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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2170722 No.2170722 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/

Excuse me for my newfag question but,
could you recommend me JP styled MMORPGs besides RO and Mabinogi?


>> No.2170726
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>> No.2170729

We call them "Online Ronery Games" here.

>> No.2170731


come back tomorrow onegai dakara

>> No.2170735

World of Warcraft
Warhammer Online

>> No.2170737

Mod a RO server to your interests.
That's the most interesting experience I ever had with MMORPGS.
You could make like new skills and new jobs, etc.
And it's not that hard, just takes time.

>> No.2170738

MMORPG is for pussy,so NO.

>> No.2170741


>> No.2170742


Ah yes, Bangkok-Thailand.

The land of slut and counterfeit,must be great living in that hole,huh ?

>> No.2170749

dragonica will be king

>> No.2170755

OP here.
What's up with these trolls tonight huh.

Ah yeah I heard about it, just wanted to know if there was more similar but different stuff.

lol google image

>> No.2170756


Go nuts.

>> No.2170757

u br?

>> No.2170764 [DELETED] 

lolno just one of the first images in google

>> No.2170766

You can try like, TalesWeaver. But I don't know if theres an international server.
I used to play on the Japanese server. Shit was boring as any other games out there.

>> No.2170769

Wow thanks a lot.

>Ether Saga
># More Beta Keys available now at Crunchyroll!

lolno just one of the first images in google

>> No.2170780


Lord of the Rings Online
Super Ghouls n' Ghosts (online)

>> No.2170798

>You can try like, TalesWeaver. But I don't know if there's an international server.

There isn't.

>Mod a RO server to your interests.

If /jp/ has its own RO server, I'd definitely play on it.

>> No.2170802

EVE Online

>> No.2170815

Castlevania is a japanese game, google the free online patch for it.

>> No.2170821

OP here, thanks everyone. I'll google them and probably try them all since I have a lot of free time.

>> No.2170824


Lucent Heart looks decent and apparently it lets you be the little girl.

Don't know if you can be with other girls though. Knowing Korea you most likely can't.

>> No.2170836

I'm playing Maple Story on a Private Server (http://www.destinyms.net).

They just wipe the server a few days ago, so most people are low level while the NEETs (I) net top rank.

>> No.2170853

Granada Espada

>> No.2170857
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>> No.2170874


Great game but it gets old really quick and FUCK can you say that game is silent? NO ONE talks outside of their guilds/friends. Not even if you personally message them.

Imagine playing a MMO Carthusian monks. That's what Granada Espada is like.

>> No.2170896

Talesweaver has a fuckwin storymode though.

Too bad the leveling and money ratios are so screwed so that when you get to level 15, you will just begin affording level 9 equipment...

>> No.2170922

I liked DOMO's graphics. The cell shading is quite good.

>> No.2170942

Lunia. you can be the little girl there.

>> No.2170953

>>I'm playing Maple Story on a Private Server
>>playing Maple Story on a Private Server
>>playing Maple Story
>> Maple Story

>> No.2171001


>> No.2171011

No but seriously, you're a gigantic faggot.

>> No.2171033

It is a pretty shitty game though.
I play it now and then when I just have that little to do, but even I'll tell you that it's a pretty bad game.

Tricketsr has been the real hovel of these crappy free games for a while though.

It was alright when it came out.
Quests gave good exp and real money items hadn't come out yet.
Then they got greedy and fucked the game overe in every way to promote the buying of real money items and equipment..
They'll even have multiple updates in a row in which the only things updated are more money items.

The game is still up, but everyone really knows it's dead.

>> No.2171097

It's still fun to try out if you have someone else, but most of those points are valid.

>> No.2171113


Wait for this server to come back on.
This is the only game where I don't feel like i am grinding. If you can 1cc touhou, this game will be a easy for you, I hit lvl40 which is the cap at beta in less than a week.

>> No.2171385
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>> No.2171416

Pre Revo Trickster was al lot of fun.

The game now is just broken.

>> No.2171493
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well at least their customer support is great.
Game breaking glitches will be fixed in no time. See Punisher Vicenco for excample

>> No.2171499

I played Trickster til level 110 and quit.

>> No.2171502

fuck, when's beta?

>> No.2171504

I was a card master or how every you call the raccoon second class...

>> No.2171507

Oh god, this. I used to be fairly active in the community (MT and MyMMOG), but...ugh, fuck this game. Sterling example of how not to utilize a cash shop.

>> No.2171515

truth. you need to find a guild asap, or else you'll die of roneryness.

>> No.2171537

Punisher Vicenco is god. Rose garden is for lvl 120+ and I have seen lvl 200+ people die like rats because of his SUPER FAINT!

>> No.2171539
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Man I loved this game.
Running a magical loli through life threatening dungeons. Killing bears at age 10. Camping. Playing your own midi music.
I quit eventually due to lag when playing from Europe.

I'd love to run a private server for it, but it doesn't look like anybody has tried that before. Me? I don't have the /jprog/ skills to do it and basically just don't know where to start.

>> No.2171540

What, there are people over level 200 who don't use cash shop?

Or is he really that tough?

>> No.2171542

>I quit eventually due to lag when playing from Europe.

>> No.2171547

>Playing other people's music and songs from anime.


>> No.2171550

Lag just got worse with Iria, but shit got fun. Free rebirths, free ego, free pally/dk/falcon/beast, free storage and nao if you keep you character below level 30, giants, elves, exploration, you don't have to buy equipments anymore...

>> No.2171551

Cash shop wont save you. He will faint you and then you are dead given some time since hew ill faint you over and over again.
One hit kill him or it is impossible.
If you kill him there is a chance another punisher will spam next to you.

>> No.2171553


I used to play in trickster way back during 2006 when it was still in beta. Back then there is no cash shop, got a lvl200+ dragon, and lvl150+fox.

Spicy dragon wasnt even out and there is no 2nd job. It was awesome killing tenter lion, mad ray and predator using rush arrow and tanking with a cat.

Got boring fast and quit it before seeing 2nd job.

>> No.2171559

UBER myshop will. Just sit there and wait until he is out of mana. It will take some time...

>> No.2171561
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One of the things I like about RO is the massivefuck amount of porn it has. And some of the greatest fap designs ever (most transcendent female classes).

The other thing being the great PvP system (at least, until the money-items started fucking up the game balance).

>> No.2171563

Ah. I see.

Remember the lion hackers during CB? I camped out at Tut for a while. Place was lit up like fireworks all the time.

>> No.2171565

lvl 200 without booster bracer EX? OH SHI...

>> No.2171570

flyff lol

>> No.2171572

Siren Song glitch was more awesome

>> No.2171574

I don't recall that one, if only because I know jack shit about charm types.

>> No.2171576

I was hella hardcore that time.
We grind the place with rock statue with 2.5x party. It wasn't that hard for a dragon since I 1shot them with rush arrow.

I wonder if my account is still there now if i try to login now.

>> No.2171580

It was possible to reach almost infinite damage

well now you reach 100000+++ damage without glitches so yeah

>> No.2171583

Probably is, my 1,5 year account is still there.

>> No.2171584


I miss RO, it use to be fun but now its full of roleplaying weeaboo faggots and shitty PVP because everyone uses the same tactics,the same classes and sit in the entrance waiting for someone to come in.

>> No.2171585

There was no tech4/tab1?

>> No.2171590

Play on private servers.

>> No.2171591

your beta account is deleted. You had to log on once after beta to save your account.

>> No.2171592


I have yet to find a private server that doesn't suffer from any of the things I listed.

>> No.2171596


I dont like the design, really glad i mostly play Priest or Alchemist.

>> No.2171601

Female Rune Knights are even worse.

>> No.2171602


Don't think so. The volcano/lava map wasn't even out.

Best shield that we can get that time is craft/custom black parma. The newest update before I quit was madray and the ice queen.

>> No.2171604

So fappable.

>> No.2171608

Yeah but at least she has a manteau, this one is like without it.

>> No.2171612

good old times.

Now you have shields with 1k+ defense 50+ HV 1k+ life, 3 slots and even more shit

>> No.2171621

Are you serious? I'm so glad I stopped playing.

>> No.2171622


So generally the game went to shit after the beta ended and cashshop item started to dominate?

>> No.2171629

Yes, welcome the the wonderful world of F2P

>> No.2171630

>Trying to play other people's music and songs from anime, and failing horribly.
Fixed again.
twang twang twang

Almost makes me want to come back. If only it wasn't for the 2s delay on every action.

>> No.2171638

Pretty much like all games that have cash shops.

Except for Perfect World. At least its cash shop only means you can craft more items or get around the map faster than the average player.

>> No.2171645

RO was originally Korean. They got bought out by the Japanese. Sorry, it's a Korean MMO!

>> No.2171662

You get used to it. You become one with the lag.

>> No.2171669


There is a way to play mabinogi without proxy.
You only need to login with proxy. After that you quit to character screen and kill off the proxy.

>> No.2171670


>> No.2171673

i hate you

>> No.2171681 [DELETED] 


It would be a good game with unbalanced classes without NTREEV fuckups.

Myshop is the m,ost broken out of all Trickster version.
Bugs. Even gamebraking stuff will be there for month or forever.
No customer service (except vor myshop related stuff)
most stupid GMs ever seen in MMORPGs

>> No.2171685


It would be a good game with unbalanced classes without NTREEV fuckups.

Myshop is the most broken out of all Trickster version.
Bugs. Even gamebreaking stuff will be there for month or forever.
No customer service (except vor myshop related stuff)
most stupid GMs ever seen in MMORPGs

>> No.2171689

free to play

>> No.2171691

Free to Play Cash shop games.

>> No.2171694

Where is my Diablo 3?

>> No.2171697

I don't use proxy. Surprisngly, Nexon considers Mexico as part of north america, unlike ogplanet and cabal...

But yeah, with the shitty connections we get down here it feels like i'm playing from europe.

>> No.2171702


Hey at least you're not the only one

We Asians have to put up with that cash bullshit too. And it was even BEFORE revo patch. Fucking lion owns everyone in PvP with their item haxx.

>> No.2171709


In Blizzard's computer.

>> No.2171721

Still no release date?

>> No.2171730

They said it's going to be 1 year one game, and 2009 is probably going to be starcraft 2.

>> No.2171736


>> No.2171743

This, you can play for free if you have some in game money

Also I am trying Runes of Magic right now, and it looks pretty cool

and if you like huge pvp events (about 500vs500 players) try Warhammer Online, the community is cool and the game is never boring.

>> No.2171768
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>> No.2171816

I quit rune of magics after 1-2hours.
It is basically a WoW clone.

>> No.2171820

SMT online is pretty fun. It's very short, though.

>> No.2171828


Yeah it was fresh and new at the beginning.
Then shit got boring fast when the only thing you can do in game is grindan at sugi gold.
Guess I will just play VN till diablo3 come out or someone make a good online ronery game.

>> No.2171843

skill system is different
weapon/armor sets system is different
jobs system is different
players are different (wow is filled with 12yo kids)
many more things are different.

>> No.2171846


>> No.2171849

I played it for half an hour.

Shit sucks bad.

>> No.2171857


Yeah its like a WoW clone.

And seeing the graphics makes my eyes tired for some reason.

>> No.2171928

I wish someone could create another /jp/ ro that does not suck.

>> No.2171942

When third classes come out.

>> No.2171944

You better not forget your promise.

>> No.2173217

Phantasy Star Universe.

An ORPG made by SEGA, its pretty fun at times but like all ORPG can be tedious after the 10th hour.

Once you hit the cap there is very little end-game content.


Only deal is, almost impossible to find the discs, might be used at your local game shop or try to find a torrent. Don't bother with the original, get the expansion: Ambition of the illuminus (it has all the stuff you'll need to play original and new missions.)

>> No.2173270

Wait, when you die you don't lose EXP any more?
Wow, I haven't played in a while, I might start again if I interpreted your statement correctly.

>> No.2173298

I don't think theres a leaked serverfiles for mabinogi or else I should be playing on it by now.

>> No.2173305



>> No.2173319
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>Only deal is, almost impossible to find the discs
You best be joking, nigger.

Who needs discs nowadays?

>> No.2173350
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The only one that I played for more than a month, aside from RO, and actually enjoyed was Requiem. It's nice to see mobs exploding into tiny gibs.

>> No.2173355


And then it became a cash shop grindfest.

>> No.2173389

Valkyrie Sky, i'm waiting for another beta..

>> No.2173398

I hit 30+ in about 4 days, and then i tried the boss rush and i liked it so much i stopped doing anything else.

>> No.2173417

Oh god Sega cannot run online games anymore. Stay away from this.

>> No.2173468

I wish schthack would release their own PSU
server, since they already managed to set a
emulator up.

>> No.2173471

That sadly happens to all of the f2p mmorpgs.

>> No.2173558

Is it true that content really just stops after level 35?

>> No.2173558,1 [INTERNAL] 

give them nothing
out of 10
