> No.21785774

there are different types of fluency. speaking, reading, listening. you can be fluent in one and not the other

>> No.21785785


>> No.21785793

boy it’s a great day to be a nigger!

>> No.21785801

>Mandarin Chinese

>> No.21785811

You could also argue that Chilean Spanish and Spanish Spanish are different languages.

>> No.21785816

theyre at least mutually intelligible though

>> No.21785844

Retard, millions of Chinese,Koreans, and Vietnamese know or are learning Japanese. The JLPT is in the hundreds of thousands each year in that group. English speakers learning Japanese in the niche.

>> No.21785998
File: 44 KB, 1024x576, 1561571247014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based you're welcome

>> No.21786040
File: 48 KB, 453x230, 2019-07-30 12_22_16-000327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hm yes very epic my good sir

>> No.21786058
File: 26 KB, 220x229, 1541869691434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21786159

New thread?

>> No.21786219

the kanji don't mean that lol
