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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21557939 No.21557939 [Reply] [Original]

How are you enjoying your everyday holiday, NEETs of /jp/?

>> No.21558016
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It's a mix of pain and comfort.
I've completely isolated myself, broke all contact with my acquaintances and family, broke up with my ex and denied others of trying to hook up with me. I've completely lost the ability to emotionally connect with other people, and I can barely communicate with them when I try to anymore.
I've lost the will to eat food, since I feel no hunger and it gives me no pleasure.
I've almost lost my sense of self, I feel like I'm a part of my computer's and books' existence, rather than the other way around. All I do, whether I'm grinding a new MMO, reading a new book, exercising, or bombarding myself with sleeping pills to be able to sleep for more than 3 hours, I feel like a cog spinning in a perpetual motion machine of nothingness.

>> No.21558021

my weed guy got arrested

>> No.21558039

I slept since I got home from work I don't know if I want to go back to sleep.

>> No.21558081

I woke up from a nap not too long ago. Dunno what I'll do tonight, probably just browse and play games like usual. It would be better if I worked on something productive instead, but I probably won't.
Do you know what NEET stands for anon?

>> No.21558158

This pretty much sums up how I feel.

It's weird, I've eaten 2 meals the past 3 days yet I'm still not hungry. I don't feel unhealthy but I know this is unhealthy.

Do any of you feel loneliness anymore? Do you need online friends to maintain happiness? Or do you need no interaction anymore?

>> No.21558211

It got old after the first 3 years.
