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File: 8 KB, 400x370, aikido2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2149232 No.2149232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure many of you have horrible posture from sitting incorrectly when using your PC, slouching to reach the keyboard.

There is a solution.


I used to have a disgusting posture, looking somewhat like the hunched back of notre dame.
It all changed when I took Aikido, my back straighten and strengthen.

Now I look like a confident young man ready to take on the world, not a recluse trying to get back into his shell.

Women love a man with good posture.

>> No.2149245
File: 42 KB, 249x291, reimutree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2149246
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> aikido2.jpg

>> No.2149257

>slouching to reach the keyboard.
I have pretty long arms and the
keyboard is in front of me, so no.

>> No.2149259

I have to admit, I have terrible posture and I fear it only gets worse. I am embarrassed to be in public. Save me from my fate, Aikido man.

>> No.2149256

I actually have rather god posture, but yeah.

>> No.2149271

Can Aikido defend against the legendary delayed-death palm strike? I find I always have trouble dealing with it.

>> No.2149305

i dont want to take that just tell me how to have better posture here

>> No.2149308


I have never heard of that technique, but I'm sure Aikido can defeat it with a simple reversal.

>> No.2149333

I did Akido, it's fun but pretty useless, all the techniques and moves are like designed if you are fighting someone who is a complete retard with no balance or reactionskills.

I got my ass kicked many of a time sparing with people who did Taikwondo or Wing Chun, I would try execute a grab, and I would find myself on the floor with a fist to my throat.

>> No.2149346

may i ask what style of aikido and how long?

>> No.2149350

>it's fun
>ass kicked

Of course you will get your ass kicked if you don't take it seriously, you clown. Aikido isn't for "fun". It's a way of life, kinda like those shaolin monks, do you think they do it for fun?

>> No.2149357

Posture depends greatly on hip flexibility:


I've been doing these regularly for over a month and now I can sit in full lotus posture without much discomfort.

>> No.2149372

ehh I've always had great posture ever since I was in NJROTC. whenever I'm outside I always stand with my chest out naturally

>> No.2149380

Your atemi just wasn't good enough.

>> No.2149381

i ate aikidokas for breakfast.
they can't even last a minute in the Vale Tudo in Brasil

>> No.2149391

I can never tell if I'm laughing at or laughing with these threads.

>> No.2149398

Real men do Judo. Aikido funder was some crippled guy who couldn't practice Judo anymore.

>> No.2149408

I hold the keyboard on my knees while I lay back and curl over comfortably.

I also keep a good distance from the computer this way, to help my eyesight.

>> No.2149413

thats not true, even though most aikido isnt that good the founder definitely was. kano said so

>> No.2149437


You fool.

Aikido uses the body to it's fullest, a crippled person is weak, to match a healthy person he must use a martial arts that uses his body to it's peak. Judo only uses 10% of the body's maximum.

Aikido uses 100%

Now, think about it. A crippled person who uses his body to its fullest can defeat a healthy person who uses Judo.

What about a healthy person using Aikido, a martial arts that uses his body to the max.
He would be a killing machine.

Thank god, Aikido teaches love and peace.

>> No.2149456

aikido is not bad, but most aikido just isn't up to pair with judo for a number of reasons

>> No.2149474


Judo >>>>>>>>>>>>> street fighting with no technique>>>>> girls slapping each other >>> Aikido.

>> No.2149468


Those who cannot defeat Judo with Aikido are not worthy to use it.

You don't work with Aikido, it works with you.

>> No.2149500

I am trained in the art of anti-aikido.

Go ahead and reverse my strikes, I'll counter reverse them right at you for 3x the damage.

>> No.2149514


I don't think you have ever faced a real Aikidoka before. You would be destroyed.

To perform Judo throws, you need to hold onto something, but wait, what if the person you are fighting is naked? Or wearing thin clothing, it would rip and your techniques would be useless.

Aikido on the other hand, does not focus on clothing and uses the opponents body to do attacks/throws.

>> No.2149528

Aikido isn't that useful until you've got like I dunno 1 Kyu in it. It's not that good for self-defence either. It's really good for general movement and balance, though. For actual attacking rather than just defending and for much better general effect, you probably want to train Judo.

That's coming from someone who's at 6 Kyu and attempting an exam for 5 Kyu soon.

It definitely helps with posture, that much is true.

>> No.2149567
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Reported for reposting the same thread every day.

>> No.2149573

your right the endless touhou threads are much better

>> No.2149584


The idol threads are proof that reposting the same thread(are they at part 100 yet?) every few hours is not against the rule.

>> No.2149607

>To perform Judo throws, you need to hold onto something, but wait, what if the person you are fighting is naked? Or wearing thin clothing, it would rip and your techniques would be useless.
Good thing judo teaches techniques to overcome these weaknesses then. In fact the other person doesn't have to be wearing a shirt to throw them with techniques like ippon seoinage, ogoshi and the other hip throws. Worst comes to worst you can grab their hair and throw them. And this is not even getting into the ashiwaza or foot techniques like osotogari, o-uchigari, ko-uchigari, etc.

>> No.2149619


Too bad no Judoka are good at using them because they are never used in competitions.

>> No.2149624

>>every few hours
Our threads last days.

>> No.2149637

>grab their hair and throw them
>implying the hair won't rip off

>> No.2149643

You don't know what you're talking about.
Also , judo has newaza. It's extremely superior and proven effective , unlike Aikido.

>> No.2149636

>Too bad no Judoka are good at using them because they are never used in competitions.
Did you mean they are never used OUTSIDE of competitions? Because it'd be really dumb if they didn't use judo techniques in judo competitions.

>> No.2149654

Every Bullshido month is Aikido month.

Really the only thing Aikido could be used on is drunk people who can already bearly stand.

Everything in Aikido is like "When they are running at you at 30km a hour and have 30 degree latitude to the equator, then you do this move... one degree off though, the move won't work".

>> No.2149655


Of course I meant they aren't used in Judo competitions, why use techniques that focus on not using their clothing when the opponent will be wearing a thick and strong Gi.

>> No.2149659

I click a link and I get a face full of dick.

>> No.2149661

Watch some videos of Judo and BJJ, you don't need to use opponent's clothing to grapple.

>> No.2149702

>Of course I meant they aren't used in Judo competitions, why use techniques that focus on not using their clothing when the opponent will be wearing a thick and strong Gi.
...oh wow. Now I know I'm getting trolled. But I will respond anyways in the rare possibility that you're just an idiot.

Contrary to what you typed judo techniques do not focus on whether or not the opponent is wearing clothing or not. Most throwing techniques that can be done while a person is wearing a gi can also be done if they're wearing casual clothes or nothing at all. Instead of holding the sleeve of the gi you would hold firmly onto their wrist.

Of course this doesn't play to the chokes which do require something to grab to apply the proper technique needed to be effective.

>> No.2149745

Most throws can be done no-gi, but that's not the way they're mostly practiced. He does have a point in that you have a much better grip in training/matches than in a typical self-defense situation.

>> No.2149768

No, he posted that techniques that focus on the opponent not wearing clothing wouldn't be used in competitions.

I was countering with the fact that there are no throwing techniques in judo that specifically focus on the opponent not wearing anything.

>> No.2149775

there is good aikido out there but even crappy judo is at least somewhat effective

>> No.2149951
File: 10 KB, 309x226, Facepalm17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Faggots that watch too much DBZ.
