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2171086 No.2171086 [Reply] [Original]

I would get a job that I hated so I could buy all the toys Ilya could ever want.

>> No.2171091

I would be all the toys that Illya could ever want

>> No.2171098

Enjoy your soul jar.

>> No.2171106



Why would she want toys?

>> No.2171101

Does Ilya even want toys?

>> No.2171109

>I would get a job
Wait now, let's not say things we might regret!

>> No.2171111

I'd want toys, I'm sure as hell that she wants some motherfucking toys too.

>> No.2171114


She's in a toy store.

>> No.2171116


Could someone summarize why Illya is in a Toy store? I didn't play F/SN.

>> No.2171118

Fuck that, Illya is the rich one, she better buy me some fucking toys.

>> No.2171119

She wanted toys, you dumb fuck.

>> No.2171121


I want Ilya to want toys so that I may purchase them for her.

>> No.2171125

in Hollow Ataraxia you can go around the city and find with people (It's like I'm really in Fuyuki City!), one of those encounters was with Ilya at the stuffed toy shop.

>> No.2171127

I never got a remote controlled car, I hate my life.

>> No.2171130

>I would get a job that I hated so I could buy all the toys Ilya could ever want.

I would too.

>> No.2171131


She looks like she would want toys

>> No.2171136

I'd buy her candy too.

>> No.2171146

I'd rape her and then probably kill her after if she complained about it

>> No.2171149

Why is Ilya angry?

>> No.2171152

Nobody bought her toys.

>> No.2171156


Dude, are you kidding me? They are the best fucking toys ever.

>> No.2171162

I never got one, I nagged for one so much but it never happened. Do you know how painful that is? Growing up without having your own remote controlled car?

>> No.2171163


I was given one for Christmas when I was 10 after years of begging. It was the most awesome thing ever.

>> No.2171167

You know those cars that are remote controlled through a cord? Yeah, I had one of those. The cord was short. Shit sucked.

>> No.2171169


Please just leave her eyes and heart alone ;_;

>> No.2171170

I had a remote control car when I was a kid, it was fucking scary. It would start twitching in the middle of the night. Sometimes it would even drive itself around a bit.

>> No.2171172


I feel your pain

>> No.2171177

What the fuck. I have this little cage thing that makes sound in my room that I got when I was on vacation Spain when I was like 12, and when I turn it on it functions normally, but at night it sometimes makes the noise at random and it freaks me out. I'm never turning that thing on again.

>> No.2171181

It makes a bird noise when you clap near it, I forgot to mention.

>> No.2171184

I had a singing birthday candle that wouldn't stop once...

>> No.2171192

I had a remote control car. It couldn't do anything that it did in the commercial though, that's when I died as a child. It was still pretty cool though, fuck yeah shit was awesome.

>> No.2171191
File: 20 KB, 400x346, Its ok bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never had a RC car

>> No.2171198

I have plushies that keep appearing and disappearing. That might be the work of my demonic cat though.

>> No.2171204

/jp/ - /toy/

>> No.2171205


I hated that. I tried so hard trying to do the shit they did in the commercial with the same exact fucking RC car. Nothing spun the motherfucker around mid-air or did flips and overall seem as badass as it did in the commercial. HOW?

>> No.2171210


Oh, man. I haven't laughed (cried) this hard in ages.

>> No.2171218

It's the same with those fingertip skateboard thingies, I gave up trying to do the shit after a day and ended up throwing it at my sister.

>> No.2171230

Do you guys remember the little time bomb thing where you had to put a water balloon in something that looked like a ball with holes and you had to play catch, and after a certain amount of time the water balloon would pop. That thing was fucking scary. I was ALWAYS the one that got wet, FUCK.

>> No.2171270


Not really, no.

>> No.2171287

Well damn.

>> No.2171297

If I buy Ilya toys... will she have sex with me?

>> No.2171300



>> No.2171319

Depends. Will you be her mindless slave too?

>> No.2171325



>> No.2171337

Then she won't have sex with you, because she doesn't know you want it, and you won't have the presence of mind to ask.

>> No.2171363


How does one get Ilya to have sex with... one?

>> No.2171389
File: 71 KB, 430x550, 1235541069621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'd think somebody would have figured this out by now.

>> No.2171393
File: 222 KB, 835x540, prisma ilya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a loli dressed as a maid.

>> No.2171513


You mean they haven't?

>> No.2171616

I don't get this RC car hype. I guess I'm more a Lego and plasticine kind of guy.
Come to think of it, I always used the plasticine to make tentacle monsters out of other toys. Fortunately I never had any dolls or that would be a bit creepier.

>> No.2171624


>I don't get this RC car hype

That's 'cause you didn't have a childhood.

>> No.2171628


Off the top of my head, I went through: RC toys, Beanie Babies, Pogs, Legos, trading cards, Crazy Bones

>> No.2171651

>Come to think of it, I always used the plasticine to make tentacle monsters out of other toys. Fortunately I never had any dolls or that would be a bit creepier.
I tried to turn one of my Barbies into Flukeman from the X-Files.

>> No.2171661

I had one RC after years of bugging my parents for one when they bought them for both my brothers and my sister, they wouldn't let me play with their ones so I needed one of my own. NEEDED.

I used it once or twice, can't really remember, then the batteries died and I didn't ask for new ones because I thought it would be greedy to ask for more after getting the car in the first place. I left it useless for something like nine years and finally threw it away a year before leaving home for uni, in all those nine years it never had a change of batteries. ;_;

>> No.2171675


My childhood ended with pogs

>> No.2171700

why are her arms so freakishly long

>> No.2171738

I blame my Game Boy and SNES.

>> No.2171771

I would pretend that I don't give a fuck about her and rape her in her sleep afterwards, if you know what I mean.
