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2150304 No.2150304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any theory about yume nikki world?

>> No.2150321

It's all just a dream.

>> No.2150326


>> No.2150362

oh you

>> No.2150379 [DELETED] 

The reality you see is really a dream, while the dream world is a dream in a dream. The entire thing is the last experiences of a young girl struggling at the end of her life, coming to accept the world and it's many different forms, letting go, and finally finding peace at the end.

>> No.2150386

The reality you see is really a dream, while the dream world is a dream in a dream. The entire thing is inside a near-death young girl's unconscious mind, struggling at the end of her life, coming to accept the world and it's many different forms (ones she may not have come to experience yet), letting go, and finally finding peace at the end.

>> No.2150393
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Madotsuki - shut in after leaving mental home.
Poniko - best friend who enjoys sleepovers.
Uboa - angry father who hates sleepovers.
Monoe/Monoko - good friend who died in a car accident.
Secom Masada - friendly piano teacher whom Madotsuki murdered with a kitchen knife. (Resulting breakdown = mental home stay)

Actually I'm just making shit up.
Dunno lol

>> No.2150396


I've heard different versions of this before. Honestly, it makes the most symbolic sense, especially with the ending.

>> No.2150586

My theory:

A game created by a ronery Japanese guy who loves little girls.

>> No.2150596

Poniko = lesbian older best frined
Uboa = lesbian older best friend when the lights are off

>> No.2150627

Poniko was probably a good friend (considering that she's the only other normal girl in color- everyone else is deformed), but also someone she was jealous of because of the blonde hair equip.

>> No.2150647
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Oh, and Monoko reminds me of a pile of bodies. Just saying.

>> No.2152303

Monoe - Madotsuki's friend who went missing

>> No.2152315
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I always thought Monoko got rapped and killed or something... you know with all the arms and all.

>> No.2152316
File: 340 KB, 673x709, メシエナンバー@死亡フラグ - 「相思相愛」 - ゆめにっき ゆりにっき ポニ窓ウヒョーイ ヤンデレですね、わかります 落書き _2622165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gay. Mystery solved.

>> No.2152320

I hated that picnic scene. Why can't I join in the festivities?!

>> No.2152659
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Then why the traffic light?

>> No.2152689

The "plot" of the game is that this girl has decided to start writing dream diaries after she has become a shut-in. The duck girls are bullies. However, by exploring and recording her dreams, she slowly finds more and more out about herself.

For example, there is one scene in the Wilderness A dream I believe (where you get the towel) in which she hears music and sees the other girls having a good time, but can't join them. Also, she realizes how isolated she really is and that her dream diaries are just a final desperate attempt, and this isolation is symbolized by things such as the stranger on the train, a representative of all the people she sees every day but can not interact with, such as strangers on a real train.

Over time, she starts to meet very kind beings (the ones who give her effects), and after getting all 25 effects she realizes just how much more fantastic and exciting this dream world really is. As such, she decides that it is better to live forever in the world of dreams, and she enters an eternal state of slumber by killing herself.

All those Effects are aspects of herself, things she personally likes/enjoys, or things she would like to have. She gets rid of them/lets go of all of her aspects that makes her a unique individual by dropping them in the crossroads. She is now an empty shell of a human being. With nothing holding her back to this mortal plane, she is now ready to.. fly off her balcony.

But now this raises another question: what do all her effects represent?

>> No.2152690

I figured the things by the road were kind of supposed to represent traffic lights. First, their appearance has a set of 3 "eyes" in a column, except for the first set which are two to make it look more like a pair of eyes. This is similar to a traffic light. On the road before entering, you hear a car moving, then when you get to the eyes, the noise stops, as they are red or a similar shade of color. The exception is when you go to turn back, there is a green Y that will look directly at her when she goes to leave. These Ys, by the way. also look like female reproductive organs. As she leaves, there is a dead body on the road where you get the "stopsign" power. I really think that this implies some sort of car accident.

She fears travel, to her travel is associated with death, pain and loss. Not only do you have the dead body by the road, the recurring stoplight symbolism and Monoko's reaction to the red light.

You also have the train cars, the one you can enter with the lone character and the crashed one on mars. The crashed one has a creature that has an eye that changes colors like a stoplight. Since it is "in" Mars it must be a well hidden memory, most possibly a trauma.

The aztec/mayan theme is mostly present in the first worlds. They are rarely encountered after that. It's because she lacks visual inspiration or any other connection to the outside world at the beginning of the story, but she still contains things deeper within her sub-consciousness.

As for the bird-girls... They are one of the few things that can't be killed with the knife. They are, as I've said, bullies: When they are alone they won't attack you, only in groups. And when they do attack you alone, then because there is something in the room that hints at something terrible they have done. Remember Matsu seeing herself in the closet in that checkered floor room?

>> No.2152692

Extra: Hell is just the canal way of Madotsuki's mind and Uboa is the ultimate manifestation of her fear.

Given that it's only version 0.10 it's hard to say what most of the worlds symbolize. I think the first initial worlds are basically nonsense dreams that everyone has while the ones they link up to are actually based off her subconscious/memories.

>> No.2152692,1 [INTERNAL] 


