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File: 376 KB, 1101x1600, 1439246638737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21533863 No.21533863 [Reply] [Original]

Last Horizon chapter

No updates on the translation of Godless.

>> No.21533975

What happened to the last thread? It shouldn't have died that quickly

>> No.21534138

Dunno, isnt like we're gonna get any updates soooo.
>Kawakami side stuff forever

Suck that we don't get any words from js06 himself about edge or next box.

>> No.21534254
File: 2.02 MB, 2048x1463, kuchie-004-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21534259

I'm really glad we got the digital versions.

>> No.21534423

Which one of these is the dead one?

>> No.21534584

Marfa (right).

>> No.21535813 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 600x899, 1560741133355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawakami takes the best photos.

>> No.21536065

When the weird creeper taking upskirt shots is actually the creator of the series...

>> No.21536566
File: 27 KB, 600x353, Bs_kF9LCUAAt03t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't remember, but I think this girl, same one as above, is actually a house wife and she and her sister sews most of this themselves. I had a good laugh when she made some of the seems too tight and they split when she put them on.

>> No.21538268

Was it a video?

>> No.21538285

Nope. They just posted the aftermath.

>> No.21538317


>> No.21538372

Any links?

>> No.21538470

This was the cosplayer I was posting, but shes' not the housewife I was thinking they were. https://twitter.com/tami_uowou

>> No.21538907

Thanks for the detailed reply. All things considered that's more hoops than I'm willing to jump through and have time for so I'll leave things as they are.
If someone else wants to do it go ahead I guess.
Some of the doujins also already have their stitches completed or have no spreads and would be ready to be uploaded, so that's still on the table.

>> No.21539857
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>> No.21540202

Yeah, it's a very nice car.

>> No.21540828
File: 46 KB, 720x720, D5XflY2UEAAzxp7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21543368

I'd ride her if you know what I mean.

>> No.21543752

Kagekatsu is a lucky guy

>> No.21547103

New chapter up on BT

>> No.21547732

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.21547738
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>> No.21547745

>…I need to do my best!

>If she did that, she could see even more. She could experience more of these ridiculous forms of strength. And she could make herself stronger and gain more stories to tell her parents and the others back home.

>This is so cool! she thought. There was so much she could gain by fighting so many Chancellor and Vice Chancellor level fighters in a little over a day.

Why is Kani such a good girl?

>> No.21547772
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>> No.21549387
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>> No.21549906
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>> No.21550937

She's like the tohka from horizon, dumb as fuck with a nice body.

>> No.21551908
File: 1.87 MB, 2048x1082, Horizon5B_003-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call her dumb, she just happen to be really good at certain things and others are new to her.

>no OVA of Futayo, Adele and Nate reviewing sweets

>> No.21552836
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>> No.21553231

How did Adele of all people contract Merkel shakes?

>> No.21554924
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>> No.21555154


>> No.21556852
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>Suddenly a new revelation on the recent chapter of Godless Planet
>No translations

Yep, being a kawakamifag is suffering, barely getting 1 chapter of Horizon a week, nothing for godless and let alone city.

>> No.21557255
File: 783 KB, 2400x2400, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best girl!

>> No.21557320
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>> No.21558003

Feels like I haven't seen this in a while.

>> No.21558794

>in a while
Is posted every thread lol

>> No.21559069

>I should have time to translate some more once I finish Blood Sign this weekend or early next week.

>> No.21561418

Dont die!

>> No.21562097
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>> No.21564064


>> No.21566859
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>> No.21569341
File: 2.92 MB, 3671x2581, 1421347047146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21570743

Nate-maman is pretty amazing.

>> No.21570746
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1463, p0414-0415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21573112

God kawa

>> No.21574264

What new madness will he bestow on us this time?

>> No.21575701

The madness of waiting for translations.

>> No.21577462


>> No.21577467

I feel ya.

>> No.21577613

Blood sign is finished so we should get a few updates until the 10th i believe

>> No.21578706
File: 142 KB, 1000x750, IhM3TO_Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yes, managed to find pic related
Just gonna have to wait for shipping now

>> No.21578883

Oh damn. Can you make a highres photo?

>> No.21578889

The image is from the proxy because I wanted to see what I actually bought since there was no image on yahoo auctions.
I'll scan it when I get my hands on it, should be sometime this week.

>> No.21579260

>That Futayo face
Is she celebrating for food or for more Sex?

>> No.21579909


>> No.21580069


>> No.21580471 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21580491
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>> No.21583014
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>> No.21583836

The blushing makes it even better.

>> No.21587808


>> No.21587824

Looks like that statement ended on nothing at all.

>> No.21587831

He literally finished translating Blood Sign yesterday.

>> No.21589426

Maybe later this week, who knows to be honest at this point when everything is kamachi.

>> No.21591523
File: 44 KB, 750x489, C1OtBHeVQAAttTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEASE. over.

>> No.21594113

Dead again.

>> No.21594563

not dead yet

>> No.21595727

Well, would have been better to put the chapter link instead, but still good news.


>> No.21596228

So they're doing printed versions of this.

>> No.21596241

And July 10th Dengeki magazine will have a four page introduction.

>> No.21596327

I wonder if it will be identical to the webnovel or if it's somewhat rewritten

>> No.21597075

More NB

>> No.21597155

So this means it got a LN series?

>> No.21597607

Like all web novels it basically got an overpriced LN adaption. I don't know how much they will change or if they will change anything at all. Js06 may know since one of the Kamachi novels he translated got the same treatment.

I can post that two weeks later on the digital release day if we get nothing until then.

>> No.21597679

We can say that from now on, Js06 has a new LN to translate no?

>> No.21598871

Kinda, it's not in the usual LN format. The books are larger (B6 size, not the usual bunko size).

>> No.21599012


I hope that Js06 says something about it here but I assume he's going to translate this one too when it comes out but that seems kinda hard considering how Kamachi is releasing so much stuff and the fact that Kawakami stuff gets the hit every time.

>> No.21599088

I think it would be reasonable to translate the LN only. But I guess it all depends on differences between the two in the end.

>> No.21601489
File: 2.25 MB, 2147x3023, IMG_20190628_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related arrived today, gonna scan the rest sometime this weekend.

>> No.21601523 [SPOILER] 
File: 1014 KB, 2147x2987, 1561721989727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one for the road

>> No.21601839

Ahn, my heart!

Futayo's so precious

>> No.21602525


>> No.21602681


>> No.21602850
File: 1.11 MB, 2129x3018, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's done

>> No.21603688

Thank you.

>> No.21603689
File: 218 KB, 800x943, 25478829_big_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you amazing anon

>> No.21604092
File: 11 KB, 80x80, 80_mitsunari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to make cement chapter.

>> No.21606529

Narumi and Gin are so different from their usual cement-like selves.

>> No.21606533

Thanks. This is great.

>> No.21607914
File: 1.28 MB, 1803x2638, 491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21608935

The best negotiation skills right there.

>> No.21609249

Poor Tenzou

>> No.21609355

He is doing alright.

>> No.21612323
File: 558 KB, 1434x2048, p0491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21612326

>“Hmm.” Asama crossed her arms before smiling and providing her answer. “He’ll still be fine. Probably.”

>Shinto could seem a little too careless at times.

>> No.21612351


I finally realize what the Utamaru joke from 2-A chapter 5 was referencing.

>> No.21612574
File: 3.90 MB, 4274x3022, 8-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21613135

>“I mean, um, remember when I told you he has been feeling himself down below in the mornings lately?”

This gag returned!

>> No.21615129

On Dengeki Bunko's website as well now:

>> No.21618262

The question is, js06 is going to translate this or what?
Considering the current state of anything related to kawakami I seriously doubt we're getting any of this at release or in the near future.

>> No.21618286

In his place, I'd go for the LN.

>> No.21618633

He's been away from these threads (judging by the lack of posts with his trip so I might be wrong) and we haven't received any word regarding the translations for this.

So far the only news were posted on his twitter about 1 chapter of Horizon per week and that's it. Most of the time he just translate and read LNs or Manga chapters related to Kamachi and to be completely honest I don't think he's going to spend more time working on Kawakami, in fact I seriously doubt that he's going back to translate other works like Next Box, the Godless Planet LN or even finishing CITY.

You see, this is why having more than 1 translator is good or at least paid translations, despite the excellent quality of Js06's work is really sad to see the current shape of the translations of anything coming from Kawakami and the cherry on top, nobody else is able to translate so much or with the same quality so we're stuck with almost nothing.

>> No.21618661

God, how I wish you were a samefag but honestly, do we have to do this every fucking thread? It's getting pathetic.

>> No.21618703

Maybe when you stop defending Js06 and finally acquire a real view of what's happening since last year you'll understand why there are fans that want to get a bit more than bread crumbs.

What is pathetic is how there are people like you that prefer riding js06's cock instead of actually looking at this in a rational way, you're the same kind of scum that were defending him for months when he literally stopped translating anything from kawakami in the past.

>> No.21618788

Lmao what? Now is a taboo asking what's going on with TLs?

>> No.21619753

So humble.

>> No.21620518

I'm thankful for what we do get.
Kawakami was never js06's top priority, and look how far we have come.

>> No.21620935

Oooh boy here we go again

>> No.21621791


>> No.21621932
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>> No.21624087
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>> No.21624187

Yoshi is missing?

>> No.21624702

Looks like only Musashi students are there.

>> No.21628912


>> No.21629342
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>> No.21630804


>> No.21630841 [SPOILER] 
File: 278 KB, 631x879, 1562136684862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21631150

The best flat.

>> No.21631810

Is there a kawakami imageboard floating around somewhere? Surely there is, right?

>> No.21634191
File: 607 KB, 900x900, Popsicle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't die!

>> No.21634688
File: 1.69 MB, 1800x2400, 28939743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21637317
File: 171 KB, 703x1000, 321902000159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On A Godless Planet cover.

>> No.21637410


>> No.21637432

Big Big Senpai, yeah. I'd have preferred something better as well. They had so many options.

>> No.21637646


>> No.21637668
File: 11 KB, 80x80, enryu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21637821

I guess that after the release of the first vol Js06 is going to tell us if he's translating this over the WN, at this point if this is getting a LN series what's the point of the WN?

>> No.21639856

The fuck is this?

>> No.21639974

A flame dragon, presumably.

>> No.21643467

I hope that dragon can keep this place alive.

>> No.21643586


>> No.21644310
File: 9 KB, 80x80, senpai_kusyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21644656


I really wanna buy this.

>> No.21644912

Buy it.

>> No.21645402


>> No.21645651

Nice, thanks!

>> No.21646228
File: 752 KB, 1434x2048, p0525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21646278

>So we’ll need some curry yakisoba and curry chicken toshomen.”

>“You want to eat all that before going to sleep?”

>“Then that’ll be breakfast.”

>“That does sound nice.”

>The Musashi Vice Chancellor was giving her a look like that was the best idea she had ever heard, but she decided not to think about what that meant.

>> No.21647219


>> No.21648242

All those "fundamentals". Totally standard.

>> No.21649182
File: 468 KB, 690x976, 55043666_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell Musashi is the nation of shitposters by how their resident shrine is the shrine of dirty jokes, getting drunk and shooting shit.

>> No.21649200
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>> No.21649202
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>> No.21649205
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>> No.21649397

Doesn't she drink like the budlight of the day? Like really shit beer?

>> No.21649932

Since the Age of Gods, Far Eastern ninjas are allowed to ignore gravity!

>> No.21649937

This. The way people on Musashi pile on when it comes to acting awful makes me think Kawakami really understands shitposting culture.

>> No.21649943

No way. The Asama shrine makes sake — it should be the good stuff.

>> No.21649947

inb4 he posts here

>> No.21651068

That would be the day.

>> No.21651326

They're always ready to shitpost and trashtalk their own people.

>> No.21651727

No, like as a sacrifice for she has to drink really shit stuff every so often.

>> No.21652707

Fighting games are real resource materials after all.

>> No.21653758

They definetely are on Noise City Osaka.

>> No.21656253

I miss city.

>> No.21656880

I've been reading it just recently and it feels like it was the testing ground for the stuff you get on AHEAD, GENESIS and EDGE.

Everything else by KWKM feels like it's completely unconnected. Even CITY with all the stuff that happens feels like it contradicts too much what those three did. And OBSTACLE is just on a whole different level of unconnected. Can't talk about FORTH tho, since I haven't read anything about it.

>> No.21659072

I think you feel that way because CITY is a more serious LN, is quite disconnected from the others because it takes place in a future that's too far away from anything we saw up to this day.

Hexennacht was straight up shit, something I can expect from kamachi, not kawakami.

>> No.21661489


>> No.21661643
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>> No.21663785


>> No.21666829
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>> No.21667486


>『神々のいない星で&境界線上のホライゾン NEXT BOX』川上 稔/さとやす(TENKY)
Seems like Next Box is getting an introduction as well? I thought it was only On a Godless Planet.


>> No.21669345

wait next box getting LN?

>> No.21669661

At some point, for sure.
All we know for certain right now is that EDGE is getting a LN and that the current Dengeki Bunko Magazine has something about Next Box as well. Most likely just some promotion (again).

>> No.21669952

Wait..do you actually think you're owed the translations or something?
Js06 has literally zero, be it moral or legal, obligation towards you.
Maybe, just maybe, stop being a entilted bitch and learn to enjoy what you do get for FREE.

>> No.21670778

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.21670823

Nate is so wonderful.

>> No.21671031
File: 181 KB, 872x632, CutInCom_0_09_15.000-0_risultato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawakami thread?

>> No.21671043

Are you new or something?

>> No.21671556

We barely got this in time before latest Index.

>> No.21672069
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>> No.21672073
File: 520 KB, 597x496, D_HGNn5UcAAyc2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21675720

Very cool.

>> No.21676706

Kawakami is amazing how he keeps all of the deaths of a volume only happening in the final part of it.

How does he do it?

>> No.21676713

I'm a retard and don't understand what actually changed about the uniforms for the post-epilogue stuff

someone please explain it to me

>> No.21677615
File: 207 KB, 850x1200, D-cldQQUEAAMpeS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Competition Swimsuit Futayo is a blessing

>> No.21677903


>> No.21679978
File: 154 KB, 1200x1170, D-5E1TrUwAUvZvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21681234

You haven't read kawakami at all right?

>> No.21681700

Futayo is a lewd girl.

>> No.21682673
File: 166 KB, 599x399, Excalibur_Unbranded ( Colbrande before split ).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the end, this arc is vol.2 horizon : Arthur Legend history reproduction edition + germanic invasion by dragon .


One-Third is Three-Third imouto......
talk about family case fate

>> No.21683567


>> No.21683633
File: 13 KB, 80x80, 80_asama_komari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21684515

It's basically a very expanded version of the plot in the mobage.

And this is just the "England Arc".

>> No.21686729


Well, if it's a Kawakami work, it's no surprise that it's long.

>> No.21689712


>> No.21689849
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>> No.21690186
File: 734 KB, 1000x711, 49468934_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21690562

I wonder what happened to that thing where he asked for jap to english translators

>> No.21690638
File: 2.13 MB, 1377x1876, 75667374_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on volume 5. Why is the Ariake working together with the Musashi while fighting? Isn't Izumo supposed to be neutral?

>> No.21691780
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon XXI-PV [BD 1080p].mkv_snapshot_00_08_50.030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that Neshinbara is reading the HDDD guide

>> No.21692315
File: 325 KB, 437x618, D_VmuaNUwAEIG-k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21692516

Narumi's really tall.

>> No.21692531

Gin is just really short.

>> No.21692670
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>> No.21694486
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When's season 3?

>> No.21694574

Just believe.

>> No.21694613

For now, just rewatch the first seasons, like I am.

>> No.21695230

>Next box is literally what was missing on Horizon
>Lots of improvements to many characters
Is so much fun being a kawakamifag.

>> No.21696799

They still hold up great.

>> No.21697457

Why must I endure these lies?

>> No.21697518

Some people will never be satisfied.

>> No.21697893
File: 102 KB, 800x800, D_eDCbaVAAA2c9v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21697914

Fukishima needs to learn to be more of a baka. Eat, fight, sleep — that's enough.

>> No.21698094

And Oppai defense, yea. I wanna see her pulling off Kimi's Oppai defense.

>> No.21698257

Translations for next box you retards.

>> No.21698434

We know what you are talking about.

>> No.21698997

She'll need to grow a bit more for that to work.

>> No.21701684

When the fuck is vol 1 of a godless planet coming out?

>> No.21701962


>> No.21705461

We're dead again boys.

>> No.21707587
File: 2.99 MB, 448x252, 1343952236123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21711442

How cruel. Nenji-kun only has 3 HP.

>> No.21713333 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.57 MB, 400x225, 1563372561585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21716406
File: 450 KB, 1280x720, 1343501083884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old memes are good memes.

>> No.21717386

Why is he naked?

>> No.21717453

Why aren't you?

>> No.21719556


>> No.21721137

Classic response.

>> No.21721183
File: 144 KB, 1266x1158, kJULc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: This is why we are not getting a season 3.

>> No.21722758

Nate's parents are too lewd for Japanese TV.

>> No.21723200

I have decided.
I'll host a rewatch stream in late september/early october, 1 day for each season on the 28th and 5th.
Not 100% on the time but it's gonna be around 7-8pm UTC.

>> No.21725062


>> No.21725620
File: 9 KB, 80x80, senpai_tere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21727468

Nice. Thanks in advance.

>> No.21728206
File: 21 KB, 468x344, 1337697220336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have to work those days
Welp, enjoy it, guys.

>> No.21730755

No chapter this week?

>> No.21730864
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>> No.21730886

Watch it at work
Put it on in the conference room or something

>> No.21730895


>> No.21732818

Very cool.

>> No.21733480
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>> No.21733577

I don't know whether to be turned on or horrified.

>> No.21736464
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I would love it, but the boss will kill me if I do...

>> No.21736966

What could have been.jpg

>> No.21737261
File: 1.40 MB, 853x1200, 95-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time it seems like his art might be going in a decent direction it just instantly spirals out of control again

>> No.21737771

The only thing I have to say is: is that how saggy her nipples are getting? Damn they are almost pointing down now.

>> No.21739498

Index TL ended and the novel is on a break we are alive again maybe

>> No.21739825

It's Kawakami's madness reflected in art. No way it was going to be normal.

>> No.21739919

Not really, Kamachi is releasing a lot of his other fanfic tier garbage using a copy paste of the same characters from Zashiki warashi all over again.

You know how's the deal with Js06, Kawakami stuff is the least of his priorities.

>> No.21740008

Jesus Christ can you stop already
Yes, we know that translations are slow at times. Constantly complaining and ranting about how much you hate Kamachi aren't gonna do anything about that.

>> No.21740064

Well, at best he's at least keeping the thread alive. The rest of us are just can just speculate on Kawakami art and ponder the rate of Asama Sag.

>> No.21740895

>speculate on Kawakami art and ponder the rate of Asama Sag
I can totally imagine that sort of discussion on Musashi's divine network

>> No.21741301

Are we basically the Musashi divine network at this point?

>> No.21741850


>> No.21742044
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I honestly believe they couldn't have made this cover worse.

>> No.21742432

>no nipple bulge
I agree.

>> No.21742661

Art aside, the text layout is pretty horrible

>> No.21743363
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this chapter in simple explanation....
Mitsunari Presentation : road, ditch, gutter construction and maintenance using that era exiting technology + the secret behind 3 days castle.
reading this chapter really make head hurt -_-.

>> No.21743399

The text is absolutely terrible, paint tier garbage. The design is sub-par to say the least.

>> No.21743445

I think we've already discussed that here, but I do see the way they just straight up flame eachother to be really similar to 4chan minus de anonimity.

>> No.21743460

The art looks so off compared to other KWKM covers... Instead of a medium to medium full shot, it went for a loose close up, which doesn't really showcase the character much.

As others said, the text layout is not pleasing to the eye. I would have preferred something along the lines of AHEAD or GENESIS, where the text is on one side and fairly easy to read instead. Even CITY and OBSTACLE had fairly straightforward text. Simple is best.

>> No.21744126

Can't appreciate the full bust properly, it's abstracted away too much by the close up.

>> No.21745174


>> No.21745269

>Marube-ya: “What, the guards? Don’t be silly, Adele! We were long since arrested and Shiro-kun is doing the ‘if you won’t pay me, I will exercise my right to remain silent’ bit!”

>> No.21745285

Wise Sister: “Yeah, you probably would end up as something like a female version of a flathead screwdriver. So why not do it again to get the cross shape of a Phillips head!? And you can gradually go for something more complex, like a naruto shape!”

The boys fell to their knees when they imagined it, but that surpassing human language was the usual way of things for that girl.

Is this a reference to Junji Ito?

>> No.21745296

Or maybe not. Just another reference to soups.

>> No.21745316

The crazy thing is that they do it while knowing the people they flame in real life. Insane.

>> No.21745318

What's this fanfic-tier garbage? The hell happened here?

>> No.21745413
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When is the first vol of A Godless Planet coming out?
Also we know if Js06 is translating that ?

>> No.21745505

What languages do Future Past inhabitants actually speak? Modern Japanese? A future version of Japanese? Reconstructed Middle to Early Modern versions of their country's languages?

>> No.21745507

>Kubiko has giant sagging tits.
Welp. I think I found a waifu.

>> No.21745628

That reminds me, shouldn't the digital version of that magazine be out soonish?

>> No.21745696
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>> No.21745809
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more like a butthole shape to form variety of udon.

>> No.21746628

Is this cover art by KWKM or TENKY?

>> No.21746829

I'll take a guess and say that it's technically Satoyasu but just like with the late Horizon covers Kawakami's influence slash direction is so strong that it might as well be him

>> No.21747015
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In 2 hours.

August 17.

>> No.21747021

Is there a meaning to the arrangement on the back cover?

>> No.21747031

My mind went: narutos have those spirals in them, Junji ito did Uzumaki, same?
Its silly, but I looked into and realized real quick I was wrong.

>> No.21747180

Got the day wrong, it's actually 1 day and 2 hours for the magazine.

>> No.21747671

It's Satoyasu and the design is Watanabe Kouichi (2725 Inc) as usual. I can't explain why this happened.

See bottom left for Watanabe.

>> No.21747828

I can give that cover a free pass if Kawakami makes the MC less retarded.

>> No.21751552


>> No.21752391


>> No.21754523
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>> No.21754530
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>> No.21754533
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>> No.21754537
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>> No.21754566

Thanks. Anything interesting slash new in there?

>> No.21754573

Those 4 pages were posted as pictures on twitter already so nothing new really.

>> No.21755620

I have so many questions since I'm just now seeing these.

Like what is with Sumeragi? Looks like they have big tits in the gaming scene, but the mini profile looks flat chested? I don't know enough Kanji for this.

And that Kuwajiri looks adorable as fuck. Super serious flatties always get me.

>> No.21755698

Second volume in September.


>> No.21755728

You should read the WN translation which will answer your question.

>> No.21755757

I should, but I wont get any translation practice in either. God the fucking choices are hell.

>> No.21757094


>> No.21757133

The God walks among us!

>> No.21758869


>> No.21759315


>> No.21759745

Cross your fingers boys so we can get translations for Godless planet LN when it comes out, since Js06 didn't provided an answer here or twitter.

>> No.21760128

Probably will. I'm guessing /jp/ is the smallest portion of js06's translation audience which is why he doesn't post here; he gets higher quality conversations from twitter.

>> No.21760882

Back up as much Horizon stuff on the panda as possible asap, it's probably dying for real this time

>> No.21761127

What do you mean?

>> No.21761135

tl;dr there have been legislation changes in the netherlands where they're hosting and loli is now illegal
The admin is tired of it and wants to call it quits, the site might be going down anytime
Read the sticky on /h/

>> No.21761461

someone save this soon

>> No.21761472

That's the least of the problems, I have it, probably lots of others have it and it has torrents alive on nyaa and probably other trackers as well

>> No.21761778

Been seeding that shit for the past 3 years.

>> No.21761891 [SPOILER] 
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Gotta save all the Adele porn I guess.

>> No.21761919
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>> No.21762050
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Ah good, I also came to post this. Glad to know I'm not the only one that knows what was really of value.

>> No.21762112
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Who the fuck cares about the doujins, get a backup of the encyclopedia you dingus, is hosted on sadpanda too alongside some OnC material too.

>> No.21762156

Been doing that for three+ years. You guys have had that long to grab it.

>> No.21762436

Fuck, can't back up some of Futayo's doujins...


>> No.21763841

Don`t worry about Ecnyclopedia.
Don`t worry about douj either, if it was uploaded until about three months earlier.

>> No.21764148

It's mostly the vintage stuff I'm worried about. But the larger /kwkm/ community will save those from anything, really.

>> No.21764396

Got all of that. If the worse comes to worst, all I need is place to upload.

>> No.21765384


>> No.21766478

>save those from anything
I see what you did there

>> No.21767769


Check this out.

>> No.21768177
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I suddenly feel a lot more optimistic about this.

>> No.21768786

