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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 640x426, natto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21736483 No.21736483 [Reply] [Original]

Why do most westerners hate natto? What does it taste like?

>> No.21736531

It's good with rice.

>> No.21736558

wrong board

>> No.21736644

I'm from Mexico, and I love nattou with shoyu and mustard. It smells kinda like yeasty bread dough left fermenting overnight. Its texture is the same as beans. I'm not sure what I'd compare it to it in terms of taste on its own.

>> No.21737435 [DELETED] 

Mods just keep being retarded cunts I see

>> No.21737465

Because of Sadakichi Seven.

>> No.21737584

>What does it taste like?
Like regular beans, just slimier

>> No.21737957 [DELETED] 

Mods doing shit as usual

>> No.21738006
File: 196 KB, 848x1280, 057__15539.1434032762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like beans, with some sticky stuff. Is it anything special, flavour-wise?

>> No.21739594

It smells absolutely revolting. That plus the texture was enough to make me gag when I tried it. I am usually an adventurous eater and enjoy trying new things, but I had to spit it out. I honestly don't know how the Nips can choke it down.

>> No.21739681

Looks like a bunch of dried larvae stuck in what looks to be a combination of their slime and human/animal semen past expiration. The food is great for strengthening your immune system due to the various pathogens it holds, but not even a starving dog would willingly eat that monstrosity of a food.

>> No.21741281

>Why do most westerners hate natto?

Half the japanese population dont like it either

It tastes like Sour coffee beans

>> No.21741302

If tea is explicitly in the rules for /jp/, I don't think natto is that much of a stretch.

>> No.21741335
File: 36 KB, 640x414, 62649967_150912129298049_3423193496651721052_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a natto ceremony and entire culture surrounding it?

>> No.21741338

Try some and you'll have the answer to both of your questions.

>> No.21742257

salty baked beans without tomato sauce and pork

>> No.21742353

Sweet beans it's not bad it's just weird

>> No.21742580

I remember the dub of BoBoBo calling it spider webs

>> No.21742656

Tastes like moldy beans and has a bit of an expired coffee bean aftertaste.
Sounds nasty but I thought it was pretty good, I prefered it whole and chunky rather than mashed or chopped.

>> No.21743385

>I am usually an adventurous eater
>I had to spit it out
Cmon anon, you should at least choke it down even if you hate it.
I thought it was pretty revolting too but I at least finished what I had.

>> No.21745377

it's fermented onions. FERMENTED ONIONS. fucking strong-ass taste that you're either raised on or make an effort to get used to. also texture is gross.
good source of vit K though, and probably the safest way to eat onions in general if you have to for subsistence...

>> No.21745388

no im pretty sure it isnt onions

>> No.21745402

yes. I forgot about the silly wordfilter. You know what I typed.

>> No.21745417


>> No.21745428

Tempeh is also fermented s-o-y and it tastes very agreeable.

baka desu senpai

>> No.21747355

Not sure why people hate it so much. It's not great, but when I first tried I I just found the taste to be just kinda mild and bland, and not gag-tier revolting or anything. Nothing I'd go out of my way to eat but I'd down a bowl of it no problem, especially with rice or something.

>> No.21748536

Why and how you have eaten it?

>> No.21750451

I once took a one week trip in Japan. I had a pack of nattou and a bag of salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for about 3 of those days. It was pretty good, in my opinion.

>> No.21750476

get out of japan you dumb fucking nigger drug dealer mexican't

>> No.21750479
File: 127 KB, 500x500, cirno_get_out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21750488

The closest thing I can say it tastes like is bitter beans. I find that it almost has a coffee like flavor. But it's definitely hard to describe since natto's taste is very unique. I think it's pretty good though. Most people seem to really dislike it because of its slimy texture, not only westerners but Japanese people as well. It definitely is an acquired taste. However, it's certainly nowhere near as gross as people make it out to be though.

>> No.21750524

I went there for a trip and left. I don't really plan on living there or polluting Japanese culture. If I ever do go back to Japan, I will probably do the same stuff I did last time, which is to visit a few important sites (temples, castles, museums) in large cities, probably go shop for manga or light novels, and generally avoid bothering or speaking to people lest it be necessary.

>> No.21750565

jfc, unless you're being a nuisance you shouldn't ever feel that way about living or visiting a foreign country. what kind of fucking brainwashing have you been subjected to?

>> No.21751914

Honestly that shit looks motherfuckin' disgustin. But i am vegetarian. And i would give that a try

>> No.21752048

Sounds like a /pol/ user tbqh

>> No.21752078

Taste is pretty bland to be honest.
Compared to other fermented foods (kimchi, yeast pastes etc.) doesn't have much bite.
Texture is alright I guess, the stringyness doesn't actually feel like much in the mouth - maybe comparable to pouring out canned beans and reducing?
Smell is the only thing that you have to deal with desu, and honestly it's nowhere near as bad as some fish sauces.
