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21571960 No.21571960 [Reply] [Original]

Super tappy game edition
Previous thread: >>21531155

>> No.21572005
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>> No.21572043

Jannies pls just nuke this thread on sight

>> No.21572060

dj humer edition

>> No.21572079
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Don't talk about thread meta. Report bad posts.

IIDX offset uses 0.1 frame increments, but does anyone know what unit SDVX offset uses.

>> No.21572178

How do I derust without feeling like killing myself?

>> No.21572235

How can anyone still be below 16s in sdvx? i got to 16s in like 2 weeks. It’s an easy game.

>> No.21572274

That's about as far as you get with basic vsrg experience. The game isn't so easy once you get to 18's.

>> No.21572304

>he didn't get to 16s on the first day

>> No.21572471
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>> No.21572836

Thats about as far as you get with general vsrg familiarity, now it ramps up. Also, there's doing 16s, and doing 16s.

>> No.21573286

Think I heard 2.5 or 3 a few years back. Either milliseconds or Konami Units™. Don't quote me on that though.

>> No.21573492

What songs in what game make you turn off your brain and actually have fun?

>> No.21573608


I refuse to go back to rhythm games because of this. End me.

Unironically playing Brain Power for the first time in SDVX.
Older styles in IIDX have pretty good songs.

>> No.21573775

improving my score on something at the limit of my ability in iidx gives me an adrenaline rush.
either that or perfectly capturing the rhythm of a high bpm song and hitting hard

>> No.21573861


>> No.21573884

>Don't talk about thread meta. Report bad posts.

do your part folks. anyone dropping names or fake data or seeking that elusive attention, report it. this isnt the fucking anonymous music games shit talk thread. keep your bullshit on your discords

>> No.21574062

amen, so far its looking a lot better than previous threads.

what’re your guys‘ IIDX dan ranks if you play it? how long have you been playing and what is your goal? i got chuden relatively recently, and i’ve been playing for a bit. i like clears but i’m working on my accuracy as well

>> No.21574147

Level 17/18 songs in SDVX for me

I was 9dan back in Sinobuz since then I barely play IIDX since my progress in SDVX is way faster.

>> No.21574364

Even DDR helps you read patterns in four lines for other games. Why do you even need to differentiate?

>> No.21574412

Chuuden, and focusing on Kaiden and scoring primarily.

>> No.21574415

ddr: probably chikuwactics
iidx: maybe love bbb? either that or like, dazzling darling
sdvx: crack traxxx
pop'n: pop step up

>> No.21574674

quit and do something that actually makes you happy

>> No.21574886

ez way to earn 150$? i want to buy yuancon sdvx controller.

>> No.21574939

buy a pair of kneepads and suck 15 dicks for $10

>> No.21575063

Unironically mcdonalds

>> No.21575109

sell you're used underwear if grill

>> No.21575291

a job ya lazy neet

>> No.21576267

pocketing government assistance

>> No.21576314

>nearest IIDX cab is 90 minutes away while nearest SDVX cab is 20
Kill me, I want to play IIDX but can't be bothered when SDVX is so much closer
Skill level 6 in SDVX though

>> No.21576332
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>nearest IIDX cab is 7 hours away and its running Sinobuz
Might as well play at home

>> No.21576418

jubeat: Pee-wee Boogie
DDR: Top the Charts
IIDX: Blust of Wind
SDVX: Hana Kagerou

>> No.21576667

When am I supposed to start using random

>> No.21576695

Right now

>> No.21576724

when you feel comfortable with the controller

>> No.21576826

6dan right now, been playing since christmas last year
i genuinely doubt its gonna happen but i want to fc AAA every chart someday

>> No.21577460

I am kaiden
I recommend that you use jiriki chart (地力表) or insane bms for your goal

>> No.21577874

what is jiriki chart? i already play plenty of bms

>> No.21577889

beatmania IIDX 27 fuckmywife

>> No.21578810

jiriki(reading ability) chart classify the difficulty of 12s through vote
voting station and latest chart: https://twitter.com/iidx_sp12
useful tool: https://sp12.iidx.app/

>> No.21578880

anyone played that Muse Dash game, good right?

>> No.21579146

by the next game he will make the entire soundtrack

>> No.21579313

thanks ill check them out, are they just good charts to grind for density training?

>> No.21579450

It’s a fun time waster

>> No.21580174
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Play IIDX and SDVX

>> No.21580265

RISLIM -remix- is the objective peak of IIDX charting and music. If you disagree you are a permawalled masher

>> No.21580333

Midsummer's night, beginner, one handed

>> No.21580361

>calling charting good
play random dude

>> No.21580398

random doesn't magically nullify the design of a chart

>> No.21580407

i think it does for the most part. it changes it up entirely and creates something with minimal resemblance to the original

>> No.21580684

S-RAN is better for that chart anyway, which actually does completely destroy the original chart.

>> No.21580804

Streams still stay streams, jacks stay jacks and zure stays zure. If you play permarandom you will recognize that these patterns are what defines the chart where as which lane the notes are in isnt that relevant, unless it's something as crazy diavolo or thor's hammer.

>> No.21581136

You don't know how random works. It randomizes the order of the lanes, nothing more. Only s-ran actually changes the chart structure, but even then it has some deterministic outcomes with how many jacks you can get depending on the speed etc.

>> No.21581147

Came here to post this ancient meme, thanks.

>> No.21581618

imagine forcing a retarded shark meme

>> No.21581767 [DELETED] 
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blahajj bhabalbhaa hahargghghg broooo blajaajkahah blkahjak

>> No.21582199

you can choose an optimal group like 地力X and circle it time and time again

>> No.21582476

nonran structure gets extremely boring after long enough, lane swapping is enough of a change while still basically being the same thing. there are some fringe exceptions in nonran vs ran but generally i think its just preference. random isnt going to magically make you better unless youre seriously bad at nonran structures, but even then it only goes so far, because ran is the endgame

>> No.21582915

The main thing I don't like about nonran is that a lot of patterns in IIDX seem to dislike two note chords which are right next to each other (e.g. 12, 23, 34, etc) and it tends to fall into patterns like (13, 24, 35) so you never really get any practice with those unless you ran

>> No.21582995

Regardless of being good at them or not, 23/34/45 chords are just way more fun. Nothing like a slap random full of those.
What I dislike personally are all the awkward scales like 13567. Many non-ran charts feel like they belong in SDVX or KB BMS with how much they go against the ergonomics of the controller.
Luckily R-Ran exists, but playing Dan courses is always a pain in the ass.

>> No.21583518 [DELETED] 
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Bemani community "You can't use the N-Word!"

<- also Bemani community:

>> No.21583545 [DELETED] 

Anthony 10 years ago: nigger rig
Anthony now: "Are we seriously using the R slur in 2019?"

>> No.21583562

wtf bros is the ddr community based

>> No.21583789

i mean, if you play EVERY CHART EVER, it comes up sometimes, but its probably better to play ran earlier to get used to it sooner, it definitely was a harder pattern to get accustomed to for me, the nonranlet

>> No.21583798

everyone in the bemani community until like 4 years ago once that massive wave of everyone taking hormones at the same time increased the whining online about dumb social issues tenfold

>> No.21583805

nigrig is basically just jury rig though and is something you very commonly do with arcade cabinets

with that said, people have room to change/mature in 10 years

>> No.21584725

anthony is just a hypocrite, his ideals are all based on double standards

>> No.21585544

more name dropping and useless drama on an anon board, it's like y'all just can't just talk about games

mods can you come clean up after the incels again

>> No.21585682

can I trade my kaiden for a job

>> No.21586053

nice doubles

>> No.21586360

True, played sdvx for like 3-4 hrs at my nearest arcade and got a few 16s
Fuck having to do crossovers though

>> No.21586368

You must unlearn what you have already learned
In other words, make new profile and spam songs on random

>> No.21587652

there are no incels in the bemani community

>> No.21587789

nope, it's only the other way around

>> No.21588044

right, the bemani community is exclusive only to the big pussy slayers

>> No.21588106

toastertools gf0c5ae4

>> No.21588190

whoa, toastertools leaked? wow you're really owning the plifes

>> No.21588198

does anyone know when the "occult activities" gacha ends? the extra tickets promo ends 6/27 but when does the gacha itself end?

>> No.21588330

something something plife something something trannies something something bahaj

>> No.21588416

mei is just a galactic dumpsterfire of a nonran chart. i really wish kaiden would change it to something else but then oh no everyone would be kaiden, oh god, the american fanbase, how will hierarchies be established, oh no

>> No.21588536

what in gods green earth are you going on about American hierarchy and bullshit when you have half a thread saying kaiden isn't even worth shit anyways?? of course it's not great nonran, but the point of it being in kaiden is it's a good test of someone's ability to mash soflan at least half decently if you can even it consider it half decently

usually it goes until the end of the style so no rush

>> No.21588582

just read an argument between lain and a random dude about sanwas vs samducks, which is better when ignoring price? lain and his jap arcade thinks samducks

>> No.21588598

What is the purpose of posting this here

>> No.21588609

Everyone shits on Enigma but at least they share their tools, why should PLife's be private?

>> No.21588611

If they changed kaiden thet would make it way harder since everyone is better now. Thet should make a giga nigger kaiden with verflucht L, plan 8, some meme shit, and finish with mendes black

>> No.21588613

Today the tools.
Tomorrow the data.

>> No.21588650
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>> No.21588806

minion guy would like a word

>> No.21588816

Other than Mendes black this list isn't really harder than kaiden is already, we've been through this debate everytime a new boss song releases and as it turns out very few can compete with mei difficulty wise lmao. But no one wants Mendes black in the game except players that aren't even kaiden. Chart is horrendous.

>> No.21588961

i want to learn to do the taka thumb to do scratch+1+3
anyone have any good nonran charts that have a ton of scratch+1+3 to drill it into my muscle memory? trying to do it on the fly playing at my current level isn't working, and playing random songs below my level is kinda boring, so i was wondering if anyone knew of a chart that would be good practice for it

>> No.21588967


plan 8 is harder than anything in kaiden lineup, wtf are you smokin lol

>> No.21588999

The only AC SP chart harder than Mei on dan gauge is ICARUS†.

>> No.21589041

That's not true because people who can pass DJT CS kaiden still struggle with mei.

I bet you're not even chuuden.
Don't talk about charts you can't even play.

>> No.21589070

Sanwas are better, Lain just wants to be different and the people at his arcade are probably just fascinated by a foreigner bringing them random buttons. /thread

>> No.21589095


>> No.21589132

Ignoring price, sanwas are better. But they also come with 100g springs and 100g switches, so if you want to actually use them you'll want to buy lighter springs and switches. Samducks feel a little worse, but come with 65g switches and 20g springs, so they're usable straight away. And of course, much cheaper.

>> No.21589146

gersungs are garbage and 20g springs are for newborns in the ICU

>> No.21589166

>dan gauge
You got me laughin anon

>> No.21589362

I'm not going to drop names here but it's quite obvious kaiden can literally be gambol 3 times and mei for the last song and it wouldn't make much of a difference. It's common to see people pass DJTCS kaiden and take several months before clearing a course with mei in it.

>> No.21589536
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What kind of shithead just steals parts off of an arcade cabinet?

>> No.21589578

So is it possible to get networking on pop'n Usaneko? I already rearranged my COM ports but I can't get it working :/

>> No.21589615

I'm not a techy person;
If it was a legitimate technician replacing the buttons there wouldn't be a need to cut the panel wires, is that right?
On the less dark side, you can still select and play songs.

>> No.21589672

No, someone definitely stole it. This is at Round1 in Stonecrest.
Also I know you can select songs with the drums but I don't know if you can get past all the event notifications and stuff right after you log in without using the buttons.
I'm not saying it's not possible, just that I've never done it and am unsure.
Either way the swiper looks to be shut off, so it doesn't really matter until they replace the panel.

>> No.21589695

Common for idiots who only play BMS maybe. Soflan isn't that hard, it's just a skill that needs to be learned, like anything else. Few people regularly practice it though.

>> No.21589704

nah bsb is the hardest for bms players cause they dont know what scratches are

>> No.21589805


you can, you just mash the right cymbal

>> No.21589920

its an almost entirely useless skill that isn't hard in its applications outside of what, 5 charts? thats the only reason mei is as hard as it is. its almost not in the game at all. i think kaiden should just be the densest charts + a turbohard scratch chart like plan 8. it makes more sense and is more representative of the overall game. soflan is a dumbass gimmick. yes im a bit mad about it

>> No.21590008

Does anyone know how to repack .2dx files?

>> No.21590011


>> No.21590019


>> No.21590318

How does one get actually good at scratching? Whats the best way to practice? Is there scratch only songs in BMS?

>> No.21590680

yes but scratch timing is much different to iidx

>> No.21590850

reading slow shit is pretty hard

>> No.21590858

yes but in of itself it has no business in a game like IIDX. ever noticed how soflan in DDR feels doable and even fun, and in IIDX its just frustrating?

>> No.21590907


>> No.21591012

>It's common to see people pass DJTCS kaiden and take several months before clearing a course with mei in it.
I'm not looking for namedrops. I'm just struggling to believe this could possibly be true. Mashing the roll in ICARUS is easier than the 32nd scales I suppose, but the jacks on 2 during the speedup are much worse than in Mei.

ICARUS leggo has worse soflan than Mei.

>> No.21591285

i mean it could just be your personal skillset, ive never seen someone say Licarus is harder than mei before, honestly

>> No.21591314

You sound like someone who just walled themselves on kaiden for forever, BICARUS is absolutely harder than mei.

>> No.21591333

It's not that it has no business, there's just not enough of it and easy mid-song speed adjustment tools like FHS have ultimately made people weak, always looking for a way around it. Games with no way to change speed mid song like pop'n and DDR require the player to learn soflan, whereas IIDX players can get very far on without ever even learning the skill. That's all it is. Same, to a lesser degree, with scratching.

>> No.21591341

gay meme

>> No.21591420

that is a good point, popn and DDR dont have speed control options so players are forced to learn soflan. i hadn't realized that, you're probably right about it not being a shitty mechanic and its just people being bad at it because its not practiced often/is played around

>> No.21591463

i only hated soflan after FHS. it was fun doing hispeed calc. now its take ur hands off the game buttons and frantically smash start and turn the table but not too much every time the speed changes. if ur serious about soflan use a hat, otherwise its the most gimmicky bullshit iidx has,and one of its lanes is dedicated to a fucking fake turntable

>> No.21591546

Hello, fellow STM player. I came here to post the same thing.

Frankly im not sure how this happens. This isnt the work of normal niggadry. This is advanced niggadry.

>> No.21591812

By playing scratch songs or CS all-scratch if you happen to have that.
Scratching is fun when you're good at it, but *getting* good at it is miserable. You just have to throw yourself against it until it you can do it.
You could practice TAKA.S/3:5 and one-handing, and improving your reading will help a bit, but there's no getting around that basic fact of just having to play the stuff you're bad at.

>> No.21591822

BMS has scratch scale. It's pretty fun, hardly anyone plays it.

>> No.21591841

i do regularly and can say the scr scale is good when you play the right charts. most charts are atrocious and/or are literally just scratches, 0 notes

>> No.21591922

what is >>21588106 ? bemanitools?

>> No.21591983

The way soflan works in IIDX is completely different from how dance games handle it, that's one part of why it sucks.

>> No.21591990

how do i find other rhythm game players in venezuela?

>> No.21592088

toastertools, plife's fork(?, most of it was re-written iirc) of btools

i /think/ there's a venezuela thread on sows, don't quote me on that though

>> No.21592224

is it better than btools?

>> No.21592389

How so

>> No.21592404

Yes. Btools and enigminer malware tools are ass.

>> No.21592434

Better how? I dont see a feature list

>> No.21592674

ive heard its about x10 more stable

>> No.21592744

I'm actually go to FVM and SSM. I just happened to see the photos up on twitter.

>> No.21592781

In DDR you can use Sudden+ and then turn it off in the middle of a song. This is only really useful for songs with one speed change like Happy Lucky Yeappy though. Even then you don't really need to do it.

>> No.21593135

have you even played plan8 or bsb on expert gauge to see? plan8 isn't turbohard compared to bsb. most people HC plan8 well before bsb or ltr.

>> No.21593260

Last I tried, it took way longer to even start the game, and the frame rate was anything but "stable".

>> No.21593308

How do you turn it off, do you have to run up to the cab and hit a button

>> No.21593351

well ive been using it since forever and its pretty good... maybe you set it up wrong?

>> No.21594090

Yes. Usually there's a point in the chart right before a speedup where you can reach and hit the start button. With gold cabs and how far pads are away now this is not really as applicable.

>> No.21594514

release the data faggot

>> No.21594643

ah, yeah that sounds shitty, I doubt I'd ever use that

Pop'n has a similar mechanic where you can hit the keypad midsong and remove your lanecover. But people rarely do it, because pop'n soflan is usually a lot more complicated than 1 speedchange.

>> No.21594685

he wont lmfao

>> No.21594693
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>It's a "let's add a bunch of haphazard triplets to a 12 to make it a 15" episode
Why are DDR charts so creatively bankrupt?

>> No.21594733

cause it's a game for babies and rednecks

>> No.21594745

So was ITG with the latter, but it had plenty of inventive charting that didn't rely solely on BPM gimmicks as a defining characteristic.

>> No.21594830
File: 122 KB, 680x680, sdvxplayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you ever feel like people judge you for playing bemani, remind yourself that at least you don't play sound voltex.

>> No.21594846

all sdvx players are pedos that lure kids through roblox yt vids

>> No.21594899

At least they're not gay

>> No.21594903

Kitten is a pedo?

>> No.21594907

who is kitten

>> No.21594909

not a huge surprise

>> No.21594916

dont trust plife shills bro they just wanna cut ur dick off while ur sleeping and shove dilatetools up ur new vaginahole

>> No.21594939

t. retard

>> No.21595055

There are no triplets in that chart.

>> No.21595313


>> No.21595497

I'm sure some mom at a Dave & Buster's is going to throw a fit about this. I wouldn't be surprised if the BGA gets censored at some point.

>> No.21595556

no theyre going to cringe and pray and take timmy home

>> No.21595560


>> No.21595699

What if I only play Maxima songs?

>> No.21596646

how hard is the safari compared to your average 10?
depending on the answer i might kill myself, thanks in advance

>> No.21596654

Like a 4/10

>> No.21596659

like 10.7

>> No.21596676

The Safari ain't shit. There are 10s far more brutal and you'll forget it even exists.

>> No.21596788

I didn't get 7th dan until I was hc+AAing 10s

>> No.21596953

Safari is far easier on mirror

>> No.21597164


>> No.21597621

honestly they should replace safari at this point
do people actually even like that song


>> No.21597641


>> No.21597661

I'm on plife but i don't have rootage. Who do I have to hug to get in the secret channel uwu.

>> No.21597672


>> No.21597678

Just be a part of the California circlejerk or trans enough

>> No.21597705

took an estrogen pill what now

>> No.21597736

post on the sows tranny thread

>> No.21597823

People who talk in PLife are unironically the dregs of the bemani community

>> No.21597846



>> No.21597985

I have a post in there but the plife sempais haven't noticed me. Do I have to be good at IIDX?

>> No.21597995 [DELETED] 

Lain has left Programmed life it seems, glad to have gotten rid of a fat dilating tranny :) one step closer to the server being normal and not a total hugbox full of incel "soft" basedboys and trannies

>> No.21597998

But what if I do play Sound Voltex and find it fun

>> No.21598015


>> No.21598021

as long as you dont molest children or jack off to furry porn or hentai youre good

>> No.21598046

memes aside, i think the safari is a damn good song

>> No.21598051


>> No.21598072

It's ran by the people you are you fucking stupid

>> No.21598084

hi nyannurs how does it feel that plife wont kick you because they're so cucked from drinking onions

>> No.21598092

who cares
plife is ran by trannies, more news at 11

>> No.21598129 [DELETED] 

Good. From what I've experienced in the IIDX Discord, lain has his head so far up his ass it's actually ridiculous. He's a narcissistic freak and his ego is too high for his own good. I'm glad a reality check came his way to cause his leave.

>> No.21598132
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>He still uses discord

>> No.21598136

Stop namedropping already you dumbfuck nobody cares who or what posted it, it's an anonymous board

Report the post and move on u whiny bitch

>> No.21598169

Would IIDX players in Japan stage a protest at Konmai's HQ if they replaced safari with something else in IIDX 27?

>> No.21598184

i hope so, anyone whos a safari refugee after 4 months of playing needs to quit

>> No.21598188 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21598207
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>> No.21598214


>> No.21598224

wtf I love osu now

>> No.21598238

nice edit

>> No.21598371

he's gonna need more reality checks for all the other bemani discords he's in

>> No.21598412

Everyone I know can't stand that guy and his autism, just everyone saying how relieved they are his autistic ass left

>> No.21598428 [DELETED] 

Surprised to hear others feel the same way. All I've seen is people sucking his girlcock for whatever reason. Also copypasta

Remind that Lain is a Fat, Dumb, tranny who's autistically obsessed with Galko and good at IIDX. Honestly he is too obses to even be considered a girl by any means

>> No.21598470

>Surprised to hear others feel the same way. All I've seen is people sucking his girlcock for whatever reason.
Nobody actually likes lain they're just being polite.

>> No.21598578
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>login to PLife
>Error: Your account has been suspended.

>> No.21598586

Nyannurs is that you

>> No.21598634

we had a good run of like 150 posts before it went to hell, good job guys maybe next time we can make it 175

>> No.21598641 [DELETED] 


>> No.21598673

good night everyone, i hope i wake up to a nuked thread OR a video of lain crying

>> No.21598675

did nyannurs get banned

>> No.21598700

No. He won't ever get banned because PLife admins are too blind to realize he's the one samefagging all these replies

>> No.21598737

Am I nyannurs?

>> No.21598753

there are at least 3 of us plifers in this thread

>> No.21598771

Anybody have a guide to SDVX? I don't get the card system shit, or main/sub slots or what they do

>> No.21598879
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Main is where you see who you use for your navigator. Sub used to improve your stats in III but I dunno what it does in IV and beyond.

>> No.21598918

remember to report offtopic posts ie namedrops and nameless venting.

>> No.21598923

how is it offtopic

>> No.21598936

butthurt idiots naming and shaming random plife members because they can't get in isn't rhythm games. It's just pointless drama

>> No.21599082

its rhythm games thread not rhythm games community thread. go make an infinity chan or something, fuck

>> No.21599105 [DELETED] 

lmao even 1cc would ban these idiots

>> No.21599114


>> No.21599182

sweet clapper AA

>> No.21599188

programmed clapper

>> No.21599202

quit with your shitty plife memes

>> No.21599214

imagine being this mad

>> No.21599249

imagine posting the same thing 500 times thinking its funny

>> No.21599372
File: 476 KB, 2000x2000, 903DAFA6-9EA4-42EE-B69C-9C4995BCB714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate this years AX arcade

>> No.21599393


>> No.21599401

all its missing is the ball pit

>> No.21599709

bam moment

>> No.21599931

it was always shit before the last 5 years. not surprised to see it return to 2003 bowling alley tier. blame AX for making it so expensive to have cabs there

>> No.21600156


Where does all the money AX makes even go?

>> No.21600353

Niggers don't even play Drummania so what's the point?

>> No.21600495


how do i play like this

>> No.21600506

Raise the panels and mod them so that they're sensitive enough to register a sneeze.

>> No.21600538

I always thought all drummers were cool.
That's not cool.

>> No.21600539

also hone your form to the point that you see in the video (actually harder than you think)

>> No.21600804

no drummer did this

bringing in whichever shitty guest appeals to the most americans and not giving a fuck about anything else like pretty much every anime convention here

>> No.21600889

wow i just found out round 1 is supplying these. get ready for the next influx of sdvx weeb normies

>> No.21600926

They're not bringing any games that rely on a network to operate. So no current Bemani games will be there.
It's not as if plenty of "normies" don't already pass through Round1s as it is anyway.

>> No.21601002
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Grace a cute

>> No.21601189
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Naoki looks like he's seen some shit.

>> No.21601494

no dude, weeb normies aka 96% of AX attendees, will see groove coaster and learn about round 1, then they end up playing sdvx and project diva before putting music gamer in their bios and posting their autoperfect SS mobage scores online. trust me on this one

>> No.21602339

For those of you who use sudden+lift: do i want my lift wn + my sud wn to be equal to my original sud wn? That should make the amount of uncovered lane identical to my old sud only setting, right?

Also unrelated: how the fuck do I hit 6-7 trills? (especially at high bpm)

>> No.21602442

For the latter: play more or hit them as chord jacks.

>> No.21602837 [DELETED] 

Anon are you sure? Niggers and their niglets always pound on the pads and cymbals like they're a back up blast beat drummer. It wouldn't surprise me if one of those chimps learned to hijack electronics accidentally.

>> No.21602867


>> No.21602875

Lol why does plife think they’re top dog when all they have is fat trannies and toprankers

>> No.21602977

idk sows is pretty dead and behind on every game thats not iidx, though i don't see why the already small databoosting clubs need to splinter

>> No.21603911

imagine thinking anyone gives a shit about who has what data. y'all can't even pass djt cs kaiden anyway, stop fucking trying to brag about playing the latest game in your mom's basement.

>> No.21603920

im doing your mom right now

>> No.21603937

when is this song in sdvx

>> No.21604108


>> No.21604376
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>> No.21604385

seething sows gamers cry themselfs to sleep as i the extraordinary plife transcendent play reflesia with scoresaves >:)

>> No.21604457

That's fine. I'm not going to be losing any sleep over it.

>> No.21605144 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 640x640, airplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody tell me about the fuckin round 1 app??
has anyone linked their pre-existing card to it and how do you do it?? .....
are they able to transfer your visits/stamps or something???

>> No.21605206


speaking of cs, are any of the cs games apart from troopers and empress worth playing? i heard some of the older styles have really terrible timing but wasn't sure thich ones people were referring to

>> No.21605411

Most of the games don't have any sort of lag calibration. It was introduced in Happy Sky and isn't as finely adjustable as it is in Empress. So outside of playing on a CRT you're going to have timing issues.
Things like using a USKOC and whatever method you use to play backups have an impact as well. I've never been able to reliably play anything from a hard drive.
Omnimix or even LR2 is less of a hassle if you just want the songs and don't care about the overall game itself.

>> No.21605504


i should've specified that i'm playing on a CRT and i have a jp ps2 and a dao fp7, and so far the only cs playing i've done is empress (burned copy), though i'd heard dj troopers was also worth checking out. from what you say, it seems like on my setup that i should have no problems with the mixes prior to troopers, so i may fuck around with those soon
thanks, my dude

>> No.21605522



>> No.21605851

as a member, this is what i dislike about plife
none of you faggots are funny shut the fuck up

>> No.21605857

i take that back a couple of them are funny but definitely nobody who reposts their "memes"

>> No.21606496

distorted/gold/troopers/empress are all excellent. empress has the decimal adjust but honestly best to just play at 0 since none of the other games with adjust have that

also cs happy sky has weird timing

>> No.21607057

they're all cancerous

>> No.21607061

I and many others think it's fun =)

>> No.21607170

Go back to PLife

>> No.21607219


I actually had to google that. Who the fuck plays Reflec?

>> No.21607305

Not too many, and the latest version (Reflesia for eternity or some shit) is a garbage fire and the only people who play it instead of Volzza 2 Omnimix are retards who think they're cool for having a n-0 game

>> No.21609492


>> No.21609515


>> No.21609790


Its so stressing but its the only way. When i started playing i got to 10 playing claw style, then, when i started 1048 static i had to go back to like 7 and now im playing 12s.

>> No.21609982

sows doesnt even have volzza scoresaves iirc

>> No.21610917

I'm playing 2dx at round 1.

>> No.21610941

Sigmund is a sick song

>> No.21610961

Yeah, but not as sick as Verflucht.

>> No.21610987

it does

>> No.21611151


both sigmund and verflucht are kusosong and kusocharts

the best song across all bemani is clearly LETHEBOLG ~双神威に斬り咲けり~ personally touched by our lord and savior naoki "thunderballs" maeda himself, the undisputed GOAT of bemani tracks

>> No.21611257

literally nobody at my arcade plays iidx anymore. everyone plays sdvx or other stuff. only the weirdos and rejects still play iidx (and suck at it)

>> No.21611285
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got my first aaa on a 6* song. Feels good.

>> No.21611340

But that's not EDEN

Good song and a fun chart

>> No.21611633

Pretty much every song jun has sung in (or composed) is godly.

>> No.21611739

I'm back home and I quit

>> No.21611766

banya is trash

>> No.21611921

osu dosnt have aaa retard

>> No.21612034

getting real tired of playing on babby setups with zero fucking feedback

>> No.21612318

i thought transitioning would make me kaiden but i'm still chuuden wtf

>> No.21612324 [DELETED] 

>the "girl" from HARD BRAIN is actually a boy
Ok this meme is getting super stale lads.

>> No.21612344 [DELETED] 

you're about to get owned

>> No.21612354 [DELETED] 

lolololol traps so funny XDDD

>> No.21612375 [DELETED] 

whens goli gonna make a tranny

>> No.21612381 [DELETED] 

Can't tell if you're agreeing with me or a mad tranny.

>> No.21612436 [DELETED] 


>> No.21612493 [DELETED] 

incel gets blueballed, more at 11

>> No.21612521 [DELETED] 

they're always so close. if they recognized "traps" as girls and were legitimately supportive and not creepy, they'd probably be able to not be incels

>> No.21612690 [DELETED] 
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>sexuality is innate and immutable!
>incels should just choose homosexual sex!

Troon logic

>> No.21612703 [DELETED] 

you will never pass and will die young, don't forget to dilate in the meantime

>> No.21612713 [DELETED] 

u guys gotta stop ragging on the most obvious shit seriously. not even worth the time correcting (You)

>> No.21612714 [DELETED] 

i dont want to get attracted to somebody and then find out they have a penis
fuck this generation

>> No.21612722 [DELETED] 

trans girls pass online because they're never funny or good at video games

>> No.21612729 [DELETED] 

bud, the fuck hole aint any better. bio or trans. just get an onahole or something. women aren't worth time if you only care about their apparatus.

>> No.21612753 [DELETED] 

dude i dont wanna fuck my mate i wanna fuck a chick is that too much to ask for in 2019

>> No.21612756 [DELETED] 

the hip trend of drawing anime girls and saying they are male is driving soibois insane and convincing them to pump themselves full of soi and literal black market hormones made by quack doctors. said individuals have no self awareness and will call you an incel online thinking they ruined your life. Either that or it's simp tranny chasers or retarded girls who just blindly believe whatever they are told.

>> No.21612810 [DELETED] 

join the bemani polyamory event. just dont say faggot or tranny irl. ez

>> No.21612849 [DELETED] 

better not be in fucking SoCal

>> No.21612893 [DELETED] 

>is that too much to ask for in 2019
In general, no, and plenty of dudes around you are banging plenty of girl(s) and vice versa. That you are not having sex with women is a deviation from the norms of society, not the other way around. And it's not like you are fucking traps either, so it's a false dichotomy. Of course you don't have to care about that (I don't), and fulfill your life in other ways, or consider if there's something in your character which you could reform for the better. But this isn't /adv/.

The issue of how to treat traps online (which is rather off-topic for /jp/, so I'll stop here) is so far removed from the reality of having sex with women IRL that it's a complete non-sequitor.

>> No.21612992 [DELETED] 

the tranny jannies strike again

>> No.21613040

blame the newfags who think that anything beyond a 20/25 setup is "too heavy"

>> No.21613063 [DELETED] 

the tranny jannies have struck again

>> No.21613144 [DELETED] 

The tranniel janniels have unleashed their semen onto this thread, once again.

>> No.21613271 [DELETED] 

Does anyone else here hate the trannies at the IIDX machine?

>> No.21613294 [DELETED] 

Does anyone else here hate the furries at the SDVX machine?

>> No.21613308 [DELETED] 

Yes, I hate the trannies there too.

>> No.21613341 [DELETED] 

yeah fuck them

>> No.21613375

cross time is dope asshole

>> No.21613432

It is, but that's not BanYa though.

>> No.21613440

Can't even talk about rhythm games in the rhythm games thread anymore.

>> No.21613734

I remember being one of the few people who prefer the cabs with 50/60. Less stuck keys too.

>> No.21614793

yeah fuck furries

>> No.21614862

Question to clearers who play iidx: Why don't you play sdvx instead? Konami made it for people who don't give a shit about timing and people wouldn't think you're a bad player

>> No.21614897

because SDVX is not as fun? what kind of question is that lol

>people wouldn't think you're a bad player

you have no idea what youre talking about keep trying to AAA sweet clapper u bluename

>> No.21614982 [DELETED] 

>u bluename
discord tranny off me thread

>> No.21615048

you know im right, youre terrible at the game and while that doesnt invalidate ur opinion entirely, it does make you come off as immensely retarded

>> No.21615053

ok nyannurs whatever you say you dan chasing faggot

>> No.21615243


like i said, keep trying to AAA sweet clapper. maybe youll get a good random for the ending
oh wait you probably dont even use random because its too hard

>> No.21615284
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>> No.21615409

>waaah i dont like it when people namedrop me

maybe if you werent such a fucking faggot people wouldnt know it was you everytime

>> No.21615470

that's not even what i said you absolute clown, the guy doesn't even post here i don't think.

stop embarrassing yourself by namedropping randoms in an anonymous board you idiot

>> No.21615617
File: 45 KB, 600x477, Happy-Crying-Face-Meme-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual photo of plifers thinking anyone else fucking cares about playing shitty musical air hockey at home

>> No.21615655

This is the truth

>> No.21615688

>gets BTFOd in the first reply to his shitty bait post
>immediately resorts to yelling discord tranny

>> No.21616182

i was just joking dude damn stop getting mad

reflec kicks ass u retarded memers wouldnt know because u tried it once 10 years ago

sdvx is shit and clearing 12s is way more rewarding than the entirety of sdvx

>> No.21616222

Imagine paying for infinitas like a chump

>> No.21616234 [DELETED] 

Why play infinitas when we have rootage, comrade.

>> No.21616300


i play on data and infinitas, like a true goodest goy

>> No.21616533

iidx is boring desu

>> No.21616624

scoring shouldn't be independent from clearing you mashing cuck. anybody who has half a brain cell AAA'ed all the shitty boring 8th note charts by 5th dan.
you think you're such hot shit but in reality you are a limp wristed cuck who just goes through the motions rather than perceiving any rhythm

>> No.21616647

this is the most incel thing ive read all weelk

>> No.21616715

easier to rush for kaiden since if you can't even get kaiden you won't ever be any good at scoring either

>> No.21616874

This has to be the most basedboy post I've seen in a while

>> No.21616936

different anon but i honestly just fundamentally don't like how reflecbeat plays and i'm willing to admit that it's probably just my personal preferences about music games

it combines touch screen games which i don't like with games where you can block your own view which i hate even more

>> No.21617194

stop reporting the retards it's more fun to laugh at them

>> No.21617577

no dude im sick of it they wont stop until you cut the attention off.

>> No.21617588

u can ghost the opponents notes in ipad and ac now. and speedmods make readability even better. its a really good game

>> No.21619105

i might try it again one day then, idk

also my laptop (touchscreen monitor) was just bad to run data on, multi touch straight up didn't work, and normal taps were slightly delayed

>> No.21620077

any tips for doing drills in ddr. I have a lot of trouble trying to hit them and end up going too fast or missing everything

>> No.21620175

You are using the solo noteskin, right? Knowing the quantization of the drill helps.

Also, it's a bit easier to do drills if your toes don't completely leave the pad. For left/right arrows you can place your feet a bit forward and just tap with your heel.

>> No.21620378
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What's event mode for Pop'n do?

>> No.21620556

Disables timers if it's anything like other games.

>> No.21621783


also prevents ending your round if you fail (if set to more than 2 songs).

>> No.21621929

I accidentally "unscrewed" one of the rubber feet things on my dao and it doesnt go back on the same way. How do I fix this shit

>> No.21623377


open it up (it's magnetic so you don't need tools) and tighten the screw from the other side

>> No.21623523

Sauce for 3rd panel

>> No.21623609

Probably mid-high 10, there are harder 10s like ekineko, DXY, 250bpm, gekkou to name a few

>> No.21623779

Gamo2 or Yuancon

>> No.21623813


>> No.21624976

Remember to join Plife for a great IIDX community!

>> No.21624992
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a song jacket

>> No.21625005

ok send invite

>> No.21625209

why are sdvx's song jackets all horny as fuck
they need to stop

>> No.21625252
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>> No.21626178

i like him (no homo) so that's okay

>> No.21627151

Could a raspberry Pi run data?

>> No.21627692

although you can technically run windows 10 on a raspberry pi with enough fuckery the result is not usable in the slightest so the answer is no
rhythm games are expensive

>> No.21627832

I only ask because sdvx can run on potatos. 2gb ram and less than a ghz cpu

>> No.21627840

poo specs work for poo game

>> No.21627914

I dunno why I didnt think about that before posting.

>> No.21627999

/maybe/ really old data, but probably nothing made in the past decade

maybe the pi 4 could but who knows

>> No.21628112

based and sunrisepilled

>> No.21628399
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Not my proudest nut, but a good one nonetheless.
