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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2168780 No.2168780 [Reply] [Original]

The people running the programming section finally wrapped up everything they needed to and as such, the panel finally has its time set. Saturday, April 11th from 2pm to 4pm in room 606.

The rest of the major development on the panel should be completed by next Sunday since this week I have all my midterms and next week is Spring Break. The panel should look far more complete when I show you the preview of it in two weeks time, though possibly emptier as a lot of the information gets moved into the speakers notes rather than on screen.

And on a side note, I happened to have the misfortune of watching the Sakura-con 09 commercial this week.... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I can see how most of you would draw horrible conclusions in regards to the cons attendance after seeing that video. Having never been to Sakura-con, I just have to hold it in my heart that the people attending will be closer to those that attend my local convention. Oddly enough though, the majority of the staff for my local convention also took on a desire to kill those responsible for that commercial when shown it. Guess that's one of the major differences between American and Canadian conventions.

>> No.2168787

No one here cares.

>> No.2168796

I've never been to a con because I live in Alabama and also I hate being around people. This one is probably going to suck though, I can feel it.

>> No.2168797

This thread will fail like it does every single time before.

>> No.2168801

Do you have a link to the commercial? I want to see what kind of GREAT PEOPLE are going to start loving Touhou.

Also, leaked footage of Bastille's panel:

>> No.2168803

And of course as always, #touhoupanel on Rizon if you want to discuss anything.

>> No.2168809

Can you make a video recording of the panel, put it up online, and then link to it here once you give the presentation?

>> No.2168814

Oh god, not this again

>> No.2168819
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>> No.2168821
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>> No.2168828
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>> No.2168831


Wrong sir. Wrong.

>> No.2168833

At least use a nicer looking Blazblue character if you're going to ruin the thread. Noel or Rachel dump, please.

>> No.2168839
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>> No.2168845

I approve of this hijack, continue.

>> No.2168851
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>> No.2168852

I'll see what I can do. I'll have to ask my friend who usually does all the recording for things like this.

I can't believe the PR department though that was a good idea to put out. To a regular person, it shouts "Hey look, we're full of all those people you look at weirdly!". To the people who are into the anime community, yet not retards, it shouts "Hey look, we're full of all those people you hate and wish weren't part of the community!". This pretty much leaves gaiatards sadly, but with the way my timing was assigned, I'm fairly certain I'm scheduled during the Gaia panel so I won't have to deal with the hardcore gaiatards.

>> No.2168853

That's too bad you couldn't get a timeslot at night. It'd be a lot more fun to hoard the room all night.

>> No.2168858

But... Taokaka is delicious and has an awesome theme song, why can that Anon spam her!?

>> No.2168859
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>> No.2168871

Enjoy your generic whores.

>> No.2168888

It was brought up far too late for me to change anything sadly. When I do this again at my local con, since they only allow 60 minute blocks for panels outside of special occasions, I'm going to probably do the panel during the gaia panel again and then have the gaming aspect of it later in the gaming room so there are a lot more computers to access.

>> No.2168897

Well I'm trying to.

Haha wow. Be sure to record the audience as well!

>> No.2168899
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>> No.2168901

Oh wow, that commercial...
I've lost all hope for sakuracon

>> No.2168908
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>> No.2168909
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>> No.2168915
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>> No.2168917

FFFF, the youtube comments are rage-worthy. There was one particular winner....

Actually, you know what? A lot of them are so bad I can't even pick out what one makes me rage the most.

>> No.2168920

Yeah... It shattered my faith in the American con-goer populace... Thankfully it was restorered a tiny bit later when I was talking with someone who goes to AX and Fanime and she had the same reaction I did. If a large amount of my friends weren't going, I'd be far more hesistant in regards to doing the panel now, but eh.

>> No.2168924
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Oh well, I'll contribute the two pictures I have. Rachel and Noel are still superior, though.

>> No.2168927
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Man, I wonder why nobody has made a vampire loli before.

>> No.2168930
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>> No.2168931
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>> No.2168935
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>> No.2168944

All the ones trying to defend the people in the video are pretty bad
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Eva from MSN, Remi and Flandre from Touhou, Pachira from MagiPoka. Just to name a few.

>> No.2168945

This video proves it. This panel with be the biggest epic fail of epic fails. It'll be so bad, people will invent a time machine just to kill you so you didn't host the panel.

>> No.2168952

Poor Bastille... He tries so hard...

>> No.2168958

Anon really has no idea how many people already know of Touhou it seems.

>> No.2168959

oh my god
i am so glad ive never been to an american anime convention

>> No.2168960
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>> No.2168961 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2168962

Or Rachel from BlazBlue. Pay attention, Double-O Seven.

>> No.2168964
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>> No.2168968
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Well like I stated in an older thread, the panel will probably affect everyone here in no way at all. One look at youtube's touhou search results will reveal that the worst of the worst anime fans are already well aware of Touhou so it won't get any worse, and it's not like everyone from his panel will flood to /jp/ to ask questions.

>> No.2168969
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>> No.2168974

Even if the American portion of it bombs, I still have the Canadian portion which will be handled a lot better and I won't have to worry as much about the horrors of its attendees so in the end, my efforts will never be in vain.

>> No.2168980

Frankly, what matters is not how many people know, but how many of those people are going to taint the fandom. Although, I guess it's a lost cause by now anyway.

>> No.2168983 [SPOILER] 
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What's the Canadian portion?

>> No.2168986

someone needs to pop quiz the attendees of this convention. if they cant answer, they get their fat ass rolled out.

pop quiz hot shot. who uses the cranberry trap spell card

>> No.2168989

Bastille is the most elaborate troll ever. He doesn't like Touhou and wants to make this panel to prove it.

But seriously, why do you post this here and on pooshlmer if you're serious? I'm honestly curious. There are surely other places that would reply without "I HATE YOU DIE" feelings attached.

>> No.2168997

Touhou panel at AE 2009?

>> No.2169002

Yeah, I'm not going to mention the imageboards. I'd bring up the wiki as the best place to check for information pretty much and from there, the only places likely to find traffic would be the sites in the links section but I doubt they'd even look in there.

>> No.2169021

I lol'd and cried at the same time.

>> No.2169023

Yep, that was the original plan and then since all the people who were going to be at AE were going to Sakura-con, I figured we'd do it there as well in order to get everything done quicker.
See above
My original intent was to try to see just what the community's reaction would be to it and to see how many people that posted weren't completely against it. That and it still did provide me with ideas of how to touch things up.

>> No.2169034


I think maybe this commercial is meant to be bad... I dunno. It seems absurd that whoever made it thought it was good enough.

>> No.2169038

Why wouldn't you at least mention pooshlmer?

>> No.2169039

Hey, panel guy. Hey, panel guy. Hey, hey. Kill yourself.


>> No.2169043

>My original intent was to try to see just what the community's reaction would be
You know this from the first time you posted about the panel

>> No.2169061


Canadian Portion? Do elaborate.

>> No.2169063

Past attempts at commercials aren't as bad as this years, but they're still pretty bad when you take everything into account.
I'd only mention Pooshlmer if they wanted it. They're the best imageboard probably to handle the influx if it happens, but I don't want to turn any of the boards into a "victim".

>> No.2169065

>>2168989 here.
It's not that I'm against the panel. I'm definitely not for it, either, it's just that I'm aware of the already existing youtube fans. You can't do anymore damage to that side of the fanbase - and I'm sure if those people show up in /jp/, they wouldn't be treated kindly.

But! I also don't think you get much positive response from /jp/ or pooshlmer at all. I don't know if you post anywhere else, but I'm more concerned that you're not going to get what you're looking for when most responses are "UGH WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS" "FUCK YOU" "STOP IT", so I guess I was just wondering why you haven't given up.

>> No.2169076

I still managed to get several people to assist with the panel and obtain feedback so in the end, my attempts weren't wasted

>> No.2169084

You can't really victimize Pooshlmer more than it already is. Wouldn't it be more disastrous to reveal the easily-editable Touhou wiki?

>> No.2169092

I'll be doing the panel again at Anime Evolution except far better as with it being my local con, I know the staff, I can plan things out a lot better, and I can obtain more equipment easier

>> No.2169101

If you mention pooshlmer, they would be reccommended to /jp/. If you mention the wiki, they're going to find out about it from there. Thanks, panel guy!

>> No.2169114
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>> No.2169122


Good luck bro. Despite what /jp/ says, you will be the first in North America to bring Touhou into people's attention first-hand. Do what you must.

>> No.2169139

They won't edit it. The edits would be easily reversed if made, and their IPs would be banned. You really think changes made by people who know nothing or changes made with the sole purpose of misleading people would survive very long?
At least it won't be me who does it then. I might not be the perfect example, but I didn't even pay attention to the links section until recently. The fact I already knew about all the related sites probably played a part in it though

>> No.2169141

ITT: butthurt about a very inconsequential event that's not going to change anything about the Touhou community.

Your 'super-secret club' is getting exposed more and more whether you like it or not.

>> No.2169171

Nope, it's already been done at Otacon though it went pretty badly. Partially thankful since it made it easier to respond to the initial statements that I was trying to do this to make myself look important.

>> No.2169183


I hope that's an ICMB.

also, op sucks nigger dick and I hope /b/tards crash his panel.

>> No.2169207

on the bright side, when all the faggots start liking touhou I can sell all my touhou stuff for 10 times markup and move on to the next /jp/ fad

>> No.2169213

The guy who made it is a voice-actor that goes around looking for immature fangirl harems and shit like that at cons. He expects everyone to kiss his feet because he was the English voice actor for Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist.

He's not a very nice man in person, and is just generally irritating. Yet he has hordes of underage, immature fangirls, so I guess it kinda works out for him.

Just makes me hate the damned bastard more though.

To be honest, I'm ambivalent to your panel. It's not like I'm going to Sakura-Con anyways, seeing as I haven't attended any conventions in almost two years and I don't live anywhere near Washington, but it's not like I think it's a bad idea. Just...be prepared to see at least one cosplayer and probably about 3-4 people wearing silly Hot Topic-esque clothes, since those types of people show up at every panel that ever existed. No exceptions.

>> No.2169222

Oh, don't worry, the SAS will be on hand to handle anyone who wants to try to ruin this.
Considering I'll probably bring along the Touhou cosplayers we're bringing down to it, there'll definitely be more than one in attendance. I'm not too worried about hot topic-esque people being in attendance since I've already seen people like that around here who know of Touhou.

>> No.2169237

Huh... Forgot to put my trip back on. Oh well.

>> No.2169237,1 [INTERNAL] 

Regardless of how much /jp/ seems to hate this panel and everything, I actually don't mind so much. He seems a nice enough guy not to make a complete cunt of it, and I doubt it will really change much about the "community" anyway.

>> No.2169251


I don't think you know the Special Air Service. Enjoy being "guarded" by your dad's drunken friends.

>> No.2169253

Just saying, though, in case you can't tolerate people who wear hot-topic esque clothes, because I know a lot of people who really can't.

Oh, and there'll possibly be at least one weeaboo there who pisses you off (like, with naruto headbands and shit like that and shouting out youtube memes), but at the same time, I bet you anything there's at least one /jp/ lurker who's planning on going to this.

Also, be prepared, but there'll probably be a fairly large amount of girls in the audience, being as there's probably more girls than guys at cons. (it's about a 60:40 ratio from what I've noticed.)

You probably realize all of this, though, so I'm not sure if I'm really helping or anything...but try your best to make it at least decent.

>> No.2169284

Sakura-con Attendee Services
I'm probably one of the more tolerant people I know, yet when things make me rage, I rage hard. And as I said to the other guy, if people want to disturb it, go ahead. They'll be removed and things will continue.

>>Don't hesitate to take advantage of SakuraCon Attendee Services (SAS). If you have a disruptive guest who won't be reasoned with, SAS can help you out. If you think your panel will need a SAS presence for any reason, please let us know ahead of time so we can arrange for that to happen.

>> No.2169285


Really? Is there any footage or pics? Also, will you be the only one speaking there? Will you have some co-panelists to help you out?

>> No.2169300

>I'll be doing the panel again at Anime Evolution except far better as with it being my local con, I know the staff, I can plan things out a lot better, and I can obtain more equipment easier
So it can turn out like this?

>> No.2169307

I'll have 2 co-presenters who will do most of the presenting probably, but we'll all be involved in the gaming section of it after the presentation.

Not too sure if any footage remains of the Otacon panel. There was a scheduling screw up so a lot of people missed it.

>> No.2169311



I'd like to know how this works. I'm imagining OP walkie-talkieing combine soldiers.

>> No.2169318


>> No.2169326

Ah AE at UBC... I didn't listen to it all the way through though since I want to keep the memory of a friend singing it quite well in my head a bit longer.

>> No.2169334

Oh wow fuck that video.

Also it has that idiot male Cirno who is everywhere.

Bastille this is what your panel will be.

>> No.2169336

I'm imagining it more along the lines of the three people on stage face palming and then followed by me saying "Yeah... Get out." if they've been annoying for quite a while. I won't boot people out unless it's clear they are there solely to annoy everyone.

>> No.2169346


So what material are you going to present? Videos? Flashes? I'm a bit interested. Poster from >>2169061.

>> No.2169358

That's something I'm going to try to avoid as for a while now I've already stated that I was going to try to avoid bringing up any IOSYS stuff unless I had to, as well as any memes.

>> No.2169420

Presentation will primarily contain videos to show things, and then we might feature some flashes and then we'll also showcase some of the remixes of songs as well as their original versions

>> No.2169440

>face palming

People doing that in real life are more obnoxious than the cosplayers.

>> No.2169452

Despite being a common reaction to someone doing a moronic action?

>> No.2169468

>common reaction

No it isn't. Stop hanging out with retards and weaboos.

>> No.2169500

It makes my brain hurt when I witness people doing stupid things. I've been doing it before it was labeled as facepalming and used as a standard reaction by everyone to stupidity. From my perspective, it is a common reaction on my part.

>> No.2169509

>and then we might feature some flashes

What kind of flashes...

>> No.2169510


Then I guess you're a retard or a weaboo. But considering you're hosting this panel, I suppose that's a foregone conclusion.

>> No.2169524

the baka baka-est ones

>> No.2169527

I lol'd pretty hard. Do you guys act so retarded when in this kind of situation?

>> No.2169563

I don't see it being that bad, though like I said earlier, for the stated reason, I didn't watch all of it so unless it gets worse later on, eh.
I'd be tempted to do Tsurupettan or the Fastest Ultimate Shutter Girl. Like I said, I'm trying to strive away from IOSYS since they're the most well known ones but eh.

>> No.2169590

Overall though, flashes would be a time waste for the most part, especially if the music presented in them isn't appealing to some of the audience. I remember on nico there being a video that showcased several videos a bunch of groups had done as they all had become one large group at that point

>> No.2169605


>> No.2169664

Who is that cat?

>> No.2170771

Taokaka from Blazblue.
Being able to pick up clues from other people's posts in regards to the origins of something really should be a more common ability.

>> No.2170864

Are you going to record the panel and post a video or something.

>> No.2171840

As I stated earlier, I would prefer it if my friend is there to handle the recording, but if not, then I might have to see who else I can ask to record it

>> No.2171861

The panel would be justified regardless of if it was a success or failure if you recoreded it and posted it imo.
