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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21697929 No.21697929 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:


>> No.21697945

>only got ZC MC a couple months ago off jumbo
>got WE MC this rerun
And I'm only missing 5th MC from this gacha. Rolling for him is cursed

>> No.21697984
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That last push with 9 red mages is just insane.
Also, funny 4-4 strat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gInUikj_TK0

>> No.21698253

Told myself I'd only end up doing 2 more 10 rolls for the MC but I ended up rage pulling 7 more times with the rest of my jewels to finish off the first stamp card after getting a 5* Selena dupe. Got him as the guaranteed 5* so it worked out.

>> No.21698404
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>Told myself I'd just roll one or two 10s and save the rest of my gems
>Ended up spending 2k gems on fuck all, then getting Weiss on 9th and Nero from the guarantee
Plans are made to be broken.

>> No.21698563

Decided to try Another Eden since it's easier to reroll for this month. How long is the main story compared to proper RPGs?

>> No.21698902

The grinding needed make the main story feels longer.

>> No.21698935

>Somehow got Selena from my only 250 gems before doing the event
>Did another 10 from event gems but didn't even get any 4* project dupes
>No more gems left to do 3rd 10
It could be worse.

>> No.21699015

When are motifs being added for the current kusoneko event? Don't actually have any remotely decent Rune Sabers since I've never needed to trade for them before now.

>> No.21699079

Probably Monday

>> No.21699275

It's tomorrow according to datamine.

It's already Monday in Japan.

>> No.21699522

I wish they added an alt model for MC, though. I honestly don't dig the hood. Also needs more wings and capes.

>> No.21699773

>Plans are made to be broken.
If they do a summer gacha before SAO everything might be fucked depending on who is in it. I'm jealous of that Nero though. Even if she's the worst, she's cute in both forms and variants are so rare that I'd loved to have gotten her.

>> No.21699828

0-2: Waste all of my gems for Dark Ragnarok on Aug.13 even though I don't have enough gems for the 2500 gems guaranteed by that date
3-5: Start saving and waste all of these gems on SAO collab
6-7: Waste the gems on next Douglas event
8-9: Waste the gems on next Chaguma
Being F2P sucks when I'm almost run out of free gems sources and there are lots of gacha which I wanted to roll.

>> No.21699849

I'm still hoping the Fairy Tail collab rerun which was announced isn't going to replace actual Summer event again like the original run in 2017.

I wonder if Recto is finally going to be in Chaguma this year.

>> No.21699853

new mc's character model looks like he's wearing a mask of his face

>> No.21699932
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>from "cute" to "MOMMY" real quick
I don't give a shit about 9db's ratings, my dick says she's SSS+

>> No.21700125
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Yeah, Nero was at the top of my list. Variants that change from cute girl to cute girl are always a plus.
Though I did forget she was weakest, since I wasn't paying much attention to the lists yet. Not much point when I kept failing to roll anyone.

And yeah, summer gacha soon is a bit worrying, since I'll probably want to roll some even if my favorites aren't in.
Had a nice stash built up, but then Claudia, Yukaria, and Nero burned through it all real fast. But that's how gacha goes.

>> No.21700129
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Fuck /mbgg/! Fuck cunnyposting!

>> No.21700186
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Does Arknights have good cunny?

I've been looking forward to it but I can't get motivated to play a game lately if there isn't any good cute and funny girls in it.

>> No.21700210

She is still good if not for the fact blunt powercreep is currently ridiculous just like slash one compared to pierce or magic.

>> No.21700233

Should I pick up Tokyo 7th or Sinoalice?
Need 1 more game to have an even number because of autism

>> No.21700244

Tokyo 7th has great songs.

>> No.21700311
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>> No.21700314

Ilya cunny

>> No.21700362

Please play Tokyo 7th Sisters

>> No.21700370

Please play Megido 72.

>> No.21700371

I even set an alarm to remind me to do the exp quest a little before reset so I could double up on my 5x book usage but I forgot after turning off the alarm

>> No.21700374

Damn I have no gems but I want to molest Ilya.

>> No.21700383

>Need 1 more game to have an even number because of autism
Congrats that's some advanced level autism. Can't imagine how fucked you must be in the head to pick up another time sink just to have an even number of them. What would you do if you lost a finger? Chop one more off just to balance it out?

>> No.21700394

So is this game any fun

>> No.21700416
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See, this is where we differ, I'm don't care about the collection part of gacha games, dailies and playing every event. I just rank in events for characters I care for and use all the free shit campaigns. It's not a time sink when you treat it like the kusoge it is, meant to be played for a few minutes on your commute to work. I'd rather try 20 different tastes of ice cream than eat a single one the whole year and feel sick of my life.

In the end, no one will care about my e-peen and when the servers close I'll just have pictures.

>> No.21700420

No, you just try to get strong enough to auto everything and wait for cute girls to molest

>> No.21700432

Is there any good exp coops to grind right now other than tempest?

>> No.21700449

Tridollar 2 :^)

>> No.21700463

You should have read the small text that Leader Skill, Scrolls and Books don't affect the amount for the current one.

>> No.21700474

>Did 10-roll in Shironeko
>Saw downloading bar
>Didn't even get any 4* project dupe
The fuck.

>> No.21700479

You can feel what something is wrong when autistic Chen dabbing on you.

>> No.21700486

Did they change it? I thought it worked before

>> No.21700728

>Got SSR with free singles in 2 dead kusoges
>Nothing after spending all of my gems in Kusoneko and other kusoges which are more alive and popular
I hate my luck and RNG.

They changed it for current one.

>> No.21700814
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>Some Honkai chinese beta tester was so salty about a free skin that they sent it to the chinese censorship board because it was better looking than the one he paid for

>> No.21700851

Good god, I always forget just how much I hate attack/defence stages in Shironeko until events bring them back. These are such cancer.

>> No.21700975

>Made new Shironeko account on another device trying to get mutual gems since I haven't do them
>Got Selena and new MC on the 1st roll
BRB killing myself. I wish this happened on my actual account instead.

>> No.21701011

I just set all my AI to defense on the main base and then go capture them myself. I did a couple runs of the farming stage to upgrade my bases to level 8 or so and beat it all like that.

Spamming the charge attack on archer kills them faster than I thought it would.

>> No.21701064

>CC new MC only has 4k HP without any town bonus
I have been spoiled with the town bonus on my actual account although his damage is still much higher than most old characters despite of that.

>> No.21701069

The latest meme is to keep your HP low and not even take HP nodes in soulboard

>> No.21701074

That's what I ended up doing, couldn't imagine trying anything else. Although, I had to lower the difficulty down from the hardest for the second-to-last one of those stages just because the archers are awful enemies and my town/soulboards are kind of shit so I couldn't deal with them well on the hardest.

>> No.21701118

Which anniversary chara is the best on shironeko? I got the winged girl and Weis.

>> No.21701180

If you're on max handicap the trick is to capture the closest enemy camp from your main base. Capture one base, then defend your main base once in a while, then capture the next one, defend again, and so on. If your army power is maxed out, you probably don't even need to defend at all after getting 2 bases.

Winged girl and the hooded kid

>> No.21701239

Just shaw bottom.

>> No.21701266

Selena is still better for map clearing after trying both of them since her punicon long press attack has auto-aim and her S2 movement is better than MC S2. Probably I should have saved my gems in my actual account after getting Selena instead of wasted them trying to get any of the other three which ended up a failure so far despite MC seems to be good for bosses since he is unkillable at least 45 seconds.

>> No.21701343

>MC invincibility buff can be removed by stuff like green mandragora or buff removal metal pots
I want gems refund on my actual account.

>> No.21701345

5 jewels please understand

>> No.21701348
File: 186 KB, 720x1209, SNroll_20190715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this shit.
>Always some faggot gating
>If there's no faggots to gate, roll nobody
The only time this didn't happen has been with the most recent Chaguma.

>> No.21701425

>shironeko actually got SAO colab

i remember this meme years ago.

>> No.21701428

>Got 250 gems and Chinese Piana with that despite I failed to get either Kensei or her in my actual account
Does Kusopl rig the gacha for new accounts?

It just a sarcasm from me since there is no mention that MC S3 buff can't be removed like Selena or Liltet S3 buff. I guess I'm going to wait and see what's next gacha before wasting more gems in my actual account despite I need a better slash character.

>> No.21701568

Present box update with rune filters can't come soon enough

>> No.21701587

I would say 20-30 hours depending on your team, nearing 30 if you do all the sidequests. You reach a grind point by chapter 20 I think, and you need decent equips by the last chapter.

>> No.21701624

What's the fastest stage to grind runes for the regalia building? I don't see one listed on .db unless I'm blind

>> No.21701833

Just do the 1st one with 2x scroll. It was the fastest for me since I have WE Iris and there is only 1 map.

>> No.21701902


>> No.21701904
File: 888 KB, 1051x587, prcn43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't strong enough to complete the first summer event last year. But now that I've read all the three events, the plot progression in Suzuna's event seems the worst. I know Akira has this habit of dragging the dialogue and monologue for eternity without characters doing or saying anything meaningful, but I'm usually okay with it. Suzuna's event just felt really boring. Dangerous Vacance was action filled and every character did something. Zero rupee seikatsu was a nice filler about Mifuyu and Tamaki, exploring another side of their personalities. And Rainbow Stage was... a cute friendship story I guess? It had the same amount of dialogue as the other two events but somehow the story was really short and didn't expand on anything. Even Io was there just for tits.

What are your favorite and least favorite events in terms of story?

>> No.21702006
File: 399 KB, 1986x1492, ITuCX9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kusopl rigged Shironeko ranking in App Store again.

>> No.21702015

Does Akira even write the script for event stories? I never bothered to read the events' credits, but I know for a lot of kusoge the main writer doesn't do stuff outside the main story or other big things.
As for your question, Mifuyu's and useless cat's summer shenanigans was probably my favorite. It took a little bit for stuff to actually start moving but once it did it was nice to see them goofing off on their own while the drunkard and the other one were worried about them. Still, I did find it strange how they managed to defeat a massive whale-island monster thing of its size. But I think it's best to just not question such 細かい concerns.

>> No.21702094

Is Shironeko better than Dragalia? I tried Drag but while the gameplay is fun, the events are all the same shit.

>> No.21702110

>Akira has this habit of dragging the dialogue and monologue for eternity without characters doing or saying anything meaningful
This is my problem with precum in general. Fuck, the story was such a slog.

>What are your favorite and least favorite events in terms of story?
It's a tie between Valentine and Mifuyu's escapist island. I couldn't decide between Rino's marshmallow cuteness or Mifuyu's borderline hentai scenario.
Least favorite would be Ilya's event because it's just a big load of nothing and none of the girls are cute.

>> No.21702115
File: 615 KB, 1273x715, prcne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Akira even write the script for event stories?
I just rewatched all the three summer event endings with credit rolls. Akira is only mentioned in the Dangerous Vacance ending, while in other evetns it says "脚本 - Cygames" instead.
So either Cygames outright bought Akira to work under them or switched him with someone else.

>> No.21702149


>> No.21702163

Shironeko events are all the same shit as well.

>> No.21702221

Imagine doing them on Nightmare version with highest handicap. I'm going to guess it's the requirement to get the gold title like Battle Island.

>> No.21702884

I'm not expecting it to be that bad, holding down the punicon with a Rune Saber is really effective on those levels and makes them super easy. I figure you can just put on some attack speed gear and plates to burn down the buildings quickly on Nightmare while passively AoEing everything down.

>> No.21703276
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I'm ready bros.

>> No.21703306

>haven't logged since Nanoha collab
I don't even want to bother because i know i won't get shit like always.
At this point i might just reroll even if my account is from the game release.

>> No.21703391

There's no going back for me anymore I have a shitload of URs from past sordfest so if I don't get illya cunny in 5k I'm fucked.

>> No.21703407

Yeah the only reason i can is that i have like 10 UR and 2 of them are limited.
The game love covering me in gear and dupes.
I can't even remember when was the last time i got a new UR.
The only thing i would miss are skins i got.

>> No.21703842

Preparing to reroll in Tenka once Ilya comes out, any good URs I should look out for? The guide in the pastebin was not updated the last time I checked

>> No.21703987
File: 511 KB, 2251x1241, 1562986360187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any UR is a good UR but these 3 are the top dogs in all of tenka when it comes to DPS they put all the limiteds to shame. But they require a shitload of red teardrops to get them to max deeps.

>> No.21704030
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>tfw never got pic related
I may have gotten her already if she wasn't a Goken.
I tried to reroll for her so many times times without luck.
Remind me of the Fox anon that never managed to get her.

>> No.21704075

I believe Cygames did a lot of one or the other with PriConne. Some of the credits and names you'd see on pre-launch promotional material you don't see any more on recent content. Guess monke man's trying to save for another yacht.

>> No.21704085

IDK how this would even work...

>> No.21704107
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I have up after my 2nd sordfest with her. 2/5 goken isn't bad and at least they aren't necessary anymore. I just hope I can score some Illya or kuro cunny and unleash the bone of my sord in my pants on them.

>> No.21704426



>> No.21704444

Wonder if they’ll ever get a 4th board at this point :/

>> No.21704558

Does shironeko have a indicator for when you crit? And is there a hard cap on the crit stat or getting 100% rate?

>> No.21704591

I think the numbers pop out more? I play with non-crits hidden so not entirely sure. The crit stat itself raises both crit chance and crit damage. 5000 crit will get you to 80% chance and then with the ribbon accessory from story it brings you to 95%.

>> No.21704592

They probably will be the final ones to get their 4th board since the base form is already pretty strong.
>Water goken with her crit skill spamming 13k dash attacks
No one would be able to reach her

>> No.21704610

This might be the way to make her viable for hell quests

>> No.21704968
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>> No.21705225

Who are we getting for the SAO collab?

Kirito and Asuna are a must but who else? Guess it heavily depends on exactly what part of SAO they're collabing with but it looks like it's a collab with Vanilla SAO and not any of the other arcs.

>> No.21705249

Seems more like an AoT type instead of a huge cast one to me but who knows

Maybe Yuuki or some other random girl.

>> No.21705254

The only way I'll end up throwing gems at the collab is if there's Sinon as an archer. So I have a good feeling that I'm safe from this trash, thankfully.

>> No.21705259

Yuuki is Mother's rosario though, Sinon if they collab with GGO, Leafa if they collab with Fairy dance, Alice for Alicization.

Also if they collab with game canon SAO then everything goes out the window because game SAO canon is wack compared to LN canon and there's a lot more characters.

>> No.21705310

What the heck the difficulty rating even guts sp regen from skills, rip madoka

>> No.21705335

I still used her for everything. Might be more annoying in nightmare but I doubt it

>> No.21705336

Getting the accessories is going to be a massive pain in the ass.

>rip madoka
Not really. With enough build up, her skill cost can go as low as 10 SP so she can still move freely in this kind of environment.

>> No.21705360

The PV only showed Aincrad but I guess it's hard to confirm from that alone. Lisbeth could easily work as a warrior.

>> No.21705368

Silica would be great too considering she uses a dagger but they would have to make her either a xblade or a staff and neither is really too fitting

>> No.21705379
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Oh welp, that was easy. The hard part is the guild offer RNG I guess.

>> No.21705411

I wonder if there will be something new aside the motifs today. Dataminers don't seem to find something important so far.

>> No.21705449

Does she need it for the attack damage or the water damage? Because you can just use the drider's accessory slotted entirely for attack damage. Mine is like 40% or something

>> No.21705475

The important slot is HP-30%, the other slots can be whatever but make sure they don't conflict. Apparently demerits can still stack in double accessories.

>> No.21705492
File: 422 KB, 1920x1080, 90491062-E92D-4EEA-BBF8-9346E99D3A49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waku waku

>> No.21705547

Where's the vagina tattoo?

>> No.21705568

Why do you want -30% hp?

>> No.21705576


>> No.21705577

her s1 swaps her hp% and mp%s and her normal attacks restore 1000 hp. the more health she has the worse she is, with no hp you only need to attack once to get her back to 100%.

>> No.21705607

I love dork heroines


>> No.21705652

>Selena motif looks whatever aside SP+3 on normal attack and crit damage
Too bad I have still to get it because I have her and using off-element motifs is just weird.

>> No.21705672

>MC motif
>+25s buff extend
Okay, now that's unironically epic.

>> No.21705780

>Got Null Curse and Crit Damage on 1st and 3rd slot
>2nd slot is just Racial Damage
I hate Kusoneko motif skill change although I guess I'll still use this for the time being since these 2 millions cost add up really fast.

>> No.21705799

Here's to 6 months of him being on top of the meme pyramid.

>> No.21705893

Are we gonna get download milestone characters anymore? Can't remember the last time we had one, either because they don't do it anymore or we haven't reached a big milestone yet

>> No.21705930

Wait for them to release more bosses which can remove characters buff.

Probably never just like Meiseikai and new 4* projects.

>> No.21705939

Any mobage or anything you look forward to?

>> No.21705963

They'd have to consistently remove buffs and at that point most characters get screwed except for new characters designed around it. Which sounds exactly like something they'd do, so I can see it happening.

>> No.21705990

Not sure if I want any of these motifs. Already have Fennika for fist buff duration so I think I only need MC's sword

Even if I don't have him

>> No.21706035
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Still waiting for Uma Musume and Lost Order.

>> No.21706065

Some characters like Liltet, Fenneka, Gintoki and Selena have unremovable buff but they aren't temporarily invincibility buff like new MC and berserkers. MC and Weis got screwed because their buff can be removed and has 90 seconds cooldown before they can be recast. At least berserkers can use their invincibility buff once their burst gauge is full again which should takes less than 90 seconds.

>> No.21706155

The MC has his buff cast automatically at the start of a level and it doesn't put it on cooldown so they'd need to have him be dispelled a few times instead of once like King Minotaur does. The buff dispel pots are the scariest part of the weapon towers because most characters are vulnerable without a barrier up, even someone that has an unremovable buff is still weak to having their barriers stripped which is why most characters could have issues if that's the route they go.

I can see them doing it but I could also see some of these characters getting the Werner treatment where they can't damage certain enemies at all during hell quests. They could also go back to the elemental hell quests so that the MC and Rein can't brute force their way through as easily.

>> No.21706196

Bro, Uma musume is never coming... Its a dead project...

>> No.21706240

>The buff dispel pots are the scariest part of the weapon towers
It's only for the slash tower. The pot on blunt tower can be destroyed by warrior burst and even better if you have SH Eleanor. The pot on pierce one can be destroyed by an archer by staying near the stair once you enter the floor so you don't spawn any enemies yet. The mage tower doesn't have a pot.

>> No.21706248

Octopath mobage is supposed to be out at some point in the near future. I think summer is the current release window. There's also FFBE WOTV, the FF Tactics looking game but who knows when that's coming and Ash Arms which is the same.

>> No.21706296

>The pot on blunt tower can be destroyed by warrior burst and even better if you have SH Eleanor.
Is that how you always did it? That pot can easily be broken by any variant, you know.

>> No.21706416

anime feet

>> No.21706432

B-but Cygames still teased it a few months ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bh0spS1PhYk

>> No.21706434


>> No.21706436

I can red stun the first wave of the enemies as well with that.

>> No.21706456

Didn't they just fire the guy in charge or something.

>> No.21706480

Ishihara left, but KMR's on the case! (see bottom)
>Lost Order never lol

>> No.21706488

>tfw can only trade for one motif and will need to rely on not getting cucked by jumbo tickets to manage a second trade
Guess I'll grab Selena's first since I want to actually have an on-element weapon for her. Really hoping I can grab MC's too though.

>> No.21706505

Don't forget 2 more swords on the way. Also maybe another from 5th anni coop

>> No.21706513

Oh, right, forgot we've got two more on the way. In that case I won't need to pray on the jumbo tickets. Thank god. Weapon gacha is the most depressing thing if you actually need to use it, even when it's free.

>> No.21706558

As someone that hasn't played Shironeko in ages I've got a question? What skills should I be looking for when rerolling weapon slots?

>> No.21706649
File: 810 KB, 1199x1212, Screenshot_20190716-142202_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even released and they're fucking up, I love it.
Hope kusolabo gets more whales to quit jp too.

>> No.21706741

They are making sure global gets the same server downtime experience as JP at launch.

>> No.21706744
File: 67 KB, 680x383, You Can't Win FC 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If evens I keep my アイコトバ FP replay
If odds I replace it with my most recent You Can't Win FC

>> No.21706748

Alright then, I keep my replay.

>> No.21706815

>Delayed without even giving a date
Yikes. It was automatically trash because >Nexon but it's still painful to see crash and burn before it has even released

>> No.21706824

>FFBE WOTV, the FF Tactics looking game
I'm really looking forward to War of the Thighs, hopefully it'll just be Tagatame with slightly less jewishness and more focus on thighs.

>> No.21706835

Apparently apple store hinted at 30th September as a placeholder, of course they fucked up when they want 7 languages for a game funded by whales, normalfags won't find much appeal in the gameplay

>> No.21706901
File: 704 KB, 1006x523, img_ability.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I hope they let you mix and match skills like in the console games. I want to run around as a gladiator with dual wield.

>> No.21706950
File: 911 KB, 268x480, please understand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the localization quality is nowhere near perfect
>we have discussed with the japanese developers and have decided to optimize the localization
Let me translate that to you all:
>In the last minutes of the release we showed our work to the executives for the final pass and they noticed some things that would be problematic to the western audiences so we're now talking with the original developers about how we can change the art and story to be censored and watered down so that it doesn't offend anyone. Please understand.

>> No.21706958

>Every class comes with 3 to 7 skills.
>You're only going to use the strongest one 90% of the time
I hope it's not going to be the case in this game.

>> No.21706966
File: 119 KB, 675x1200, D_R1JiWU8AAnHQs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, being able to mix skills a bit more freely than Tagatame allowed would be real nice.
I'm a bit surprised by just how slow prereg rewards have been going so far though, hasn't even hit 300k and I'm really hoping they manage 500k for the free Y'shtola.

No matter how the game ends up though, I'll be happy as long as I get more of my FFBE waifus drawn well.

>> No.21706978

It won't be censored, but the German, French and Spanish TLs are not even close to ready and the Google Play preview clips some words iirc

Although, somebody could troll the Japanese devs because while the game was Pegi 16 at start later it gets more explicit and they had problems with some incest sex story between the twins.

>> No.21706997

>recreating a similar jp launch experience for the global version
based nexon

>> No.21707072

Wow, he makes it look so easy!

>> No.21707365

I just use Crit Damage +20% on 3rd slot most of the time now. I'm using Null Curse for Selena motif 1st slot since she doesn't have ailment barriers.

I wish they make quests where you can only use specific classes.

>> No.21707643
File: 195 KB, 983x354, Screenshot_20190716-113717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come back for anni
>Click around seeing what I can snag and realize I can trade in my 4k+ WE2 coop tokens for frag boxes
>Somewhat optimize the box looting experience but this 10 draw shit still exists
This and 25 CC orb cap is still insulting.

>> No.21707677

They're adding robust filter options soon(TM). No idea if more than take 10 is coming though

>> No.21707857

Funnest part about cleaning out your present box is finding shit that has 0 seconds available to claim but they don't fuck off.

>> No.21707901

I wish I could let those 2*/3* weapons from the gacha and those upgrade hammers in the gift box expires.

>> No.21707951

so should I play epic7 now with the free 5* they're giving out ?

>> No.21707987


>About 6k gems from clearing all islands
>At least 1k gems from clearing current events
>Tons of gems from Rune Memory
Too bad the early part of Shironeko is boring as hell despite tons of stuff to do even with broken characters while Shironeko end game is boring with nothing to do.

>> No.21708107

We live in a time where Epic Seven is, somehow, making millions per month from whales, not to mention other shit on the market like GBF, FEH, FGO etc. so I don't think SINoALICE is going to catch on. I think the fact it's even remotely popular in JP is purely an anomaly that I doubt the global release will follow.

>> No.21708132

I wanted to play it. Then I learned it has fucking guilds. Fuck guilds and fuck this fucking game

>> No.21708155

Honestly at least those other games have more content, animations and everything so I can understand it. Meanwhile kusolabo started making money on sinoalice and kept to minimum content.

Reminder that this game has must-buy 50$ summons, core PvP weapons to which the sparking systems doesn't apply (and you need 5 of each) and huge powercreep.

Meanwhile it's not 10 VNs long like FGO or has any special animations like other games, no 4koma or fun stuff aside the collaboration caffe with gacha for that sweet ¥¥¥¥

>> No.21708232

I also told everyone in these thread that Sinoalice is not a game you'd want to play. I don't understand how anyone with a sane mind can defend it. It has a nice artist a muh unique grimdark Yoko Taro setting and that's it. Even games it was "inspired by" look better and play better than Sinoalice. You can look up Kurokishi to Shiro no Maou, Logress and Unison League.

>> No.21708261


>> No.21708265

>I don't understand how anyone with a sane mind can defend it
Only if you're a characterfag, it's easy to get all versions of one character. You get lots of gems- but most are gated by guildshit and grind. Eventually the gacha sounds so appealing to people they cave into the guild thing, feel responsible to help their guild, spend some on gameplayfaggotry instead of their original characterfagging- and burn out.

The English community was just a circlejerk of autistic chuunis from what I remember, there was even a whale who burned thousands on the game and quit 3 months in when he saw the first powercreep.

>> No.21708278

Any mobage that allows you to fuck pregnant girls?

>> No.21708281

You should probably visit DMM general for this.

>> No.21708291
File: 461 KB, 2657x1492, bi42cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still rigged although it seems AppAnnie reported Kusoneko as 3rd for some reason.

>> No.21708297

Pretty damning evidence

>> No.21708333

>it's easy to get all versions of one character.
But what's the point? The content per character amount is so low in Sinoalice.

When you get a character In GBF you get two fully or partially voiced fate episodes(3 if the character ever gets a 5*). Two artworks, a battle sprite with unique animations, a few voiced lines on the main screen.

When you get a character in FGO you get a lengthy story episode, 4 artworks, 3 of which are also sprite variations, a battle sprite with unique(doesn't apply to oldest characters) animations, a dozen of voiced lines in My Room.

In Sinoalice a character comes with a single art and a generic sprite, which barebones animations are shared between everyone using the same weapon. I hear that they didn't even bother to record new main screen lines for seasonal versions of characters.

>> No.21708345

That's a good point. Art that panders to specific tastes is one hell of a drug it seems.
>I hear that they didn't even bother to record new main screen lines for seasonal versions of characters.
Can confirm, and they had 3 paid-only characters in June.

>> No.21708374
File: 57 KB, 685x464, 5675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some weird one stuck with me again. And how many of those panels left anyway?

>> No.21708408

I was late on the Another Eden reroll train and only started yesterday to reroll. Still no single Mariel in sight, yes even a 4*. But the best I got right now is 5* Nagi and 5* Mighty.
I know the free x2 10 rolls is gonna end today so can I go on with this, and then roll all the gems I'm gonna get on the Mariel banner? Or should I just go ahead and reroll until the end of the x2 10 rolls?

>> No.21708414

Also, when's the Mariel banner gonna end?
Sorry for asking too many questions.

>> No.21708419

I just want to play kusoge bros...

>> No.21708431
File: 282 KB, 413x486, D_aeEKzUcAAXljY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>level 100
>all of his team except Indra are max dupe level
Just how much money does Mr Chang have?

>> No.21708434
File: 45 KB, 485x450, D9jYDfdWsAACysO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone knows how to fix the error 421005 on Tokyo Dolls? It's supposed to be a network error, but I keep getting it even with full signal in wifi and 4g. Some people say i need to change the clock to moonland time but nothing happens. I just want to see my Aya again

>> No.21708465



>> No.21708475

>Also, when's the Mariel banner gonna end?
Isn't it listed on the banner details? At least it's that way on JP version or you can just check in-game news.

>> No.21708510

Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you sure the destiny tokens will expire? I'm not seeing a 1.5 update. The banner is 1.4.9 unless they decide to straight update to 1.5.1 at the same time.

>> No.21708684

Tfw Kusopl makes a meme character as strong as anniversary one.

>> No.21708702

You can assault step with an xsaber to teleport to the pot without triggering the enemies to spawn for the slash tower. Let's you kill it effortlessly.

>> No.21708828

100$ gets you 40 pulls, guarantee has a higher chance to proc between 50 to 99 and there are 8 fully maxed out 6* on a screen so 48 dupes at least
10k$ should be enough, not that much for whales, could be considered f2p

>> No.21708860

He seems so much weaker than the loli monk that I don't even want to exchange for his motif. Selena and the MC both feel like proper powercreeps but I can't see a situation where I would ever use Weiss.

>> No.21709061

>sino general has to wait longer to come back

>> No.21709165


>> No.21709199

Yet another KanColle Arcade clone. I wonder when they'll grow tired of making them.

>> No.21709617

I wish these chinks would realise both KC and KC Arcade are utter dogshit and make a good shipgirl game instead

>> No.21709671

Index mobage still down in maint?

>> No.21709780
File: 201 KB, 1062x1500, D_kohCnUYAIT3oI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta say I'm appreciative of the steady increase in PriConne art lately.

>> No.21710698
File: 1.03 MB, 1102x620, faith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anon played Faith? Japanese version has superior designs compared to KR and EN.

>> No.21710876

>Summer Saren
It's one year late KMR you fucker.

>> No.21710982

Damn is Another Eden really this stingy with free gems? Are there any ways to get more free gems other than the daily gems and the quests rewards?

>> No.21711026
File: 332 KB, 2160x1206, IMG_20190716_230006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Illya can insta kill with her gay bulge
So far I've seen assassin and lancer I wonder if we'll get seiba as her ougi

>> No.21711179
File: 138 KB, 900x506, D_pU0g-VAAErVlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when I wasted all my jewels for that stupid cat. Damn you, KMR.
But the 5,000 jewels are nice so I can't complain.

>> No.21711191

Those 5k jews just pushed me up to 46k very nice

>> No.21711202

where the fuck is my summer cunny...

>> No.21711204

Yes it is. The only way to get more is from the award book and doing the events. It's a very, very slow burn for gems. From around the start of the game, I think I've gotten around 13k gems give or take. This is why this is the best time to reroll. You should be saving anyways for AS Suzette anyways.

>> No.21711226

Dark element blunt character is still rare at least and his S2 animation seems to be faster than loli S2.

>> No.21711447

Is coop today or on 19th with stream rewards?

>> No.21711479

Do they give free 5* or 4* characters as event prizes? Since I'm saving gems, I don't want to be stuck with the few characters I got from rerolling especially since I lack wind characters.

>> No.21711490

Every sidestory has at least a 4* character. They all usually suck. IDA2 adds a 5* AS for Saki but it's pretty challenging. She also sucks besides her fire resist skill.

That's pretty much the pattern until IDA3 comes along and adds one of the best 5* support characters in the game and trivializes a lot of content with her skills.

There's also 4* characters you can recruit by beating them(Azami, Gariyu, Celine) that are all very strong and get even stronger in the far future. I'd especially recommend upgrading Azami and Gariyu to 5* with your event chant scripts.

>> No.21711573

you slowpokes realize the priconne discussion moved to /vg/ right?

>> No.21711616

If her description is to be believed, and SSuzuna is any indication of new "1 time" skill uses, then she sounds like a budget version of Djeeta. Boosting all UB once vs constantly boosting all UB for the entire fight. Sounds like a potential skip but I guess we'll have to see.

>> No.21711621

skip yourself to /vg/ too

>> No.21711623

Dataminers haven't posted new stuff aside Marl and Galea buff.

>> No.21711636


>> No.21711665

Reminder that scrolls or any boosts don't work on the daily present quests so don't waste 5x

>> No.21711715

>Become mutual with the other account
>Made a co-op room
>Can't find any room when using mutual coop search
Is mutual coop search broken and Kusopl never fix it?

>> No.21711743

No idea, I always just did it with the room numbers instead.

>> No.21711775

If anything, she might be useful for story hard mode stages or otherwise short battles. Niche but not completely useless.

>> No.21711799

What stats should I be looking for on the Dark Ragnarok MC accessory? New-ish to Shironeko, so I'm not too sure what I want for it.

>> No.21711829


>> No.21711841

Oh, I somehow completely missed that page when looking earlier, thanks a lot, anon.

>> No.21712012

She could be good purely defensively to get off Yukari's UB or NY Yui's UB but offensively she seems kind of questionable. As I say though we'll just have to wait and see how she functions.

>> No.21712016

hey friends, you seem to have missed >>21711636

>> No.21712053

im never moving lol

>> No.21712070
File: 122 KB, 390x390, Yikes!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Responding to himself because nobody else will

>> No.21712139


>> No.21712238

>Updated a kusoge earlier
>Stuck on black screen before the title screen now for some reason which never happened before
>Tried some stuff to fix it but nothing worked aside uninstalling then reinstalling the app
I wonder what was causing it. Thankfully I keep the transfer code and it seems to be reusable unlike FGO code which is only one time use.

Nightmare difficulty seems to be available now for some reason.

>> No.21712269

>4.8m for the memorial sword
I hate this.

>> No.21712271

I fucking hate those one time use codes

>> No.21712288

Nero meme works too well, even more so with Sayaka's autobuffs. My total HP is still quite high (5,070) but my boosted lifesteal is 850, and I have Iris+Towa in the party too so everything is stable as fuck.

>> No.21712292

850 in nightmare max difficulty? or just general play

>> No.21712296

Forgot to mention, this is nightmare, max handicap.

>> No.21712335

4k Jews left after busting 750 and only got loli and emo boxer to show for. Should I dump more Jews for MC or brown gir!? How meta are they

>> No.21712357

One's an anniversary girl with white hair and the other is the MC, of course they're top of the pyramid levels of meta.

>> No.21712377

Wait are you seriously asking if you should pull in a limited anniversary banner?

>> No.21712427

I don't want to bust my nut here and get left hanging in the upcoming banners if this banner is just going to get powercreeped later

>> No.21712570

>if this banner is just going to get powercreeped later


>> No.21712616

i wish i was this optimist

>> No.21712791

>4 10rolls and he's the only thing I get
>Red SS on .me so I figure I trade in for his motif
Guess he can join Vicious in the shit pile. This is playing exactly like Summer Tina gacha, I had to go 2500 for something else besides the 6 Vincents I got on that. I think I just want to die.

>> No.21712803

Is it all Marl's or just some? I've got every Marl now because of the pick meme tickets so I have a vested interest.

>> No.21712880

just one

>> No.21712947

Is the Lost Ragnarok final bosses sidekick the same knight as main story or just a different guy?

>> No.21713040

>Finished all Nightmare stages on highest handicap
>Defeated the last boss with loli instead of Selena with Madoka friend and WE Iris on the party
The Knight miniboss is the easiest one if you have berserker Galga or WE MC. The multiple maps ones are more awful than the defend stages.

Tfw I barely remember the main story except the clown villain.

>> No.21713060

Nero is quite tiring to use so I had to switch back to Madoka, Soara in some certain stages. What the hell, Nightmare is literally just Normal mode but with higher enemy levels.

>> No.21713108

Enemies on later stages can kill a character in 1-hit on highest handicap.

>> No.21713135

Could definitely kill you if you play like a retard.

>> No.21713258

Already wasted my 5 crystals on the cat and she still didnt come, this is the second time.

>> No.21713306

The crabs are the worst offender.

>> No.21713502

So there's a re-encounter event in Another Eden. Are Anabel and Nero limited characters for this event or are they permanently in the regular gacha?

>> No.21713611

Permanently in regular gacha. Pretty much all the story and event banners will be there eventually.

>> No.21713646

Ok. I'll continue saving gems then. Thanks anon.

>> No.21713775

The blue memorial sword from Nightmare doesn't expire until September 13 in case you want to save it. Just don't forget it exists.

>> No.21714220

I wonder what are they going to do in Shironeko next week since I think only 2 coop and BGM runes are left for Dark Ragnarok. Maybe the Fairy Tail collab rerun?

>> No.21714477

Hey /mbgg/ are there any mobage that is alive and have great-looking men in it.

>> No.21714551

Shironeko probably the safest option for now. Other mobage which I know are either being undead or probably dying soon. Play Megido72 although there are more female characters compared to males

>> No.21714575

You forgot to spoonfeed me and translate this, guys. But i know it wasnt intentional so i'll forgive you.

>> No.21714605
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 75683251_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Google translate anon, it's really obvious.

>> No.21714616

Kusopl has that faggot game. It's the only one of their other games they didn't announce service closure and it's getting a shironeko collab so they must be confident in clammy fujoshit dosh.

>> No.21714680

Granblue Fantasy

>> No.21714713


Dream!ing is doing really good for being a kusoge. Another good kusoge with mens is On Air, which is the same gameplay but with other art. The anniv is soon so it might be worth giving a try.

>> No.21714760

it's pretty important to note that fujoshit has a separate general that isn't this though

If it wasn't painfully obvious, the focus here is on cute girl games.

>> No.21715062

Because of SINoALICE EN delays I tried the JP version. And holy shit, the combat is so slow and boring.
Basically whatever role you choose, you're pressing the same 5 buttons, once every 5 seconds, until the weapons run out, then refill and repeat. And all of the weapons need to be used once, otherwise they won't go away and will clog the bar.
Whether they're swords, books or staves, combat feels exactly the same. You press the weapon buttons, watch 4 randoms do random attacks and wait for the progress bars over the enemies to go down. Repeat for 3 waves. Or turn on auto and check back in 3 minutes.
The visuals may be pretty, but the game just feels like high budget button clicker.

>> No.21715432

You doing bad and you are 100% losing crystals from missions since you're not attacking 3 times.

>> No.21715516
File: 210 KB, 1025x571, 768658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute retard ended up being my first e2 even though i really needed that 60k for important things. But it's fine, there's no rush.

>> No.21715555

Not sure what you expected mate
Sinoalice being trash has been one of the most consistent opinions expressed in /mbgg/, and for good reason.

>> No.21715565

Is that Sarasa?

>> No.21715584

That's long hair.

>> No.21715597

Yep. Same seiyuu with same voice as well. Started to leveling her almost instantly after getting her. There's no way i can ignore Sarasa.

>> No.21715634
File: 296 KB, 1939x1404, __amiya_ch_en_kaitsit_and_talulah_arknights_drawn_by_yui_niikyouzou__ccbc555764730eab7594a64441458492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Arknights have any cute little girls or smaller characters?

Everyone seems to be on the larger side while GFL had a good amount of little girls and AL has a great amount of them.

>> No.21715657

Huh. Surprised Cygames haven't caused a stink over that.

>> No.21715663
File: 347 KB, 2048x1534, D_ciMoJU0AAc_-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popukar is the latest and greatest, though unfortunately there's a lot more room for improvement in the little girls department.

>> No.21715669

Doesn't have to be literally a loli, small/flat chested works too like how GFL had G11 and G41 for example.

>> No.21715687

>Doesn't have to be literally a loli, small/flat chested works too
There's bunch of them, but no lewds. Only stylish clothes.
That would be pretty hard to do.

>> No.21715691

Any notable examples or personal favorites?

>> No.21715697

Not much, but there is some.

>> No.21715714


>> No.21715724
File: 1.65 MB, 2480x3508, 75318391_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case there's quite a few then

>> No.21715738

I like this hot beauty

>> No.21715871

EN arknights literally when

>> No.21715888

You just know it's gonna get the same meme treatment that EN Azur Lane got. Might as well brush up on your 日本語 if you aren't gonna pay CN either.

>> No.21715898

Didn't they release something saying they were aiming for simultaneous global release?

>> No.21715931

Depends who's handling it internally. Could be like the Madoka and Fate EN differences with Aniplex. Madoka goes really well at least but FGO chokes as usual.

>> No.21715998

If she doesn't need the eyepatch then why does she wear it?

>> No.21715999
File: 433 KB, 1920x1080, afwadawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it impossible to play Tenka Hyakken on an emu? The movement is so fucking janky. Auto is very efficient, but obviously the AI doesn't dodge and I get hit by everything.

>> No.21716071

Nice of Arknight's developers Hyperglyph to show off their offices.


>> No.21716108
File: 630 KB, 828x1355, 75727503_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cared who she was till she put on the patch

>> No.21716136
File: 843 KB, 953x536, xyklb8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice of them to show the upcoming summer Vigna skin and furniture

>> No.21716714

Is there any way to download from qoo-app without register?
Apkpure is kind of slow for not-so popular mobage

>> No.21716901

Yes? What sort of virus did the botnet .apk install on your device to force you to have to register?
I just googled Qooapp, downloaded the .apk and was able to download kusoge from it without it even mentioning registering.

>> No.21717322
File: 229 KB, 354x2046, D-7eFqrVUAEFk57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019 swimsuits soon.

>> No.21717350

PTD is still alive!?

>> No.21717392

Long after priconne death PTD will still be alive and well.

>> No.21717471

I gave Megido a shot twice but it's just too tedious. Skip tickets suck, mat farming sucks, battles suck. I did some stage that was a bit above my power level that took 15 minutes(10 of it auto when I gave up hope) because this guy kept healing. And since there's no animation skip every single turn I had to watch his 10 second animation heal

>> No.21717495

Popukar sucks, but she has a great design for a 3*.

>> No.21717509
File: 337 KB, 1280x640, rank_190717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins.

>> No.21717519

>madoka down
>no one at top is even pierce
meme pyramid gonna meme as always

>> No.21717552

She's just too expensive for a 3* guard.

>> No.21717568

Another eden newbie question here, is there an alternative to Yuna as a replacement?

>> No.21717583

PTD is the one kusoge SE refuses to pull the plug on.

>> No.21717655

Pop can hit 613 attack maxed out and costs 17 with max potential, while Estelle (4* splash unit) can hit 524 at E1 max, and costs 20 with max potential. It's just that Estelle has a passive heal, and can E2.

>> No.21717665

I kinda wish shironeko had full party save slots too. Gearing out of a party when my main set for each character usually involves the same boards and accessories is annoying

>> No.21717680
File: 614 KB, 745x330, 1533990711562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First 10roll after reinstalling Tenka. Guess I'll keep it on emulator for now

>> No.21717768

You can do everything but 5 chapter with Melantha alone. And she's 2 times cheaper.
After that people seek for a higher rarity guard for obvious reasons.
There's just no place for Popukar right now. But devs will probably eventually add 3* only missions, so leveling her makes sense anyway.

>> No.21717787

>meisekai eshiria from the jumbo ticket
She's cute enough to make up for being useless.

>> No.21717804

>Decided to do another 10-roll on Dark Ragnarok gacha trying to get new MC since I need a better slash character and got Weis instead
>Berserker Soara from jumbo
I guess this is still a better result than only 2* and 3* or dupe 4* projects. I guess I could use Weis if I got bored using the loli.

They are overrated him too much.

>as a replacement
It depends on what you are going to use her for. I cleared main story and most stuff except some secret bosses in JP without Tuna although I think Yuna AS is one of the better character for Gariyu AS bosses.

>> No.21717805

*without Yuna
Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.21717808

AS Yuna completely shuts down the final boss for Gariyu AS. But she's not really required and I saw even full welfare teams clear it the first week.

it just takes 30 minutes

>> No.21717876
File: 1.47 MB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2019-07-18-03-06-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make Nero viable bros?

>> No.21717882

Pull her devil trigger

>> No.21717896

>lost another eden jp account 6 months ago
>not much info about the account so didn't expect to get it back
>decide to try yesterday just in case
>they give it back
Holy fuck i should have done it before, they event have an english survey for lost account.

>> No.21717904

After trying Weis a bit, his S2 damage with his S3 buff is actually a bit higher than loli S2 damage with her S1 buff. The problem with Weis is his S3 buff can be removed and can be recast until 90 seconds unlike Loli S1. Weis also doesn't have damage barrier like loli and he can't get buff from other characters and motif skills aside his motif skill.

You also need to hope not getting unlucky crits.

>> No.21717914

>S1 swap the percentage of her HP and SP
>Her normal attack have HP absorb effect
She literally has infinite SP as long as she can recast her S1.

>> No.21717961

I have anabel and Isuka in AE. Can I start playing it?

>> No.21717964

They're pretty meh in the long run and not a healer but sure? Mariel makes things easy mode and she wasn't powercreeped until a month ago on JP.

>> No.21717968

Who powercreep her?

>> No.21717985


Large heal+100% crit buff to party

5 turn 30% resist skill that also heals party whenever hit by a magic attack.

3 hit L wind nuke so he isn't useless in AF if you don't swap him out

Party wind attack+30% and HP regen

Enemy str down+party ailment clear

Small wind aoe+50% speed buff to party

Basically every skill he has his gold.

>> No.21717992

Isuka is still usable for her Variable Chant imo. Anabel is still really niche despite she just got buffed a bit in JP since tanks are almost unnecessary except for a few battles so far.

>> No.21718048

Been rerolling Another Eden for several days and only managed a Yuna + pom 3*. Is this an okay start if I use welfare? I still plan to reroll a lot more still, but recent rolls has been very terrible that I'm getting burnt out. I don't mind being late to the game as I just want to play this casually with the best start I can get, but why the hell are there so much 4* capped characters in the pool?

>> No.21718053

>Rerolling days after the free 2x10 roll
You're a masochist, Anon.

>> No.21718061

How is rerolling in Tenga Hyakken? I want those Fate onaholes, but if it'll be an annoying process I'm not too sure it'll be worth it.

>> No.21718067

The 2 destiny tokens were still there 5 hours ago, unless some forced update happened when I stopped rerolling. I'm still using 1.4.5 version. Am I missing something?

>> No.21718107

Pretty easy. I think they changed the start of the game a few months ago to make rerolling easier.

>> No.21718110

>why the hell are there so much 4* capped characters in the pool?
They have stopped releasing new 4* at least although that isn't a problem like the diluted pool of 5* imo despite it isn't as bad as other mobages since the dupes in Another Eden are more useful than dupes in most other mobages. I still hate getting trolled by non rate-up 5*/SSR though.

>> No.21718121

Oh cool, guess I'll reroll then. Would you say it's worth aiming for both in a single roll or should I just grab one and then play to get the other?

>> No.21718124

They are in a different banner so you can't get both in a single 10 roll.

>> No.21718136

Some guy mentioned the freebies ended so I just figured it was over. If it's not then my mistake. Going by comments here it seems that Mariel is super important so I'd probably aim for her if possible. I know Yuna is used a lot too but not having a healer to carry your ass through the game may be painful.

>> No.21718188

Anyone managed to use the Tenka no root rerolling method from the guide?
It's still making me download everything.

>> No.21718194

Pretty sure they changed tutorial (again), still can you post that guide?

>> No.21718196

It's the one from the OP https://pastebin.com/vSXxdtw7

>> No.21718409

I wonder if Shironeko gacha will be 1 month long from now with the exception of collabs or current ones are special cases because they are related to Anniversary.

>> No.21718433

Accidentally uninstall Wild Arms MM because not working after update and forgot the recovery id
Guess that's one mobage less I would be playing

>> No.21718437

>Tenka still makes you redownload the 690MB after the tutorial roll even if you delete shared prefs
This is annoying.

>> No.21718477

Yeah both rerolling methods don't work anymore.
I'm not sure i want to reroll now if i have to download every times.
I liked it more when tutorial was longer but no need to download every times.

>> No.21718563

What about Toova?

>> No.21718724

>not working after update
I thought it only happened to me although it's working again somehow after uninstalling and reinstalling it. Maybe you could try the data recovery to their support?

Good for farming.

>> No.21718765

>ZC Iris slunk back up
Whata the fuck.

>> No.21718805

Unfortunately I can't remember all if the details that they require for data recovery
Also the supposedly new opening movie stuck midway

>> No.21719011

Whats the best weapon for Selena? Her motif or gigas?

>> No.21719017

Is Pocophone F1 a good phone for mobage?

>> No.21719107

Yeah, you can't go wrong with it.

>> No.21719149

>Filtered Shironeko gift box on weapons only
>850 items which are mostly hammers and 2*/3* from weapon gacha which will never expire
I wish there is selling function on Shironeko gift box instead of needing to claim these junk before selling them.

>Also the supposedly new opening movie stuck midway
I don't have any problem yet after reinstalling so far. It's just the old movie with a few scenes changed because they are adding the villains like Wild Arms 3 movie changes.

Her motif for general purpose. Gigas for bossing or meme.

>> No.21719301

It's solid for performance, but if you want a newer chipset and a better phone overall try and go for the Redmi K2 pro

>> No.21719404

I might as well wait for Pocophone F2 instead

>> No.21719867

>thought last boss of nightmare on max handicap would be hard
>just used Setsuna and never went below 90% hp

>> No.21719991
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>3 SSR
>2 dupes

>> No.21720096
File: 205 KB, 1200x1697, 8abca2e732e060da6104229863351e7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder for the Compass stream on Saturday @ 8PM JST. BM will be given out depending on the number of viewers (up to 1000 BM), and they've confirmed that they'll be showing off Hinata during it

I'm guessing she'll be a gunner but I could be wrong, I'm just hoping for some cute costumes.

>> No.21720345

>They are overrated him too much.
Put him in a group with a +15 second buff duration leader skill and equip the plates that increase the party's buff duration by +3 and +2 seconds on anyone that's not him and he can't die unless he's dispelled. I think Selena is much better for general use but having a character that can't die and who can use the king minotaur plate should end up being super broken until we end up in dispel hell.

>> No.21720427

>never did veigue event
>0 weapons for him
>have mirror from some random mirror ticket
This is going to be annoying. Also have way more Judah stuff and barely any Leon

>> No.21720704

Tfw Famitsu has SS+ rating for Shironeko characters now.

>> No.21720907
File: 515 KB, 611x425, AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good reroll for AE? 5* Mariel, Mighty and Toova are 4*. Also when is the best time to roll? I have no idea which characters to look out for.

>> No.21720931


Save all your gems for 1.5.0 when AS Shuzette comes out. Her DPS can carry you for years as long as it doesn't resist pierce or wind

>> No.21720991
File: 563 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20190718-160431_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 4750 orbs I was able to secure both cunnies I was about ready to kill myself if I had failed to get them with 5k orbs

>> No.21720997

Prime ilya cunny

>> No.21721001

Aren't they useless with no dupes? Or are the universal ones reasonable to work towards

>> No.21721006

I only had enough for 30 rolls and no surprise i didn't get any UR.
I wasn"t expecting anything and was planning on rerolling anyway.
Also do you now what the x2 assassin card on Illya during battle is supposed to do?

>> No.21721013
File: 42 KB, 209x200, Screenshot_20190718-161231_ --.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here since day 1 I have nothing to worry about anon
It's a recovery attack when she gets knocked down just like the one muramasa has

>> No.21721043

Actually it's better she takes no damage so you get 2 free hits before Illya starts taking damage

>> No.21721181

extremely good rolls, grats anon.

>> No.21723018
File: 370 KB, 1451x2048, D1EJWP6UYAEqSRs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe there's finally a Kasumi node for hard mode stages. Personal equipment soon*.

>> No.21723257

Shironeko new co-op part 1 today and part 2 next Wednesday.

>> No.21723350

Top 10 picks for character presents?

>> No.21723406

Just get your favorite characters or any characters on the meme pyramid. Most of the buffed characters are actually decent.

>> No.21723429

>fist iromero
>bow farfella
>sword liam
absolutely cucked. Both the non-4* pick were my last choices selected since I couldn't think of anyone else I wanted.

>> No.21723433
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x955, Dnq3mNdU4AEpSS4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine are going towards chasing original Mireille, as always.

Still gotta figure out who the other nine will be, though.
