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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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21518521 No.21518521 [Reply] [Original]

What is moe to you? Why do you think it's so pervasive in modern otaku culture?

>> No.21518531

“Moe” these days means anything with cute girls, which have been a thing since the 60s

>> No.21519220

>Who is moe to you?
Kona-chan. She's pretty cool.

>> No.21519229

moe is the feeling of doki doki

>> No.21519714

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21519990

Moe died out sometime in early 2010s. Now there is only lewdness.

>> No.21520058
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>> No.21520198

moe is fucking awful manga time kirara 4komas and nothing else

>> No.21521215

What OP said you illiterate dumbass.

>> No.21522333

Learn to read.

>> No.21522775

Moe is just undiluted and unfettered femininity. It's an aura that inspires feelings in men that makes them feel that life is worth living. It is natures in-built counter to nihilism in men.

>> No.21522784

i like this description

>> No.21522850

I miss when moe wasnt used ironically or in the wrong way. Its a part of otaku culture that will never be reclaimed

>> No.21522891

> It is natures in-built counter to nihilism in men
This is a beautiful line. I'm going to use that man.

>> No.21522905

i've read like a hundred articles about moe but still haven't figured out what it is other than girls

>> No.21522923

I suggest reading "Moe Manifesto" by Patrick W. Galbraith to get a better idea of the concept of moe, if anybody's interested in the history of it.

The focus on "cute girls" was a product of the bishoujo fashion of the 80s. It was when magazines dedicated to male-oriented manga with shoujo-style drawing that the characteristics of moe really started to appear. The term wouldn't be coined for at least another decade, however.

I think you're pretty close to what people thought when the term first came into use. Moe was a characteristic of dream-like femininity, of a girl that could ease all tension and heal all wounds in the heart of a man.
In practice, it was often concluded with being unrealistically cute and/or sexual, but it received great interpretation in character songs, with brilliantly written moe characteristics. As early as the mid-late 90s, commercial and amateur lyricists alike created most beautiful expressions of maidenhood.

>> No.21522933

>haven't figured out what it is other than girls
actually maybe not so much girls so much as specifically emotional attachment to girls or anything that creates it

there, i think i've got it

>> No.21523068

>90s, commercial and amateur lyricists alike created most beautiful expressions of maidenhood
Can you post any specific examples you have in mind?

>> No.21523094

little girls with autism

also "otaku" is just the Japanese equivalent of SOUL (or it is these days, at least)

>> No.21523149

Girls and women with mid/high functioning autism are less susceptible to the machinations and bullying of bitter jealous hagminded girls who lack an ounce of moe in their bodies from birth, meaning they exude more moe (which is a perfectly natural phenomenon in the less shitty cultures) than some other girls. Moe characters in anime may seem autistic, but that's just because autistic girls have layers of protection against harmful social norms.

>> No.21523239

There are several character image songs I wrote about in previous denpa threads. Of the ones below, there are both video uploads as well as lyrics, so that the feeling of moe can be properly transmitted.

"Chiisana Boku no Uta", Triangle Heart's opening theme, as translated within the previous denpa thread

"Inuchikku to Yobanaide", originally from 1998 doujin album "Ribbon":
Lyrics: https://pastebin.com/Wq0rdJjk

"Fushigi Purupuru Pururin Rin", from "Welcome to the NHK"
Lyrics: https://pastebin.com/tYT1A8pz

"MAGIC of HAPPINESS", from "The World God Only Knows"
Lyrics: https://kaminomi.fandom.com/wiki/MAGIC_of_HAPPINESS

>> No.21523271
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>> No.21523295

That's a lie.

>> No.21523310


>> No.21523329

Sorry normalfag-kun.
Moe does not exist in 3 Dimensional form. Unless you like used roasties of course.

>> No.21523341

Please do not close yourself off from a wonderful part of the human experience because 4chan tells you that all women are roasties and whores.

>> No.21523413
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>because 4chan tells you that all women are roasties and whores

>> No.21523421

Delusional normalfag-kun. You don't need a site to tell you something you can experience on your own.

Moe doesn't exist in 3 dimensional form. It's that simple.

>> No.21525582

The world is shit that's why

>> No.21528791

It is the desire in virtual, in creation of desire which replicates itself into mass production.

>> No.21528955

Characters like Saber and Osaka are weaponized moe

>> No.21529000

Teaching /jp/sies how to play Warband for the Touhou mod was pretty moe

>> No.21529048

That's what I've been doing for the past nine years.

>> No.21529334
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Moe, to me, is a state of things that is cute and fluffy, happy and perfect. It's a expression of childlike excitement and desire and joy, and it can be shown through people, places, things and events. It might have started as just cheap and simple escapism, but along the way it became something more than that, an ideal that you want to be closer to. It's something that stays in the back of your mind, a better place that you know is waiting for you in fantasies and games and media. The kind of world you would rather be a part of, and that you can immerse yourself in again as soon as you come home. It's less that you're invested in real life first and only distracting yourself with something cute, and more that you're keeping your head in this pretty place first and only trudge through the rest of the imperfect 3D world just so you can come back to it sooner. And it's those thoughts and fantasies that makes it easier, and almost fun.
For a while there seemed to be a consensus among most of 4chan, /jp/ and /a/ especially, that "moe" wasn't something that could truly be achieved in the 3D form, and it was satisfying knowing that you're as close as you could possibly be just as you are. There was a kind of calm and contentment to it, where people would know it's pointless to try, so they just relax and watch and enjoy their anime and games. But recently people started thinking otherwise, they thought they could capture what "moe" is and become closer to that perfect 2D dream in that way. I think that's why traps started becoming more popular, because it gave those people dreaming that sweet dream a kind of false hope. It's intoxicating, and I'm not immune to it myself, but I think it's part of what's causing a lot of the problems and stress that we have on 4chan today. It's impossible for a 3D person to be "moe" the way a 2D character can, but the thought that maybe you could maybe get something close to it is enough to pull you in, and they then fall into despair because they can't truly be that way outside of fragile tricks with lighting and angles. And then of course, however close you think you got cruelly fades away with time and aging.
I hadn't considered how sad the fact that we can't be 2D ourselves is until this all happened, I had never thought about it that hard because the natural separation between 2D and 3D felt like an unfortunate law of reality that we all understood and accepted from the beginning. It was like a burden that we all had to bear together, which made it almost endearing to one another. There was a kind of comradery to it.
It's a very sad situation. But the idea of "moe" itself isn't a sad thing. It's a happy dream. It's beautiful.

>> No.21529947

>I had never thought about it that hard because the natural separation between 2D and 3D felt like an unfortunate law of reality that we all understood and accepted from the beginning.

It's in the same vein as godliness in that it's something so idealized that we can't really come close to it.

>> No.21530003

Moe is the border between cute and sexy
For example and because we had a thread recently, Dejiko is moe, Puchiko is cute, Rabi is sexy. Well they're all moe, but they fall across the spectrum with Dejiko hitting the exact center

>> No.21530037

You say moe can't exist in 3D yet cats exist

>> No.21530039

3D cats piss and shit and bite and claw. Have you seen a real life cat without its fur?

>> No.21530056

>Dejiko is sexy, Puchiko is sexy, Rabi is shit.

>> No.21530063

>3D cats piss and shit and bite and claw.
2D catgirls do most, if not all of those things.
>Have you seen a real life cat without its fur?
Have you seen a a anime girl without her hair? A sphinx cat is fine too.

>> No.21530314

That dude feom the Simpsons

>> No.21530538

I had these thoughts from reading your post. It seems to me that the tendency to idealize is present in all people. "Moe" characters establish form that is in accord with an ideal itself - eternal, not subject to change, free of blemishes or the possibility of blemishes (anime girls can't have impure thoughts unless they're written to, for example). By imagining the ideal as a person/character, you can have a relationship with them and identify with that character, and it's something (seemingly) secure and in your possession, unlike real relationships, which are inherently unstable. The perfection of 2D is that we're given no occasion to be disillusioned. Unless, of course, a person finds that their ideal isn't substantive, useful to them.

>> No.21530636

Also, since the 2D characters are fictional, and somewhat formless, the imagination is granted an unsurpassed level of freedom to create and build upon an ideal. 2hus and Hatsune Miku are good examples; moe characters are not given elaborate description. The fanbase loves them all the more, gladly contributing ideas about what the character is like, ideas that are perfectly valid on the basis that the character isn't real. Like art, moe is contact with the sublime - we celebrate the notion that others (the creators and fellow fans of a character, perhaps) may understand and share this same ideal, view, feeling.

>> No.21531080


>> No.21532949

Whoa rude

>> No.21535670

Moe is a metaphysical concept that exists in the minds of all humans
