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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2156498 No.2156498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Being in /jp/ is like being Jewish, hated in one place, then get beaten down. Whines to the ones in charge until they get their own country. Only difference is that /jp/ worships armpits and whatnot instead of the fucking Jew book, and gets their precious touhous removed from /a/ and dumped onto a new board.

>> No.2156502
File: 23 KB, 202x167, yellowwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ worships armpits

>> No.2156507

So when a board invades us, not only will we repel them but we'll take over their board as well?

>> No.2156512

Don't forget the control of information.

>> No.2156519

This sounds good. They invade us, and we win.

>> No.2156521

Perhaps, on /v/ just now has a touhou thread. i thought /v/ hates touhou due to WEEABOO SHIT.

>> No.2156527

>the Jew book

>> No.2156531

>the fucking Jew book
You mean the Bible?

>> No.2156537

Jews are retards, and chritfags are too. Trust me, I know.

>> No.2156539
File: 63 KB, 317x450, KitagawaUtamaro_FlowersOfEdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official. Touhou now belongs on /v/.
This place is now /jp/ - Japan/General. Bring on the Shamisens!

>> No.2156551

/v/ hates games with actual gameplay.

>> No.2156555

/jp/ doesn't control the media and the most powerful board while being able to oppress lesser boards and get away with it.

>> No.2156559



>> No.2156561

>Whines to the ones in charge until they get their own country

you wern't around before the split were you? We were doing just fine in /a/. But it was all the narutards and other fags that did all the bitching and asked for a new board.

/a/ used to be fine, but now look at it.....

>> No.2156560
File: 4 KB, 344x326, 1225127141099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just, please, go back to /b/.

>> No.2156567

/a/ was never fine.

>> No.2156574

Welcome to last February already.

There was a REASON why we dubbed the board split the "sho/a/h," at the time.

This is also true. We're really more like the gypsies of 4chan (hence "/jp/sies," which was in use alongside "sho/a/h").

>> No.2156597

Just read the thread. Looks like it's just one tripfag and 3 or 4 Anonymous playing along in it.

>> No.2156613
File: 55 KB, 400x300, jesus-japan.1202706149366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>G3 Prayer Mobilization for JAPAN aims to mobilize Christian individuals and churches all over the world to PRAY for JAPAN and for the SALVATION of 127 million JAPANESE PEOPLE. WHY WE NEED TO PRAY FOR JAPAN? 1) Japan has around 127 million population but only less than 1% are Christians. There is only one church for every 38,000 people and one missionary to every 55,000 people. 2) Shinto and Buddhism are Japan's two major religions. 3) Japan is a country that acknowledges 8 million false gods but refuses the one and and true God who is heaven. 4) Tokyo is the largest least evangelized megacity in the world. 5) Japan is known as the Land of the Rising Sun and we want it also to be known as the Land of the Risen Son. 6) Japan has a highly developed technology, efficient transportation system and super highways but the people don't know that JESUS is the Ultimate Way to Heaven. 7) Japan is materially rich but spiritually poor. There is loneliness and emptiness in the hearts of the people amidst material prosperity. 8) Everyday nearly 3,300 Japanese die and most of them do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 9) According to statistics, the suicide in Japan has an average of 32,000 a year. Many Japanese regard suicide as a show of sincerity to expiate their shortcomings, and view it as an act that would restore honor to their name, their family, or organization.

>> No.2156617


Take it to /r9k/ where people care.

>> No.2156622
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>> No.2156634
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Oh god, Reimu.

So cute.

>> No.2156662

ZUN is not one of us

You are not one of us

Touhou is not us

You are not us

You do not belong

>> No.2156679
File: 142 KB, 773x675, 1235797115098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Anonymous. YOU are not one of us.
