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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2171693 No.2171693 [Reply] [Original]


Yeah, that's right, I posted the link here. Come on in, take a look around.

>> No.2171705

i'm well aware of its existence i just dont go there

>> No.2171711


Yeah, me too. It could be /jp/ replacement board I guess if Moot wanted to deleted /jp/ from 4Chan.

>> No.2171713
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>> No.2171719

I'll just go to Pooshlmer if that happens.

Poor guys, I feel sorry for them if /jp/ dies.

>> No.2171745


Maybe the amount of profanity is less, but pooshlmer isn't any better than /jp/

At least not since the purge that resetted the forum long long ago.......early 2008? yea something like that

>> No.2171748

I remember when I loved these RP-VN hybrids
I still can't get over that one where Anon was a futa female that could have raped Renko and Maribel
But the other faggots chose to go with Yuyuko
Goddamn I'm so butthurt

>> No.2171759

I like /jp/ for the people and metathreads. I don't really care about Touhou and VNs.

>> No.2171762


We don't understand.

>> No.2171772

Your song is not ours. We do not welcome you.

>> No.2171775

Shut up Yaffy.

>> No.2171790

Get back to work nigger

>> No.2171792

We could use some fresh meat on THP. The place has been dead for a while now.

>> No.2171804


Piss off, I'm on vacation.

>> No.2171805

Not exactly dead, more like damp.

I'd suggest people to at least check the place out. The genres of stories really cover almost everything at this point so, there ought to be something for everybody. As long Touhou is tolerated, at least.

>> No.2171811

I believe TouhouProject.com originally started as a torrent tracker for DoujinStyle.


>> No.2171813


THP isn't even on their servers anymore.

>> No.2172216


Sweet dreams, my dear. I'll never find a better site to steal touhou music from.

>> No.2172219


>> No.2172267


As much as I hated it, it was the only place with all Touhou games available, conveniently listed, that cute little faggy download window and, most of all, in ONE FUCKING PART. But, alas, it is no more.


>> No.2173307

well ive taken time to think about it, and i looked around too; it doesnt seem too bad.
me and doyora both agree its a pretty sweet place so yeah

>> No.2174125

Bumping to cause more rage.

>> No.2174132

I cried the day doujinstyle died.

>> No.2174147

I miss it. But not for the Touhou. I can get the music and games elsewhere - quite easily too. I miss the other doujin games. Just randomly browsing around I'd find something neat to play and could download it.

>> No.2174153

This. It had so many of those quirky games in one convenient little place.

>> No.2174157

What the hell is pooshlmer?

>> No.2174218 [DELETED] 


I only very rarely go for the h doujins posted in the adult section. But then again, Kyon and China always seem to get those.

>> No.2174221

Is this some newfag thread?

>> No.2174237


Who the fuck are you?

>> No.2174241

A huge faggot, obviously.

>> No.2174260

GM's run on /jp/ was fun. And then there's rubyquest, etc. going on in /tg/ which are also interesting.

Just focusing on touhou gets a bit boring, though.

>> No.2174315

I feel kinda bad that that site got overrun with /jp/ rejects, but the adult board is pretty good.

>> No.2174316

That was stupid.

I wish he was still here, because then the morons would be contained in one thread.

>> No.2174327

I went in and took a look around. The site hasn't really changed much since April. Most of the writers are amateurs and pretty much terrible. I found what looks like the makings of a good story in their /sdm/ board, which I might read later on tonight ("A Scarlet Stained Memoir", if anyone else is bothering to check the site). Apart from that, each board I checked was filled with either badly written stories or stories abandoned one or two threads in.

The worst part, I think, is that it's all in hindsight. There's no Not Gensokyo Man story running now, so there's no way to "take part". All you can do is read and be frustrated by the decisions of the fools who posted in the threads.

tl;dr sorry guys, shit still sucks. At least your bizarro fanfiction isn't as bad as in the pooshlmer fanfic threads.

>> No.2174399

I think you're doing it wrong if you're expecting professional writing. Especially given the subject matter (Touhou). Sure quality obviously varies from story to story, but I believe that the point is just to have fun. There's a whole gamut of genres covered, from gritty takes on Gensokyo to more lighthearted inconsequential stories. Additionally, part of the appeal comes from being able to make choices, including sometimes writing in your own. Given your tone, you probably don't appreciate CYOA adventures much, but that's fine. I grew up on RL Stine 'Choose your own fright', roguelikes, MUDs, and all sorts of other things that required input.

So yeah, not everyone's cup of tea. And it IS basically fanfiction no matter how much you sugar-coat it. So your mileage may vary.

>> No.2174415

I only liked the story where Cirno was a super-GAR warrior who got raped by Yuka.

>> No.2174433

If you go there ready to be critical and judge everything, you're doing it wrong. You need to be ready to look for the good in the stories, or it'll look like shit because you're treating it like shit.

>> No.2174519

Touhou board back before the pre-split. But now its shit.

>> No.2175168

Why's everything told in a second-person view? And why do they all have to be choose-your-own-adventure type things?

>> No.2175229

They're not all in a 2nd per POV. And I suppose it's one of those 'just because' things. And there are short stories without choices there as well. But they're one-shot things. But I suppose it's not as fun to have a story without being able to choose part of the flow.
