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File: 93 KB, 1140x480, roa_t01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2164939 No.2164939 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Roa such a shitty villain?

>> No.2164946

Because Tohno Shiki's interference made him infinitely less badass.

>> No.2164959

because he doesn't know how to button his shirt

>> No.2164966

Because the game is about the characters and not the end result, as opposed to FSN. He's just a plot tool.

>> No.2164983

Because he's not voiced by George Nakata.

>> No.2164988

Because you are headcrab zombie.

>> No.2164994


>> No.2165027

Because he didn't really do much for the entire story and then when he actually did appear he didn't do much other than... you know... die.

At least SHIKI mindfucked you for half the story in the far-side routes.

>> No.2165078

Poor sod obviously doesn't have ANY buttons on his shirt.

>> No.2165094

Seriously, you'd think that at least one of the drunks he made into his living dead servants would've had his wallet on him.

>> No.2165473
File: 40 KB, 371x481, Nrvnqsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a related note.

Why is Nrvnqsr Chaos such an awesome villain?

>> No.2165478

Because he's Roasuke's friend.

>> No.2165510

Because George Nakata.

>> No.2165545


flawless logic

>> No.2165615

because all those beasts

>> No.2165630
File: 273 KB, 977x1400, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He understands my love for Kohaku.

>> No.2165638
File: 272 KB, 977x1400, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2165659

More like because Nero is so awesome that Roa just doesn't equal up.

>> No.2165670
File: 171 KB, 900x1013, Nanaya_Shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And on an even more related note.

Why is Shiki Nanaya so sexy?

>> No.2165676

Because he is simultaneously everything Shiki wants to be and everything he doesn't want to be.

On the one hand he's confident, strong, and more than capable of protecting everything Shiki wants to protect.

On the other he's a psychotic, a rapist, and a murderer.

>> No.2165680


Fuck. Source, for the love of god.

>> No.2165681


Ah, the perfect formula.

>> No.2165690

It is fortunate for you that I anticipated such a question and prepared this in advance.


>> No.2165724

oh hi
thanks for the link DevilKing
we need more people like you in this board, but...
well, this is 4chan.

>> No.2165759


Oh god, that was great.


>thanks for the link DevilKing


>> No.2165851

Is there more to it?

>> No.2165891
File: 55 KB, 646x512, 1225841996871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: The awesome part of Roa is not what you actually see him doing during the story.
It's the results of his past actions that created the story, and have an effect from 800 years back.
He caused the wipe-out of the protectors of Earth among other things. He has affected the lives of people and beings dramatically just by reappearing.
The fact that right now he is not even that powerful and he causes such a mess is interesting.
2: He is fucking Roasuke, city's greatest menace.

>> No.2167038


No! My Tripcred! Damn you Devilking! DAMN YOU!

Not that I know of.

As I understood it, the Roa that shows up in the story isn't really even Roa anymore, it's just the fraction of his conciousness that's managed to survive reincarnating over and over, all that remains is the base desire to live forever, and presumably the desire to fuck Arcuied is in there somewhere too.

As well as all of his vast knowledge in hairstyling.

>> No.2167080

>As well as all of his vast knowledge in hairstyling.

I think you mean Numerology and magic, though I admit his hairstyle is quite awesome.

>> No.2167091

Whit Michael Jackson done right.

The reason it's only a fragment is because SHIKI is insane and has demon blood.
Too many conflicting aspects to let him surface properly. SHIKI only went away at the very end in Arc's. Roa was pretty cool as the voice of madness in Ciel's.

>> No.2167104

Compare SHIKI to Roa.

How could you possibly get such a vast difference without amazing Hairstyling knowledge?

>> No.2167108
File: 10 KB, 320x240, jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuse he is Michael Roa Valdamjong Jackson.

>> No.2167138

It's not just SHIKI. Roa loses pieces of himself every jump he makes. That was the flaw in his plan. Every jump he makes melds his soul with a new person's personality, and he keeps degrading in the process.

Nero's flaw, or rather grander plan, was that everything he brings into himself increases the chaos, and eventually he will cease to exist as a sentient being, but rather a new world entirely without intelligence. Araya's flaw was that he could never reach Akasha to begin with. Same with Wallachia: there was no answer, no 6th that he could find. The ultimate end is always destruction, without possible avoidance, so he was basically just dicking around killing people.

Kotomine had no plan to be flawed. He was just seeking understanding.

>> No.2167404

I guess he never really counted on Arcuied being quite so pissed off at him.

>> No.2167417

A nice element in Actress Again is Arc going WARC whenever she faces Roa.
