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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2156727 No.2156727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I'd like the apologize to all of you.

Since the creation of /jp/ I've trolled from hell and back, going through several tripcodes (my last being /b/tard of /jp/) and I now see the position it has put us all in. I'm sorry /jp/, I thought it was funny at the time but now I admit that I was being nothing but childish. You won't see me doing it anymore, I've learned my lesson.

Feel free to ignore/sage/report this thread; I just had to get this out there.

>> No.2156733

It's ok, I forgive you.

>> No.2156737
File: 11 KB, 277x188, arccry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our little anonymous is growing up so fast!

>> No.2156741

That's okay.

Want some cake?

>> No.2156742

We coo.

>> No.2156746

I've been trolling this place on and off since day one. Hell, this place is shit without offtopic trolling.

Also, reported.

>> No.2156754



inb4 ban for misusing the report feature

>> No.2156759

Oh you.
Mods don't exist on /jp/, report all you want.

>> No.2156765

We tru bros, Anonymous. We forgive.

>> No.2156770

The post is off topic, so it's technically not a misuse.

>> No.2156771


That's exactly what the last anonymous said before


>> No.2156775

To be honest I wasn't on /jp/ enough to see much of this, but... sure, we're cool.

>> No.2156781

I highly doubt you've been on 4chan since the birth of /jp/. I saw your trollfu under the name (/b/tard of /jp/) and if you thought that low level trolling was funny, then you obviously haven't been here long enough. Trolling is much better when it's not so obvious.

>> No.2156791

>I've learned my lesson.
Oh no, you didn't.

>> No.2156808 [DELETED] 
File: 348 KB, 800x600, 99c08faab5ca801b6951918aa5dd11b7dbadd0dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As if anyone on /jp/ aside from a few select tripfags know how to troll properly. Sure, /jp/ is EASILY TROLLED, but they don't TROLL EASILY.
The anonymous on here love to pretend that they know how, though. Their strategy consists of poorly-worded flaming and I TROL U! YOU ARE BUTTHURT! BUTTHURT! Then they compare their shitty trolling and squabble over who trolls better. Really brings that essence of Gaia to the board.

>> No.2156813

Need to change the image?

>> No.2156810
File: 311 KB, 600x800, 0bc3351cdd43a3786f9337330489a46a899fa455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As if anyone on /jp/ aside from a few select tripfags knows how to troll properly. Sure, /jp/ is EASILY TROLLED, but they don't TROLL EASILY.
The anonymous on here love to pretend that they know how, though. Their strategy consists of poorly-worded flaming and I TROL U! YOU ARE BUTTHURT! BUTTHURT! Then they compare their shitty trolling and squabble over who trolls better. Really brings that essence of Gaia to the board.

>> No.2156815

>can't past tense
