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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 464 KB, 1272x964, mabinogi_2009_02_27_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2155507 No.2155507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm playing now on mari or w/e. where are you fags?

>> No.2155517

Look behind you.

>> No.2155521


>> No.2155524

I play Tarlach but its so full right now from all the noobs that I can't log in

>> No.2155526

there's a much better asian mmo coming out
i'm glad none of you know about it


>> No.2155530

:- )

>> No.2155538

I'm still waiting for the cussfunts at Nexon to unblock EU IP's.

Had my share of proxies back in the CB times.

>> No.2155541


>> No.2155550

Enjoy grinding every minute of playtime. Either that or running back and forth between towns. Really. There's nothing fun to do that doesn't require you to buy nexon's damn currency.

>> No.2155561

Im on Mari as Mailre.


>> No.2155570

Never planned on doing that, which is why I enjoyed this 'Free Rebirth' update. The only two reasons I quit after CB was that it was made into a game that could only be played if you purchased rebirth cards, and the fact they were blocking EU ISPs'.

Grinding is never a problem for us at /jp/, It's not like we have anything better to do most of the times. We only end up quitting games because we get bored of them, not because of the grinding.

>> No.2155583

And forgot to mention it, but there is other things to do other than grinding and running back and forth. Back in the CB days most of us were hanging in town, playing instruments, filling the place up with fireplaces and burning down scrolls on them.

>> No.2155586

where the hell is the derp guildstone

>> No.2155599

wow, you can't whisper people who are too far away in this game? laaaame

>> No.2155663

So any free proxy that I can use for this game?
Liked to try it.

>> No.2155685

Too bad it's played by maple story tier faggots and has an interface designed to be as inconvenient as possible.

>> No.2155690

from what i understand, the /jp/ers guild together and only care about being weeaboo together, which is what got me curious in the first place. looks like it's too early for them to be on though...

>> No.2155806

Giants are AWESOME

>> No.2155829

Shit sucks.

You can't play properly without buying some fucking rebirth cards.

>> No.2155832




>> No.2155835

I enjoyed this game.

Until I discovered the only efficient way to level was to do dungeons
Then, I discovered I could get more exp/money solo'ing, and there went all my friends ;_;

>> No.2155842

Have you even read the updates that started these threads yet?

They're now giving a free rebirth card when you hit Age 20.

>> No.2155843

And then you realized you never had some to begin with :O!!!!

>> No.2155848

There's still one problem.

I live in Germany and can't access any of the servers so it really doesn't change a thing for me.

>> No.2155851

That's what I've been whining about ever since we started in CB. Worst of all is that BRs are allowed in.

>> No.2155853
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>BRs are allowed in
You best be joking, nigger.

>> No.2155854

I joined you guys in Anonymity but you were even worse than the pubbies. Fuck this game. I'm not coming back.

>> No.2155855


y u do dis anon ;_;

>> No.2155861

Did you play with /v/ or /jp/?

>> No.2155879

Seeing his reaction, I'm guessing /v/.

The ones from /jp/ I played with weren't cancerous in any way. You'd have a hard time guessing any of us were from /jp/ if we didn't say so when we met.

>> No.2155912

Where is the Derp guildstone and second. Are they active or just 2 active guys?

>> No.2155918

Fake a BR IP with either a proxy or other 'means'. Enjoy crying afterwards.

But in all honesty there were never as many of them there as in other games. Don't know the situation know though.

>> No.2155926

i'm updating my mabi

>> No.2155931

A tip for new players. Get Konpakuyoumu to do all of your enchanting, refining, weaving, and smithing for you. That's the best /jp/ crafter.

>> No.2155966

Youmu is still there? I quit after Danmaku disbanded and virtually everyone on my friend list (youmu included) seemed to disappear

>> No.2155971

Where is the guild stone for /jp/s guild?

>> No.2155979

ffff i really want to make an Hot female Giant, but on the other hand i already have a somekind of human fighter.

what do i do?

>> No.2155990


giants can pick up humans and put them on there shoulders

go find a shota somewhere and kidnap him

>> No.2156001

I've been considering getting into this game... is the free rebirth at 20 for all races, or just for humans? I'd assume it'd be for all, but Nexon likes to jew people away from their money...

>> No.2156016

You can get a free race card by allying with one of the races

>> No.2156019

Oooo. That's nifty.



>> No.2156031


Enjoy cruise control to level 10 by somewhat fun quests.

After that, dungeon grind grind grind, or just screw around.

>> No.2156043
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I'm on the mari server, I'm resting in the main town right now.

>> No.2156052

I'm a faggot that plays these games for the bleak semblance of interaction instead of leveling. So, just running around as the little girl with other hopeless nerds is good enough for me.

I've noticed everyone here plays a giant... do elves suck? It seems like they're pretty heavy on the magic, and I've gathered that sole magic users are a joke solo. Y/N?

>> No.2156082
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I'm sorry, but I don't play generic mindless shit grinding games.
Have fun with your crap game.

>> No.2156087


Magic's good for e-peen, aggro, and support. This games pretty much centred on physical combat.

>> No.2156096


Yes, I'm still alive.

>> No.2156107

seriously though where is the derp guildstone

>> No.2156128

It's kind of hidden. Ask Zaki. He'll show you.

>> No.2156137

Thank you, anon.

As for support-- are healers in as high demand as they normally are in MMOs? Or are sole supporters pretty much moot because the AP system encourages people to become jacks-of-all-trades?

>> No.2156148


Healing is a pretty useless thing to specialize in. It costs too much MP, is too slow, and storebought potions are more effective anyway.

>> No.2156157

You hardly ever get hurt hurt in this game because you can just counter and block.

>> No.2156160

'sup, used to be Sikieiki. Sucks that I ended up quitting shortly after you helped me finish G1, but all the guild drama pissed me off and I didn't feel like joining BADEND or Hotglue

>> No.2156165

Support has no value. You can either kill everything on your own or you can't and party with others who also can't to keep a monster occupied and avoid multiaggro. Healing is just for between fights. Melee is almost always the best. Archery is better for pvp but who cares. Magic is gimped and only good for a few special circumstances.

>> No.2156171

Ask Labour for invites to the guild, he knows all the info.

>> No.2156174

For a moment there I thought it's a good game
but then I realized it's just Everquest 2.

>> No.2156176
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>This pickax didn't work right
>My hands slipped
>I didn't find any minerals

>> No.2156177

Thank you. Giant really does sound like the best choice, but... fuck, this game is moe. I'll probably make a human to start with, just for the sake of being carried.

Archers are best for pvp, yes? Does that mean that they're horribly overdone (think sins in RO)?

>> No.2156182

Archery is the only thing in GvG.

>> No.2156190

Gotcha. Human fighter it is, then.

I'll join you guys once the download ends.

>> No.2156196
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>> No.2156197

We need new Online Ronery Games (also known as MMORPGs).

Why play Mabinogi again?

>> No.2156201

Any non-NA people playing this game?
I been googling around for a free vpn for openVPN, can't seem to find any.

>> No.2156203

I want to play as well.

Fuck you, guys.

>> No.2156205

Neither "Anonymity" is a "lol4chan" guild. Bunch of faggots.

Go join derp, Stone is at a tower north west of the corner of Dunbarton.

Word of warning, we're not a hand out guild, and we won't hold your hand and coddle you.

fuck, I wish :<

See above. Yes we're active.
Today, we've got Final Hit for like, 15 of our members, with many copies of the second sketch left over, killed Ifrit, and a couple Sandworms, amongst a million other things.


Take your human over to giant town, ally with them, and get free giant card.

As far as we know, everyone. They never said humans only, but it's only been like, a day, no elves or giants age 20 to even try.

Hurrdurr itrollu

>> No.2156207

I'll shave you for this, woman.

>> No.2156208
File: 230 KB, 800x600, mabinogi_2009_02_28_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen to this man.


Oh hi

>> No.2156213

Always make a human to start, you can use free human to go make free elf AND free giant.

>> No.2156252
File: 79 KB, 350x218, 1226934938435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed Refining failed

Are there titles or something I should be using to NOT suck so much?

>> No.2156255

But you have to fail. Wear experienced death.

>> No.2156289
File: 439 KB, 1440x847, mabinogi_2009_01_11_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting skills suck. Go pure life skills like me and you'll barely have to lift a finger to kill monsters.

>> No.2156292

Are you all playing the Maginobi under Nexon?

>> No.2156297

So there are servers not supported by Nexon?

Tell me MORE.

>> No.2156322



Enjoy your runes and lag.

>> No.2156335
File: 26 KB, 124x124, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could hate you bald.

Call me if someone manages to set up his own server.

>> No.2156346

Irony: Later ranks, you'll be BEGGING for fails.
Also yes, there is a title you get for failing a lifeskill or gathering 20 times in a row.

Same here, been wanting a private server for a while

>> No.2156355

oh that is easy
Try picking herbs in dungeons

>> No.2156361

Been there, done that, made poison from them.

>> No.2156377 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1235791792945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.2156385


The only online game that is worth playing is Valkryie Sky.

Can't wait for the server to reopen.

>> No.2156386

That's just ridiculous.

>> No.2156403
File: 49 KB, 418x600, Kaikan_yuugi_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically, serious discussion of a Korean video game is completely off-topic. It would have to be ridicule of Korean inferiority or praise of Korean superiority to be on-topic.

>> No.2156407

No, go fuck yourself.

It's been forever since we had a thread that
doesn't suck balls.

>> No.2156411


Mabinogi was /jp/ related even before you showed up, newfriend.

>> No.2156417


I quitted after the items that dropped were more than the bullets.

>> No.2156456

Is there seriously no hope for EU players, other than being forced to play using IP-concealing proxies?

Something like a new server or a new 'host'?

>> No.2156475


Brace for faggotry

>> No.2156522


. . . . . .

Anyone on this?

>> No.2156552

Gave it an update and test run. Turns out Hotspot shield is not even working anymore, way to go filters.

>> No.2156586
File: 76 KB, 358x500, Japan17_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.2156596

Okay, installed, made a human loli named Rilia on mari. I'll try to join derp when I figure out wtf I am doing.

>> No.2156616

You are reportable. I have done so, and invite all who are fed up with your shit to do so as well.

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2156649


Same here

>> No.2156659

May I ask what they mean when they give me an error saying "Not a service area"?

>> No.2156663

What's your name? Let's be clueless little girls together.

>> No.2156670


Try using hotspot shield. No idea if it still works though.

>> No.2156675

Will using graphic mods get yourself banned?

>> No.2156691

Not likely
even people running around flaunting them don't get banned really.

>> No.2156716


Sorry, I can't get onto the game. Keep giving me some error even with hotspotshield on.

>> No.2156744


Says "Server cannot be reached"

>> No.2156751

>Not a service area
Means you're not on the NA-allowed list. It's basically the US but there are some holes in it.
As for Hotspot, it's been a long time since it was filtered and banned.

>> No.2156757


Ah thanks for the explanation. Is there any way I can get in?

>> No.2156782

sweet, now I can mod myself some succubus clothes

>> No.2156807

I'd wish someone else would help you, since I only used Hotspot back in the day and the other means I know are kind of aggressive and illegal, plus too much of a bother to explain.

I believe I've seen a few anons talking about a still working VPN program out there.

>> No.2156843

Reported for trolling.

I don't know how new you are here, but Mabinogi was always /jp/-related. Asshole.

>> No.2156850

Get a free AOL account, and AOL software. I'm serious, it works. The software gives you an American IP.

>> No.2156864

That's been overdone.

>> No.2156865

What has?

>> No.2156889

I'm sure the reason everyone liked the game was because of the music.

Here, try this out. Listen to the "final" boss theme of Act 1. Enjoy the midi guitar and cum your brains out during the 2nd chorus. The piano instrumental of the main theme was mixed with the ominous feel of the whole piece, giving the feeling of light shining through absolute despair.

>> No.2156897

So, I haven't played in forever, and I'm trying to hammer out the G1 quests. Right now I'm waiting on some book to get in to the bookstore; and I have no fucking clue what to do in the meantime. Can someone enlighten me?

>> No.2156908
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>> No.2156955


Wait 24 hours

>> No.2156956
File: 39 KB, 367x743, mabinogi_2009_02_28_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a guild with my friends, but if you see me, stop me and I'll friend you.

>> No.2156957


Actually, I turned off the BGM a few hours into the game

>> No.2157042

Me too. When the game lags, the music lags too. It's god damn annoying. :<

>> No.2157048
File: 317 KB, 1280x800, mabinogi_2009_02_27_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More people playing now?

I went back yesterday to check out the free rebirth, but I totally forgot how to play the game. I don't even know what to do with these skills or what to advance.

I went to the first dungeon and I died 5 times to the red spiders. It was embarrassing. I really lost my edge. I'm scared to try Ciar, it might turn out worse.

>> No.2157049

Do any of you actually play as boys or are all /jp/ers little girl?

>> No.2157059

Free rebirth? Was it a one-day only thing, or can I still do it?

>> No.2157069

I play as a typical MALE JRPG Hero looking guy

I hate robes

>> No.2157072


You serious? I thought it had really good music for a mmorpg. Everywhere you go there's a brand new piece of music. And not the bland kind either. It's composed from the ground up by someone who is apparently really professional

>> No.2157073

free rebirths to everyone above the age of 20 ingame

>> No.2157099


Windmill and crit 9, then windmill 1

>> No.2157112

Why'd danmaku have to die :<

>> No.2157136

is that cookie cutter build for melee char?

>> No.2157142


If you add some more crit ranks and combat mastery B, then sure

>> No.2157144

Holy freaking crap, it worked! It's like I'm really an American now! Thanks!

>> No.2157148

AOL being useful? Who would have known...

>> No.2157154

It's a permanent change to the system.
The oldest you can rebirth to is 17.
As soon as your character is over 20, you can rebirth, free of charge. You cannot take advantage of certain paid rebirth features however. (IE Change looks, collect fixed color dye.) But that's not really a big deal.

All of the mainstream storyline, transformations, and ego weapons are free now. So pretty much you don't have to pay and you can advance your character and get all those features we've been paying for almost a year now.

Also, as was said, make a human, and you can ally with elf, get free elf card, break alliance, then ally with giant, get free giant card, break alliance, and have 3 characters.

there's a (admittedly shitty at times) wiki with a lot of quest details and information at http://wiki.mabinogiworld.com
G1-G3 walkthroughs are on there somewhere.

>> No.2157164

>The oldest you can rebirth to is 17.
Does this mean rebirth from, or rebirth into?

I'd like to rebirth from 20 into 10, if possible.

>> No.2157167


It was good until everyone started spamming Jpop and anime openings. The dungeons were pretty fun but I couldn't stand the community.

>> No.2157171

Does the Mari server have as many annoying bots as Tarlach?

>> No.2157176

There isn't so much a cookie cutter build in Mabi, since if you play long enough, you can r1 every skill in the game. It's just -easiest- to rank Windmill first, because of the way the system works.

The game has a "Consider" system, and as you get more powerful, less mobs rank as "Boss"
To rank a skill, you have to meet certain kill counts of certain ranks of mobs, IE x number of "Boss" kills. so the more boss there are, the easier it is. You gain power level when you rank skills, so the sooner you get rank 1 windmill, the better.

The consider system isn't really a very accurate representation of actual ability to kill things. The game places a lot of emphasis on player's strategy, skill, and knowledge of the game. Stats matter (Faster kills, faster exp) but give relative noob the controls and even the most powerful character can get whopped by simple mobs he could defeat without being touched otherwise.

>> No.2157177
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>> No.2157188



>> No.2157192

You CAN rebirth to 10, but it'll be 10 weeks before you can rebirth again for free. (You could of course still pay to rebirth if you wanted.)

Rebirth resets your -current- level, and all things gained from level, except your AP, and skill ranks. (AP carries over)

Ok, just give the shit a try, ignore the community, they're only good for trolling/economy (Selling junk to,) and give it a try. Mari Server, Derp guild, and you can pretty much ignore the pubbies.

>> No.2157213

Does one lose their inventory, etc when rebirthing?

>> No.2157225

I would if they let EU players in. Still have my CB account lying around somewhere, I think.

>> No.2157235
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Reported for /v/ content

>> No.2157245
File: 76 KB, 358x500, Japan17_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The janitors are mad. Don't bother.

>> No.2157249

I see you're at it again.
>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
Just to let you know.

>> No.2157295


No. You'll get equipped with the newbie clothes and shoes, and the equipment you had before rebirthing will be put into your inventory. Anything that doesn't fit will be put into a temporary inventory, and you'll have fine minutes to dump your beginner gear and put it on

>> No.2157328

No, janitors are being awesome for a change.

Mabinogi was always /jp/-related. You should really stop reporting threads if you don't even know what belongs on /jp/ and what doesn't.

>> No.2158900

after a year of playing this game, i still have yet to found meaning in my life. on the upside, the last year went by faster than usual.

>> No.2158931
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I miss this game dearly, but being a Asianfag prevented me from playing in a English server without stupid proxy.

My old Ruairi loli

>> No.2158939

I remember using a proxy to play as well.

Shit was fucking laggy as hell.

3 seconds delay whenever you hit something.
