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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 93 KB, 534x800, example_print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2177415 No.2177415 [Reply] [Original]

I think I might be in trouble /jp/

I ordered a dakimakura from China with a nude Aisaka Taiga on it which looks a bit loli'ish. I tracked it this morning and it said it was at Heathrow airport. I just tried to track it again from the royalmail website and it is saying it cannot find it. I am scared now that customs have it and have deliberately removed it from the database in preperation for legal proceedings. The new laws on what is classed as illegal have become dodgey to say the least of late.

I'm pooping myself.

In b4 various comments about being vanned etc

>> No.2177417

Not your /blog/

>> No.2177419

enjoy prison

>> No.2177420

Well deserved, pedophile.

>> No.2177421

>I ordered a dakimakura from China with a nude Aisaka Taiga on it
Why would you do that?

>> No.2177422
File: 304 KB, 980x1669, canada-arrest.1195869926494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're boned. Run away.

>> No.2177426

The good news is you'll get your package
The bad news is you have to pay import tax

>> No.2177429
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>> No.2177430
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Jesus christ. That's news from 2005?! OP best start erasing evidences

>> No.2177432

That's what you get for living in the UK, mate.

>> No.2177433

Your fault for choosing Taiga.

>> No.2177438
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>> No.2177440


>> No.2177445
File: 24 KB, 110x148, rance (226).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faster, kill yourself before your parents realize their son is the scum of the society.

Sucks to be you.

>> No.2177447


>> No.2177449

> hentae
Is that the new spelling?

>> No.2177450

Gutting for you. Funny for me.

>> No.2177462

It's how the paedos spell it

>> No.2177466

No, that's the "I couldn't maintain journalistic integrity for long enough to write my way out of a cardboard box" spelling.

>> No.2177467

Don't worry, it'll be okay.

>> No.2177477

Damn Thought Police.

>> No.2177480

Hope this guy goes to jail because that's where all sick pedophiles should go.

>> No.2177482

Well, at least once you end up in jail, you won't be a virgin anymore. Don't forget to tell us how it feels if you ever come back.

>> No.2177484

/jp/ - The pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.2177485

/r/ing the uncensored picture on the left. Scratch that, I want both of them.

>> No.2177487

I hope you're joking.

Since when does /jp/ consider animu
girls as pig-disgusting 3D children?

>> No.2177490

Prepare to have your life turned into a hell.

Pedophilia can fuck up even with your job.

>> No.2177492
File: 62 KB, 848x480, 1235583165564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pedo and I'm not sick!

>> No.2177495

Good job, dumbass. You should've known that GB haet loli by now.

>> No.2177499

It's not about what we think, but what about the competent authorities will. Do think they'll look at this dakimakura and say "hey look it's a naked kid but since it's a drawing it's not considered pedophilia, lolicon is alright"

Of course not, they're charging this dude as a child molester for sure because he's a potential pedophile in the future, if he already isn't that is.

>> No.2177504

>competent authorities
I lol'd.

>> No.2177505

also germany :/

>> No.2177508

So, is there any fighting back or we just accept the banning of lolicon everywhere? Any pro-loli organizations?

>> No.2177510

America is more liberal about loli now.

But Great Britain and Canada have become Jewish about it. Royalmail tells me you're a citizen of the former. Good luck.

>> No.2177512

Who is retarded enough to create an organization defending the crime? Are you crazy?

>> No.2177513

But Taiga is 18.
So, no pedophilia here.

>> No.2177514

Lolicon is a crime now?

>> No.2177517

She's 16 you autist.

>> No.2177521

>potential pedophile

>> No.2177522

Yes. That's what the entire thread is about.

>> No.2177523

Lolicon, as of, 2-D lolis. Where's the crime?

>> No.2177525


Have you ever heard of NAMBLA?

Yeah. Seriously.

>> No.2177526

16 is the legal age in the UK though.

>> No.2177527

Actually, in Canada, it is a crime.

>> No.2177530

And just because some retards decided that it has to be a crime there's noone defending it? So if tomorrow it's a crime to have a book/a figure/a TV/a game you would just sit and accept it?

>> No.2177531

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has fought a few domestic cases of attempted censorship of underage characters in sexual situations. They haven't really defended full-blown porn as of yet, though.

>> No.2177532

Fuck Canada.

>> No.2177534

lol, not really. I ordered tons of stuff like that and never got into any trouble.

>> No.2177538

There is nothing wrong with lolicon.
Don't let those autists fool you.

>> No.2177540

Places are beginning to ban 2D depicted underage as well.

>> No.2177542

I'm not the same dude, dude. Personally, the only reason why I know the laws is so I can complain about how retarded they are. My actions are not decided by what a bunch of clueless old men tell me not to do.

>> No.2177548

Not for pornographic pictures, 18 to be in porn.

>> No.2177550

Yeah I know, that's my point. It's not illegal in my place yet and I want to prevent it.

>> No.2177551


This is a really interesting article by Niel Gaiman (writer of the Sandman comics, and many others) that discusses this topic. There are people that are paying attention to this issue.

>> No.2177553

In certain countries, yes.

>> No.2177554

Then its legal in sweden!

>> No.2177555

>potential pedophile
This disturbs me. Why does child molestation get a different treatment? No one ever went to jail due to being a "potential murderer."

Being attracted to little kids is not illegal. Molesting them is.

>> No.2177560

Not to mention pedophilia isn't illegal either.

>> No.2177561

Because of the link, whether real or imaginary, to real child porn where kids are actually harmed. At least I think that's the basis of the argument.

>> No.2177562

Surprisingly, one of the few first world countries left with loli completely legal is America. Well, nothing specific in Japan, but they have to censor most things out the ass in the first place.

>> No.2177563

So why is GTA legal?

>> No.2177565

Well, if the police find out that you're plotting to kill someone, whether or not you plan to go along with it, that's certainly 'potential murder'

>> No.2177571

Socially accepted hypocrisy.

>> No.2177574

You can't prosecute someone for an intention.

>> No.2177575

>Surprisingly, one of the few first world countries left with loli completely legal is America.
Canada, UK and Australia is all of the first world?

>> No.2177581

Loli is 100% fine in France.

>> No.2177586

In my Motherland, our justice system is too busy convicting our government officials for plunder to spare some time for petty things like lolicon or pedophilia. Unless you are a foreigner, then they will catch you and get your monies.

>> No.2177587

Laws against murder exist to protect the citizens. Laws against sex with "minors" exist because parents don't even want to think about their children becoming anything more than perfect, little, thoughtless, indoctrinated dolls with which to play dress-up. Even the mere existence of someone who says that any human being below the age of 16/18/whatever (depending on where you are) has any rights is horribly painful to these twisted pieces of shit.

>> No.2177593


Almost all of Europe is strictly against it, too. Except maybe the Scandinavian countries.

>> No.2177594

>plotting to kill someone
I wasn't talking about someone who's actively plotting to molest a kid, just someone who is attracted to kids.

>> No.2177596

>Almost all of the conservative parts of Europe are against it, too.

>> No.2177598

Not here.

>> No.2177600

>Almost all of Europe is strictly against it, too. [citation needed]

>> No.2177603

Lucky you. Although, I imported more than a dozen packages by now and only one has been checked by Zoll (not opened!).
Nevertheless: §185 StGB is nothing to laugh at, especially considering the new term "youth pornographie" and that drawings are included. Basically, almost every "hentai" ever drawn could be illegal by German law.

>> No.2177604

Tell that to Homeland Security.

>> No.2177607

>great britain
Cry to the european court of human rights that your liberties have been infringed upon because they took private material as evidence without a warrant

>> No.2177610

But still. Saying lolicon is equivalent to child pornography is like trying to argue that playing violent video games is equivalent to murder.

>> No.2177612
File: 180 KB, 1200x960, lain-god-watching-you-masturbate.1183131218110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that all the right people are rounded up, and to fuel the fire further, how did this scene get past the censors in the U.S? This is an underage girl masturbating while another one watches.

>> No.2177618

§ 185

Die Beleidigung wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe und, wenn die Beleidigung mittels einer Tätlichkeit begangen wird, mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.

...what are you trying to say?

>> No.2177622

lol @ your shitty country.
here loli is perfectly legal as long as you can tell that its drawn. if it actually looks like real child and its impossible to tell that its not, it may be illegal.
So loli is legal.

>> No.2177626

>one of the few first world countries left with loli completely legal is America


>> No.2177627

Wait a second... §184 including §184a-g, sorry

>> No.2177629

Actually, it's more like saying that playing violent video games is equivalent to taking enjoyment in watching someone else commit murder.

>> No.2177632

Dudes, I'm not kidding by saying that how things are going 4chan will be either illegal / not accessible or clean'd up in up to 5 years. Mark my words. They are full into bringing law & order to the interweb; backed by the power and totally hypocritical

>> No.2177633

Nothing angers me more about our society than this shit. So many people fighting for useless ideals, how can this blatant violation of free speech go unnoticed?

>> No.2177636

Hey, it's not a crime too.

>> No.2177638

Supreme Court disagreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.2177640

People are stupid and self-centered.

>> No.2177647

Yes it is, it's your duty as a citizen to save someone dying. Or so the laws say.

>> No.2177650

Sanatoriums are there to treat people with sociopathy behavior that caused harm to his victims. Serial killers are rare cases, most people kill for personal reasons not because of a natural instinct for such actions. Nasuverse is bullshit stop reading this crap.

Child molesters are a different thing, it's a mental disorder. One can say it's a sickness. The sexual offender will never get satisfied after raping one victim, he's making countless victims until his libido is satisfied. Since lolicon hentai depicts sexual intercourse with children as something rewarding and satisfying it's implied this could incentive people.

What's even worse, lolicons have low to no contact with society and this just worsen his mental state and how he sees the reality around him. Ignoring the feeling of the victim is the first evidence of the damage such material can do with the human mind.

>> No.2177651


It is all about if you find a small group enough to terrorize.

>> No.2177654

I think people are going to care less with the recession.

>> No.2177656

It's only negligence homicide if you were there in person at the time.

>> No.2177657

eh, so you should go and help someone when he/she is being murdered? pretty stupid, i think that most normal people dont stand a chance againt anyone with any kind of weapon.

>> No.2177659

Or like critizing the gov or gov affiliates is like backing up [insert common enemy of state].

There's nothing wrong with fictional loli stuff, and I'm not a pedo. Nobody get's hurt, it's not criminal nor dangerous in any form. Your potential bullshit argument is well potential fascism.

>> No.2177660

Unless your taking action could potentially also kill or cripple them.

>> No.2177661

There are a number of problems with this.

First is that it's not even a case of someone who's attracted to little girls but wouldn't molest them - how many people have become attracted to an underage anime character with child-like features? Almost all of them. Even Lucky Star, where the characters are meant to be almost of age, they still somewhat resemble how children are drawn.

This is because being attracted to something drawn in a specific style and being attracted to something realistic are different things. While most art should represent something that can exist, in some form, in reality(like, someone could at least dress up as spider-man), it's not a direct mapping.

You just have to look at other fetishes to realise this. The SSBBW thing, to begin with. Many of them are attracted to what would be 600 pound behemoths in real life but probably wouldn't be attracted to that in real life - why? Because the reason it's attractive is that they're just getting BIGGER and BIGGER and BIGGER to a ridiculous size. "Ridiculous size" for art, and "Ridiculous size" for what you'd normally be attracted to are different things - because art is not as arousing as reality, it often has to be exagerrated to have the same effect.

>> No.2177664

>Child molesters are a different thing, it's a mental disorder.
Only most child molesters aren't pedophiles. That's like saying everyone who gets drunk is an alcoholic.

>> No.2177665

Calling the police counts.

>> No.2177666

Loli is the same. While some genuine paedos are going to read it(I don't believe there's anything inherently wrong if you can't help the attraction, as long as you don't take advantage of people who don't know what they're doing - some 15 year olds can be very mature, others not mature at all), it represents sweet, cute things that people find attractive in girls of all ages(up until they start to look old of course). It's really just the same as the "chibi" idea. Many people are attracted to innocence and cuteness in girls. It's like drawing a woman as a catperson to exagerrate her feline features.

You're kidding yourself if you think it was anything but chance that the UK banned it before the US did. While the UK seems heavily PC to outsiders(in reality this is because a few news stories of poor examples get spammed everywhere by US right wingers), remember this is a conservative decision.

>> No.2177668

Free speech?

You're goddamn child offender for gods sake.

>> No.2177669

Maybe. I dunno. My point is, we don't arrest people for fictional murder. It's a stupid double standard.

>> No.2177672

not true

Der Besitz von Darstellungen, die nur ein fiktives und kein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergeben (vgl. § 184b Abs. 4 StGB), ist dagegen nicht rechtswidrig.

>> No.2177673

>if you were there in person at the time.
Oh yes, sorry. I completly forgot that you don't NEED to be at the scene of a crime to watch someone die.

>> No.2177676

But the UK aren't free countries in the first place. It makes perfect sense that they'd ban it.

>> No.2177677

In fact, in the strictest sense, no "child rapists" and such are pedophiles at all. If they were true pedophiles, they wouldn't even consider rape as an option.

>> No.2177684

I'm not a pedo, I just don't condone any sort of censorship or restraint of freedom of speech.

Your ancestors died for this, you piece of shit. Way to piss away and take for granted the freedom that was so hard to get.

>> No.2177686

Free speech? You're a goddamn traitor who speaks out against his government, you don't deserve it.

>> No.2177691
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>> No.2177694

Except for the part where they say they have the right to sue you for helping, even if you did save their life.

>> No.2177696

Read my entire post please.

Lolicon is a separate case as the adepts of this "culture" are social recluses. As if it was drug but 10x stronger than any of the others found in the market. Wouldn't you agree it's better to control the most damaging one before taking care of the others?

That's why lolcion should be stopped first, it takes priority in the danger scale.

>> No.2177699

threads like this make me really happy that loli etc is legal here.
if there were any chance for me to get arrested for loli, i couldnt watch any anime(/play VN:s etc) with little girls that isnt released here..im just too big coward ;_;

>> No.2177711


>Ebenso wird bestraft, wer es unternimmt, einem anderen den Besitz von jugendpornographischen Schriften zu verschaffen, die ein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergeben.

>> No.2177713

> Lolicon is a separate case as the adepts of this "culture" are social recluses.
[citation needed]

>> No.2177714

If it's social recluses you're worried about, what makes you think they're going to do anything when they can't even stand going around peers, let along little kids?

Besides, lolicon's a 2D thing.

Once you're into 2D the best real girls can do is look cute, and that's the little girls/boys only.

>> No.2177717

I guess you also want us to kill all humans so they won't be able to suffer anymore?

>> No.2177718

None of these cases ever made it to the court, and even if they did, you could just abuse one of the many flaws this law has depending on your country. That said, several loli doujins went through customs in Germany just fine for me.

>> No.2177724

The Supreme Court hasn't addressed PROTECT. Lesser courts generally rule it unconstitutional but a few months later somebody else gets charged anyway.

>> No.2177725

>That said, several loli doujins went through customs in Germany just fine for me.
Hint: If you cross the Schengen border outside of Germany, you most likely won't be controlled.

>> No.2177726

Because one makes a whole, right?

>> No.2177728


And you think the US is? Grow up.

>> No.2177735
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>> No.2177737
File: 24 KB, 108x148, rance (49).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just admit you guys are a bunch of sick pedophiles already.

I doubt you lolicons dogs wouldn't feel excited with a naked children in front of you.

It's over, you already lost your principles and morals. Death sentence is the only salvation.

>> No.2177738
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>> No.2177744

WHERE IS athens???

>> No.2177748

Don't drag unrelated factors into this.
Just realize that thanks to /b/ this ISN'T the 'SUPER SECRET INTERNET FANCLUB" they like to joke about it being in the past.

That also means you have to put up with normalfag bullshit.

That means you'll have to put up with all of them thinking lolicon = paedophilia or being a child molester.

>> No.2177751

Akio and the assorted "EVIL PEDO DIE DIE DIE LULZ" posters are all trolls. They're unfortunately a symptom of Newfag Eternity.

/jp/ was founded partly on the principle that a man has sovereign rights over his own lolis, with the stipulation that 2D is good while 3D is pig disgusting.

>> No.2177752
File: 15 KB, 213x277, melonsmirk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT pedophiles rationalize fucking children

>> No.2177754

It's /DRAWINGS/. I don't care how bad they are; in a free country you can't hamper free speech or ban books/drawings. It's as simple as that, your dumbass interpretation of how "bad" it is for society is irrelevant.

The fact that "WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN" bullshit arguments are capable of turning otherwise rational people into idiots who support making a mockery out of our constitutional rights disgusts me. You don't deserve your freedom, if you support any of these things you need to go back to Nazi Germany.

Get yourself a tripcode, you can become the new athens. You just found the other thing that makes /jp/ rage: fascist anti-drawn porn propaganda.

>> No.2177759
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>> No.2177761
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Just north of Gensokyo.

>> No.2177764 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2177770 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2177763

Oh no, looks like I'l have to stop fapping to loli. Or else I'll go out and rape little kids until I get bored.
Oh no, looks like I'll have to stop playing violent games. Or else I'll go out and kill people until I get bored.

>> No.2177771

>ITT people who don't have an irrational fear of the thought that some other people are able to sexualize poor innocent children rationalize looking at drawings others made

>> No.2177774

Lol, you're fucked.

Nice knowin' ya!

>> No.2177775

Looks like I got trolled. My life is ruined. I'll have to kill myself.

>> No.2177776
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>> No.2177779

I'll admit that as soon as you admit that you're a troll.

>> No.2177780

>Akio and the assorted "EVIL PEDO DIE DIE DIE LULZ" posters are all trolls.
No one really bothers replying to Akio, though. I bet he must feel lonely.

>> No.2177785

Lolicon doesn't transfer into Pedophilia.

Pedophilia doesn't transfer into Lolicon.

They're two completely separate ideas that evoke different emotions. To the point that the purists, like a good chunk of /jp/, have sworn off real women of any age.

>> No.2177786

>what makes you think they're going to do anything when they can't even stand going around peers, let along little kids?

People with no self respect and insecure about themselves are actually the most dangerous individuals in a society. The reason is pretty simple, they gather all their hatred and delusions inside them. They don't share it with anyone. But someday all this will surface, and when it happens the damage will be proportional to all the time he shut himself.

And then we he have incidents such as the guy that killed killed people with a knife in Akihabara. It was an outburst of rage. People with low social interaction are more susceptible to such actions.

>> No.2177787

I hate you.

>> No.2177789

Welcome to the wonderful modern world, where you go to jail for your thoughts and desires, not for your actions!

>> No.2177790

Don't ride on the success of another troll, it's quite sad.

>> No.2177791
File: 165 KB, 352x743, 1229897085070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clam down now. It's okay. Loli still love you.

>> No.2177792
File: 57 KB, 869x720, 1223135168398ry7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP.
I live in the UK too, and frequently import loli doujinshi and serialized collections of stories from hentai mags.
I'd say don't worry; you've already ordered it so it's too late now anyway. Any buyfag in the UK knows that UK tracking of parcels is a shambles anyway; they update the status of your items late. When you recieve your parcel, go check the status, it'll probably say it's still at the sorting office.
I've had customs inspect one particularly big delivery of loli doujinshi before; and if that passed their tests then your daki should be fine.
A lot of people in this thread seem to have said that loli is agains the law here in the UK. Can anyone prove this?
As far as I was aware, legislation was PROPOSED in 2008 to ban fictional/drawn depictions of underage characters engaging in sexual activity; but it has only been proposed. That said though, with how incredibly PC we are, it's pretty certain that it will end up being enforced.

Though I've no right to pass judgement, I must say I don't agree with your tastes OP. I believe the same seller on eBay had a Rin daki from Kodomo no Jikan which was really, really hot. I was tempted to buy it myself a few weeks ago.

You'll recieve your parcel just fine.

Post pictures when it arrives.

>> No.2177793

>People with no self respect and insecure about themselves are actually the most dangerous individuals in a society.


>> No.2177795

Yeah. It's a damn shame.

And then there's Sion, a poor copy-cat troll that should know when to stay in Meltan threads, where his bitching and moaning might be given attention.

>> No.2177797

sage for viral marketing

>> No.2177799


>> No.2177806


>> No.2177807

I'm sorry...
I just don't want him to feel lonely anymore..

>> No.2177812

I liked Sion better when he was just a whiny meltan player. This whole "I'll just shitpost so people will assume I'm a wicked troll and not a total dumbass" trend is annoying.

>> No.2177813

The only reason this troll always works is because it's an actual issue some countries are back and forth between. That actually jeopardizes some of our lifestyles and wants.

Since we can't not care, we can only recognize this as a troll and move on.

>> No.2177816

Why is it a crime to sexualize children again?

>> No.2177820

OP is an idiot for buying what is obviously a fake item

>> No.2177824

Because thought crime and trolls on boards.

>> No.2177825

Killing people won't result in anything, educating is the only way. Prohibition is a way to lesser the am amount of adepts, but it won't solve the problem.

Otaku must realize himself the damage he's producing to his own life is irreversible and can cost his job and the affability of people around him specially his parents.

>> No.2177826
File: 195 KB, 619x1000, 1228837240753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not even loli. I bet you faggots have never even seen a loli before.
You people probably think you're hardcore because you've played Kodomo Miruku Parfait. But that isn't one of that company's loli games. You want a loli game, go back and play Kodomo No Himitsu. Those girls are loli. Not what you've posted.You probably sit here having your circle jerk about how you're an expert pedophile, when all you're doing is reposting the same forum post from a pedophile forum about how old girls need to be in order to penetrate them. You didn't even get that pic yourself, you don't even know the person who did. There's a chain of about 50 people that screencap passed between to reach you.
Whilst you're torrenting doujin CGs of "lolis" with breasts from Comiket 73, I'll be downloading the latest H-games full of lolis (who don't look like freaks with breast cancer) in Japanese at 100MB/s from Share.

>> No.2177829


>> No.2177830

Bullshit. Most of weeaboos would just kill themselves, if they ever had come this far. Only a short minority would go berserk, and this has nothing to do with lolicon. Most of the berserk cases involve working family fathers who lost their existence or are close to lose everything.


>> No.2177831

It's particularly enraging because anyone with half a brain can understand why these double standard arguments are so evil and one step closer to 1984-style societies, yet people in charge in several countries are actually getting away with it.

>> No.2177834

I always think of the children while I'm fapping.

>> No.2177839

>>2177728 And you think the US is? Grow up.
Yes, I do.

We've tried to ban lolicon multiple times, and it's always failed (except for 3D renderings which are nearly indistinguishable from photographs) due to 1st amendment.

And we're also one of the only countries with free speech (enjoy your jailtime for "holocaust denial" lol).

>> No.2177840

Thought crime is not the main issue, derailing social values is.

>> No.2177842

2channel level pedophile pasta?

And please stop bumping this thread, people.

>> No.2177845

Attack the problem at it's source.

Over zealous religious fanatics who want the whole world to be Christian or Islam.

All other religions can stay. Those two have to go.

>> No.2177847

>And we're also one of the only countries with free speech
You mean "shut the f*ck up you ******!!!111"

>> No.2177849

>And we're also one of the only countries with free speech (enjoy your jailtime for "holocaust denial" lol).
That's only in Germany. Why do I see Americans repeating the same old "DURR SAYING STUFF ABOUT NAZISM IS ILLEGAL IN YUROP" all the time?

Do you guys seriously believe Europe is just one big country, like the US?

>> No.2177850

>lolicon_expert (has downloaded over 5000+ gig of loli material)

Of course, you should kill yourself for being an obnoxious twit. Being at the opposite end of the spectrum of people who are annoying in a thread isn't always a good thing.

>> No.2177853

First we start with the restrainable evil, then we part for the ones we can't control.

Banning lolicon won't solve the problem but it prevents more people going down the same road.

>> No.2177860
File: 42 KB, 475x820, 1225040867054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love underaged girls for many reasons and my age range is anything from 8 to 30 years old. The perfect loli age for me is around 10-12 years old. She still has no pubic hair or breasts but her overall body already has some sexy form.

Flat chests: I love their smooth bare chests with 2 cute little nipples. I like to gently squeeze their breast area so that it looks they do have breasts, then I suck their nipples, pretend breasts and all.

Bald hairless pre-pubescent vagina: God's gift to mankind. Unlike women's vaginas, little girls vaginas are completely hairless and look like beautiful flowers, not fish. My penis would usually be too big to insert into their vagina so I just place the head of my penis onto her vagina and make short and gentle thrusting motions. Alternatively, I like to just use her vagina hole to caress my penis up and down, from the base to the tip. The friction alone is enough to make me cum.

Her little mouth and little fingers: Like her vagina, a little girl's mouth is not enough to take the whole of my penis but they can take enough. The combination of her inexperienced mouth around the tip of my penis and her hands clutched around my shaft is heavenly.

Her carefree and innocent personality: Unlike a woman, a little girl is not bitter, jaded or cynical. Her desire for money hasn't come around yet so she only has one thing that motivates her: curiosity for the unknown. The look of a girl's face when she sees an erect penis for the first time is a mastercard moment.

And that's why I love little girl lolis.

>> No.2177864

Also illegal in France isn't it?

>> No.2177865

OP here. Been yacking up in the loo (I'm such a wuss) and feeling cold and dizzy from worrying. Calmed down a little but am seriously worried about what will happen *IF* they decide to do something about it. Anyone know UK law? My main concern is they will try to pin something on my. They won't find anything on my PC. I don't store that kinda stuff. Although I have seen it on /b/ and other sites but the cache is ALWAYS erased (Not deleted I am not that stupid).
I know for most of these types of 'offences' you usually get told to accept a warning. However in doing so you end up on the sex offenders register which will fuck you over! If you are on that then that's it as far as everyone is concerned you are a pedo no matter what the actual offence. If I contest it how do I contest it? Maybe I am worrying over nothing. Maybe I will get it delivered in the next few days with nothing happening except maybe a customs fee. But I am going to think of the worse for now and try to be prepared. Look at me. Coming to 4chan for advice. Yeah right. Stupid of me. Janitors will probably delete this thread soon. Oh well. But any pointers are welcome. Well those that are not just trolling that is.

>> No.2177866


Hm? I thought 3d CGwork was considered quasi-legal? Why do most Kiddie-porn busting offices have people who's job it is to sift through and judge what's real and what's fake then?

>> No.2177868

You're on the Internet. Banning something does nothing.

Please start using a tripcode so I know when I can ignore you.

>> No.2177869

>I'll be downloading the latest H-games full of lolis (who don't look like freaks with breast cancer) in Japanese at 100MB/s from Share.
Ah, I see you are only a backwoods level pedophile. Since your internet only runs at 100 MB/s, I presume you also live in a bamboo cabin in the mountains, wear tattered rags, and are surrounded by pandas. You should consider graduating to being a metropolitan level pedophile like me so you can procure your digital goods at gigabit speeds. If you continue operating at only 10% of the human fapping capacity, you will never be truly happy.

>> No.2177870

I know holocaust denial isn't illegal in the UK, but it IS illegal in more countries than Germany.

There's a reason I said "one of the few" instead of "the only." The UK is pretty free. I'm assuming you're from there. Well, you're lucky, aren't you?

>> No.2177871

This is not even pasta. I bet you faggots have never even seen pasta before.
You people probably think you're hardcore because you've pasted Code Geass. But that isn't one of this board's pasta's. You want a pasta, go back and paste This Chair. Those chairs are rage. Not what you've posted.You probably sit here having your circle jerk about how you're an expert anon, when all you're doing is reposting the same post from a Code Geass thread about how many seasons it will take to ruin a show. You didn't even get that pasta yourself, you don't even know the person who did. There's a chain of about 50 people that text passed between to reach you.
Whilst you're pasting pasta's of "HURR" with text from /a/, I'll be writing the latest threads full of trolls (who don't look like freaks with noodle legs) in Japanese at 100W/s from /jp/.

>> No.2177872

"civilized" society ! = logical society

>> No.2177874

In my humble yet experienced opinion, liking loli makes you less pedo. Not just quells those urges, rewrites them. Seriously.

>> No.2177876
File: 226 KB, 2000x1175, 122483275047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2177877

>The UK is pretty free.
Ahaha, what the fuck? Are you being serious?

>> No.2177881

Oh look, another thread for pedophiles to suck their own cocks.

You know what? I'm fucking tired of this. You people get banned on sight YET keep posting pictures of little girls being sexualized (I don't give a fuck if it's a drawing, the message is still clear). If only your whole IP ranges got banned at fucking once, we wouldn't have to keep being forced to tolerate this shit every goddamn day.

>> No.2177882
File: 203 KB, 640x831, 1223312306157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I loli yet?

>> No.2177886


>> No.2177889

I want to be the loli, not touch one.

>> No.2177891

You will never be the little girl, anonymous. Stop trying so hard.

>> No.2177892


You can't prosecute someone for an erection

>> No.2177893


And I hope you get range banned for continuing the same troll. Fucking thought police and Christfags.

>> No.2177890 [DELETED] 


And I hope you get range banned for continuing the same troll. Fucking thought police and Christfags.

>> No.2177896

Nope, it's fine.

If you're in the UK, it's still legal.

If it involves anything that might be painful, it might be.

If that's it, it looks fine to me.

Don't worry, just shitty postage.

>> No.2177900

>You people get banned on sight
I didn't know being a strong defender of freedom of speech was against the board rules, bro.

And stop pretending you're someone else who just got here, you're the troll from this thread.

>> No.2177901

My friend used to be a normal otaku, but then out of nowhere he sexually abused a girl used to live in the same apartment block when she was coming back from school.

He was charged, and raped by countless niggers in prison. Now he's contracted the AIDS and it's taking a shitload of medicine every day, he also can't get a job because people don't want to give a job to a child offender.

When I asked him why he did it he said: I always fapped to manga and stuff and it seemed so fantastic, I wanted to try it once but when I finally did it wasn't as good as I thought.

Think about it guys.

>> No.2177903

But it's not the source. They may argument to ban it, but they hold no power. The power itself will use everything the majority rejects or fears as pretext to restrain the rights of everyone to gain even more power or to secure it.
The the power doesn't care about the views of religious fags, though they always used them, and btw they are the ones who don't even care about the laws they setup.

>> No.2177907

this is the same as what I thought; I think we're the only ones here trying to reassure him. sure is /a/ in this thread.

>> No.2177908

Or maybe it will help people see how much of a bullshit this topic is.

I think the biggest problem is that they think people under a certain age can't think. What if some loli has sex because she wants to do so? OH NO, SHE WAS OBVIOUSLY RAPED. DECAPITATE HIM.
Ah yes, I forgot that people never have any sexual desires until they reach a certain age too.
Of course, this has nothing to do with lolicon, but I suddenly felt like being angry.

I still don't get how FEELING ATTRACTED TO SOMETHING is a crime.

>> No.2177913
File: 142 KB, 629x800, 1233817753100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 years old.

>> No.2177914

moot crippled sage for a while because of the dumb idiots at /a/ and you're all back to not being capable to use it properly?

Why the fuck are you all bumping this shit?

>> No.2177915


You want me to think about sexually abusing a real little girl for comparison to 2d?

>> No.2177916

I would suggest you read 1984. The moment you let anyone start banning unpopular opinions, expressions, and thoughts, they begin banning everything they personally disagree with.

This is not a prediction. This is historical fact.

That would be nice~.

>> No.2177925

Reasons why pedo anime should be banned from 4chan:

1- It makes our men interested in little children;
2- Delusions regarding cartoons depicting children might affect their real life acquaintanceship;
3- It can get you in jail;
4- Brings a bad image to the website;
5- Moot might get charged for it;
6- Our children's integrity is at stake.

Please, I ask the moderation to do something about this evil. Reported for the time being.

>> No.2177926
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 32229dee184cf915ddc91acd8821f2f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time you should try a little harder.

>> No.2177929

What the fuck are you talking about? That had to do with sagebombers.

>> No.2177930

because noko;
I enjoy my lazy tabbed browsing.

>> No.2177931
File: 262 KB, 800x600, ev0219b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it limit yet?

>> No.2177936

"But think of the ccccccccchhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllldddrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn!!!!!!!!111

>> No.2177937


Simply put - Seriously do not worry.

It isn't illegal yet. YET. If they decide to bring in the law, I'd advise you to be very secretive about it, because it may or may not be illegal.

As long as you don't import anything else, you're fine. They'll only intercept imports, they don't have the resources to search a pile of people's houses.

Don't worry. If it's as bad as you sound, you're going very over the top.

You're completely fine.

>> No.2177938

>our children

>> No.2177941
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, 1224668613516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2177950

I hope you are right. If I don't get into shit I will take this as a lesson learned. In the back of my mind I wondered if I was being stupid ordering this. I should have gone for the non-shooped version. I'm an idiot. If I get into bother I will have to get my sister to help me out. Definitely do not want my parents to know. It would kill them. Seriously.
Yeah it is fake but it's a custom fake since oyu can't buy these officially anyhow.

>> No.2177952
File: 310 KB, 800x600, 1222992677255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an in the end the loli won!

>> No.2177966


They can sure as hell try.

It's been done before, I'm sure.

Soon they'll be doing it left right and centre, trust me.

>> No.2177967

Imaginary children do not have rights.


>> No.2177969

I want to be a loli and be touched by Anonymous of Germany.

>> No.2177971

Thread makes me glad I dislike nudity. The right kind of clothing on the right kind of body is far and away sexier than seeing someone in the nude.

>> No.2177973

>That had to do with sagebombers.
>because of the dumb idiots at /a/

>> No.2177987

if you're concerned if loli is illegal in your country, check that link.
this thread is also pretty bad, could have been good without anti-loli trolls.

>> No.2177989

cool story bro

>> No.2177993

And I thought the thread would continue for hours after it hit bump limit, mainly because trolls wouldn't post on it.

>> No.2178001

sugoi story, aniki.

>> No.2178007

There was a time when the UK was free. Back when Salman Rushdie asked for asylum, the UK accepted, you know why? Because back then the UK still had the wonderful power of not giving a damn, of not being able of caring less. Today things are different, though, the society of nowadays simply can't stand when someone simply does not give a damn about this or that issue.

And you know what? Fuck the whales and dolphins. Fuck the abandoned dogs. Fuck these people saying that we should get rid of refrigerators. Fuck the "cultural relativists" that defend religious extremists. Fuck those people who want to subordinate human life to a vague notion of culture. Fuck them. Fuck.
