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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21689726 No.21689726 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone know about this 2ch/5ch/2channel shitfest? 2channel is what 4channel is based on, but no one seems to post. Decided to check out the "legendary" 2ch (different things?) which is 5ch. Something like 1000 boards, and thread starts were literally years ago. The fuck? Over 100 million moonrunes speakers, where do they converse online? Or are hikkikomoris a thing of the past, and everyone socializes with apps and in real life?

>> No.21689920

>2channel is what 4channel is based on

>> No.21689940

Lurk at least 2 years.

>> No.21689954

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.21690326
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>> No.21691317

I have also been wonder

>> No.21692253

learn moonrunes first

>> No.21692262

they cant speak English

>> No.21692639

What do you mean by shitfest? Do you mean threads being up for years? AFAIK, only 5ch is in a tough spot right now.

>> No.21692658

Japanese mainly use Twitter

>> No.21693100

What kind of nips use 2chan then. Outcasts?
I haven’t seen much but they don’t seem to be too divided than /jp/ is between 2D and 3D

>> No.21696923

>5ch is in a tough spot right now
How so? Jim claimed a few months ago that Hiroyuki had lost his lawsuit against him in the Tokyo High Court and Hiroyuki's 2ch clone is basically already dead.

>> No.21698081

and you

>> No.21699788

>Hiroyuki's 2ch clone
Now this is confusing.
2chan and 2ch are different things.
I’m not too well versed on Futaba’s history but what is this 2ch clone you speak of. Also, it doesn’t surprise me that it’s dead. 4chan isn’t exactly thriving in a positive sense either. You get traffic but not many good posts, especially from those who have been here an extensive amount of time

>> No.21700036

When Jim took control of 2ch, Hiroyuki created 2ch.sc and just scraped the whole website.
Hiroyuki also filed a lawsuit against Jim to reclaim the original website.
Futaba has absolutely nothing to do with any of this.

>> No.21700473

Well, he wasn’t liked so much when he was the Admin, I wonder if they’ll accept hum back should he ever return to said status.
No matter where he goes, he’s universally hated. I’m impressed really.
