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2161938 No.2161938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Visual Novels are evolved forms of older Choose Your Own Adventure books.

Are there any CYOAs you think would translate well as a VN?

pic related (hell, Goosebumps in general is related)

>> No.2161957

The only CYOAs I ever read, short of VNs, are from the goosebumps series.

So I'd do one of those.

>> No.2161956

Oh shit

I had that one but forgot what happens ;_;

>> No.2161965

I giggled

>> No.2161958
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>> No.2161966
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>> No.2161979

You're at your grandma's house, her backyard is shared with a graveyard, the tombstones move closer and only you notice, 2 main branches to the story either A) defend your grandma's house from the ghosts there's even a boss ghost, fuck or B) go home leaving grandma to her fate, but a ghost or two follow you to your house and you have to deal with them there (forgot if there's a ghost loli, but my book's in the garage and laziness is a bitch)

>> No.2161991

Are you my master?

>> No.2161994



>> No.2162024
File: 64 KB, 128x256, Th09cirno_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In THE STRONGEST, you will be an ice fairy named CIRNO. As CIRNO, you are five feet tall and weigh 100 pounds. You have short light blue hair, brilliant blue eyes, and have icicle-shaped wings. You normally wear a green ribbon, white blouse and blue skirt and dress. Like all fairies, you have some measure of magical power - in your case, manipulation of cold. Although you aren't the smartest fairy in Gensokyo, your pride and bluntness make up for such shortcomings.

Your journey begins at Misty Lake, near the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The dangers awaiting you will challenge your skills to the limit. Gather your wits about you. Turn the page and take the first step into ADVENTURE!

>> No.2162042
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>> No.2162065

Some Goosebumps books were fucking bullshit. You could only win if you were left-handed, wearing a blue sweater, if it was Monday and other ridiculous conditions.

>> No.2162069


Five foot tall and 100 pounds sounds kinda chubby.

>> No.2162070


A group of passersby suddenly show up! Who do you fight?

>Challenge the miko. Turn to page 2.
>Challenge the witch. Turn to page 2.

Page 2:
You have been utterly defeated and humiliated! Turn back to Page 1.

>> No.2162102

>Five foot tall and 100 pounds sounds kinda chubby.

I used to be 5'3" and 115lbs and that was considered severely underweight.

>> No.2162131

5'3" and ~105 last time I checked. I shit out too many nutrients, it seems...

>> No.2162149

You could, you know, just turn to that page anyway.

I don't know about weight, but five feet's kind of pushing it for a fairy.

>> No.2162165
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This would make a good visual novel because Japanese ninja is #1.

>> No.2162191

>>gamebooks in general were fucking bullshit
Like, the Sherlock Holmes book that were rigged so the best ending was having Holmes go "HAHAHA, YOU'RE A RETARD AND DIDN'T SOLVE THE CASE, ALLOW *ME* TO EXPLAIN WHAT WAS GOING ON IN GREAT DETAIL" no matter which clues you got, or how the Way of the Tiger series often has situations where having chosen a special Ninja ability causes you to automatically die.

>> No.2162215
File: 31 KB, 226x262, producer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In IDOLMASTER, you are PRODUCER, a young man in his 20s who will produce idols for 765. You are a nondescript young man with a dream and a passion. Rather new at the job, you are given a selection of girls to produce, all with their own charm. Will romance bloom? Will they make it to superstardom or fall into obscurity? Your actions will determine their fate. So turn the page and CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE!

...goddamn I really want to write this somehow, and have choices like "High five Yayoi, turn to page 34. Touch Yayoi's chest, turn to page 121."

>> No.2162228
File: 157 KB, 792x1127, batsandshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are the new kid in town and as of such have no friends. However, you meet a young boy by the name of Nick who invites you to join the "Horror Club" that meets in Batwing Hall. The first decision is whether you join or not, but regardless of the reader's decision he or she will join. Once inside Batwing Hall your initiation requires you to go on a scavenger hunt to find the "scariest item" you can find. The group is divided into two teams of three and you can join either one. It is at this point where the story is divided into two major plot twists.

If you choose to stay with the Red Team, the main plot involves the three members of the Horror Club being, in truth, monsters and you shall be one as well unless you obtain every item on your list by midnight. This storyline takes place all within one night and is set inside the mansion itself. Although it is a possibility to become a monster if you fail the challenge, this is not the only "negative" ending to your adventure. In one ending it is revealed that the house turns people to stone and you find that this is happening to you. Strangely, it is only in this ending that this effect is a problem.

If you choose to go with the Blue Team, the story takes place both within the grounds of Batwing Hall and the city. Upon deciding to open a door with a warning etched upon it, you find yourself under a curse that not only turns you into a bat when in the dark but also makes you more bat-like when you're a human. I.E. pancakes are too soft and would taste better with beetles on them. Strangely, if this route is taken Nick and the two other members who stayed within the mansion are not mentioned again. This story line holds more "opportunities" to die and is more involved with the other characters. It also grants the possibility to meet the ghost of the owner of Batwing Hall.

>> No.2162259

I hated when sometimes 3 or 4 supposedly different paths you take end up using the same page that has vague, generic text

>You are the new kid in town and as of such have no friends
>have no friends

I did like that book though, one of the monster girls was tricked into becoming one and doesn't want you to suffer the same fate so she helps you ;_; so moe

>> No.2162287


I had that one were you got the choice to eat some kind of cake, or fucking peanut butter.

One made you giant, and the other like shrunk you or some shit. I remember fighting this fucking mouse when I wondered in its hole. Oh god

>> No.2162372


I actually got turned on by the bondage and mummification BAD END. I was like 8 and had no idea why reading that part made me all tingly in my belly.

I wish I still had those books. I read them all at least a hundred times, and figuring that I was sick of them, I gave them all away. ;_;

>> No.2162431
File: 149 KB, 801x1131, gyg_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This? This one made me rage a lot. Asshole guy cousin, bitchy loli cousin, and both paths are pretty much more shittiness happening to you until you found a way to reverse the growing or shrinking

>> No.2162499
File: 71 KB, 396x576, GYG12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a few of these when I was a kid. I think this was the best one. It had such delightfully fucked up bad ends.

>> No.2162506
File: 47 KB, 324x475, callingall6ln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, not a Goosebumps CYOA just a regular story, but fuck me if this wouldn't make a great VN adaptation.

>> No.2162528
File: 115 KB, 781x1125, gyg_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not one of my favorites.

Now this one... creepy as fuck. At one point you get run through some doll-making machinery, but luckily instead of ripping you to shreds, you just get a doll exo-skeleton.

>> No.2162536

The ones I remember the most was the Time Travel one and the Amusement Park one.

>> No.2162546

deboning, hacked to pieces,

FFFFFFFFFFFF did this one also have the death where you're in a dark room full of mirrors and when you turn on the light the light reflects and compounds until you burn/melt? Feels bad man ;_;

>> No.2162556

I read one of the first Goosebumps CYOA books. First choice was whether to climb over a fence into a close amusement park or something or to go home. I chose to go home, so of course I get called a pussy and told to flip to page 32.

>> No.2162557

Was the exo-skeleton like power armor?

>> No.2162563

COMMANDER END kicks ass. I'd imagine an alternate route would be fighting them instead

>> No.2162582 [DELETED] 

It might've, I dunno. If it did, I never got that ending.

I do remember the "deboner" and "hacked to pieces" endings though. Also, there's an ending where you have your face ripped off.

>> No.2162583

Nostalgia's hitting me like a brick. One of the few ones to literally give me nightmares, because one Bad End involves you sliding down an endless enclosed slide in the dark forever. The concept of endlessness and infinity itself was scary to me, I think.

>> No.2162625 [DELETED] 

It might've, I dunno. If it did, I never got that ending.

I do remember the "deboner" and "hacked to pieces" endings though. Also, there's an ending where the main character gets his face ripped off.

Or "your" face ripped off. Whatever. Were these books in first, second, or third person? I don't even remember.

>> No.2162633

You're bad at math, aren't you?

>> No.2162656

Second person, with "you" and "your" and shit like that. The old D&D type books had openings like >>2162024 , but nowadays the introduction is less proper and posits you immediately into the action.

>> No.2162674 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 500x666, koakuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2162692

Nobody ever goes to that failure of an imageboard

>> No.2162756

??? wat am I looking for

>> No.2162785


>> No.2162820

Anyone remember the zombie camp one?

>> No.2162833

Gloria, motherfucker. Did you play it?

>> No.2162839

>>2162546 hacked to pieces
That ending was the worst.

Well, that, and having your face ripped off.

But seriously, kids being completely dismembered and dissected and having all their body parts strewn across a table while they're alive and totally conscious is a pretty fucked up thing to put in a kids' book.

Also, I had this one gamebook as a kid that I can't remember the name of, but I think it was some dollar store knockoff. It takes place on a tropical island with an evil jungle where everything is trying to kill you, and one ending has you and your friend/sibling/whatever being eaten by giant venus flytraps. But no, that's not all. The venus flytraps eat you, and then two more flytraps grow in, sorta implying that you've been turned INTO a venus flytrap.

>> No.2162844
File: 144 KB, 304x447, Tohno_shiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In TSUKIHIME you are SHIKI, a second-year high school student with a somewhat poor constitution. You are 17, male, and a human. You have short black hair, wear glasses and are usually wearing your school uniform. Eight years ago, you were involved in a life-threatening accident, which led to anemic symptoms and left you with a large scar on your chest. Due to these symptoms, you suffer from frequent collapsing and fainting.

In addition, the accident caused your eyes to develop a particular ability, enabling you to see lines superimposed on objects and people. If you trace these lines with a sharp tool, the object immediately falls apart along them regardless of how much force was used.

Your journey begins at your high school, in the morning. Class begins in a few minutes. The dangers awaiting you will challenge your skills to the limit. Gather your wits about you. Turn the page and take the first step into ADVENTURE!

>> No.2162854

lol do one for Higurashi

>> No.2162867

Did you ever read the one about the insane lab scientist guy? He fucking splices you so you're part dog and part basketball. The basketball half replaces your fucking head, fuck.

I also had this adventure book I can't recall the name of, but it was all sci-fi stuff. Like, I had a LASER GUN and got to shoot things, the planet had 3 suns and you start out on desert terrain. It had one good ending, and I accidentally found it on page 13 but never did figure out how to reach it

>> No.2162879

>you are SHIKI
wait a second

>> No.2162895

>>2162867 the planet had 3 suns and you start out on desert terrain.
lol, Star Wars much?

>> No.2162901

Tattooine only had two suns.

>> No.2162907

/jp/ - Goosebumps/General

not that I'm complaining

>> No.2162927

Yeah I would've known if it were Star Wars... I remember that you could ride an ostrich-type thing or kill it and cook its meat but that's about it. Oh, and like half the friggin' deaths involved the 3 suns because it was so damn hot or the reflecting light blinded you or some other sun-related shit

>> No.2162953

Are you sure you weren't playing Civilization?

>> No.2162972

Oooh, someone offered me a serie of those CYOA books. I think the main character was called Lone Wolf, it was nice, but I never finished any of them. On the other hand, I was 8 when I tried them, and I swear those things were set on Lunatic mode...

>> No.2162974

No, it was a book and it wasn't Earth

>> No.2162987

Oh yeah, those were bullshit. The Kai thing, I think they were called.

>> No.2162991

There was Lone Wolf, and World of the Lone Wolf. I used to play with a d10 for combat, and I'd always cheat and take all the available disciplines.

>> No.2162999

CYOA books I read as a kid
(1)Lone Wolf series
(2)Sorcery by Steve Jackson
(3)Graal Quest? the one with Pip and Excalibur Jr.

I think Graal Quest would work best as a visual novel, the other two are too action-oriented. Also everyone that comes near you in the Lone Wolf books fucking dies

>> No.2163004

Fuck yes, Lone Wolf!

One particular bad end had you cut your own leg, with your own sword, and going back to the nearest town, alone and bleeding. Now that's manly.

>> No.2163011
File: 39 KB, 316x461, image-4-135744..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting another book because I can.

I also shat bricks at this, it made me afraid to play tag with the friends I used to have ;_;

>> No.2163033

more like your fat ass couldn't run if your life depended on it

>> No.2163051

how mean D:

>> No.2163305

Was that the one where you get killed by the Executioner because you`re not left-handed, or some bullshitÉ

>> No.2163319

nah, I think it was like the bad guy grabs your right wrist or something, then the book asks if you're left-handed in which case you sock him in the face

>> No.2164243

bump for chubby Cirno and fuckwin Goosebumps VNs

>> No.2164249

[] Defect
[] Don't defect.

>> No.2164267

Sean Connery end is Good End?

>> No.2164273 [DELETED] 

>The first decision is whether you join or not, but regardless of the reader's decision he or she will join.

>> No.2164277 [DELETED] 


So how's the food in the Soviet Union ?
- I cannot complain.
And how's the lodging in the Soviet Union ?
- I cannot complain.
Then, why did you come to America ?
- I want to complain.

>> No.2164436 [DELETED] 

I take it you don't like Saya no Uta?

Yeah, I hate how shit's forced on you. Why can't I just go home and post on /jp/? OP's book was good because the twist had the spooky shit following you home, too

>> No.2164517 [DELETED] 

more like Sean GARnnery

>> No.2164520 [DELETED] 

What? None of the choices in Saya no Uta did the "LOL NO YOU CAN'T REALLY CHOOSE THAT HERE LET ME PICK THE OTHER ONE FOR YOU" thing.

>> No.2164531 [DELETED] 

not 2164436, but you did mostly just sit back and watch what happens like an amusement park ride

>> No.2164554 [DELETED] 

/jp/ - Japan / /b/-lite

and I like it that way.

>> No.2164555 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2164568 [DELETED] 

That wasn't what I meant with my complaint though. I meant instances where they give you the illusion of having a choice when there really is none. The worst examples of this are games where they give you two choices and the second choice just literally goes, "No, I can't do that." and brings you back to the selection. What the fuck is the point of giving the player a choice if you're just going to force one of them?

>> No.2164594 [DELETED] 

[] Save Ilya.
[] Save Ilya.
[] Save Ilya.
[] Save Ilya.

>> No.2164600 [DELETED] 

Aren't most choices in a way, forced, whenever the alternative is a Bad End?

>> No.2164606 [DELETED] 

To be completely fair, each of these sent you to a slightly different scene.

And anybody who wouldn't save Ilya should be dragged out so Sakura can feast on him. Dick.

>> No.2164613 [DELETED] 

They did ?
Fuck, I'll have to replay them.
What amound of change was there?

>> No.2164616 [DELETED] 

I think it's called cutting corners.

>> No.2164631 [DELETED] 

No, because they're still giving you the result of your choice.

>> No.2164635 [DELETED] 

What's wrong with just not putting a choice option there? Why give a fake choice?

>> No.2164641 [DELETED] 

Wait, was there ever a CYOA book that was romance-driven?

>> No.2164666 [DELETED] 

there's that whole "don't die" thing that always gets in the way

>> No.2165088 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 494x652, No_1014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of the Fighting Fantasy series.

Pic related.

>> No.2166006 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2166018 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2166974 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 320x499, Sorcery_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you can see the original of >>2165088

>> No.2167744 [DELETED] 

goosebumps sucks
